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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016

    And I mention that because?

    Well this variance thing utterly fascinates me. I'm not sure I played any better last night, or any different at all really. But this is how I ended up.....

    £2.25, P2, W2

    £3.30, P22, W13

    £5.50, P17, W13

    £11.00, P4, W4

    Hello a profit of £81.40.
    And that was despite losing 4 of the first 5.
    At one stage last night, I had my 2nd longest winning streak - 14 games - and I won 19 of the last 22 games. 

    I just could not do a thing wrong. Actually, that's incorrect - I did plenty of things wrong, but Lady Luckbox came to me rescue time after time. 

    What a truly fascinating beast Variance is.   
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016

    Thanks Brian, & yes, an extraordinarily good night. Just as the night before was extraordinarily bad.

    As these two said once or twice, funny old game.....

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016

    You are right about the £11 games of course, run good in those & a good session beckons.

    I generally play a low variance style, but, you know, sometimes it has to all go in early doors.
    On Thursday I lost the lot to the optimistic J-4-3-3 in Level 1, whilst last night I got it all-in on the vey first hand with the Aces & managed to hold against.....7-7-5-5.

    F1n63ers has been playing a few games - he is very good indeed. Bit of a PITA, actually, which he can take as a compliment. Nickkay is another, quite a handful, him.

    Bring 'em on I say.  ;)
  • nickkaynickkay Member Posts: 171
    edited September 2016
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    You are right about the £11 games of course, run good in those & a good session beckons. I generally play a low variance style, but, you know, sometimes it has to all go in early doors.   On Thursday I lost the lot to the optimistic J-4-3-3 in Level 1, whilst last night I got it all-in on the vey first hand with the Aces & managed to hold against.....7-7-5-5. F1n63ers has been playing a few games - he is very good indeed. Bit of a PITA, actually, which he can take as a compliment. Nickkay is another, quite a handful, him. Bring 'em on I say.  ;)     
    Posted by Tikay10
    "Quite a handful", I'll take that as a compliment ;) Not a bad week for me on the DYM's, ventured back to a £22 NLH bounty hunter late on as the DYM's calmed down and managed 7th for £70ish, so plenty of funds to hammer DYM's today.

    On about very good players at PLO8, it's rare I've seen Eon lose a game and even rarer I get the better of him!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : "Quite a handful", I'll take that as a compliment ;) Not a bad week for me on the DYM's, ventured back to a £22 NLH bounty hunter late on as the DYM's calmed down and managed 7th for £70ish, so plenty of funds to hammer DYM's today. On about very good players at PLO8, it's rare I've seen Eon lose a game and even rarer I get the better of him!
    Posted by nickkay
    Definitely a compliment.

    A while back, Markycash gave me some help with my game & opened my eyes to a few things I had not considered, a few more arrows in my quiver so to speak. Some I adopted, others not. Generally, the way we play reflects our real life persona, & it's hard to change to something we are not. 

    The key one though was adapt to your opponents, & I was not doing that enough. I typically prefer to play a low variance line - correctly, for me, I'm a born nit - but what Marky made me realise was that it does not work against those who take the high variance line. So now, I fight fire with fire, & if someone wants high variance, bring it on, I'll respond in kind.  And - so far - it is working. A lot of the better players - & I do mean better - in the £11 & £16.50 do the high variance thing, so now I play back at them, & what will be will be. 

    Is it working? Hard to say, but in the £11 & £16.50 games on the last week or so, I've been very successful indeed, but sample size is way too small to be indicative. 

    And amongst Team High Variance - very successful - is you. Proper tough to play, but I daresay we'll give each other a few black eyes along the way. ;)    
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : "Quite a handful", I'll take that as a compliment ;) Not a bad week for me on the DYM's, ventured back to a £22 NLH bounty hunter late on as the DYM's calmed down and managed 7th for £70ish, so plenty of funds to hammer DYM's today. On about very good players at PLO8, it's rare I've seen Eon lose a game and even rarer I get the better of him!
    Posted by nickkay
    Could not agree more, he is a proper O8 beast, & might just be, day in & day out, the best player here. Of all the players I try to learn from, he is right at, or near the top. Rarely makes a mistake, relentlessly applies pressure, & most of all, possesses a great understanding of DYM dynamics, never putting a foot wrong at the key stage, which is 4 handed. So many players still don't get 4 handed DYM play, but it is, arguably, THE most important weapon we have.
    Pompeynic was much relieved yesterday when we were 4 handed & he was on fumes, less than 2 Bigs I think. And the 2 Big Stacks, armed with their egos, went to war, & Nick nicked the game to his undoubted amusement.
    Oddly, Eon got battered by adverse variance towards the back of last week, & was being outdrawn left right & centre by all & sundry. (Guilty as charged M'Lord). He just took it on the chin, never had a chunter, & looked to the long term. He can't lose, over time, it's that simple. I noticed he switched to NLH yesterday, £20 & £30 DYM's, maybe to take advantage of Happy Days, & he got the lot. I've been tempted to try that gambit, but I fear I'd not do so well.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016

    Talking of Eon, here's a little anecdote, & a tip, combined.

    As some of you know, a while back some joker suggested that Eon & I colluded, as we "never play a hand against each other in the first 4 levels". Yeah, gl with that one sunshine. It seems to have escaped his notice that I rarely play a big pot against ANYONE in the first 4 levels.
    His only other piece of "evidence"? We both have the same address listed, "Ilkeston" in Derby. In fact I currently live 150 miles from Ilkeston. Back to Detective school, Sherlock.
    Anyway, if you want a free tip as to PLO8 DYM's, then register for a game that Eon & I are in. Chances are he will bust me, or I will bust him. No two players - and this is a fact - have busted each other more than he & I have. So by regging in "our" game, you have a great chance of seeing he or I eliminated, as we do tend to bang heads a lot, so now you have one less opponent. And when Eon has chips 4 or 5 handed, he does not mess about & get involved where he has no need to.
    Proper bloke & a great player.  

  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited September 2016
    Morning 'mate'.........thought that was funny last night . :-)

    Given the correct table selection TK you could easily turn profit at £10 NLH. Speak to Grumpy regarding his theory about those levels, I have been playing a lot more NLH due to the promos. I stick to £3 and £5 (will throw in some £10 when I feel comfortable enough) but it has given me decent profit and enabled me to earn better rewards payments
  • nickkaynickkay Member Posts: 171
    edited September 2016

    What I've found in my relitively short PLO8 experience, especially in the DYM's is just how passive players are, certainly at the £3.30/£5.50 level, hence why I could be described as a little bit aggro. However, the better players, as Marky rightly says, adjust and play you at your own game, especially in the £11 stakes and beyond.

    Annoyed with myself at the weekend after a bad PLO8 session. It wasn't variance it was just poor play, especially in spots I didn't need to get involved with. Consequently I visited a few well known forums, watched a few videos and picked up a few tricks to go to war with this week.

    See you at the tables ;)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    [QUOTE]Morning 'mate'.........thought that was funny last night . :-) Given the correct table selection TK you could easily turn profit at £10 NLH. Speak to Grumpy regarding his theory about those levels, I have been playing a lot more NLH due to the promos. I stick to £3 and £5 (will throw in some £10 when I feel comfortable enough) but it has given me decent profit and enabled me to earn better rewards payments
    Posted by HENDRIK62

    Think the turn of phrase our friend used was "pal" actually.

    It was all rather embarrassing, but equally intriguing, which was why I hung around, that Ger said "do you know who tikay is?". I nearly died with embarrassment.
    For those wondering wtf, a "new" guy had regged for PLO8 in error. After thinking he had busted the same player twice, only to see the pot chopped, he wanted to know what was going on. He had no idea at all that there were Low pots involved.
    Everyone, me included, tried to help him, but he came back at me a bit strongly with a sarcy comment & addressed me as "pal". It did not even register with me - I've been called far worse......
    Course, Mr New Guy had the last word as I misplayed a hand terribly & he busted me. Still, I congratulated him & wished him well with "well played pal".....

    Thanks for the tip on NLH. I'm quite keen to try it during future Happy Days, or when I am scrambling for points on a Sunday.

    Did you make the 1,000 points?  
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited September 2016
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : [QUOTE ]Morning 'mate'.........thought that was funny last night . :-) Given the correct table selection TK you could easily turn profit at £10 NLH. Speak to Grumpy regarding his theory about those levels, I have been playing a lot more NLH due to the promos. I stick to £3 and £5 (will throw in some £10 when I feel comfortable enough) but it has given me decent profit and enabled me to earn better rewards payments Posted by HENDRIK62
    Think the turn of phrase our friend used was "pal" actually. It was all rather embarrassing, but equally intriguing, which was why I hung around, that Ger said "do you know who tikay is?". I nearly died with embarrassment.   For those wondering wtf, a "new" guy had regged for PLO8 in error. After thinking he had busted the same player twice, only to see the pot chopped, he wanted to know what was going on. He had no idea at all that there were Low pots involved.   Everyone, me included, tried to help him, but he came back at me a bit strongly with a sarcy comment & addressed me as "pal".   Course, Mr New Guy had the last word as I misplayed a hand terribly & he busted me. Still, I congratulated him & wished him well with "well played pal"..... Thanks for the tip on NLH. I'm quite keen to try it during future Happy Days, or when I am scrambling for points on a Sunday. Did you make the 1,000 points?    
    Posted by Tikay10

    By 9.30pm, so I had a beer and as a change late regged the 9.30 B/H and quickly got 2 heads, but then equally quickly bust :-).
    Next challenge will be the £22.50 pay out ( I assume you smashed that as ypu mentioned you were on track) , may need to play a few more £10 and £15 games for that though. 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? :  By 9.30pm, so I had a beer and as a change late regged the 9.30 B/H and quickly got 2 heads, but then equally quickly bust :-). Next challenge will be the £22.50 pay out ( I assume you smashed that as ypu mentioned you were on track) , may need to play a few more £10 and £15 games for that though
    Posted by HENDRIK62
    Well done. That's a very hand £12.50 to add to the Account, & you'll get it this afternoon. It seems to arrive every Monday afternoon like clockwork, even though the Official Payment day is Tuesday I think. Sam has nothing to do with Rewards Payments, obv. 

    And yeah, I managed 1,500 quite comfortably. 

    Oddly, traffic was wafer thin last night in our games, & I was playing like a complete idiot, I just could not get focussed at all, & no big games ran, so once I passed 1,500, I drew stumps & watched the NFL. Mr Channing had lined up 4 bets, & I had a small wager on all 4. (As singles, I never do dubs, trebs or accas) & all 4 won. (1 on Thursday, 3 last night). God bless Ambo.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016

    Returning to the theme of variance.

    As I mentioned, I knocked it in terribly on Thursday, then had maybe my best night ever on Friday.

    Saturday? Unbelievable, Jeff.....

    £2.25, P6, W3, L3

    £3.30, P18, W12, L6

    £5.50, P13, W10, L3

    £11 P5, W5, L0

    £16.50, P3, W2, L1

    Total profit? £95.10


    Those £11 & £16.50ers make all the difference.

    For balance, the whole week follows, as I lost most other nights. Marv.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016

    Monday - £9.40 LOSS

    Wednesday - £35.60 LOSS

    Thursday - £46.95 LOSS

    Friday - £81.40 PROFIT

    Saturday - £95.10 PROFIT

    Sunday - £11.95 LOSS

    Add in £22.53 in Rewards money, & £25 from the Sky Poker Premiership, & it comes to around £120 profit on the week. Happy with that, very happy. If Only I could find a way to cut out those bad nights, I'd be well minted.

    Just noticed I lost 4 nights out of 6, & still made money. What a thing variance is, eh? 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016

    Much less volume this week. Might not be able to play on Wednesday, gotta go up to the office, eek. And I've got company on Friday & Saturday.

    So the aim will be to somehow struggle over the 500 points threshold, & try not t lose money along the way.
    See you all tonight.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    What I've found in my relitively short PLO8 experience, especially in the DYM's is just how passive players are, certainly at the £3.30/£5.50 level, hence why I could be described as a little bit aggro. However, the better players, as Marky rightly says, adjust and play you at your own game, especially in the £11 stakes and beyond. Annoyed with myself at the weekend after a bad PLO8 session. It wasn't variance it was just poor play, especially in spots I didn't need to get involved with. Consequently I visited a few well known forums, watched a few videos and picked up a few tricks to go to war with this week. See you at the tables ;)
    Posted by nickkay
    Yes, more generally passive at £3 & £5, & more aggro at £11 & £16.50. Aggro is not my natural game, but if that's how the game plays, I'm happy to mix it with them. 
    See you later Mr AggroPLO8er
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    edited September 2016
    Do you ever play pl08 cash?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited September 2016
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Do you ever play pl08 cash?
    Posted by Itsover4u
    Online, no, but "Live", yes, I played it most nights in Vegas this year, & every year.

    I may have a bash a few nights on Sky Poker when things are quiet in the DYM's though. I know folks chunter about the rake, but it does not bother me overly. I just find it hard to "mix" cash & DYM's at the same time.   
  • pompeynicpompeynic Member Posts: 2,834
    edited September 2016
    I really lost focus last night, lost the last four games, had six tables on the go at one point which led to some bad errors, I also made the mistake of having the NFL red zone on the TV which took some of my concentration away.
    Still £65 profit on the week so cannot grumble. No big games last night may well effect my status on the Premier promo, was on a healthy £12.50 will have to see later.
    All good fun look forward to playing later.
  • nickkaynickkay Member Posts: 171
    edited September 2016
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : If i recall correctly, Chris Moorman said he loses 4 out of 5 days........mmm......we know the rest.
    Posted by chilling

    Possibly the first and only time TK will ever get compared to the beast that is Moorman ;)
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