Absolutely shocking. No update on the diary for nearly two weeks!!!!! Bit busy at the moment, but will be back on the tables soon to donk off a few pounds!!!!!! Hope all is well with everyone????????????? ps. ??????!!!!!!!!! Posted by Macacgirl1
I agree Karen, not that I read this silly little thread much anyway. It must be his age, its not as if he has been busy or anything.
PLease let me know when you are back at the tables and i will join you, we can swap gravy recipes, pass the twiglets round, and have indepth discussions about the correct use of grammatical punctuation!!!!!!!!!
You don't realise how hard I have been working lately, Sky Poker have been working me non-stop, even made me go to a Caribbean Island for a week.
Will try & do a little Update shortly, just gotta do my jobs first. Oh, & Gill is coming down tonight for the weekend, so I've got to clear the house up, unpack my Punta Cana suitcases, do the washing, have a shave, & stuff like that.
Apart from all the nonsense food chat, I'm quite looking forward to Karen's return. We have a chap in the player pool now who just moans & groans about anything & anyone, never once said anything nice to or about anyone, except himself. I'm very confident that Karen will handle that with great aplomb. Oh yes.
I sort of wonder sometimes what it must be like to be married to a serial moaner, or one who sees only bad in others, & good in themselves. Or imagine being sat next to them on a long airline flight. Think I'd have to eat my head or shoot myself. I feel quite sorry for him in some ways, life must be horrible if you only see bad all around you.
Talking of which, on the way back from Punta Cana, I flew via New York, where I changed flights. The first leg - Punta Cana to New York, was 4 hours, & the couple next to me had a young (18 months old or so) kid, who was dreadfully spoilt. And it screamed non-stop, for 4 hours.
I then changed flights for the 7 hour leg to London. Just as I settled in my seat for the all night flight, the same couple sat down next to me. And the kid was still screaming. For 7 hours. Yikes, that was a long 7 hours.
It was not ill or anything, it was just spoilt, & wanted to be able to crawl around, or suck a lollipop or whatever. It would insta stop crying when it got it's way.
I don't blame the kid of course, not his fault he has bad parents. I could cheerfully have given the parents a slap though.
22 days without an update? Disgusting!!!! Hope you are all well. Will be playing next week hopefully. Just been busy, nowt serious. GL all, -1 obv. xx Posted by Macacgirl1
Totally agree with you Karen.
22 days outrages, mind you he's probably
on the wrong side of variance. (that old chesnut)
I assume you know the catch phrase,
anyone for tennis.
Tikay's catch phrase is ..
Anyone for spanners.
Come back soon Karen.
We need decent players in Plopsville,
we have missed you, even if the old bloke hasn't .
22 days without an update? Disgusting!!!! Hope you are all well. Will be playing next week hopefully. Just been busy, nowt serious. GL all, -1 obv. xx Posted by Macacgirl1
Ha, welcome back Lady Twaddle, we've missed you. (A bit).
Been a bit too busy to do Diary Updates, Punta Cana & then UKOPs, (22 blogs in 19 days) followed by a bit of unwellness.
Downswing? No chance, on the biggest upswing ever ever ever. It's so good it's bound to be followed by a vicious downswing.
Brian (Churchy) sent me a PM a day or 2 ago about another matter & asked me to get the Diary rick rolling again, but I've just been all over the shop with stuff & that.
Will Update soonest, but Gill is down this weekend for Thanksgiving, & I'm taking her out for the day tomorrow to somewhere special.
I'll resume playing on Sunday.
Monday is likely to be a badddddd day, but I'll try & do an Update soonest.
Seriously, great to have you back. Well, great-ish.
I keep in touch with him by e-mail, & he has some real life priorities to sort right now.
In a way, I don't miss him, as he was maybe THE toughest opponent amongst the regulars, & I used to dread his oft-repeated "Odds, I have to call" when I jammed a touch light. I always felt like typing "no you don't HAVE to call", but he's like a woman, the more you tell him not to do something, the more he does it.
Blinds are 300-600, & you have 35 (thirty five) chips, which is about one twentieth of a BB, & you are 4 handed.
Can you EVER fold here?
The answer is "yes", & we saw exactly that last night.
4 of us left in a DYM, I have 4,500, BB has 7,400, & the 2 shorties have 35 & 65 chips.
It's been a tactically fascinating waiting game for the 2 shorties for several orbits, both were trying to outlast the other. (The 2 shorties were Eon & Enut).
To complicate things the Chippie did not really "get" DYM strategy, & was walking the shorties (& so allowing them to survive) & attacking me consistently. If he thought I was ever gonna get involved in those circumstances, he must have thought I was a bit wet behind the ears, only a complete oaf would play back in my spot. My win is locked, & I won't be risking a solitary chip here, ever.
And so eventually, Eon was forced all-in, & Enut found the fold with.....35 chips.
Eon lost the hand, & Enut secured a quite remarkable "win".
It is slightly different but there is one very good Holdem dym reg who does the opposite to you. Let's say the stacks are 4500 4500 1500 1500 He will attack the 4500 stack relentlessly and in doing so also blocks the short stacks from making a move Posted by Jac35
Good strategy, that, not so much when the 2 shorties have one sixth of a BB between them.
Maybe I'm a bit odd, but when I have a game "locked", there is no way I am ever risking my stack. Seems to be a minority view these days, I see so many odd plays 4 & 5 handed.
We were 5 handed a few days ago at 200-400, we all have equal stacks. I find good aces & pot it, next to act repots. Fair enough. But then a third player repots. He never had a single chip invested in the pot, & now he is all-in. With A-Q-9-4......
And I'll tell you why he did that. He was dealt his hole cards & immediately (& correctly) thought "this is good enough at 200-400". But we have to think in context, & be prepared to change our mind in the light of preceding action. Once it goes pot pot in front of us, even with 6 Bigs, A-Q-9-4 is in the muck in a heartbeat.
They want to finish 1st - ego, I suppose - I'm more than happy to survive into 3rd. I get paid exactly the same.....
Yep, Your situation was different. You're right in that it's excellent strategy. Before long the other big stack can easily get pulled back into the field Posted by Jac35
In the situation YOU describe, it's good meta-game - he knows the other Big Stack is effectively sitting out to preserve his position, so he gets a free shot.
Variance continues to amuse, bemuse & fascinate me.
I have been running way above expectation since early September, never made so much profit in such a short time.
Much of it has come from the biggest game in the PLO8 DYM's - the £16.50's, where I have won 14 of the last 15, including the last 11 in a row, 5 of them last night. That's run-good, no two ways about it.
Due to severe computer problems, I only played 22 games last night, so having won 5 @ £16.50, you'd think I'd make a good profit on the night. Not so, I made just £9.
Here is the rather bizarre P & L of last night's games;
£1 - Played 1, Lost 1 (Regged in error actually)
£2.25 - P1, Lost 0
£3.30, P6, Lost 3
£5.50, P4, Lost 4
£11, P5, Lost 4
£16.50, P5, Lost 0
So, allowing for Reg Fees, I lost at every level except £16.50. (Edit, made £2 @ the £2.25).
They respect your raises at £16.50s Posted by Jac35
Quite right too, I've always got it, though I am prone to the odd misclick when I see an orphaned pot which nobody seems interested in.
I got caught a treat last night when nobody bet the Q-Q-10 flop, & I misclicked bet on the Turn. Churchy was waiting for me, & gave it the old heave-ho.
Comes to something when a man can't misclick without being punished.
In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Quite right too, I've always got it, though I am prone to the odd misclick when I see an orphaned pot which nobody seems interested in. I got caught a treat last night when nobody bet the Q-Q-10 flop, & I misclicked bet on the Turn. Churchy was waiting for me, & gave it the old heave-ho. Comes to something when a man can't misclick without being punished. Shocking behaviour really. Posted by Tikay10
Hmm, that is what I should have done on the KK flop when I had you out kicked , ah well, always tonight.
It is slightly different but there is one very good Holdem dym reg who does the opposite to you. Let's say the stacks are 4500 4500 1500 1500 He will attack the 4500 stack relentlessly and in doing so also blocks the short stacks from making a move Posted by Jac35
This is the key, way too many times I see shorties being given free reign to attack the BB
You don't realise how hard I have been working lately, Sky Poker have been working me non-stop, even made me go to a Caribbean Island for a week.
Will try & do a little Update shortly, just gotta do my jobs first. Oh, & Gill is coming down tonight for the weekend, so I've got to clear the house up, unpack my Punta Cana suitcases, do the washing, have a shave, & stuff like that.
Apart from all the nonsense food chat, I'm quite looking forward to Karen's return. We have a chap in the player pool now who just moans & groans about anything & anyone, never once said anything nice to or about anyone, except himself. I'm very confident that Karen will handle that with great aplomb. Oh yes.
I sort of wonder sometimes what it must be like to be married to a serial moaner, or one who sees only bad in others, & good in themselves. Or imagine being sat next to them on a long airline flight. Think I'd have to eat my head or shoot myself. I feel quite sorry for him in some ways, life must be horrible if you only see bad all around you.
Talking of which, on the way back from Punta Cana, I flew via New York, where I changed flights. The first leg - Punta Cana to New York, was 4 hours, & the couple next to me had a young (18 months old or so) kid, who was dreadfully spoilt. And it screamed non-stop, for 4 hours.
I then changed flights for the 7 hour leg to London. Just as I settled in my seat for the all night flight, the same couple sat down next to me. And the kid was still screaming. For 7 hours. Yikes, that was a long 7 hours.
It was not ill or anything, it was just spoilt, & wanted to be able to crawl around, or suck a lollipop or whatever. It would insta stop crying when it got it's way.
I don't blame the kid of course, not his fault he has bad parents. I could cheerfully have given the parents a slap though.
Ha, welcome back Lady Twaddle, we've missed you. (A bit).
Been a bit too busy to do Diary Updates, Punta Cana & then UKOPs, (22 blogs in 19 days) followed by a bit of unwellness.
Downswing? No chance, on the biggest upswing ever ever ever. It's so good it's bound to be followed by a vicious downswing.
Brian (Churchy) sent me a PM a day or 2 ago about another matter & asked me to get the Diary rick rolling again, but I've just been all over the shop with stuff & that.
Will Update soonest, but Gill is down this weekend for Thanksgiving, & I'm taking her out for the day tomorrow to somewhere special.
I'll resume playing on Sunday.
Monday is likely to be a badddddd day, but I'll try & do an Update soonest.
Seriously, great to have you back. Well, great-ish.
Ok, a few updates & bits & pieces, as Brian, Lady Twaddle & SWMBO asked.
Remember 67Bhoys (Craig), who used to do very well with his plopping?
Well as you probably know, he never really liked the reg fee on smaller buy-in stuff, & it finally became too much, & he has, reluctantly, moved on.
Here's the thing though - he took the trouble to write to me to tell me the score, & wish me & all the other members of Team Plop the best.
I think that says a great deal about the Esprit de corps & Community here - this site really does have a nice vibe to it.
Also MIA of late is Markycash.
I keep in touch with him by e-mail, & he has some real life priorities to sort right now.
In a way, I don't miss him, as he was maybe THE toughest opponent amongst the regulars, & I used to dread his oft-repeated "Odds, I have to call" when I jammed a touch light. I always felt like typing "no you don't HAVE to call", but he's like a woman, the more you tell him not to do something, the more he does it.
In short, GO AWAY Mark.
Question for you.
Blinds are 300-600, & you have 35 (thirty five) chips, which is about one twentieth of a BB, & you are 4 handed.
Can you EVER fold here?
The answer is "yes", & we saw exactly that last night.
4 of us left in a DYM, I have 4,500, BB has 7,400, & the 2 shorties have 35 & 65 chips.
It's been a tactically fascinating waiting game for the 2 shorties for several orbits, both were trying to outlast the other. (The 2 shorties were Eon & Enut).
To complicate things the Chippie did not really "get" DYM strategy, & was walking the shorties (& so allowing them to survive) & attacking me consistently. If he thought I was ever gonna get involved in those circumstances, he must have thought I was a bit wet behind the ears, only a complete oaf would play back in my spot. My win is locked, & I won't be risking a solitary chip here, ever.
And so eventually, Eon was forced all-in, & Enut found the fold with.....35 chips.
Eon lost the hand, & Enut secured a quite remarkable "win".
Maybe I'm a bit odd, but when I have a game "locked", there is no way I am ever risking my stack. Seems to be a minority view these days, I see so many odd plays 4 & 5 handed.
We were 5 handed a few days ago at 200-400, we all have equal stacks. I find good aces & pot it, next to act repots. Fair enough. But then a third player repots. He never had a single chip invested in the pot, & now he is all-in. With A-Q-9-4......
And I'll tell you why he did that. He was dealt his hole cards & immediately (& correctly) thought "this is good enough at 200-400". But we have to think in context, & be prepared to change our mind in the light of preceding action. Once it goes pot pot in front of us, even with 6 Bigs, A-Q-9-4 is in the muck in a heartbeat.
They want to finish 1st - ego, I suppose - I'm more than happy to survive into 3rd. I get paid exactly the same.....
God Bless these boys.
Variance continues to amuse, bemuse & fascinate me.
I have been running way above expectation since early September, never made so much profit in such a short time.
Much of it has come from the biggest game in the PLO8 DYM's - the £16.50's, where I have won 14 of the last 15, including the last 11 in a row, 5 of them last night. That's run-good, no two ways about it.
Due to severe computer problems, I only played 22 games last night, so having won 5 @ £16.50, you'd think I'd make a good profit on the night. Not so, I made just £9.
Here is the rather bizarre P & L of last night's games;
£1 - Played 1, Lost 1 (Regged in error actually)
£2.25 - P1, Lost 0
£3.30, P6, Lost 3
£5.50, P4, Lost 4
£11, P5, Lost 4
£16.50, P5, Lost 0
So, allowing for Reg Fees, I lost at every level except £16.50. (Edit, made £2 @ the £2.25).
Amazing thing, variance.
I got caught a treat last night when nobody bet the Q-Q-10 flop, & I misclicked bet on the Turn. Churchy was waiting for me, & gave it the old heave-ho.
Comes to something when a man can't misclick without being punished.
Shocking behaviour really.
Ha, well I DID have a King.......just a very small one.
Good fold, Pommy, very good fold. I'd have got there, you know that.