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Ah got a feelin



  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ah got a feeling:
    New computers getting sent back, it has windows 8 which is shocking! And the mouse is goosed. So prob will be a mini break from poker till i'm back up and running, going to just get it from a shop this time instead of online, so that i can atleast see what i'm getting. Don't get me wrong it's an alrite computer, looks pretty smart, but can't stand windows 8 and a mouse that doesn't work is pretty bad when trying to play poker! Re Poker, I've never really "studied" poker, or did much stuff outside of analysing hands. Although this is definatly the most important aspect in improving in my opinion. The only book i've read was on the train down to Newcastle for the SPT, Winning a tournie 1 hand at a time (or something like that) it was quite interesting looking over players hands, and seeing how they anaylsed them and why they did what they did, it changed my game slightly, the biggest thing it showed me was not to go crazy early doors in a mtt when they blinds were small. I just didn't apply it with the queen hands above! I got another couple of books at the same time, but have only glossed over them "k everyone" and "doyle brunsons super system". Right now poker wise, i'm fine for the levels i play, but there's a load more i need to learn. I prob know 20% of what i need to know to be a somewhat competent player. I'm going to spend more time over the next few months trying to learn as much as possible and enhance my game. Talk soon!
    Posted by LARSON7
    What didn't you like about it Henrik?

    I got a new laptop over the weekend which had windows 8 on. I feared the worst after reading the reviews, and wouldn't have bought it myself, but after a couple of hours using it, it's fine.

    If you just click onto desktop mode it's exactly the same?

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited November 2013
    there is now a free upgrade available to windows 8, excitingly called windows 8.1
    it is a little better (start button, boot to desktop etc) but it still is a POS

    "Microsoft is still a long way from producing a version of Windows 8 that users will want to own" 
    review by Digital Trends

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    HH, I think I fully explained my thought process above, I was spot on he was bluffing the flop.

    River play is really dubious by me though (calling)

    Dohhhh, just wasn't very user friendly imo. Was only afterwards I heard all the bad reports on it.

    Just clicking on desktop is ok, and you get used to it. I don't like the fact it doesn't have a start button etc. I had to download another browser, because internet explorer displayed pages really bizarly.

    If it wasn't for the mouse been goosed, I would have stuck with the laptop.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    Larson, I don't remember even posting that haha possibly shandy related ;)_

    You seem to be blurred by the fact that your read was indeed correct on the flop. Interested to know what range you assign him when raised OTF, then fires again on turn and overbets the river. It's a pretty innocuous flop after all. It's kinda irrelevant that villain turns a set, though obviously we can never really put him on that hand. Did you think he just had air? Busted straight draw?

    I don't think calling the river is a mistake if you called the turn in the belief you were ahead (as you have stated before). Calling the turn to then fold the river would be pretty dubious, and begs the question of why would we call the turn? As I've said before, I'm reluctantly comfortable to fold the turn here, as we know we will be facing another bet on the river, and ultimately we only have QQ on an A high board, we still have bags of chips behind and can look for better spots to chip up.

    Should stick it in the clinic, as I'm genuinely interested to see and read other peoples POV.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013

    Not played much poker in the last few days, mostly been mtts.

    Not played much cash at all. Havn't really felt like it, where as last week I was playing cash all the time.

    Results wise, I've played pretty terrible in the MTT's and the results show that.

    Up to 5k c4p, which is the highest ever, i'm not 2 worried about getting much more, as there isn't really any jump in the cash.

    Computers getting returned on Monday, so will be able to get some poker in over the weekend.

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013

    Things have been going pretty well at cash. Not really done anything in tournies this week, I've played pretty bad in MTTs.

    Probably because I had cash tables up and running at the same time, so I was more interested in the cash tables which was worth a lot more, than the buy in's of the tournie's I was playing.

    I was wondering what a good level of bi's winrate was at cash. People seem to judge it on bb/100 (hands I think)

    I always thought this was a bit bizarre and never really paid to much attention to it, I was only ever concerned with profit or loss.

    On average I must play about 12 -14 hours per week at cash, 4-6 tabling, so probably about 4k hands per week (assuming 60 hands per table per hour), don't think you can find amount of hands played on sky per week? Don't think there's an option to do this search?

    I worked out my win rate is about 10bb per 100 hands played. It might be a bit more or less, depending on how many hands can be played in an hour. I'm really pleased with this, and will stick to playing 10nl for the time being, and maybe look at going to 20nl in the New Year. It is a totally different ball game to 10nl, the standard, from what I can see, is significantly better.

  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2013
    Hi Larson - a quick google says that you will get 80/90 hands per hour at 6max. I'd go with 90 for sky as there arent timebanks.

    btw 10bb/100 hands is pretty decent :) 
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    If it's 80/90 hands per hour, win rate will be lower then!
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2013
    Yeah, around 7bb/100. ... Which is till good.any positive figure would be good. I'm not sure it would be possible to go much above 20bb/100 over a large sample, even at the low limits.

    • Rough ballpark figures for good and great winrates.
    • 1 – 4 bb/100 = Great. A solid winrate if you can sustain it.
    • 5 – 9 bb/100 = Amazing. This is a very high winrate at any level. Consider moving up.
    • 10+ bb/100 = Immense. Very, very few have a winrate like this. You probably have a small sample size though.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013

    Do you play much cash c/m, or is it mostly mtts?

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013


    I started playing on Skypoker via the TV! I had been at the casino with friends, and roughly knew the rules of poker, like a straight beats a flush, and 2 pair was awesome, get the money in!

    Straight beats a flush? I'm pretty sure that's what I thought at the time.

    I played cash, blinds were 50 and 1, and somehow I left the Casino that night having doubled up through poker. I thought this is an easy game. This must have been about 2.5 -3 years ago.

    Ended up going onto the online gaming and found sky poker which you could play through your remote.

    That was my start on sky, I used to play loads of DYM's and satelites, cause they were cheap and I didn't have a clue what I was playing in, just that it was a game. A couple of times I won the sats, and ended up playing in something else which loaded up later, I thought this is brilliant! But didn't have a clue what I was playing for.

    Needless to say, Sky got rid of playing through the TV a while ago. If it wasn't for this I doubt I would be on sky at all.

  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ah got a feeling:
    Do you play much cash c/m, or is it mostly mtts?
    Posted by LARSON7
    almost exclusivley MTTs - sometimes dabble in cash, but I tend to be a bit spewey. i sometimes play a bit of HU cash too if i'm in the mood.

    **EDIT** - I do like live cash though - much softer.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    Paul the Above "skypoker" was inspired by your poker tales!

    Although mines is pretty poor, no big characters or dodgy surroundings lol Just a Tv and a Remote control lol

    See I do read diaries lol just don't know what to say half the time haha

    That above post was totally random, so i'm gonna have a rant, I feel like a rant, not like the bwaaaa I run so bad just a general rant.

    I know variance exists, and is a part of the game. I've ran pretty bad the last 2 days, but mostly I have played terrible.

    You should have seen some of the hands from cash tonight, I lost 2 stupid pots that were easy folds.

    It's so stupid and annoying, obviously i'm beat and I go ahead and call. Totally pointless.

    I've prob been playing 2 much! Sometimes it's just frustrating.

    Rant over
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    You didn't do much wrong in the games we played from what I could see..
    I know everyone says it but it's because it's true.
    A short break can do you good at times.

    I had a pretty grim time in the middle of the month.
    Just a few days off and I played live last night and had a lot of fun.
    Tonight played the Dtd games and again really enjoyed it.

    When we multitabling night after night it can all become a bit too serious. Then, we're not doing what we originally set out to do when we started playing.
    Enjoying ourselves and hopefully making a few quid 

    You'll be fine mate. Your games good.
    (When you don't set out to win every single pot!).  :)
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ah got a feeling:
    You didn't do much wrong in the games we played from what I could see.. I know everyone says it but it's because it's true. A short break can do you good at times. I had a pretty grim time in the middle of the month. Just a few days off and I played live last night and had a lot of fun. Tonight played the Dtd games and again really enjoyed it. When we multitabling night after night it can all become a bit too serious. Then, we're not doing what we originally set out to do when we started playing. Enjoying ourselves and hopefully making a few quid  You'll be fine mate. Your games good. (When you don't set out to win every single pot!).  :)
    Posted by Jac35
    Prudent advice!

    I've just been playing badly in certain spots at cash.

    Might take a break, i'll see how I feel in the next couple of days.
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited November 2013
    Hey. I know nothing of cash, but do know that you've proved quite recently, consistently, that you have a good MTT game and are able to analyse your play. Take a break if you need to freshen up, but play more tournaments and trust your game, sure you'll be fine.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    • Thanks Mike, yeah I was just a bit frustrated yesterday I gave away 1.5 bi's at cash, where I should have been able to find easy folds. I still made a profit on the day, was just frustrating it should have been a bit more. Im not going to take a break, just going to keep focussing on doing the right things, and prob play a bit less.


      From now till the end of Dec I've got a target of 1k profit from playing Cash MTT's.

      It's quite a big ask, and far from easy, but is doable. It's just a target, if I don't meet it then no drama's.

      Goals for December
    • Stay focussed
    • Don't tilt
    • Don't play cash and MTT's at the same time!
    • Stop playing when you get that feeling it's time to stop
    • Crush!
    • Spend sometime looking over hands/ doing some study to help my game improve.
    If I play my best game, I should crush the games i'm playing, into 2014, i'll look at moving up levels, but I'll need to do a bit of study before then.


    Off to the football tonight, hopefully an easy game, only AC Milan lol Mon the Hoops

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    Celtic's a bit like me and poker, some great performances followed by the terrible:(
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    I came 2nd in the 8:05 bh tonight almost 300 runners, it's the 1 MTT I've always wanted to win again (ive won it once)
     It wasn't 2 be, I got lucky 3 handed, 55s in versus aces pre and binked a 5 on the river.

    That gave me a decent stack.

    Got to HU almost 50/50 in chips then this happened, one of the worst calls I've ever made, everything was saying fold and at the last second I called. My opponent played well through out so deserved to win, but it's a weird one in poker, you come so close and 2nd feels pretty tainted. In saying that, i'll be happy about 2nd tomorrow, right now i'm just a bit gutted I didn't win it.
    pkdabear11Small blind 3000.003000.00294799.25
    LARSON7Big blind 6000.009000.00270200.75
     Your hole cards
    • 8
    • A
    pkdabear11Raise 9000.0018000.00285799.25
    LARSON7Call 6000.0024000.00264200.75
    • 10
    • 7
    • 9
    pkdabear11Bet 12000.0036000.00273799.25
    LARSON7Call 12000.0048000.00252200.75
    • A
    pkdabear11Bet 18000.0066000.00255799.25
    LARSON7Call 18000.0084000.00234200.75
    • K
    pkdabear11All-in 255799.25339799.250.00
    LARSON7All-in 234200.75574000.000.00
    pkdabear11Unmatched bet 21598.50552401.5021598.50
    • J
    • 8
    • 8
    • A
    pkdabear11WinStraight to the Jack
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2013
    Hi Larson, 

    I hope you dont mind if I point something out- you already said about the call on the river - we all make mistakes like that occasionally... I think your plan was to call a bet on the river (as it should be), except, the shove was a huuge overbet which pretty much told you that you were beat, but talked yourself into calling anyway. I did something similar in the main tonight to bubble it in fact.

    I think you may need to think about 3betting a bit more preflop heads up... I'm assuming the villain was opening between 50-100% of pots from the button with a raise... so a hand like A8 is pretty much a monster.  It also doesnt play that well postflop, so is a perfect 3betting hand IMO - put your opponent under a bit of pressure.

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