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Straight from the toes - Quickfeet's blog



  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited October 2017

    Last week’s balance: £128.18

    Current Balance = £92.77


    For most Sky Poker promotions, I don’t have time to take part but with not much on for Super Sunday I decided to fill my boots.

    From 9 am I did all bar 3 of the hourly freerolls (no luck). I decided to support the platform by playing cash alongside the freerolls to “pay my way”.

    By 1:30 pm, I had 53 points so decided to take advantage of the double points on SnG’s and play 3 £11 TDYMs to get up to 100 points for the £5k freeroll. I won one, lost one and… narrowly lost the third, me and another player had blind sized stacks and he held on to his. I decided to try and break even on them so I played a fourth… and then a fifth but lost them both. So £30 down :( Playing a Semi would’ve only cost £24!

    Then in the £5k 100 points freeroll a couple of post-flop draws didn’t go my way and Super Sunday was over before late reg had closed.

    However… I did enjoy the promotion (I know I did, I'm sure I did...). It seems you need very loose players at your first table to get your stack ahead of the blinds in the early stages of a freeroll but that never happened to me today.

    Outside of poker, not much has been happening. I have had a cold this week. Always seem to get one in Autumn and in Spring. The rhythm of life and the changing of the seasons I guess.

  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited October 2017
    Always an enjoyable read.
    We have our grandson staying with us, he also has a cold..and at 5 months old it can't be much fun, not that colds are fun at any age especially when you're a bloke, I'm convinced we suffer more than the female of the species on this topic ;) I mean ...when I get one it pretty much knocks me for six, good lady gets one and it doesn't phase her at all, so the downside of that is zero sympathy for yours truly when I'm all 'woe is me' :)

    Keep up the good work, and good luck on the felt.
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited October 2017
    Yes... I was originally going to write something about the joys of having a cold when you are too disabled to catch your sneezes in a tissue but I thought I would spare you all the gorey details.
    I am sure it used to cause me to have worse colds when I worked in an office because I used to try to hold back my sneezes when the cold was creeping up on me.
    Having become a gentlemen of leisure, this cold has been much less severe I assume because, in the privacy of my home, I've not had to "hold back"!
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,361
    edited October 2017
    In Response to Re: Straight from the toes - Quickfeet's blog:
    Yes... I was originally going to write something about the joys of having a cold when you are too disabled to catch your sneezes in a tissue but I thought I would spare you all the gorey details. I am sure it used to cause me to have worse colds when I worked in an office because I used to try to hold back my sneezes when the cold was creeping up on me. Having become a gentlemen of leisure, this cold has been much less severe I assume because, in the privacy of my home, I've not had to "hold back"!
    Posted by QUICKFEET

    So, you sneeze all over your computer screen ? ;)
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited October 2017
    In Response to Re: Straight from the toes - Quickfeet's blog:
    In Response to Re: Straight from the toes - Quickfeet's blog : So, you sneeze all over your computer screen ? ;)
    Posted by mumsie
    Yes, hence I struggle to tell whether I have pocket 8s or 9s or 89 - lol

    Need to get a wash/wash wipe system fitted to the monitor!

    (In case you are wonder, I have decided not to drive while I have a cold!)
  • rainman215rainman215 Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2017
    Good evening Quickfeet.
    Have you tried honey, for a cold remedy.
    If that doesnt work try single malt scotch.
    All the best.
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited October 2017
    Thanks Rainman

    I thought you were going to recommend the 2.20 @ 2:15 as the ideal remedy for colds
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    edited October 2017

    Last week’s balance: £92.77

    Current Balance = £89.00

    Was up to £97 early in the week before I ran bad.

    Away from poker… something major happened on Thursday. I was voted on to the board of Chester FC! It is a fan owned club so the volunteer directors are elected by members of the club.

    My manifesto centred on raising funds from charities to improve facilities for disabled supporters. It is a credit to so many at the club that this proved so popular.

    I received a warm welcome from the existing directors when the announcement was made at Thursday’s AGM but they all told me how much work is involved in running a football club. It doesn’t look like there will be much time for playing poker.

    At the moment, there is a calm before the storm as my credentials have to be verified by the FA – mostly CRB checks.

    To be honest, it hasn’t really sunk in yet…

  • ajmiltonajmilton Member Posts: 1,458
    edited October 2017
    Congratulations  Qucky lad, 
    well done you.
    I'm sure you will  do a sterling job. 

    Regards Alan ( plo8 champ)
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    edited October 2017
    In Response to Re: Straight from the toes - Quickfeet's blog:
    Last week’s balance: £92.77 Current Balance = £89.00 Was up to £97 early in the week before I ran bad. Away from poker… something major happened on Thursday. I was voted on to the board of Chester FC! It is a fan owned club so the volunteer directors are elected by members of the club. My manifesto centred on raising funds from charities to improve facilities for disabled supporters. It is a credit to so many at the club that this proved so popular. I received a warm welcome from the existing directors when the announcement was made at Thursday’s AGM but they all told me how much work is involved in running a football club. It doesn’t look like there will be much time for playing poker. At the moment, there is a calm before the storm as my credentials have to be verified by the FA – mostly CRB checks. To be honest, it hasn’t really sunk in yet…
    Posted by QUICKFEET
    Wow, this is outstanding. wpwp
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663
    edited October 2017

    Fabulous news Quicky, fabulous.

    Thoroughly deserved, too. Good things happen to good people.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663


    Anyone heard from @QUICKFEET lately?

    Don't think he's been on the tables for a month or more, & not seen him on the Forum in ages.

    Hope you are OK mate.
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    After the warm welcome I received when I returned a few weeks ago, plus all the fantastic donations to my charity, I have decided to restart my blog.

    So, after being left with £2.71 after the 2.6 Challenge and then the Quickfeet Cup on 6th June I decided to deposit £50.

    Due to being busy, I will aim to play four £5.50 DYMs every day - about an hour's worth of play. I did that on Saturday but have broken my rule already by playing 6 games today – Sunday.

    Of the ten games played over the weekend, I won 6 and lost 4. I also used the tourney token I had from earning enough points during the 2.6 Challenge so the closing balance tonight is £60.01. Not a bad start…
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    Welcome back to the blog and GL.

    To anyone who is new to this thread, it is an amazing read from a remarkable man (and the tribute to his mum literally brought a tear to my eye - and it is the 2nd time I read it)
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    QUICKFEET said:

    Last week’s balance £485.87

    This week after 51 tournies (all £11 TDYMs) it is £449.87. Been an up and down week. Lost 6 out of 6 tournies on Wednesday evening, then won most of it back on Thursday (3 times I committed my chips pre-flop when I was behind but either hit a straight or full house), had a down day Friday, Saturday I had motor racing commitments and then tonight was an upswing.

    There were two hands where I felt I should have done better… one I forget but the other was when it was the bubble and 2 players went all in ahead of me in the late stages. I had pocket kings and a fairly comfortable stack. I was hoping the short stacks would knock one or the other out so I folded. Turned out, on showdown, I had a 60% chance of taking down the hand, and would have done. Then the shortest stacks kept winning until the blinds ate away at my chips to put me in trouble. Went AI from the SB with Q8 suited and was called by the BB with A2. I didn’t hit.

    Had I won the two tournies I felt I made mistakes in, I’d be in profit by £9 for the week. Such are the fine margins in poker.

    With today having been Mothering Sunday, I thought I’d write something about my mum.

    When I came into the world she was in labour for 72 hours. The medics thought it was likely, given the trauma of my birth, I would have Cerebral Palsy although this wasn’t confirmed until several months later when I failed to develop physically.

    As is often the case, the doctors painted the worst case scenario. I would never get an education, never get a job and die young. Fortunately, they were wrong on all those counts although in the mid-60s they would have had no idea how computers would open up such a vast range of opportunities.

    My mother is a very determined person – I often describe her as a force of nature. While many others would have given up hope for their disabled child she carried on regardless, taking absolutely no notice of what she had been told!

    In my early years she endlessly read Ladybird books and sat with me by the window saying the name of every object that passed by – bus, car, lady, etc. No wonder I like everything on wheels… and ladies too!

    In the early ‘70s my dad, who was a fair bit older, retired and we moved from next door to his petrol station on a busy road to suburbia. My parents looked forward to many happy years ahead but 15 months later my dad had a heart attack – on Christmas Morning of all days.

    He survived although mum now had two of us to look after until dad passed away in 1981 when I was 15. This was devastating for my mum… but she never gave up and continued to care for me with minimal support.

    She spent ages turning the pages in my school and college folders as I revised for exams and supported me in my quest to find employment. Indeed, after she mentioned my situation to our local MP when he was canvassing for an election it started the ball rolling in a direction that led to me getting a job. He found out that the local disability “expert” at the Job Centre had been focussing on all the potential pit-falls when discussing my case with potential employers rather than emphasizing what an asset I could be.

    Once I was in employment, we had the money to travel the Globe. We visited mum’s brother in Sydney, toured New York and Washington but, best of all, we went through the Canadian Rockies on a train where we upgraded to a glass roofed carriage.

    In my 30s, I realised I was relying too much on my mum – to be honest I hoped to meet a beautiful woman who would look after me in the same way she had done and it took me a long-time to wake-up to the realities of life. So I got my act together, set up a bachelor pad within our home and became far more independent.

    The year 2000, when the bachelor pad came into fruition, was huge for me. I learnt to drink through a straw, eat my own meals using a foot operated device, dress and undress (at least in clothes that don’t have buttons or zips), transfer myself from my wheelchair to an armchair/bed/toilet, I even got a wash and blow loo that relieved Mum of a very unpleasant job. Such independence gave her the freedom to go out on her own (although it took some persuading for her to believe I would be ok).

    Mum’s duties are much less than they once were but even so, having turned 85 last week, she is still extremely active and has to bathe and cook for me on top of all the household chores. She loves walking and regularly covers 2 or 3 miles on foot without batting an eye leaving many people who are much younger in her wake.

    She is a truly amazing woman.

    Hi @QUICKFEET welcome back. I hope you don't mind me replying the the above post from a few years back. I have only just read it and what amazing people both you and your Mum are!

    Best of luck on your upcoming Poker, will be routing for you to do well!
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited June 2020
    Hi @QUICKFEET , following on from the above.

    It's up to you, but I am happy to help you with your game if you would like me to.

    Although it may be quite a different style to that which you play now.

    I think it could work by me emailing you some coaching videos that I've done, you then watching them, replying with your comments about them and me either replying to the email or doing another video to address your comments.

    Also, you can email me hand histories and I can offer my thoughts again via a video recording or replying to you by video.

    On the point of Zoom, is that something you can use? Do you have a way for activating speech on Zoom?

    @thisltedu and I have have found Zoom to be an effective way of discussing all sorts of Poker strategy, with it having the ability to share screens/windows etc.

    If so, would that potentially be a good medium for you to learn from?

    Entirely up to you, but the offer is there, should you want to do some form of Poker coaching/mentoring with me, through whatever medium suits you best.

    I am not a formal coach, but I do feel that I can help "break even" type players, become profitable.

    Let me know and send me a PM on this forum with your email address, if you are interested.

    All the best,

  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    Thanks for the offer Graham... I will PM you
  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    Wow! I have just caught up with this thread, and what truly amazing people you and your mother are, @QUICKFEET

    I wish you the very best in your new poker venture. I shall be following.
  • QUICKFEETQUICKFEET Member Posts: 528
    Starting balance: £60.01

    All games this week £5.50 DYM

    Monday: Played 4, won 3

    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: No time to play! Busy helping my team at Chester FC launch a campaign which we hope will raise £100k and also assisting with the initial planning of a fundraising project involving The Movement Centre.

    Saturday: Played 10, won 5

    Sunday: Played 6, won 4

    Closing balance: £70.01 plus tourney token

    Not a bad week but obviously it’s low volume. It’s probably that mistress variance making me think I am better than I am

    Other news, @StayOrGo very kindly offered to give me some training in MTTs and regular SNGs but, given my lack of time, I have passed on his offer for now.
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited June 2020

    Looks like you have had some great results. VWP!

    No problem re Poker training/coaching, the offer's there, if you ever change your mind. :D

    I am mainly an MTT "mentor/coach/player" tbh, so if you ever move to MTT's, let me know.

    All the best with your ventures for Chester FC and The Movement Centre!
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