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ONE TIME!.....another diary.



  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary. : Okay thanks for the advice liam. So your never bluffing in the hand I shoved river? just not worth it? Yes I see you finished 3rd well done great achievement, sounds good im guessing you made a good amount from the actual grinding aswell by the sounds of it.  Yes I will do, how do I organise it just post on the forum that a game is going on ?
    Posted by robbie1992
    yeah think i just check hopin im good, also by checking sometimes you get people think being smart and try to steal pot which you can a reasonable sized bet and win pot.

    thanks glad it`s over though and regards to the forum game yeah just post in forum m8 quite fancy one tonight if your game?
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013

    played fairly long today, how about Thursday ?

  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited June 2013
    thu kool with me
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary. : Yes but Im adapting to him raising the flop often, I think he knew I was being to aggressive to have the goods all the time.  So when I recently worked on these situations, this sort of hand was the one that I had to be checking.  What do you think of actually calling the turn? Okay think that's the route ill take next time this hand comes up.
    Posted by robbie1992
    I know a lot of poker is player dependent and table dynamic also comes into it, so it can be hard to gauge on just a single hand. Just looking at that hand as it is, you've raised pre and flopped the up n' downer; this is a brilliant flop to fire at. The flop hits your perceived range so is fairly easy to rep, and you have good equity in the hand should you get resistance. I'd certainly be betting that flop, and betting pretty much any turn card. I think K10 probably gives up by then and you take it down. If he raises you on the flop, and has been raising you pretty frequently, then pop it up again and show real strength whilst still holding a decent draw.

    Instead of you adapting to him, why not try and make him adapt to you?

    Also, would you check to him if you had flopped a set? Or AJ and flopped top 2? If you would bet these hands, you should also bet your draws/bluffs (within reason!). Keeps your range nice and balanced and leaves the villain playing the guessing game on what you hold.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary. : I know a lot of poker is player dependent and table dynamic also comes into it, so it can be hard to gauge on just a single hand. Just looking at that hand as it is, you've raised pre and flopped the up n' downer; this is a brilliant flop to fire at. The flop hits your perceived range so is fairly easy to rep, and you have good equity in the hand should you get resistance. I'd certainly be betting that flop, and betting pretty much any turn card. I think K10 probably gives up by then and you take it down. If he raises you on the flop, and has been raising you pretty frequently, then pop it up again and show real strength whilst still holding a decent draw. Instead of you adapting to him, why not try and make him adapt to you? Also, would you check to him if you had flopped a set? Or AJ and flopped top 2? If you would bet these hands, you should also bet your draws/bluffs (within reason!). Keeps your range nice and balanced and leaves the villain playing the guessing game on what you hold.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    That's what I'm saying though its a draw, so this is in my range of checking, was the first hand I hadn't cb for ages. I don't want to be cb 100% of the time, I want to be smart about it. This guy wasn't fit or fold he could play back at me and I don't really want a raising war on flop and he shoves the turn so I lose seeing the river. Just trying to balance my range, I'd occasional check when Iv missed the flop, occasionally check top pair , near enough always cb as long as board texture makes sense.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited June 2013
    You're kinda losing me Robbie! 

    I'm a big fan of betting draws so I'd c/b this flop pretty much 100% of the time. We have the draw but can also rep the big cards, so best of both worlds. More often than not you'll take down the pot, if not on the flop, then on the turn with some continued aggression. I agree about sensible c-betting but surely this board smacks your range p/f and you can barrel your draw?

    It's a strange line to raise pre then go into check call mode and give up the initiative, whilst out of position. Going into c/c mode only gives you one way of winning the pot (hitting your draw) whereas continuing the pre flop aggression gives you 2 ways of taking it down. 

    All my opinion of course :)
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    You're kinda losing me Robbie!  I'm a big fan of betting draws so I'd c/b this flop pretty much 100% of the time. We have the draw but can also rep the big cards, so best of both worlds. More often than not you'll take down the pot, if not on the flop, then on the turn with some continued aggression. I agree about sensible c-betting but surely this board smacks your range p/f and you can barrel your draw? It's a strange line to raise pre then go into check call mode and give up the initiative, whilst out of position. Going into c/c mode only gives you one way of winning the pot (hitting your draw) whereas continuing the pre flop aggression gives you 2 ways of taking it down.  All my opinion of course :)
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    No it makes sense it's a good point.  Just didnt want to be blown off the pot. I think my hand is weak enough atm that I should have cb the flop. I just checked for pot control I suppose, I knew If I checked that I was going to see both the turn and river where if I cb I felt his capable of playing back at me, and it's not like I can call down light I had 10 high. Thanks for the advice I do understand, it should be in my range of CB as its too weak to check as I don't have a hand.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013

    Going to include some real life today as I want to keep my diary interesting.  Didn't play in the morning as yesterday I got an offer from my aunt who runs a dog walking company asking if I wanted to come along with her.  At the start of my diary I mentioned about starting a community group for people with balance disorders as I had some history with these problems.  The history is about 2 years ago I walked down the road going to lunch from work, when I suddenly felt that feeling u get when u lean back on a chair and think ur going to fall off, an unbalanced feeling.  It worried me so I stopped and sat at the bus stop until I felt normal again, I went back to work and finished the day.  Kept getting this feeling and some disgusting headaches, so I went doctors got diagnosed with 3 different things over a period of 3 months, and wasn't getting any better and got sent to a ENT hospital.  By this time by job as a fitness instructor was getting hard to do and I was having to take days off quiet often but I didn't want to quit as I worked hard and it was a good job with opportunitys to becoming a personal trainer etc/ also because it was I small gym I was getting a lot of resposabilities including the keys to lock up and open up and seeing as I was 18 at the time it was a big deal. 

    One day about 4 months after and fearing now what was wrong as I knew this wasn't normal, I went out for a mates 18th.  We went Sugarhut in brentwoood before going to oceana somewhere else in Essex.  I just couldn't focus on anything and felt very ill still so I went home.  Up for work at 6am the next day to open up, with the most disgusting hangover even though id only had a few.  Went for lunch very worried and ended up having a panic attack, everything was really getting to me so I said im going home and walked out to the annoence of the receptionist.  Went to work on Monday even though I really didn't want to, and I got a letter saying I was sacked, which I cant blame by bosses for.

    To TRY and shorten the story, I had headscans, ear tests/ eye test all to try and find the problem.  It was a worrying time as I was fearing being like this for my life.  I watched one of my favourite programmes that night, embarrassing bodies, where  I come across a doctor called dr surenithran in which he was helping someone with my symptoms.  So I arranged a private appointment to see him, where I eventually got a diagnoses, MAV( migraine associated vertigo).  I was delighted to get a diagnosed eventually, and it wasn't anything which I had already feared.  He told me it was a long process to get better.

    I was put on a strict diet and medication.  2 years have since passed, im walking fine, going more places which I wasn't previous. Even started doing exercise and helping my mum lose weight which was such a good feeling, managed to lose 19 pounds in 6 weeks, I had put on a lot of weight which was hard to take as a fitness instructor who used to work out 5 days a week for about 8 months.  By this time I had isolated myself from my friends/some family, not to be horriable but just due to how hard it was to do anything with my illness.  I recently went football with a friend on my own, which is a big achievement again for me.

    Iv had to do everything with someone mostly for the last 2 years and faced a lot of "its been 2 years where have u gone missing, why arnt you better" sort of questions, which is understandable.  My aunt asked me to go with her to get a routine back like work and to do something with my immediate family.  Hopefully I will be doing it tue/ wed every week and eventually feel confident enough to get a job.

    Unfortunatly im still taking a lot of tablets and it will be around 2 more years until im off them, but I no longer drink or smoke due to them so that's a good thing.  I also got told I wont be able to fitness instruct again which is hard to take, but oh well health is more important.......So that's why I didn't play much poker this morning.  That wasn't meant to be so long.

    Anyways played today.  Was on a loose mastercash table, was 3 buyins up on it within an hour, played well, but felt liked quitting after 2 hours and after yesterday booking a win isn't too bad an idea.  I was tired from the morning and im planning to play a lot before the end of the week so I don't mind booking the win.  Have some river situation hands id like comments for ill post later.

    B/r: £359.64

    Day: +2.5 buy ins (£25)

    Calcalfold: "tick tock till busto"
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited June 2013
    That's some story robbie. Sounds like you have been through a fair bit! Glad you are on the mend though. Find it hard to believe you get so wound up over a game of poker after all you have been through off the tables.....LIFE>POKER m8
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    That's some story robbie. Sounds like you have been through a fair bit! Glad you are on the mend though. Find it hard to believe you get so wound up over a game of poker after all you have been through off the tables.....LIFE />POKER m8
    Posted by waller02
    Thanks Waller.  lol I just wanted to win, my mental game is improving all the time I think though so hopfully those days of tilt are behide me/ or occurring less often.  Yep so true... life /> poker.
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited June 2013
    Good grief, you cant even get that right!

    The phrase is "Countdown to busto...." as said by the legendary Max Rofls.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    Good grief, you cant even get that right! The phrase is "Countdown to busto...." as said by the legendary Max Rofls.
    Posted by calcalfold
    You claim some of your comments are witty or tongue in cheek.
    Actually, you're just unpleasant.

    He writes about something way more important than poker will ever be.
    The second response to this is more drivel from you.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2013
    I'm glad you got a diagnosis Robbie.
    Once you know what you're up against, things do become a little easier.
    Seems like you're coming through it all very nicely.
    Good luck mate
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    I'm glad you got a diagnosis Robbie. Once you know what you're up against, things do become a little easier. Seems like you're coming through it all very nicely. Good luck mate
    Posted by Jac35
    Thanks jac, yes once you get diagnosed then theres ways to fix it, felt like that was the start of it all.  Dw about Cal his said enough for me to make my mind up about him.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    Just busted out the main.

    Satalite in for £2.40 I think.  Ended up finishing 30th (I think) out of near enough 500 for £31.30 which helps the B/r and seeing as I will only sataliette into tourneys there great implied odds if I get in these tourneys for cheap.  Played the primo and the main tonight for less then a £5.  Cant really lose and I think I need to do it a few times a week to help the B/R grow quicker.

    B/r: £388

    Day: + £4.5 buy ins (£45)
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited June 2013

    Hey Robbie,

    Nice one getting in from a Sat! and cashing. Seen as i'm having a go at MTT,s might start playin a few sats myself to get into bigger tournies.

    Glad your health's getting better and things are improving for ya. Are you still working just now? I thought before you said you were still doing some personal training?

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2013
    Interesting to hear your story Robbie, glad to hear things have improved. Well done on your day's profit, keep up the good work really enjoying this diary.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    Yeah u should Larson because when u do qualify and get a good result it's such a good investment. Cashing is a hard achievement in tourneys, it's usually top 10 % and yet u only get double ur money it's tough going.

    No I was a fitness instructor and my gym had paid for 3 staff to go on a personal training course, I was currently 2 months into the 9 month course and had to pull out, it was a nightmare travelling there with the symptoms. Plus I had to get a train and the escalators/ trains movingr all the time made me even dizzier. Not currently working but helping my aunt out with the dog walking, replicate a work structure and see how I get on. Then ill start with the community group plans/ community work then when I'm confident ill have constantly good days ill have a think about what I want to do, really not sure.

    Cheers benc, glad your enjoying it.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013

    Strange day.  Plan was to wake up at 9am and grind until about 4-6, By the time i had come down and got the shopping in and told the sainsburys delivery guy why tottenham will finish top 4 next season it was around 11am.  Started playing a things were going ok, up a buy in or 2.  Then i started struggling, i was getting alot of playback to my aggresion which normally doesnt happen at 10nl, the players doing it i didnt recognise either.  I think i was being overly aggresive and not blanacing my range.  I glanced at my notes quick as i struggle with aggresive players, i see play tighter, bet air less as cb, 4 bet light.

    One oppoennt in particular i kept having a pre raising war with that ended with me c/f flop or folding to his 4 bet.  Got dealt 77 in sb and thought okay this is the moment to hit back and show you cant be pushed around.  He opened on button i 3 bet as i suspect he 4 bet, i then 5 bet, and if he shoved im going to call.  He just flatted though. so tbh i could say i thought this and that but tbh i didnt no what that flat meant, flop come 6 4 2  with 2 diamonds. i thought perfect, if i shoved tho he will only call with mostly better or AK/ or FD.  i check he bets small i shove he calls and hows KK.  Where did i go wrong? i thought about it and iv come to the conclusion it was right move, right time, wrong hand? is 77 just too much the bottom of my range?

    I must of been about 3 buy ins down and i wanted to quit about 2 hours in but i want the c4p points and i was planning to play loads between today - sunday.  Especially after running bad that day and having a bad weekend last weekend.  Ended up a few buy ins on a few tables and up to £53 on another.....just cant get to £60 to beat my highest lol

    Not much else to report in life news.  Contacted some places to try organise the community group for balance disorders but iv been told to talk to another number and havnt had time to ring it , but hopefully i can get things sorted there.  Working with my aunt went well, felt fine apart from near the lake where i wasnt sure if the water was moving which made me feel abit dizzy but apart from that all good.  Got to walk a sausage dog named hobo aswell so cant complain lol

    Dissapointed only won 2.1 buy ins today for the time played, but oh well some win is better then no win.  Seeing as i wanted to quit aswell its fine.  Really happy iv come back well from a few tricky moments at the start of the week and are now in profit overall on my B/r, small acorns!

    B/r: £409
    Day: +2.1 buy ins (£21)

    calcalfold: countdown until busto.....tick tok.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    pokermask Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £21.41
    robbie1992 Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £12.61
      Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 7
    kpnuts1963 Fold     
    elbows7 Fold     
    changjai Fold     
    Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £14.30
    pokermask Fold     
    robbie1992 Raise  £1.10 £1.55 £11.51
    xRaise  £2.70 £4.25 £11.60
    robbie1992 Raise  £4.50 £8.75 £7.01
    Call  £2.70 £11.45 £8.90
    • 5
    • 2
    • 4
    robbie1992 Check     
    Bet  £2.00 £13.45 £6.90
    robbie1992 All-in  £7.01 £20.46 £0.00
    xCall  £5.01 £25.47 £1.89
    robbie1992 Show
    • 7
    • 7
    • K
    • K
    • 6
    • 10
    xWin Pair of Kings £24.07  £25.96
    It felt so wrong, but felt i had to do it.
    TurtleMagi Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £10.12
    Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £11.63
      Your hole cards
    • 7
    • A
    robbie1992 Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £34.47
    TurtleMagi Fold     
    Call  £0.20 £0.65 £11.43
    • 8
    • 2
    • 3
    Bet  £0.65 £1.30 £10.78
    robbie1992 Raise  £1.60 £2.90 £32.87
    Call  £0.95 £3.85 £9.83
    • 9
    robbie1992 Bet  £2.30 £6.15 £30.57
    Call  £2.30 £8.45 £7.53
    • 2
    All-in  £7.53 £15.98 £0.00
    robbie1992 Call  £7.53 £23.51 £23.04
    • 6
    • 5
    robbie1992 Show
    • 7
    • A
    robbie1992 Win Pair of 2s £22.11  £45.15
    Went to toilet was doing my zipper up and going to wash my hands, went to press fold and accidently pressed call....can i claim this as my best call ever? I might send it to Idonkcallu
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