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ONE TIME!.....another diary.



  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013

    Just finished 2nd in £33 BH sat. won £16.50, only 1st was a place, 15 people entered.

    Balance: £421

    Day: + 3.3 buy ins  (£33)

  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    Was planning on playing at least 6 more hours.

    Done a bluff which got called off by middle pair no kicker.
    Called with JJ on 8 9 10 board on the turn after oppon check IP when I played to c/r, thought what would he check in position and then shove, it was 67s
    slowplayed JJ , then c/s on flop as overbet , flop was 5s 7s 9c, my opponent had played 6 9 of spades utg so she called that 3 turn 4 river.
    Cant even remember what else.

    So 4 buy ins in the space of 90 minutes.  WTF. How am I ever going to make my Br grow when I make so many mistakes. cant even be bothered with poker today, all you do is go round in circles.  I havnt seen anyone have a B/r of say £200 and it grow to £5000, and if they have it proberly took about 8 years.  So now im lower then I was yesterday even though I put it a lot of effort yesterday.  Was a waste of a day it was all wiped out in 90 minutes.

    Br: £382.96
    Day: -4 buy ins (-£40)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    Was planning on playing at least 6 more hours. Done a bluff which got called off by middle pair no kicker. Called with JJ on 8 9 10 board on the turn after oppon check IP when I played to c/r, thought what would he check in position and then shove, it was 67s slowplayed JJ , then c/s on flop as overbet , flop was 5s 7s 9c, my opponent had played 6 9 of spades utg so she called that 3 turn 4 river. Cant even remember what else. So 4 buy ins in the space of 90 minutes.  WTF. How am I ever going to make my Br grow when I make so many mistakes. cant even be bothered with poker today, all you do is go round in circles.  I havnt seen anyone have a B/r of say £200 and it grow to £5000, and if they have it proberly took about 8 years.  So now im lower then I was yesterday even though I put it a lot of effort yesterday.  Was a waste of a day it was all wiped out in 90 minutes. Br: £382.96 Day: -4 buy ins (-£40)
    Posted by robbie1992
    Well Ryan (scotty77) had a BR I believe of about £30 like 3 years ago. He obv doesn't disclose what it is now but I'd be shocked if it wasn't 6 figures. So that's £30 into £100,000+ in 3 years and that's on top of withdrawals he'd have been making.

    I had a BR of £180 in January, and it was just shy of £2k about 4 weeks ago (before the bad patch lol). Not looking so good now but it will be back up. Just takes time, a lot of hard work, quite a bit of rungood and a fook load of patience.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    Was planning on playing at least 6 more hours. Done a bluff which got called off by middle pair no kicker. Called with JJ on 8 9 10 board on the turn after oppon check IP when I played to c/r, thought what would he check in position and then shove, it was 67s slowplayed JJ , then c/s on flop as overbet , flop was 5s 7s 9c, my opponent had played 6 9 of spades utg so she called that 3 turn 4 river. Cant even remember what else. So 4 buy ins in the space of 90 minutes.  WTF. How am I ever going to make my Br grow when I make so many mistakes. cant even be bothered with poker today, all you do is go round in circles.  I havnt seen anyone have a B/r of say £200 and it grow to £5000, and if they have it proberly took about 8 years.  So now im lower then I was yesterday even though I put it a lot of effort yesterday.  Was a waste of a day it was all wiped out in 90 minutes. Br: £382.96 Day: -4 buy ins (-£40)
    Posted by robbie1992
    You can do this in less than 3 years, but you need to bink in MTT's
    A lot of cash players have risen through the levels by having a few MTT binks to help them move up and ride out some downwings.

    I strated with £80 2 years ago, and not bragging but it's possible.

    But you have to put in a lot and I mean a lot of hardwork - you really have to dedicate a lot of time to it and not just switch on your PC and start playing.

    Keep at it and in 6 months you will be 1k+.

    People expect to win all the time quickly move through the levels. The games are tougher so it's going to take longer.
    Don't fall into the trap of having some short term run good and think it's always going to be this easy.

    good luck


  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary. : Well Ryan (scotty77) had a BR I believe of about £30 like 3 years ago. He obv doesn't disclose what it is now but I'd be shocked if it wasn't 6 figures. So that's £30 into £100,000+ in 3 years and that's on top of withdrawals he'd have been making. I had a BR of £180 in January, and it was just shy of £2k about 4 weeks ago (before the bad patch lol). Not looking so good now but it will be back up. Just takes time, a lot of hard work, quite a bit of rungood and a fook load of patience.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Yeah but his so good his on tv given advice, that's how respected his opinion is.  100k ? hmm not sure id say about £50-70k including withdrawals.  Yeah patience is needed but im still making too many mistakes its impossiable to get a good run going, I had a bad weekend stayed positive worked hard and got it back to the highest its been, £422.  Then just when you get excited poker comes and pies you and reminds you this is no easy game.  Im not going to lie I read your diary through that bad patch and got scared lol I would find it hard to take, losing days will happen but if its too such a degree it makes it a nightmare to get back to where you was then I find it hard to take.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    I know what you mean and I've done it loads of times myself but you can't look at past figures. It's easy to think 'god I had £400 last week and now I've got £300 so I've gotta do loads of work to just get back to 'even'' and I know people say it all the time but that really is just poker. It's sometimes hard to do but you just gotta focus on 'is what I did +EV (preferably the most +EV option), yes, ok well just gotta keep doing that'.

    Like I remember listening to an audiobook called The Poker Mindset and it said about some players might have a winrate of say 5xBB per hour, then they take a bad beat and lose 50xBB in one pot and think '**** sake that's 10 hours work down the drain' but it's really not! Your winrate already takes into account that you'll receive and give your fair share of coolers, bad beats etc.

    Unavoidable things happen, like when I first moved up to 30NL, just against Doh in the space of a few sessions, I got it in KK v QQ, AA v QQ and flopped flush v flopped set (got it in on the flop) and lost all 3, so just there that was just shy of -£100 where most of the time I'll be +100, so just them 3 hands out of the 1000s I've played have meant my BR is £200 less than it would be if I'd held. I've yet to have a spot where I've got it in w/ a PP v a bigger PP at 30NL and won, but I have no doubt it'll happen. The edges in NLHE are far smaller than people think and variance is an enormous factor in short term results (and the short term can be very long).

    Most people (including me) don't have established winrates but if you did, you could say everytime I sit down I am making X pounds per hour or w/e and while most people don't have that they can still say 'if I sit down on this table and play my A game, I will make money' and that's all you can do.

    P.S. Ryan wasn't so good to be giving poker advice on TV 3 years ago when he had £30, Tikay has said many a time that he used to be really spewy. He just worked hard, got better, ran well, put a load of volume in and got there. I really don't know regarding his BR but I know he's a (self confessed) BR nit nowadays after previous bad experiences and I suspect he does have around the 100k mark for a BR. He's probably earned not far off £40k just in C4P alone in the last 12 months before you even count profits. Again this is all estimates but yeh.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    wow 40k in c4p, that's crazy.  I don't see how you can improve your game anymore, I look at hand historys/ work on the mental side/ watch training videos.  Not sure what else there is to do.  Im trying to play more lately as I prob don't play enough week in week out, what else is there you can do ?

    Its true about the balance and looking back to see what you did have/didn't have, im going to try forget this morning and just play a lot later tonight, playing a long session at night for a change and just think I have x balance that's all the matter.  Try forget what I did have/ could of had.

    Yeah but rancid your confident in your play, im semi confident but know I can do awful things every now and then.  When itz like that its so hard to keep confident and motivated.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2013
    Yeah stop thinking short term robbie, you will get to 1k soon enough if you just put the volume in and work on your game not expecting instant results. This time last year my scope was at £300 and i had no broll management nows its more than 13x that without taking into account any profit made from cash, its doable you just need to put in the volume work hard and try and be consistent- not spew off to much when you tilt.

    P.s. also i've found when i play 10nl i really have to cut out any attempts at fancy play trying to level opponents etc, it may sound stupid but i think its possible to put too much thought in at 10nl and end up levelling yourself, just stick to the basics try get it in good and long term you will reap the rewards.
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited June 2013
    Robbie, I'm just looking at your notes for dealing with 'aggressive players'. They include "play tighter" and "4-bet light". How do those two things go together?

    On the 77 hand; I think you massively overplayed it. Simply because he plays a lot of hands aggressively does not mean he 4-bets and calls 5-bets without a hand. I think you actually need to re-evaluate your reasons for 3-betting in this hand. Impatience at being "pushed around" isn't something that should feature in your thoughts.

    What did you actually want him to do when you made the 3-bet? Did you want him to fold, call or 4-bet? If you want him to fold you're just wasting the value of your hand. I know you said you had a plan in case he 4-bet but is that really what you wanted? If you want him to call, then what are we doing post-flop, bearing in mind we'll be playing a bloated pot OOP with what's likely to be a marginal hand?

    5-betting is just crazy. We're asking our opponent to 4-bet-fold which is so, so unlikely.

    Post-flop, I don't think you gave too much thought to your opponent's range. He has called a 5-bet pre-flop. How weak can he possibly be? Do we really think he flats a 5-bet with AK? His range is crushing us on this flop and we've essentially played our 77 as a bluff, pre-flop. Now it's time to give up because we should know we're beat. He can never, ever be bluffing when betting so small with this SPR.

    Anyway, forgetting this particular hand I think you still need to examine the type of hands you're 3-betting with and your reasoning behind making those 3-bets.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    Just feel like Im not going anywhere, suppose at the start of the month my balance was £227, I was playing awful, had only 3 tabled and never been in a promo and im on course to earn my most c4p so there are a lot of positives from this month, just sick of playing hands then when I look back after I think that was bad.....why cant I have these thoughts when playing?

    Yeah I no what you mean benc, winning at low stakes like 10nl is basically 3 betting a wider range,  being strict with your range in/out position and betting your value hands.  Im sure ill have a good session tonight, doubt ill win 4 buy ins so today feels like a waste of a day.  I no its long term but still want to just build momentum.

    Boring doesn't it mean narrowing your range and being more aggressive with that narrow range?  I 3 bet because im oop and wanted to take the incentive in the hand to make up for being oop, otherwise ill be c/f near enough every flop wont I?  I agree with what your saying , like I said it felt soo wrong but I was getting in hands and folding so much to him, I didn't no how to adapt.
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited June 2013

    Two questions then:

    "I 3 bet because im oop and wanted to take the incentive in the hand to make up for being oop, otherwise ill be c/f near enough every flop wont I?"

    1) Why is our thinking in this situation about taking the betting lead?

    Our thinking should be that if we 3-bet, our opponent folds range X calls with range Y and 4-bets with range Z. Then our hand strength will determine if 3-betting is the best thing to do given those ranges or if we'd rather not narrow his range by 3-betting.

    2) If we think he's raising a wide range against us, why do we think we need to check-fold almost every flop?

    If he has a wide range, our 77 can be good a lot of the time post-flop. Ideally we want to hit our set but we absolutely can't just be set-mining if we call pre-flop.

    It's true that calling down post-flop is going to be difficult because we're out of position. That's just a fundamental problem of playing out of position against good players. If you think you will ever overcome that, well you're wrong. We can still win hands out of position but in the long run everything we do OOP will be dramatically less profitable than the things we do in position. If we constantly play OOP to good players, we'll lose money no matter how good we think we are.

    So just accept that we're going to have to let him have a few of these hands when we're OOP. Keep those pots small unless we have a big hand.

    If you're having trouble with a particular player, the best thing to do is tighten up your range when out of position and open up your range in position. Position is THE most important thing in poker. Most players say those words but don't understand them. Find out if this guy understands those words by seeing if he'll play OOP to you.

  • cgoldiecgoldie Member Posts: 234
    edited June 2013
    Sounds like maybe you could do with a few days or a week break to rebuild your love for the game again? It's hard to play optimally when your not enjoying it or feel like it's a bit hopeless. Swings happen and it's cra**y, happend to me the other day when I'd lost about half my BR but it turned around eventually.

    On the training and improving your game side I've often noticed people focus on learning what they should be doing once they know poker and forget to work on what they shouldn't be doing. I don't know if this is the case for you but perhaps finding some videos on improving your game by finding your leaks and weak spots? There's a lot of great videos on this aimed at players at these stakes =)
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    Boring loner - I appreciate that I should be thinking of what range there fold to a 3bet etc..... But at 10nl I don't think you can think that deep into how there playing, because there prob doing the wrong thing and how would you understand there thoughts.

    Isn't it better to generalise there leaks with things like you said, like noticing they play alot oop and call 3 bets too light, things like that.

    Half your br? Over how long goldie? Good to hear things have improved. I watch alot of videos but my brain is like a sieve one day I learn somthing and then next month I feel like Iv never even touched on the subject. Going to try and organise some hand history's review or group talks more, think I Learn more from that. Dohhh and benc have mentioned about it so have to try and sort that out.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    Boring loner - I appreciate that I should be thinking of what range there fold to a 3bet etc..... But at 10nl I don't think you can think that deep into how there playing, because there prob doing the wrong thing and how would you understand there thoughts. Isn't it better to generalise there leaks with things like you said, like noticing they play alot oop and call 3 bets too light, things like that. Half your br? Over how long goldie? Good to hear things have improved. I watch alot of videos but my brain is like a sieve one day I learn somthing and then next month I feel like Iv never even touched on the subject. Going to try and organise some hand history's review or group talks more, think I Learn more from that. Dohhh and benc have mentioned about it so have to try and sort that out.
    Posted by robbie1992
    BL aint gonna like that lol. We don't need to generalise, we can have notes against some even if they're not massively specific. Like I'm certain if I went back to 10NL I will have notes on some players that say something along the lines of 'will only 4bet/get it in with KK+'. or maybe 'only 3bets AK and JJ+'. Others you might just know they're spewy and will call 3bets with basically any 2 suited cards, or will never fold any Ax to a 3bet or whatever. I even have a note on one 30NL player (I think he plays 20NL too) that he literally just point blank refuses to EVER fold to a 3bet. Either way, you can and should 100% be trying to put people on ranges at 4NL.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary. : BL aint gonna like that lol. We don't need to generalise, we can have notes against some even if they're not massively specific. Like I'm certain if I went back to 10NL I will have notes on some players that say something along the lines of 'will only 4bet/get it in with KK+'. or maybe 'only 3bets AK and JJ+'. Others you might just know they're spewy and will call 3bets with basically any 2 suited cards, or will never fold any Ax to a 3bet or whatever. I even have a note on one 30NL player (I think he plays 20NL too) that he literally just point blank refuses to EVER fold to a 3bet. Either way, you can and should 100% be trying to put people on ranges at 4NL.
    Posted by Lambert180
    is this me? lol
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited June 2013
    How your oppo reacts to 3 bets should be your main concern

  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013


    Just finished a 6 hour session of 4 tabling.  Went well delighted I had a good session as I felt so low this morning after that bad session.  So happy I made this diary as I thought of lamberts "your br will only grow with hard work" , benc and rancids encouragement and thought come on, you have knowledge you just need to use it correctly.  Everyone who writes a diary has been through bad sessions and poker situations so its good I can get there view on things and see what they done to deal with it.

    Had a bad start to the session, I bluffed off a stack I think and was down abit overall.  Hit quads and got payed off as I overbet shoved the river when the board was A 9 9 9 3..... he called with AQ.  Played well overall I think tonight, was thinking more and being more strict.  Noticed some betting patterns of mine aswell which I could look for advice to improve on .  Also need to have more stable confidence, poker is going to have highs and lows and I no ill be fine as long as I have the same thoughts weather im in a good or bad moment.  Amazingly I finished just under 5 buy ins up so im actually in profit today, looking forward to a good day tomorrow which should take me closer to the £500 mark!!!

    Also need 250 points more in my c4p for 3000 points, so about 7 1/2 hours needed before the end of sunday.

    B/r: £429. 63 (highest since diary started)

    Day: + 0.7 buy ins

    Calcalfold: "countdown till busto.....tick tock"

  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013
    trundle10 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £3.88
    Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £14.96
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • A
    UncTupelo Fold     
    AlphaWolf Fold     
    robbie1992 Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £18.35
    westslay23 Fold     
    trundle10 Fold     
    Call  £0.20 £0.65 £14.76
    • A
    • 9
    • 4
    robbie1992 Bet  £0.40 £1.05 £17.95
    xCall  £0.40 £1.45 £14.36
    • 9
    robbie1992 Bet  £1.09 £2.54 £16.86
    Call  £1.09 £3.63 £13.27
    • 9
    robbie1992 All-in  £16.86 £20.49 £0.00
    All-in  £13.27 £33.76 £0.00
    robbie1992 Unmatched bet  £3.59 £30.17 £3.59
    • Q
    • A
    robbie1992 Show
    • 9
    • A
    robbie1992 Win Four 9s £28.77  £32.36
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary. : BL aint gonna like that lol. We don't need to generalise, we can have notes against some even if they're not massively specific. Like I'm certain if I went back to 10NL I will have notes on some players that say something along the lines of 'will only 4bet/get it in with KK+'. or maybe 'only 3bets AK and JJ+'. Others you might just know they're spewy and will call 3bets with basically any 2 suited cards, or will never fold any Ax to a 3bet or whatever. I even have a note on one 30NL player (I think he plays 20NL too) that he literally just point blank refuses to EVER fold to a 3bet. Either way, you can and should 100% be trying to put people on ranges at 4NL.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Correct. ;)

    We've always got to think about our individual opponent. You've said that the opponent in this hand is being "aggressive" so you already believe that his range can be a wide range. You obviously can't play against him the same way as you'd play against a nitty player, or he'll take advantage of you.

    That doesn't mean we should just 3-bet with any hand we intend to play from any position. We still need to think about whether 3-betting is the best way to exploit him and that will depend on the range he continues with when we 3-bet and how our hand stands up against that range. It depends alot on how we think he'll play post-flop and which boards we can c-bet on.

    A lot of the time the best way to exploit our opponent is to call and keep his range as wide as possible.

    You always have to think about your opponent's range. If you're not doing that, then you're just guessing.

    Reasons to raise are i) we get more value from the hands that he'll call/raise with, or ii) we can get him to fold better hands than ours. If we're raising for any other reason, (like not wanting to be pushed around) we're probably making a mistake.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited June 2013

    Had a good last few session, done well last night, and was determined to keep it going today.  started playing in the morning but had to stop after about 90 mins as 2 of my friends I hadn't seen in ages knocked , but I stopped 2 and half buy ins up.  Talked for a while why we watched sky sports news, then we went park and they played football but I just watched as I was feeling dizzy so couldn't get involved.  Didn't feel like playing at all but I wanted more c4p as im trying to get to 3000, played decent, decided to quit after making a tired play and after leading out on the flop and turn hitting my flush on the river, overbetting the pot before opponent tank called with 7 2 suited.  Surprised to see I finished that session just under a buy in up.  Need to play around 4 hours tomorrow to get to 3000 points, and I would be happy with that as an end to the month.  Glad the B/r is starting to grow, hope it continues.

    B/r : £ 461.85

    Day : +3.2 buy ins (£32)
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