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The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!)



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    Missssssed a whole bunch of this diary as ive been away on holiday/ in nottingham. Im pleased youve gone down the MTT route tbh.  Yes its high variance.  Yes its not really working with a BR.  But its what youre best at and most importantly its what you enjoy - and if you are playing poker and not enjoying it why bother?  Im exactly the same. Nice bink mate.  Stick to the small tournaments... they are decent.  Are you playing any of the £2.20 or £3.30 or £1.10 turbos/rebuys with like a £30 or £50 gtd in the afternoon?  They only get about 12 players running usually and are very good mini tournaments to help a BR.
    Posted by gazza127
    The bits of the diary you have missed were pretty poor!! Wd on cashing in notts btw, good going for your first live outing!

    Yeah I'm gonna stick with mtts purely because I enjoy them. I'm not playing any of the afternoon mtts because of work, the first one I play is normally the £250 BH at 6pm. I'm hoping the dyms will help pay for a lot of the mtts I play too so I can TRY and avoid going broke.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    Very nice going Waller! This is the tournie i went out of yesterday in 12th place just after the bubble burst. Is my fave one of the deepstacks, probably cause its only a pound to enter lol Good to see your back up to almost ur starting stack. Nice feeling getting 1st, and the start of a bit of run good for sure.
    Posted by LARSON7
    Cheers Larson, I was starting to think that I would never win an mtt again! Yeah I enjoy the deepys, always plenty of play.....bring on the DTD tonight!!

    Wd on winning another mtt yourself mate.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited July 2013
    Keep it going m8 - GL
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013

    Ty MP33.

    Just played the DTDs and only ran deep in DTD 2 eventually busting when I open shoved 9bb with A10 and ran into Aces on the bb.......another enjoyable night though. The DTD is VERY hard to win!!!

    DTD 1.

    Lost a big pot blind v blind AK<AA then busted my last 5bb A10<K10

    DTD 2.
    got my last 9bb in the middle in pretty bad shape!! A10<AA

    DTD 3.
    Exit hand posted below. Thoughts appreciated.

    Have three hands to post tonight where I would appreciate some feedback.

    Hand 1.
    Exit hand from DTD 3. By the time the action is round to me I'm pretty sure that one of them may have flopped the flush, but given the fact I may still be ahead plus I can house up or hit another 6 (I think i'm getting the odds????) was my call correct????

    jamie2k10 Small blind  40.00 40.00 6297.00 waller02 Big blind  80.00 120.00 2380.00   Your hole cards 6 6       sizzling Fold     b Raise  160.00 280.00 1525.50 a Call  160.00 440.00 3765.00 riverrick Call  160.00 600.00 2842.50 jamie2k10 Fold     waller02 Call  80.00 680.00 2300.00 Flop    2 7 6       waller02 Check     b All-in  1525.50 2205.50 0.00 aAll-in  3765.00 5970.50 0.00 riverrick Fold     waller02 All-in  2300.00 8270.50 0.00 a Unmatched bet  1465.00 6805.50 1465.00 waller02 Show 6 6    b Show K 5    aShow A 4    Turn    10       River    A       a Win Flush to the Ace 6805.50  8270.50
    Hand 2.
    Oppo here is a good player (mostly :P). Unlikely to spew off here with one pair. Could have a missed draw, could have nothing but a lot more likely to be strong. Hate the way I played my hand. Did discuss it afterwards when I said "you had better than one pair?" and they assured me they did......but they would say that. I'm confident I was beat here though simply due to my history with that player. I think I should have got the lot in or folded the turn???? Thoughts here please!!!

    oscarpet Small blind  40.00 40.00 4925.00 x Big blind  80.00 120.00 6068.75   Your hole cards K K       micko Fold     labrat64 Fold     sizzling Fold     waller02 Raise  200.00 320.00 6870.00 oscarpet Fold     x Call  120.00 440.00 5948.75 Flop    5 8 4       x Check     waller02 Bet  240.00 680.00 6630.00 x Raise  930.00 1610.00 5018.75 waller02 Call  690.00 2300.00 5940.00 Turn    9       x Bet  1725.00 4025.00 3293.75 waller02 Call  1725.00 5750.00 4215.00 River    J       x All-in  3293.75 9043.75 0.00 waller02 Fold     x Muck     x Win  5750.00  5750.00 x Return  3293.75 0.00 9043.75
    Hand 3.
    Oppo here is another well known competent player. We both have big stacks and it's still very early on. But should I have gone bust?? When they flat the 4 bet and then the flop bet something didn't feel right....I'm pretty sure they wouldn't play AJ like this and I think they would most likely have given up with AK. I smelt a rat and I didn't want to clash with another big stack so early on. Should I have gone bust here.....even though my gut feeling was telling me something was wrong??? 
    3barrels Small blind  40.00 40.00 4910.00 Batkin88 Big blind  80.00 120.00 6317.50   Your hole cards Q Q       waller02 Raise  200.00 320.00 11291.25 Headmelter Fold     x Raise  440.00 760.00 11333.13 EVsucks Fold     3barrels Fold     Batkin88 Fold     waller02 Raise  720.00 1480.00 10571.25 xCall  480.00 1960.00 10853.13 Flop    3 J 6       waller02 Bet  1120.00 3080.00 9451.25 x Call  1120.00 4200.00 9733.13 Turn    8       waller02 Check     xCheck     River    10       waller02 Check     x Bet  1680.00 5880.00 8053.13 waller02 Call  1680.00 7560.00 7771.25 xShow K K    waller02 Show Q Q    x Win Pair of Kings 7560.00  15613.13

    I would have prob got the lot in against 2 randoms in the above hands. Should I have still gone for it given my reads on the oppo's?? Am I a total nit???? lol

    BR = £41.14

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013
    Off work today so played a few games.....mixed feelings right now.

    Played 2 £3 dyms and lost them both by losing 2 70/30's.......not ideal!! Also played a 20 runner BH and finished 7th with 2 heads, happy with my play in that one.

    Now I have a dilemma on my hands. I have sat into the main event tonight so I should really buy into the mini (gotta be in it to win it) but it's obv way outside of my br!! Will prob buy in though as it is a BH so there is a chance of at least getting some head prizes, besides pigs might fly and I could scoop the jackpot!!! hahaha

    waller02170201Entry to £4,000 Turbo Opencenachav69802Entry to £4,000 Turbo Openrobthebo1603£4.40
    Have lost a tenner today but I will stick to a couple more dyms as I have lost the previous 2 whilst making the correct play (I think). Full update at the end of the night.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013
    I also take it that my play in hands 2 and 3 were truly awful due to the lack of comments. If it was awful then please tell me.....with reasons why :)
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited July 2013
    Just imagine if your BR went from £40 to £7000 in one night cause of the jackpot.

    Oh wouldnt that just be awesome.

    Of course it wont happen as im going to do it.  You can have 2nd in both though. ~ £4000 will have to do. :)
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    Just imagine if your BR went from £40 to £7000 in one night cause of the jackpot. Oh wouldnt that just be awesome. Of course it wont happen as im going to do it.  You can have 2nd in both though. ~ £4000 will have to do. :)
    Posted by gazza127
    I can dream........a min cash would do right now though haha
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013

    GOING BAD!!!!! If you don't get a good start in that turbo you can kiss it goodbye.....I kissed it lol!!

    Elsewhere??? Also bad!!!

    Back to critical status.....update later :(

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013
    Don't know what to say.........

    One of those nights, played bad, ran worse, testicles bruised!!!

    Playing with a br any less than 3 figures is rather hard! You can't apply any form of brm and the beats hurt. Tried to pay for any mtts I played with the dyms tonight but everything that could go wrong.......did go wrong! Didn't enjoy this evening truth be told haha.

    There is obv something wrong with my game, if you can't beat the micros then you can't beat anything. Back to the drawing board!!!

    Gonna watch a film and go to bed..........dejected!!!

    BR = £12.99......even the br seems a bit of a p*** take, £12.99 please.....keep the change!
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited July 2013

      Come on Ryan, you can turn this round m8.  I withdrew most of my BR last month, left myself just under

      £40. Proceeded to go on a nightmare run and went down to just under £8. Thought about depositing but 

      decided to see if i could build back up.( Havent deposited since 2007). 

      So i 1 tabled nl4 , had a couple of good nights, played a few small dyms and of course the £25 gtd at

      10.15 and am now back up to £40 with £10 C4P to come.  Not fantastic results by any standard but at 

      least gives me summat to work with.

      PS.  I dont play ABC at NL4.  I sit at tables with players i have never heard of and see a lot of flops. Why?

      because it is so cheap to see flops on tables where NOBODY has a raise button, or can read the board.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013

    Hey Ryan
    A lot of time in the low stakes it's hard becase you play a hand well, and someone has called with junk and gets there. That's my initial impression anyway after playing quite a few more mtts recently. This is especially true in B/h ers.

    I know people say you want those players, but when there is so many, it soon all adds up.

    It's hard but i would say don't focus too much on bankroll, get the fun back into the game. If you are not enjoying it, it's not worth it.

    Stay focussed, and good luck.

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited July 2013
    ul m8
    if you bought into the mini you know that was wrong with your br
    forget fancy stuff like jackpots - stick to your rules for brm
    not easy i know - i can't do it very well myself, but that is the task you have set yourself so stick to it
    as pom says it's still possible to get back - you will have to sweat it though

    cheers for your kind words on my thread btw - much appreciated
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    I also take it that my play in hands 2 and 3 were truly awful due to the lack of comments. If it was awful then please tell me.....with reasons why :)
    Posted by waller02

    lack of comments doesn't mean awful - maybe not much we can add
    H2 tough
    H3 I would have gone broke if it was later in the tournament - early doors maybe a chance to get away from it

  • D_LegendD_Legend Member Posts: 335
    edited July 2013
    people misunderstand how hard the micros is.
    hang in there u can do it drop to 50p dym for the time being. 
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013
    Thanks for the words of encouragement all..........what can I say you brought me some luck! Just binked the £150 BH (must take more time off work lol).

    waller021480001£32.19 + £17.42 Head Prizes7£5.46
    The HU battle was one of the best I have had with both of us on the ropes at some stage but I got the hands when it mattered, and actually got a bit fortunate to bust him. So, that's 2 mtt wins this week......none for months then 2 in a week!

    I also played the other £150 BH alongside this one and busted out 2 off the money, very annoyingly. I open shoved my 12bb with AJ in the cut off, looked up by A6 in the big blind.......6 on the river and out I go :( If I won that hand I would have def cashed and prob final tabled, but I did take 3 heads to make my money back.

    Bear_Proof010£3.42 + £2.53 Head Prizes2 leeds72011£4.07 Head Prizes2 waller02012£3.66 Head Prizes3 
    Also had a small cash in the £20 freeroll.

    Even won a dym!!! lol What a difference a day makes! :)

    BR = £61.97
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013
    Brilliant! Very nice result Waller,

    Back in the game!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    Brilliant! Very nice result Waller, Back in the game!
    Posted by LARSON7
    Ty m8........the big question is, for how long??? My roll has been up and down like a tarts knickers!
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013
    lol with DYM's the rake is massive mate, even 3 quid 1s are 10%.

    I can't see how these are profitable, unless you are putting in massive volume.

    I would say best to stick to just tournies. 1 £3 DYM could be 3 deepie MTTs!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    lol with DYM's the rake is massive mate, even 3 quid 1s are 10%. I can't see how these are profitable, unless you are putting in massive volume. I would say best to stick to just tournies. 1 £3 DYM could be 3 deepie MTTs!
    Posted by LARSON7
    I will prob still play the odd dym, they are quite good for when you haven't got a great deal of time on your hands.

    I am thinking of trying a sat for the double chance tonight but I will not be able to take the rebuy. The structure is great though so can you see this being that much of a disadvantage? There is no addon afterall.
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