I've just read through this thread and would echo the thoughts of others before me - you don't display the mindset of someone who is going to be a winning and successful poker player.
If you're so frustrated with your ability to win at 5p/10p, drop down to 2p/4p for a while to get your confidence back
And above all, it's just poker. Don't get so frustrated about it.
im not dropping to 4nl, I wouldn't care then because £4 wouldn't bother me weather I won it or lost it.
I won £5.50 at 10nl, decided to quit and play the mini bounty hunter 1 table as I was watching the England game, come 86/457, top 52 was cash. Played well and got a few bad beats on another day id cash I think so never mind. balance still stands at £227.
just looking at a few posts on this page about dropping stakes, imo don`t drop down stakes atm if your roll drops to £160-180 then go play mixture of 4/5/8nl just to build up confidence and build your roll back but until that happens stick with 10nl your game is defo good enough to beat this level.
also you may not care it`s only £4 quid what to do is eliminate this way of thinking of winning or losing £££££`s think of it is how many bi`s won or lost and just focus on winning as many bi`s you can, just a thought though that`s what I do each month.
I got given this advice from a experienced cash game player on this site maybe a year and half ago which helped me personally.
the jj hand that is just a really sick hand but be happy how you played it and you got money in as huge favourite thats all you can do buddy.
Robbie u r a good player mate. your b/roll will grow again i'm sure of it. just stay patient. don't get to down at losing a session,it will happen every week. building a b/roll up is all about the long term growth,and it will be 1 step forward & 2 steps back sometimes. then that will change one day to 2 steps forward & 1 step back.
I try and play each session the same,that is playing my best. if I lose then I have no regrets either. sometimes my standard slips and I have the odd bad session and it can be costly,but I try and learn from it and not make the same mistakes twice.(in my case it's usually due to playing to many tables mixed in with to many hours play),which nearly happened again on sat night,but thankfully I got away with it this time)
also I've just started thinking about my losses in terms of number of buy-ins as liamboi does.(bit of a coincidence there btw..lol) losing £28 the other night is bad enough but it is only 2.8 buy-ins,and that is a better way of looking at it,i think.
if you are struggling to play 2-2.5 hrs then something is wrong. I can play 7-8 hrs and I still want to carry on. I am having the opposite problem to you atm,and am trying to shorten my sessions. lol why not give yourself a target to reach say £500 or something,then you could move back up to nl20.might work. just playing day in day out can become very boring,trust me I've done it,so why not take the odd day off and do something else. I like to set myself little targets...not to hard or else I won't make it,and I would get fed up with myself. once I reach that target then i'll think of another one,like getting to £1000 or something in my case,then I can start playing mastercash tables...see how i'm thinking ahead...all the time.
anyway mate...just a suggestion for you to think about. gl anyway dev
Im not generally one to sugar coat my comments, so here is how I see it.
Firstly, its great you want to become a better player and I have no problem with you being a bit angry that you are not winning yet - that shows hunger inside you, and you can use that.
Now, here are the bits you might not like.
a) you are not very good at poker right now, there are no two ways about that.
b) you need to move to 4nl, look at whats happening to your roll, extrapolate that forward a few weeks, and you get the idea
c) you need to forget about you bankroll, you even need to forget about winning hands. What you need to do is work on making the right decisions every time the action is on you. If you do this enough using good BRM your bankroll will grow.
I suggest taking a few days away from playing and just read read read. Get on the internet and read about how to beat microstakes 6max. There is a shed load of information out there. Read it, then read it again, you know what....read it a third time until it sinks in.
If you can apply this to 4nl you will be back to your starting roll eventually.
So, to recap, imo you will do one of two things.
1) Stay at 10nl, and then dissapear from here within 2 weeks never to be seen again.
2) Educate yourself, move to 4nl, start learning how to crush and become a reg.
I appreciate you probably dont want to hear this, but its how I see it.
Ok Robbie Im not generally one to sugar coat my comments, so here is how I see it. Firstly, its great you want to become a better player and I have no problem with you being a bit angry that you are not winning yet - that shows hunger inside you, and you can use that. Now, here are the bits you might not like. a) you are not very good at poker right now, there are no two ways about that. b) you need to move to 4nl , look at whats happening to your roll, extrapolate that forward a few weeks, and you get the idea c) you need to forget about you bankroll, you even need to forget about winning hands. What you need to do is work on making the right decisions every time the action is on you. If you do this enough using good BRM your bankroll will grow. I suggest taking a few days away from playing and just read read read. Get on the internet and read about how to beat microstakes 6max. There is a shed load of information out there. Read it, then read it again, you know what....read it a third time until it sinks in. If you can apply this to 4nl you will be back to your starting roll eventually. So, to recap, imo you will do one of two things. 1) Stay at 10nl, and then dissapear from here within 2 weeks never to be seen again. 2) Educate yourself, move to 4nl, start learning how to crush and become a reg. I appreciate you probably dont want to hear this, but its how I see it. All the best whatever you decide. ccf Posted by calcalfold
Hey Calc,
Nice post! But, i don't know if moving to 4nl would be the answer.
For the simple reason that the play at times can be pretty bad/ from bad players to nitty regs.
For Robbie's game he wants to win and enjoy the game. I don't know if he'd get much enoyment out of 4nl.
As to winning, it's been far to small a sample at 10nl to say if it's working out or not at this level.
Yeah jj was at a crucial time but oh we'll I can't do no more I'd rather have the jacks and lose making the correct decision rather then the other way round. I think Im not playing awful but just making a huge mistake here and there thats expensive. Really dev? Your ill if ur playing 9 times all that time and still not satisfied just gonna try put in as much as I can for the next 4 days for the promo and see what happens. Aiming for 3x 6/7 hour days and 4x 9 hour days just for the experience.
I appreciate your honesty cal but u can't really have an accurate estimation weather I'm good enough unless u watch my game constantly, dev and Liam do cause I play with them fairly often. And it's true what Larson said I wouldn't get enjoyment from 4nl, poker is a buzz and I don't get that buzz at 4nl, just my view.
Hopefully things are now looking a bit more postive. If your watching vids on DC then take a look at "Tolerance"
" If you think that you should win every time you sit down at the tables, Tolerance is a great series to watch to help you understand just how unlikely that is, and to help guide your understanding of what to expect when playing poker." DC outage
exactly but I only post bad hands mostly so its gonna look terriable.
Okay rancid ill have a look, im currently watching the +evolution of a micro player, by stheif09, he rabbles on but it has some good contents, only watched 2 episodes so far but watched loads of his stuff and think his prob the best coach on there.
Todays Update !!
Played my longest session today as part of me trying to get somewhere in the current promotion. Played from 10 35 - 4 35 and took two 5 mins break to let the dog out and get a tea. Happy with how I played in general, Kept my range strict throughout the whole time and think my hand reading was fairly good today. My biggest losing hands were poor though I think and I could of done better with them tbh, but I also won a lot of all ins and even reached my highest amount for a 10 nl table (£54 I think ). I ended up £40 up.....or as liam and dev have made me say 4 Byins up. Its a start to building my b/r back, even tho that's not massive for 6 hours on 3 tables its a win and ill happily take it. I was abit surprised it was only that as I felt like for the last 2 hours I was constantly winning all ins. Im hoping ill feature somewhere on the leaderboard tomorrow and looking to prob play the same amount of time tomorrow. Proberly wont play no more tonight as wanna feel fresh tomorrow. Im think of getting up at about 8 and play, will there be enough traffic that early though ??
ILL also post some hands if it doesn't come out in jiberish !
Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance robbie1992 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £17.53 Bjmaster Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £9.11 Badbeats22 Big blind £0.10 £0.25 £6.90 Cash_Daddy Sit out Your hole cards 10 A Badbeats22 Check daragh1980 Fold Donttelmum Fold robbie1992 Raise £0.50 £0.75 £17.03 Bjmaster Call £0.45 £1.20 £8.66 Badbeats22 Fold Flop 4 10 6 robbie1992 Check Bjmaster Check Turn K robbie1992 Check Bjmaster Check River K robbie1992 Bet £1.20 £2.40 £15.83 Bjmaster All-in £8.66 £11.06 £0.00 robbie1992 Call £7.46 £18.52 £8.37 robbie1992 Show 10 A Bjmaster Show 7 K Posted by robbie1992
given table dinamics I don't hate this call. I called and thought obv he has that your so stupid, but when I thought of his tendencies and the way it was played looked very bluffy.
This was my most confussing hand, the player is TAG, and a reg. He had been 3 betting me often possiable due to me opening a lot on a tight table, I had already had this had and flatted the 3 bet and c/f flop. I thought a small 4 bet would look strong and make my story make sense if there overcards (which there will be most times and that will mean I have to c/f which is a -ev way of playing this hand) Also I had not 4 bet once.......my plan was to c/shove this flop. I don't have a clue what he could have looking at it, maybe set of 10's?
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Pair of Aces
My favourite hand of the whole session, he was a loose fishy opponent and I think I got max value here. I think he will show up with flush /2 pair sometimes but long term I think this is +ev, I had to force myself to do it and not check here tho lol
Hand 1 (ATs) - I'd only go 4x when someone has posted but pre is still fine. Why on earth are we not c-betting like the nut best flop for us? As played, fold river.
Hand 2 - 4x good, guess we have to call the 3bet but it's pretty urgh OOP when the villian is TinTin. I just check the turn. As played, easy fold.
is a10 really that bad? the opponent was very splashy and I didn't think he would ckeck a King on the turn AND the river, didn't think he was capable of that, and then to shove aswell on river?, I dunno I think its very polarized range and I think im good here against this opponent a majority of the time. Also someone had posted that's why the raise is bigger
Ahhh was wondering how you knew its tintin, yeah its a horriable hand really. I think I prefer 4 bet/fold to just a flat call. I should of lead out I agree but he was cbetin a lot of flop so I think the c/s would of been okay. What you think his range is, I really not sure. Is it a fold on the turn ?
If you're so frustrated with your ability to win at 5p/10p, drop down to 2p/4p for a while to get your confidence back
And above all, it's just poker. Don't get so frustrated about it.
I won £5.50 at 10nl, decided to quit and play the mini bounty hunter 1 table as I was watching the England game, come 86/457, top 52 was cash. Played well and got a few bad beats on another day id cash I think so never mind. balance still stands at £227.
Robbie u r a good player mate.
your b/roll will grow again i'm sure of it.
just stay patient.
don't get to down at losing a session,it will happen every week.
building a b/roll up is all about the long term growth,and it will be 1 step forward & 2 steps back sometimes.
then that will change one day to 2 steps forward & 1 step back.
I try and play each session the same,that is playing my best.
if I lose then I have no regrets either.
sometimes my standard slips and I have the odd bad session and it can be costly,but I try and learn from it and not make the same mistakes twice.(in my case it's usually due to playing to many tables mixed in with to many hours play),which nearly happened again on sat night,but thankfully I got away with it this time)
also I've just started thinking about my losses in terms of number of buy-ins as liamboi does.(bit of a coincidence there btw..lol)
losing £28 the other night is bad enough but it is only 2.8 buy-ins,and that is a better way of looking at it,i think.
if you are struggling to play 2-2.5 hrs then something is wrong.
I can play 7-8 hrs and I still want to carry on.
I am having the opposite problem to you atm,and am trying to shorten my sessions. lol
why not give yourself a target to reach say £500 or something,then you could move back up to nl20.might work.
just playing day in day out can become very boring,trust me I've done it,so why not take the odd day off and do something else.
I like to set myself little targets...not to hard or else I won't make it,and I would get fed up with myself.
once I reach that target then i'll think of another one,like getting to £1000 or something in my case,then I can start playing mastercash tables...see how i'm thinking ahead...all the time.
anyway mate...just a suggestion for you to think about.
gl anyway
(* *)
Im not generally one to sugar coat my comments, so here is how I see it.
Firstly, its great you want to become a better player and I have no problem with you being a bit angry that you are not winning yet - that shows hunger inside you, and you can use that.
Now, here are the bits you might not like.
a) you are not very good at poker right now, there are no two ways about that.
b) you need to move to 4nl, look at whats happening to your roll, extrapolate that forward a few weeks, and you get the idea
c) you need to forget about you bankroll, you even need to forget about winning hands. What you need to do is work on making the right decisions every time the action is on you. If you do this enough using good BRM your bankroll will grow.
I suggest taking a few days away from playing and just read read read. Get on the internet and read about how to beat microstakes 6max. There is a shed load of information out there. Read it, then read it again, you know what....read it a third time until it sinks in.
If you can apply this to 4nl you will be back to your starting roll eventually.
So, to recap, imo you will do one of two things.
1) Stay at 10nl, and then dissapear from here within 2 weeks never to be seen again.
2) Educate yourself, move to 4nl, start learning how to crush and become a reg.
I appreciate you probably dont want to hear this, but its how I see it.
All the best whatever you decide.
Nice post! But, i don't know if moving to 4nl would be the answer.
For the simple reason that the play at times can be pretty bad/ from bad players to nitty regs.
For Robbie's game he wants to win and enjoy the game. I don't know if he'd get much enoyment out of 4nl.
As to winning, it's been far to small a sample at 10nl to say if it's working out or not at this level.
Hopefully things are now looking a bit more postive.
If your watching vids on DC then take a look at "Tolerance"
" If you think that you should win every time you sit down at the tables, Tolerance is a great series to watch to help you understand just how unlikely that is, and to help guide your understanding of what to expect when playing poker." DC outage
Although I did make this assumption based on the three hands posted on the previous page, and I feel there is work to be done.
Hope you get the results you are looking for.
Okay rancid ill have a look, im currently watching the +evolution of a micro player, by stheif09, he rabbles on but it has some good contents, only watched 2 episodes so far but watched loads of his stuff and think his prob the best coach on there.
Todays Update !!
Played my longest session today as part of me trying to get somewhere in the current promotion. Played from 10 35 - 4 35 and took two 5 mins break to let the dog out and get a tea. Happy with how I played in general, Kept my range strict throughout the whole time and think my hand reading was fairly good today. My biggest losing hands were poor though I think and I could of done better with them tbh, but I also won a lot of all ins and even reached my highest amount for a 10 nl table (£54 I think ). I ended up £40 up.....or as liam and dev have made me say 4 Byins up. Its a start to building my b/r back, even tho that's not massive for 6 hours on 3 tables its a win and ill happily take it. I was abit surprised it was only that as I felt like for the last 2 hours I was constantly winning all ins. Im hoping ill feature somewhere on the leaderboard tomorrow and looking to prob play the same amount of time tomorrow. Proberly wont play no more tonight as wanna feel fresh tomorrow. Im think of getting up at about 8 and play, will there be enough traffic that early though ??
ILL also post some hands if it doesn't come out in jiberish !
Hand 2 - 4x good, guess we have to call the 3bet but it's pretty urgh OOP when the villian is TinTin. I just check the turn. As played, easy fold.
Hand 3 - nh
Firstly, wtf?!?!?!?!
Secondly, Bet the flop
Bet the flop
Good stuff
As an aside, fold to the nits. When TinTin bets, we fold. Simples
Ahhh was wondering how you knew its tintin, yeah its a horriable hand really. I think I prefer 4 bet/fold to just a flat call. I should of lead out I agree but he was cbetin a lot of flop so I think the c/s would of been okay. What you think his range is, I really not sure. Is it a fold on the turn ?