Hello everyone
Iv decided to start a diary as im posting to much in the forum and clogging it up. I want to do this diary so better players can see my way of thinking and correct me, as my poker isnt going as planned atm. Also i will be posting hands to see what people think, and this way people might recognise some errors, etc. I will be posting my balance everytime i post. I usally play 20 nl, but like i said things havnt been going my way so iv dropped down to 10nl. I usally play 3 tables and nearly always play cash.
A brief paragraph about me personally. Im 20, i live in london and my true passion is football....more to the point Tottenham Hotspurs. Im a fitness instructor and my future ambitions are to become a personal trainer or possiable study sport science at uni. I also plan on organising my own charity to help people with balance disorders as iv had some experience in this area myself. My near future aim is to run the london marathon 2014 to raise money for a department at a hospital, but 4/5 hours of running will be a big ask!
Poker wise i played sky poker for a while, studied then played poekrstars where i had a great last summer at 50nl winning about 1.5k in dollars. Started going downhill at christmas where i lost a big portion of that. I then stopped playing to study the game more, join duecescracked and come back to sky where 20 nl went well first few weeks, and i come 11th in ukops main event, won the friday 3k rebuy, and finished fairly high in £33 BH (cant remmeber where, mayeb 16th).
Hope you enjoy reading !
Initial deposit 2 weeks ago was £400
Current Balance: £294.01
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On the flip side, you seem to be a very competent mtt player. You have had some great results. I have seen numerous people say the same thing to you..........PLAY MTT's. I have seen you mention the fact that you don't enjoy mtt's (by far the most fun format of the game IMO) but you crush them. If you don't enjoy winning money playing mtt's then what do you enjoy????
MTTS FTW!!!!!! Good luck whatever you decide though, hope you start to improve with your cash game if that's what you would really rather be playing.
Yeah liamboi ill try with satliettes its how i got in all the tourneys iv had good scores in, think the most iv everpayed to enter a tourney is £11. Iv sat to all but primo, i want to play in that next. Oh nice, how far along are you with all the studies? yeah ill definatly help just pm mate if you need help, the course i done by qualification with was very good and quick, they educate you well....lifetime fitness is the name.
Good reason to start a diary and to improve - GL with it
These was my main losing hands from the session, these are run bad arnt they ?
Im going to post my hands in individually as when i do it together it comes up as alot of transriptions, how do i solve this?
Gonna play the primo mini because i havnt played a tourney in ages, its £5.50 which is prob too much considering my b/r but like i said i dont play often in tourneys. Also abit dissapointed how the last few days have gone, i feel i deserve more to show for my play but oh well just gonna keep going. Hopeing to play 5+ hours tommorow
Poker overal isnt going amazing, now £125 down on my intial deposit and finding it very tough to have a winning day....my confidence is very low. Funny enough i dont feel like quitting and running away like i usually do, im determined to keep going. Hopefully ill be on the right end of some of these hands soon. Gonna keep to TAG style at 10 nl , think its correct. I think if im a few byins up i will bank the win for confidence.
Now to those hands.....
My thought process ...' I have jacks in sb oop, the person to my left is loose passive so he will want to get involved if i flat which i dont want. I will 3bet so i have the leading strength and if he 4 bets im gonna be against a range that has me crush so i will fold and it will save me money if i have overpair vs overpair. If TAG opponent flats i can win the pot with a cb on the flop most times as i dont think he will mess around. Flop is fairly safe misses alotof his flatting range, i will bet small which will make me look strong as it looks for value, turn i c/f i think if he calls'
Dont even no why im writing in here no one ever replies its been a complete watse on time.
I should of just quit weeks ago when i said and i should of quit earlier when i said im not good enough to earn any money back. Cant remember the last time i had a winning day, aboulete joke, i worked hard and i really tried so why cant i just be a half decent player, fed up. Withdrawig and taking he -150 and f k i n off.
My post is the same as last time......you haven't got the mindset for cash imo. Play small stakes mtt's and fall in love with the game again.
Chin up m8
But sky dont get enough people to only play mtts
I don't know what else to say then.
Plenty have stepped up on here..........look at the likes of scotty77 for example, plus more recently lambert and rancid.
I think you need a break though. I get the feeling that you wanna step up asap and only get a buzz from poker when the stakes are high and you can win big money??? To get to the high stakes of poker takes a lot of time and effort......otherwise everyone would be playing there.
I just feel the best way to get confidence and enjoyment back would be to play small stakes mtt's or take a break
Yeah see lambert and rancid are good players and they know they have the right idea withpoker and make decent decisions. Just fed up of always being wrong or not knowing what to do, theres no point in a break ill just come back the exact same and go round in a circle.
Might try sat into a few tourneys and play a few minis until its at £200 then withdraw it.