Have sat into the main event tonight on my first and only attempt. Obv won't be taking the rebuy, but as I've already said the structure is good so I can't see it being that much of a disadvantage. There is no addon either which helps even more.
dappadon237101Entry to £4k Double Chancewaller0242902Entry to £4k Double ChanceRuffy55503£8.80 Not buying into the mini though.....have only just recovered from last nights losses so will prob just play a deepy and £500 BH on the side.
No cashes last night but no major damage done either.
Alongside the Doublechance I also played the £2.20 deepstack (which I never got going in) and the £500 BH (mid stages). The Doublechance started really well and not being able to rebuy didn't really affect me as I built up a reasonable stack by the first break. As we approached the mid to latter stages I made a questionable call from a shortstack shove with 55....they had KK lol. I managed to double up soon after and was sitting with 12bb. I exited by 3 bet shoving with 10's against KQs.......the KQ got there on the river by hitting the flush and out I went in 88th place.
Quite happy with how I played, like I said there was only that call with the 55 that I'm not too sure about. If my 10's had held then I would have been in reasonable shape as we approached the money. Tis poker!
Going to have a couple of attempts at the 12kBH sats today then prob play the usual tourneys.
GixerGuy228151Entry to £12k BH LR SemiTwistfate15722.502Entry to £12k BH LR Semi + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £7.20, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.lee098962.503Entry to £12k BH LR Semipinkgolf04£5.76waller0205
Story so far..... MICKAA 86000 1 £20 BIG_DON_GR 0 2 £12 wayne1952 0 3 £8 waller02 0 4 and.... GixerGuy 22815 1 Entry to £12k BH LR Semi Twistfate 15722.50 2 Entry to £12k BH LR Semi + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £7.20, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee. lee09 8962.50 3 Entry to £12k BH LR Semi pinkgolf 0 4 £5.76 waller02 0 5 Maxally in disguise! Posted by waller02
HEY!.....been following this thread from the start...no need, no need at all
In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!) : HEY!.....been following this thread from the start...no need, no need at all Posted by MAXALLY
There's no denying that you're quite fond of the odd bubble yourself.
I did finally manage a cash last night but I prob played more sats than I should have and ended up slightly down for the evening.
Finished 7th in a £250 BH......can't find the lobby in the "My Tables" section for some reason.
01 Aug '13 at 17:48Poker£250 B/Hunter£7.52£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History Just going to have one sat attempt for the 8k BH tonight then will be playing the orfordable later on.
Not a bad night at the tables tonight, 2 final tables so can't complain. One hand that still bugs me slightly (will post below).
Really enjoyed the Orfordable tonight (easy to say when you cash) but the chat on the tables was great throughout and this mtt is up there with the DTD's imo........win or lose it's always a great laugh.
So, results......played 3 dyms and lost them all, don't think I did anything wrong got my chips in good but it wasn't to be.
£250 BH....final table
waller0206£9.05 + £5.16 Head Prizes5
Orfordable.......another final table. I must confess that I may have been slightly intoxicated by this point (was!) so apologies if I was chatting codsh it/too much...was fun though.
waller0206£23.81 Was a great game with a good rail. Friday night orfy is always a good substitute to a night in the boozer!
BR = £63.21
Here is the hand that bugged me......we are both the chip leaders in the orfy at this stage. We have been having a bit of a battle going on. I had been 3 betting when they raised in the past few orbits (with the goods ofc ) so I think that they think I haven't got much here. The flush has obv got there but I'm still beating a lot. Is this the right call?? Shoving the river would be bad??? Should I fold given that we are the top 2 stacks? Should I bet the river??? Thoughts please
yea had a bad run the other nite didnt cash 5 in a row but roi is 18% or 19% which not bad tried going up stakes for first time in ages 3.30 dym and won woo hoo.
But agree this site need at least one more 1.10 tourney every night i love the deepy but just takes too long. One with 5 or 7 mins blind would be great 20 quid gtd or something with late reg.
yea had a bad run the other nite didnt cash 5 in a row but roi is 18% or 19% which not bad tried going up stakes for first time in ages 3.30 dym and won woo hoo. But agree this site need at least one more 1.10 tourney every night i love the deepy but just takes too long. One with 5 or 7 mins blind would be great 20 quid gtd or something with late reg. Posted by stuarty117
that says it all mate. Impressive roi....def move up, if you lose then step back down. All the best
I bet the river with the set of Queens and im not folding (unless I know he is station who plays his fd's this way). You have to call. Posted by jimb0d1
I hated the spot, oppo turns up with the flush a lot here. I didn't bet because if I'm raised then life becomes even harder! I did call and they did have the flush. When discussed on the table there were a couple of people who said I should have shoved the river.....but then I would have been bust. As played I left myself with a 9bb which I did manage to recover slightly and finish in the money.
BCOOL203501Entry to £2000 Mini B/HTENTENTEN129952Entry to £2000 Mini B/Hleonmatt7878003Entry to £2000 Mini B/HTASHAL68554Entry to £2000 Mini B/Heamonn195905£4.40waller0206 Not buying in as it's too much for my measly roll!!
dappadon237101Entry to £4k Double Chancewaller0242902Entry to £4k Double ChanceRuffy55503£8.80
Not buying into the mini though.....have only just recovered from last nights losses so will prob just play a deepy and £500 BH on the side.
BR = £59.22......as playing the 35p BH atm
No cashes last night but no major damage done either.
Alongside the Doublechance I also played the £2.20 deepstack (which I never got going in) and the £500 BH (mid stages). The Doublechance started really well and not being able to rebuy didn't really affect me as I built up a reasonable stack by the first break. As we approached the mid to latter stages I made a questionable call from a shortstack shove with 55....they had KK lol. I managed to double up soon after and was sitting with 12bb. I exited by 3 bet shoving with 10's against KQs.......the KQ got there on the river by hitting the flush and out I went in 88th place.
Quite happy with how I played, like I said there was only that call with the 55 that I'm not too sure about. If my 10's had held then I would have been in reasonable shape as we approached the money. Tis poker!
Going to have a couple of attempts at the 12kBH sats today then prob play the usual tourneys.
BR = £54.72
GixerGuy228151Entry to £12k BH LR SemiTwistfate15722.502Entry to £12k BH LR Semi + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £7.20, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.lee098962.503Entry to £12k BH LR Semipinkgolf04£5.76waller0205
Maxally in disguise!
There's no denying that you're quite fond of the odd bubble yourself.
Finished 7th in a £250 BH......can't find the lobby in the "My Tables" section for some reason.
01 Aug '13 at 17:48Poker£250 B/Hunter£7.52£0.00Poker AIR clientHand History
Just going to have one sat attempt for the 8k BH tonight then will be playing the orfordable later on.
BR = £46.14
Really enjoyed the Orfordable tonight (easy to say when you cash) but the chat on the tables was great throughout and this mtt is up there with the DTD's imo........win or lose it's always a great laugh.
So, results......played 3 dyms and lost them all, don't think I did anything wrong got my chips in good but it wasn't to be.
£250 BH....final table
waller0206£9.05 + £5.16 Head Prizes5
Orfordable.......another final table. I must confess that I may have been slightly intoxicated by this point (was!) so apologies if I was chatting codsh it/too much...was fun though.
Was a great game with a good rail. Friday night orfy is always a good substitute to a night in the boozer!
BR = £63.21
Here is the hand that bugged me......we are both the chip leaders in the orfy at this stage. We have been having a bit of a battle going on. I had been 3 betting when they raised in the past few orbits (with the goods ofc
waller02 Small blind 1500.00 1500.00 94527.48 Shelly89 Big blind 3000.00 4500.00 82715.63 Your hole cards Q Q bugsytwo Fold SBBonj Fold IDONKCALLU Fold Batkin88 Fold timeforbed Fold brass777 Fold katali Fold waller02 Raise 6000.00 10500.00 88527.48 Shelly89 Call 4500.00 15000.00 78215.63 Flop 5 6 4 waller02 Bet 9000.00 24000.00 79527.48 Shelly89 Call 9000.00 33000.00 69215.63 Turn Q waller02 Bet 21000.00 54000.00 58527.48 Shelly89 Call 21000.00 75000.00 48215.63 River J waller02 Check Shelly89 Bet 37500.00 112500.00 10715.63 waller02 Call
But agree this site need at least one more 1.10 tourney every night i love the deepy but just takes too long. One with 5 or 7 mins blind would be great 20 quid gtd or something with late reg.
waller02707018Entry to £8,000 B/Hunter
I did play 3x £1.60 sats to get there but even just one head prize would make it worth it.
Gl at the tables all
BCOOL203501Entry to £2000 Mini B/HTENTENTEN129952Entry to £2000 Mini B/Hleonmatt7878003Entry to £2000 Mini B/HTASHAL68554Entry to £2000 Mini B/Heamonn195905£4.40waller0206
Not buying in as it's too much for my measly roll!!
I blame Kalie.......thanks a lot
I had 10's on an 8 high board.......not sure if I should have folded??? oppo had KK
A true lady would offer me the fiver back......just saying lol