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ONE TIME!.....another diary.



  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    finished 3/6 and got £25... thanks again for picking me and the guys who mentioned my name.

    Balance: £489.30

    Day: +£25
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    finished 3/6 and got £25... thanks again for picking me and the guys who mentioned my name. Balance: £489.30 Day: +£25
    Posted by robbie1992
    GG robbie, enjoyed it mate.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary. : GG robbie, enjoyed it mate.
    Posted by waller02
    Cheers Waller, enjoyed playing with u. All the best with ur poker.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013


      Played 4 hours today, felt good before playing and while playing and had to stop as I have to go out at 3 but think I might have an evening session.  I would like to study abit, watch a few videos as I only have 7 days remaining on my duecescracked membership, think ill renew it and just take £5 out of this account every week to pay for it.

    I think I played well overall, with a few spots still that I can improve on.  Think im getting good value in the hands, maybe floating/calling a street too much with marginal hands and no plan, that's why I like watching videos just to refresh the "correct" way to play.

    I don't look at my balance as it puts me off I just look before and after and to my joy I made 6.3 buyins today, but I played 5 tables for about 90 mins of the session so maybe that's why.  Still only got to £55 on the highest table just cant reach £60 lol.

    Watched bet raise fold, was abit disappointed actually fold it abit boring, its good a  poker film/documentary got made as there isn't many but I much preferred watch the series of 2 months 2 million.  Has anyone else seen the film?

    Balance: £553

    Day: + 6.4 buy ins (£64)

    Calcalfold: "countdown till busto.....tick tok"

  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited July 2013
    good going m8 bankroll going up nicely,you happy just playin 10nl for now or you got an amount you reach give 20nl another go?

    also where did you watch the bet,raise,fold documentary I want to see it also is still good even though not as good as 2m2mm series?

    deuces cracked I had a membership for a bit then cancelled it but thinking of setting it up again some good videos on there may do the same just withdraw money at beginning of the month to pay for it.

    gl at tables buddy
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    good going m8 bankroll going up nicely,you happy just playin 10nl for now or you got an amount you reach give 20nl another go? also where did you watch the bet,raise,fold documentary I want to see it also is still good even though not as good as 2m2mm series? deuces cracked I had a membership for a bit then cancelled it but thinking of setting it up again some good videos on there may do the same just withdraw money at beginning of the month to pay for it. gl at tables buddy
    Posted by liamboi11
    cheers liam. 

    Erm maybe £800, that's 40 buy ins at 20 nl, but im not sure this is the first time of having  solid BR so I might ask for advice on what to do.  Also 400 of that is my initial deposit so I need to think of how to get that out, might just leave it until im playing 20nl, more money when I have winning days means it should be easier to get out.

    I just went to the site, type it in google and it takes you to the official site.  Payed $10 for it tho, which isn't too bad I suppose.  No I liked 2 month 2 million so much more, thought it was a brilliant programme for any poker fan.

    Yeah I just like having it there if I ever need it, even if im not going to use it.  But I try my hardest to watch some series every week. I think the format they set it out in makes it a really good site, I like the idea of having series and bits where you can add comments.

    How did u find the roller? I see you was up there early on
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    I just don't like the thought of getting called and being oop, with such a poor hand, if im raising I do it with a stronger hand.  Hand this weak I don't want to risk raising getting called and having to fold, even if I hit a 7 or 5 its hardly ever going to be top pair.  That was my thinking. Thanks mate.
    Posted by robbie1992
    This is the whole point. You would raise here with AA, but shove JT, so when you shove, people know it's wider and thus call wider (we don't want a call). As you say, you'd only raise with a strong hand, so raise with a weak one, they won't know ;)
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary. : This is the whole point. You would raise here with AA, but shove JT, so when you shove, people know it's wider and thus call wider (we don't want a call). As you say, you'd only raise with a strong hand, so raise with a weak one, they won't know ;)
    Posted by Lambert180
    This is what I was trying to get at! Might not have worded it as well as I could have.

    Raising in this spot should look super strong. It should fold out everything except slow played monsters in which case nh gg etc. Being oop (to the btn anyway) gives us the chance to jam any flop first too. Can shove anything but need a hand to call. A move like this could win us the pot without risking our tourney life.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    Okay ill take that on board, I just think I'm too vunrable with my stack to be doing that.

    What happens if I completely miss flop somthing like a j 3, then what?

    That's what I'm saying ill then be stuck in no man s land, and a shove will give such good pot odds for alot to still call , so then that's not an option
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited July 2013
    You have 7 5 so how the flop comes down doesn't really matter. Obviously you need the minerals to shove any flop, but your line would be so strong that you should/fold out so many hands that are way ahead of us. This is assuming we even see a flop.

    Look at it from your oppo's view. He's 3bet out of an 18bb stack. Do I really wanna call here with my 33/Q10o/910s/A8? Knowing full well a shove is coming on the flop.

    It narrows your range down so much to essentially premium holdings. Squeeze jam leaves you with a fairly wide range and thus could get potentially looked up quite light.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary. : cheers liam.  Erm maybe £800, that's 40 buy ins at 20 nl, but im not sure this is the first time of having  solid BR so I might ask for advice on what to do.  Also 400 of that is my initial deposit so I need to think of how to get that out, might just leave it until im playing 20nl, more money when I have winning days means it should be easier to get out. I just went to the site, type it in google and it takes you to the official site.  Payed $10 for it tho, which isn't too bad I suppose.  No I liked 2 month 2 million so much more, thought it was a brilliant programme for any poker fan. Yeah I just like having it there if I ever need it, even if im not going to use it.  But I try my hardest to watch some series every week. I think the format they set it out in makes it a really good site, I like the idea of having series and bits where you can add comments. How did u find the roller? I see you was up there early on
    Posted by robbie1992

    regards to moving up it`s totally up to you only you know when your ready,things like playing well,confidence is high and handle the fact playing with more money which means you can win or lose more which could effect your game.

    not saying to do this but what i used to do is set aside like 40-50 buyins for your current level and then say have 5-10 buyins for the level your looking to move up to and if you hit ground running afte a couple weeks then just move up.but on other hand you lose those 5-10 bi`s you still have more enough money to play at your current level to build it back and take a shot again in the future,also remember there no rush buddy.

    the roller I`ve played around 3 times no cashes but feel got ul in the 1st 2 i played, but sunday there I was playing well running quite well then i made a terrible call vs a mtt reg for half my stack wae jj they had aces and shorty had qq wish i just folded thinking back now but if i win that pot i think be in top 2-3 with confidence running high but lost and ended up tilting and spewing rest my stack off trying to rebuild a big stack again but will be playing the next one.

    did you enjoy it?

  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary. : regards to moving up it`s totally up to you only you know when your ready,things like playing well,confidence is high and handle the fact playing with more money which means you can win or lose more which could effect your game. not saying to do this but what i used to do is set aside like 40-50 buyins for your current level and then say have 5-10 buyins for the level your looking to move up to and if you hit ground running afte a couple weeks then just move up.but on other hand you lose those 5-10 bi`s you still have more enough money to play at your current level to build it back and take a shot again in the future,also remember there no rush buddy. the roller I`ve played around 3 times no cashes but feel got ul in the 1st 2 i played, but sunday there I was playing well running quite well then i made a terrible call vs a mtt reg for half my stack wae jj they had aces and shorty had qq wish i just folded thinking back now but if i win that pot i think be in top 2-3 with confidence running high but lost and ended up tilting and spewing rest my stack off trying to rebuild a big stack again but will be playing the next one. did you enjoy it?
    Posted by liamboi11
    Okay sounds good liam.  yeah theres no rush I think all july ill be playing 10nl and focus on consistently doing the correct thing, post a lot in my diary and just keep trying to improve the balance, hopefully it will be 800+ by end of july, hopefully I would of made a withdrawal by then, as I want to get my 400 back.  ah UL mate, yeah I think its a good tournament I like the structure, seeing as I satt'd in aswell it was a good experience.
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013

    Not been a good day really, havnt put a lot of volumne in this week :( starting to annoy me as I want to keep playing loads, just struggling to have the time for it.  Went for a jog and got my hair cut today, see a girl in the morning, had a bbq, so managed to play like 2 hours, I hate not playing long sessions.  Just so tough to find room for 4-6 hour sessions.

    Played really well for the afternoon session, played 100 minutes and was 4 buy ins up, which I was happy with.  Went and ate by bbq, come back at about 19:15 played to play for about 2 /3 hours as needed a shower after the jog.  Ended up stacking off in a situation which I hate, iv lost a stack before this week in this way and its so annoying, I don't no how else I can play the hand tho.....ill post below.  Then lost a stack when I 3bet QQ from the sb, villan flatted on 2 9 10 two spade board, he c/r money went in on flop, he had AJs , turn a Q , river a spade, why did the Q have to come on the turn to make me think I was safe :(

    So end of day im +2 buy ins up, didn't play enough and annoyed and played lost 2 stack and thought i cbb playing for long to win it back.  That's not a good attitude and if i cbb to play long session to win it back, i shouldn't play at all.  Get my £45 for my c4p tomorrow so balance should have a new digit at the start soon!!!

    BTW how should i go about withdrawing my initial £400, i plan and am happy to play at 10nl for at least end of august i think, as i want to just keep winning and try to consistently play 5 tables.  should i withdraw £100 everytime i get over 600 until its payed back, or wait until iv got a bigger BR and withdraw from that, what your advice because i don't know.
    bobscot Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £9.11
    TROGG463 Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £10.83
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • A
    robbie1992 Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £8.68
    Cash_Daddy Fold     
    dgw69 Fold     
    Clackett Call  £0.30 £0.75 £8.17
    bobscot Fold     
    TROGG463 Call  £0.20 £0.95 £10.63
    • 4
    • 3
    • 5
    TROGG463 Check     
    robbie1992 Bet  £0.60 £1.55 £8.08
    Clackett Raise  £1.20 £2.75 £6.97
    TROGG463 Fold     
    robbie1992 Call  £0.60 £3.35 £7.48
    • A
    robbie1992 Check     
    Clackett Bet  £1.50 £4.85 £5.47
    robbie1992 Call  £1.50 £6.35 £5.98
    • J
    robbie1992 Check     
    Clackett Bet  £4.90 £11.25 £0.57
    robbie1992 Call  £4.90 £16.15 £1.08
    Clackett Show
    • 7
    • 6
    robbie1992 Muck
    • Q
    • A
    Clackett Win Straight to the 7 £14.93  £15.50
    I cannot state how much i hate this hand, i call to keep worse in/ draws keep betting, but when it gets to the river and the draws havnt hit i always think his turnt his hand into a bluff on the river end up calling, what another option in this hand? BTW i know a lot will say about the call off a min raise on flop, i don't like that either really, but i thought he could have a lot of Ah/ FD/ 6x sorta hands in his range so i don't mind calling and reaccessing on the turn, tbh i don't like the play now i think more and i should have folded..

    BR: £570

    Day : + 2 buy ins (£20)
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited July 2013
    Who cares about that hand or your session?!

    ''see a girl in the morning''. This diary just got interesting ;)
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    Who cares about that hand or your session?! ''see a girl in the morning''. This diary just got interesting ;)
    Posted by hhyftrftdr

    She's just a mate we sit there and talk about poker hands ..... Or somthing like that
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited July 2013
    No pun intended but pull the other one!

  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    No pun intended but pull the other one!
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Lol like I said just mates :) I didn't no we could post relationship stuff and get comments on that aswell, what a great site this is ;)
  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    Just finished just under 5 hour session of 5 tablings mostly.  Got of to a shocking start and was about id say 3 buy ins down possiably more, abit of run bad but mostly bad play.  I can promise that at the start of every session I will make a mistake that's awful, don't know why maybe its because im not focused or the game or in a sort of rhythm , or maybe its because im a fish im not sure.

    Cant even remember most of the hands, but finished off stacking off with a bluff , I might post it, I think it was a good play but against too loose an opponent.  Never mind, my bluffs seem to be working a high % of the time so I reckon there mostly +ev.

    Might Grind some more tonight, I see I was 30th yesterday in that  promo (now 36th) and thinking maybe to put effort in today and tomorrow to get top 20 which is £50, ill see how I feel.  Cant play much sunday anyways as its my 21st so maybe I should just leave it.

    Dissapointed I finished 1 buy in up for a 4h 45mins session, but if I can turn my bad starts into +1buy in days and keep winning 5+ buy ins on my good days im sure my BR will grow.

    Balance: £626.57

    Today: +1 buy in (£10) + C4P (£45)
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013

    Doing really well!

    From your 400, now up up over 600, very nice going

  • robbie1992robbie1992 Member Posts: 725
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: ONE TIME!.....another diary.:
    Doing really well! From your 400, now up up over 600, very nice going
    Posted by LARSON7
    Yeah I happy with how things are going, thankyou Larson.
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