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Ah got a feelin



  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    With Drawn £212, and i'm up £29 on my starting roll

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    Bad day, minus 3.5 Bi's.

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    It's been a bizarre couple of weeks with the poker. First week was on an amazing heater, i had  a run of 6/7 consecutive winning days. Life was good, it was easy, confidence was through the roof.

    Things changed on Monday of this week, I ended up 3.5 bi's down. I wasn't playing particuarly bad just running terrible. Tuedsay through to Thursday, i had a massive swing up and down, winning and losing, it's the most swingy time i've ever experienced with poker. I was so annoyed with myself cause i had started to play really bad, a good example I have AQ, in a 4 bet pot, Queen high flop, we get it in on the flop, of course he has kings! It's so obvious he had an over pair, but instead of calling opponents flop bet i go and reraise and called his shove, pretty bad.

    It was made worse by the fact i was chasing losses and played a lot more 20nl over 10nl.

    I was tilted, playing bad and running bad. I'm embarassed looking at some of the hand histories.

    Another thing that was tilting was every table had 3/4 tight "regulars" on them (at 10nl) so there was no action at all, and they were on every table, so things were really slow.

    Friday and today have been really good days and i'm in profit overall for the week which on Thursday wouldn't have seemed possible.

    It's been a turbulent week at the poker but long term it's taught me some important lessons, especially don't play when tilted, just stop! Better to be down 2 bi than making it worse by losing more.

    There's also a lot of stuff i need to learn in relation to poker. If i want to play 20nl and beat 20nl convinclingly, there's a lot of work to be done!
  • DiminuendoDiminuendo Member Posts: 222
    edited November 2013
    Poker has alot to do with patience on and off the tables mate.

    Its not just a case of being patient in game, its also a case of being patient when not at a table and waiting for the right tables to become available.

    No good sitting v tight nits and watching paint dry for hours winning the odd big blind here and there, just get on with other stuff and come back when the tables are better and you will find your win rate rocket.

    You have a good aggro game on you but pick your spots a little better and that too will help you alot.

    Also you should try a few bigger buyin mtts anytime you have a good cash session because while there is alot more variance in them and you may not even cash for a good while you also might get that one big bink you need to put yourself on the next run of the ladder.

    Good Luck mate
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    This is the hand that crippled me in the primo. I was spot on about the check raise being a bluff. My mistake comes on the river. My gut instinct when i was check raised was it a bluff, and to let coxy fire both streets and let him bluff away.

    In saying that he could be doing ith with Ace 10, 910, it just felt like a bluff. Pretty sure he didn't have  aset.

    The turn is a total brick, so peeling again is fine. On the river with the 1.7x raise he's making it look bluffy, and looking to get called by Ace X type hands, it's so obvious. My big mistake was calling the river bet, it's highly unlikely he is bluffing here, he's a good player, and wouldn't be jeaporading his chips so early on, that says it all really. While i was right on the flop, turn was fine, river was my big mistake. I got ul on the turn, but still an easy fold on the river for the simple reason he'd never be bluffing of his stack early doors.

    bazwin Small blind   10.00 10.00 3150.00
    x Big blind   20.00 30.00 3020.00
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    jonnyrkd Fold        
    Claytov Fold        
    DJP1990 Fold        
    LARSON7 Raise   60.00 90.00 2900.00
    bazwin Fold        
    x Call   40.00 130.00 2980.00
    • 10
    • A
    • 9
    x Check        
    LARSON7 Bet   65.00 195.00 2835.00
    x Raise   180.00 375.00 2800.00
    LARSON7 Call   115.00 490.00 2720.00
    • 3
    x Bet   275.00 765.00 2525.00
    LARSON7 Call   275.00 1040.00 2445.00
    • 4
    x Bet   1775.00 2815.00 750.00
    LARSON7 Call   1775.00 4590.00 670.00
    x Show
    • 3
    • 3
    LARSON7 Muck
    • Q
    • Q
    x Win Three 3s 4590.00  
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    Good stuff mate
    Looks like you're getting the results you deserve at the moment.
    Keep going

    Edit: posted before you put up the hh post.
    Ouch, think you have to fold, annoying when they get there when your read is right on the flop.
    Lol at me saying fold. That button is still shiny and new on my laptop. The call button is knackered though :)
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    You say peeling the turn is fine, but the problem with that is that we are going to be facing another bet on the river, and our hand is highly unlikley to improve. It's CLB, one of the best players on the site, we know he will fire again.

    I think we can comfortably bin this on the turn. It's the first level of the Primo, we will still have bags of chips behind. If he is bluffing, then let him have it. There are much better spots to go to war.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ah got a feeling:
    Poker has alot to do with patience on and off the tables mate. Its not just a case of being patient in game, its also a case of being patient when not at a table and waiting for the right tables to become available. No good sitting v tight nits and watching paint dry for hours winning the odd big blind here and there, just get on with other stuff and come back when the tables are better and you will find your win rate rocket. You have a good aggro game on you but pick your spots a little better and that too will help you alot. Also you should try a few bigger buyin mtts anytime you have a good cash session because while there is alot more variance in them and you may not even cash for a good while you also might get that one big bink you need to put yourself on the next run of the ladder. Good Luck mate
    Posted by Diminuendo
    Thanks Kev, all wise words. I will maybe look at trying a few more sats for bigger buy in tournaments. I just see Cash as being more consistant with less variance, but would like to be playing some bigger games, maybe a goal for next year.

    I ended up satting into the Primo tonight for £2, i didn't last long at all. I played an interesting hand against CoxyLBoro, i'll post it below with my thoughts on the hand, and where i made my mistake.

    I also played the 7:45 and 7:15 deepstacks, I won the 7:45 one and came 9th in the 7:15 one. I ended up bubbling the 8:05 bh too.

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    HH if he's bluffing, our hand doesn't need to improve, we are letting him bluff away.

    Folding the turn is a mistake in my opinion when i've called the flop raise for a reason (i think i'm good)

    But you are right about the 2nd part, no way can i ever call the river bet.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    Fold from the BH tonight against a tight player! Prob had quad queens
    tripAAolA Small blind   75.00 75.00 7358.75
    x Big blind   150.00 225.00 7297.50
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • K
    flintoff22 Fold        
    theblade16 Fold        
    LARSON7 Raise   300.00 525.00 5320.00
    declar Fold        
    tripAAolA Fold        
    x Call   150.00 675.00 7147.50
    • Q
    • Q
    • K
    x Check        
    LARSON7 Bet   337.50 1012.50 4982.50
    x Call   337.50 1350.00 6810.00
    • 10
    x All-in   6810.00 8160.00 0.00
    LARSON7 Fold        
    x Muck        
    x Win   1350.00   1350.00
    x Return   6810.00  
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    You played any more live cash?
    Thought you might have got the bug after the success first time out.
    Have you given up on that other place by the way?
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ah got a feeling:
    HH if he's bluffing, our hand doesn't need to improve, we are letting him bluff away. Folding the turn is a mistake in my opinion when i've called the flop raise for a reason (i think i'm good) But you are right about the 2nd part, no way can i ever call the river bet.
    Posted by LARSON7
    Kinda contradict yourself Henrik. If you think he's bluffing on the turn, then you have to call the river and be reasonably happy to do so. Why would you call the turn confident that you're ahead to then not call the bet on the river after a harmless 4 completes the board? 

    Why is folding the turn a mistake? We are either miles ahead or miles behind on this board. We are either drawing to 2 outs, or comfortably ahead of Coxy's airballs. Not sure how often he turns up with air here.

    Fair play for going with your read that he had nothing and calling him down. Long term, I don't think this will yield positive results. It's too early in a well structured tournament to get carried away with 'hero' calls etc.

    Well done on your DS bink btw.
  • RyanC7RyanC7 Member Posts: 355
    edited November 2013
    I think folding the 3 turn is a mistake given the action. A109r...... c/r..... turn 3 ... lol. Fold river

    I'm surprised to see 3s maybe coxy contacted Skypeter and asked him what the turn was, spacky tiit
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ah got a feeling:
    You played any more live cash? Thought you might have got the bug after the success first time out. Have you given up on that other place by the way?
    Posted by Jac35
    I posted there yesterday for the 1st time in a while, i didn't want to post up going through a bad spell, saying i'm losing it's terrible lol

    Pretty much copied and pasted that onto here.


    I meant to post on this before, but totally forgot.

    The last time i was in a Casino (excluding the SPT) it was prob about a year before when i was terrible at poker.

    Me and friends used to go up and sit down with £40 on 25/50 table or 50/1 tables, and basically just try and double up! That time i went up i went into the 1st casino and blinds were 1/2 at a minimum! there was also 2/4 and 5/10 tables.  There was a waiting list so i decided to go check out another casino where i was hoping blinds would be 50/1 (i had roughly £200 on me).

    The next casino only had 1 table running, and there was 2 seats available, but the blinds were 1/2, i thought i've come this far i might as well give it a go. The £200 was money from poker winnings, it would have been annoying to lose it, but i was prepared that it was just a buyin, and if i lost it atleast i had taken a shot.

    Also at the time i was without a computer and was itching to play some poker.

    The table everyone seemed to know everyone, but there was no chat at the table or humour. It was all quite serious. The standard wasn't great, there were 3/4 players that were quite decent, the rest would limp a lot and were really transparent with their bet sizing. I was really comfortable at the table. The 1 big hand i won was with 2 pair all in on the flop, i flipped over my cards as soon as i had called opponents all in. He never showed his cards, which i was really surprised at.

    When the river card came down he said something like "your good son" and mucked his cards. I never realised he didn't have to show his cards in a live cash game.

    A bit later against some opppnent he bluffed the river betting £25, i snap called with 2nd pair, and he said your good again, but never mucked his cards. There was a bit of a stand off, cause i wanted to see his cards! In the end i just showed down my hand, and he mucked.

    So it turned out really well i took a shot and made really good money that night.  But to do it regularly i rekcon i'd need a live cash bankroll, which would need to be a lot! I might take other shots, but just now i'm just going to stick to online poker.

    But i definatly reckon there is pheneomenal value at live poker.
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,646
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ah got a feeling:
    This is the hand that crippled me in the primo. I was spot on about the check raise being a bluff. My mistake comes on the river. My gut instinct when i was check raised was it a bluff, and to let coxy fire both streets and let him bluff away. In saying that he could be doing ith with Ace 10, 910, it just felt like a bluff. Pretty sure he didn't have  aset. The turn is a total brick, so peeling again is fine. On the river with the 1.7x raise he's making it look bluffy, and looking to get called by Ace X type hands, it's so obvious. My big mistake was calling the river bet, it's highly unlikely he is bluffing here, he's a good player, and wouldn't be jeaporading his chips so early on, that says it all really. 
    Posted by LARSON7

    HI Larson,
    Still reading.... Dont usually get involved in analysing PRIMO hands BUT IMO your BIG mistake (against Coxy) was..
    EDIT: i've had a rethink about this and I'm not really sure you should have posted the players name?
    I really shouldn't give my reads on Coxy? ;-)

    BTW anonymised it's a REALLY good hand for the clinic.  


  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    I wonder what a decent win rate at cash looks like, as in BIs per month over a sustained period to account for variance, based on playing a fair amount but not loads.

    I know some people keep records of bb per hour, never really done that, i just really look at the money made over a day, week, month. Any ideas what a reasonable amount of BIs for cash in a month is?

    Was curious as well about the abilities of players that do well at Cash at different levels, would a good winning player at say 30nl, have the same success at 50nl? I suppose some might and some wouldn't, it could be down to money or bankroll, though more generally it would make sense to think a reg winning at 50nl would be slightly better than one from 30nl.

    Also wondering at higher up levels, if the winning cash players make a lot of money of weaker regs, or if it's just a matter of the recreational player sitting down which a reg should have a big advantage over?

    Just wondering what other people thought of this
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    I'm going to try and have a good month in  December, it's a quiet month for me so should have plenty of time for playing poker.

    In monetary terms, i'm hoping to make atleast £1000 clear profit, hopefully more than this.

    It's a big ask, but if i do the right things it should be achievable.

    Part of the plan is to utilise bonuses else where to achieve this, and spin money up froma  deposit bonus.

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    This isn't a diary.

    It's mostly me talking to myself and people dropping into say hello now and again lol
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    New computers getting sent back, it has windows 8 which is shocking! And the mouse is goosed.

    So prob will be a mini break from poker till i'm back up and running, going to just get it from a shop this time instead of online, so that i can atleast see what i'm getting. Don't get me wrong it's an alrite computer, looks pretty smart, but can't stand windows 8 and a mouse that doesn't work is pretty bad when trying to play poker!

    Re Poker, I've never really "studied" poker, or did much stuff outside of analysing hands. Although this is definatly the most important aspect in improving in my opinion.

    The only book i've read was on the train down to Newcastle for the SPT, Winning a tournie 1 hand at a time (or something like that) it was quite interesting looking over players hands, and seeing how they anaylsed them and why they did what they did, it changed my game slightly, the biggest thing it showed me was not to go crazy early doors in a mtt when they blinds were small. I just didn't apply it with the queen hands above!

    I got another couple of books at the same time, but have only glossed over them "k everyone" and "doyle brunsons super system".

    Right now poker wise, i'm fine for the levels i play, but there's a load more i need to learn. I prob know 20% of what i need to know to be a somewhat competent player. I'm going to spend more time over the next few months trying to learn as much as possible and enhance my game.

    Talk soon!
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    Henrik, I would love to  get into your thought process for that QQ hand...
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