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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    I dont know how to put in a clickable button, but I have posted a hand I would love you to take a look at, its in SNG strat.
    Posted by HENDRIK62
    On my way.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    I like Sit n Go argument, sorry discussion, you started Tikay but it really is not a good enough reason to neglect this thread. Some form of update is requested, nay demanded, by the PLO8 crowd/rabble. You have until noon tomorrow or I will start derailing trains.
    Posted by Enut

    I planned a proper weekly update - all the numbers & stuff - every Monday, then just chit chat as & when.

    Was very busy on Monday, prepping for a trip up to the Office yesterday, & was obviously on "essential only" posting yesterday.
    Will try to meet your deadline.
    Temporary Cliffs;

    In every way, shape & form, both PLO8 & The Dark Side, points, pounds, results, Leaderboards, & a new milestone in the challenge achieved. Everything. Last week was my best ever. No argument. I got the lot. 

    Last night.........I had my worst ever night at the O8 DYM's, & it's not even close. And it just happened to be a record night for the number of "big" games that run in a single night. Some weeks I don't even play 7 games @ £11. Last night I actually lost 7 @ £11..... 
    I got a great excuse though. Gotta have an excuse, ask any psychology student.    
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited January 2017
    Good to hear your progress in the OH8 DYM's and on your 'Dark Side' quest are going well :)

    It has been fun playing again recently. Have been some tough but interesting games!
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited January 2017
    Hi Tikay.

    Gentle reminder of the table chat last night.

    I would appreciate your thoughts on a couple of forum posts.

    1. Hendos PLO8 thread in SnG strategy. Why is AAT4 slight favourite to KK23 for a low pot?

    2. What is the correct ruling on a "mucked" hand all in spot (now on p2 of Poker Chat)

  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited February 2017
    a belated happy new year to ya all.
    ty for the recovery best wishes etc.
    the heart attack was a minor annoyance.
    it happened when i had proper flu, not man-pretend flu. bit of brexit stress didn't help i think.
    i didn't know much about it, but was a minor thing, it showed up with blood work in the hospital. being controlled now with drugs. was only in hospital for four days.
    contrary to popular belief, i ain't fat, i don't smoke, i ain't an oap and still exercise every day. just a ul badbeat, nh heart you donk.
    we've been away for the best part of a month, nowt posh, 3 weeks all-inclusive in dom republic to recharge and recover. i feel great, salad, sun and swimming tend to help. mr mac looks like a bloated tellytubbie. he's a chip eating, beer drinking salad dodger.
    uncertainty of brexit meant we sold the little flat here and buying little house, move on the 20th so will play a wee bit after that once sorted, before heading back to greece.
    stay lucky everyone (-1)
    ps. did you know there are a growing amount of people who believe the earth to be flat? i met one on holiday. 'flat-earthers' they call themselves, hilarious and fascinating at the same time. the 'flat- earthers' and the 'it's rigged' mob should combine forces! they'd be awesome.
    pps. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited February 2017
    Nice to see you back Karen
    Glad you're on the mend
    All the best 
    Mick x
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    a belated happy new year to ya all. ty for the recovery best wishes etc. the heart attack was a minor annoyance. it happened when i had proper flu, not man-pretend flu. bit of brexit stress didn't help i think. i didn't know much about it, but was a minor thing, it showed up with blood work in the hospital. being controlled now with drugs. was only in hospital for four days. contrary to popular belief, i ain't fat, i don't smoke, i ain't an oap and still exercise every day. just a ul badbeat, nh heart you donk. we've been away for the best part of a month, nowt posh, 3 weeks all-inclusive in dom republic to recharge and recover. i feel great, salad, sun and swimming tend to help. mr mac looks like a bloated tellytubbie. he's a chip eating, beer drinking salad dodger. uncertainty of brexit meant we sold the little flat here and buying little house, move on the 20th so will play a wee bit after that once sorted, before heading back to greece. stay lucky everyone (-1) xx ps. did you know there are a growing amount of people who believe the earth to be flat? i met one on holiday. 'flat-earthers' they call themselves, hilarious and fascinating at the same time. the 'flat- earthers' and the 'it's rigged' mob should combine forces! they'd be awesome. pps. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Posted by Macacgirl1
    Crikey Karen, that's scary stuff - especially at your age - but I'm mighty glad you are OK now.

    Be great to see you aqain soon, but first priority is to make sure you are back in good shape. 

    Miss you loads.

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2017
    How are the dyms going? :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited February 2017

    I've been playing the PLO8 DYM's for just over 3 years now.

    I play 30 games EVERY session, never less, often 35, 40, or even more.

    However, in February, liquidity has slowed up a lot, & now I can't ever get 30 games. Here's February's PLO8 sessions, starting from the beginning of the month;
















  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited February 2017

    So you can see the trend.

    I NEED 6 tables on the go to aid my concentration, if I have just 2 or 3, my mind wanders & I lose interest.

    I began my little PLO8 challenge in September 2013, over 3 years ago. I deposited £200, & have neither deposited or withdrawn since, & my account is now £4,244.76, & that's after dropping a few hundo whilst I re-learned the NLH DYM's. 

    So I'm gonna draw a line under it now. We can safely say that I multiplied my deposit by 20, to bring it to £4,200.
    Of that £4,000 profit, I think around half came from Rewards payments.
    So it's not great - it took a LONG time - but it's not terrible either. Think it goes in the book as a qualified success.

    Given my age, & the worry about my fading mental dexterity, I'm pretty pleased overall, to be honest, but it's not exactly great. 

    I'm happy though, & I've enjoyed it immensely.

    I'll still try & ply a PLO8 session every night, of course, but I simply can't sit there all evening playing 2 or 3 tables, I need more action to keep my focus.

    Job done, & a new challenge beckons.    
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited February 2017


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited February 2017

    Project Priority

    I earned around 9,000 Rewards Points in January, not much less in December. This, of course, was with the help of Happy Hours & Happy Days.

    It was only afterwards that I realised how daft I had been - I could have made Prio SO easily, with just a bit of effort.
    And of course, February has no Happy Hours, no Happy Days, & only has 28 days.
    So it would make no sense to anyone with half a brain to attempt to make Prio in February, would it?

    You are ahead of me here - yup, that's the plan, make Prio in February.
    I have no interest in any of the Prio benefits except the extra rakeback, which would be worth around £100 a month to me. It'd also give me some satisfaction to know I can do it - & do it without losing money at the tables.

    Sounds like a plan, then.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited February 2017

    Points earned so far in February - 6,533.

    Points per day required to reach 10,000 by month end - 346 per day.

    Profit/loss on Month to date - £117 profit.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited February 2017

    In my next post - not today - I'll talk about the fun & pain I've had re-learning NLH.

    And a nasty man named Tim Tim Timiny, who has the temerity to call my shoves. Disrespectful, that. Spanky is no better, he calls me, too.
    Do they now know who I am, & how tight I am?

    They shall pay.  
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited February 2017


    Benefits include...

    1. You could start a new diary.
    2. You could generate some interest in that format on here which (apart from cash tables) is very minimal.
    3. You could win a bracelet in both formats (PLO & PLO8) at this year's WSOP.

    The bigger question is not could you, but would you?

    Perhaps something to think about over the weekend Sir. ;)

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited February 2017
    Do you think the PLO8 games are harder now than at the start?

    In terms of the games drying up you always need players to be injecting money into the games for others to be winning. With a game such as PLO8 DYMs I am not surprised that liquidity is an issue.
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited February 2017
    Sorry that someone appears to have broke/damaged the PLO8 DYM's... It is all that wall to wall football on TV to blame IMO!

    I have an idea that may return the PLO8 SNG's instantaneously to traffic levels probably higher than ever, would apply to Hold EM too. I feel I have used up my 'ideas' of late though, so I will sit on it for now :)

    Great work on the £4k+ too, obviously £100,000,000 would be more pleasing but only a small percentage of players stay in the red, even less so consistently over such a protracted period.

    Best of luck with Prio! I really want to go for this too but will have to bide my time until April when I have enough time to take care of it. 

    Shows your skills at the PLO8 game when you need 6 tables+ so you do not get bored... My ROI starts to nosedive after 3 or 4 tables. I just cannot keep a proper eye on everyones ranges and betting paterns after 3 or 4 tables.

    Hope the NLHE DYM quest continues on the solid footing you have established thus far :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    PLO? Benefits include... 1. You could start a new diary. 2. You could generate some interest in that format on here which (apart from cash tables) is very minimal. 3. You could win a bracelet in both formats (PLO & PLO8) at this year's WSOP. The bigger question is not could you, but would you? Perhaps something to think about over the weekend Sir. ;)
    Posted by MAXALLY
    It remains on my Bucket List, Alan, to rev up the PLO action. Won't be this month, fo sho, as I need to focus on volume & points to see if I can make Prio profitably.

    One problem, of course, is that I would split the PLO8 traffic between PLO & PLO8, then we'd end up with neither being any good, instead of just one, as at present. They'd sort of cannibalise each other, in much the same way as the PLO8 BH MTT's have split the liquidity.
    In "Live" terms, my competence (or lack of) at PLO is much the same as at PLO8, I enjoy both, & have had a modicum of success at both in the Live arena, including the WSOP, where I cashed in both formats last year. So I do love PLO.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Do you think the PLO8 games are harder now than at the start? In terms of the games drying up you always need players to be injecting money into the games for others to be winning. With a game such as PLO8 DYMs I am not surprised that liquidity is an issue.
    Posted by MattBates
    Fabulous question, Matt.

    On balance, no, not really, Some players have worked at their game & improved, others are unchanged. I'm not really sure if the overall standard has changed much tbh. Some really competent players, & some not so hot.
    The PLO8 liquidity has not reduced overall imo, it's just started to split between DYM's & MTT's - the reduction in DYM volume exactly coincides with the new PLO8 BH MTT's. There's not enough liquidity for both.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Sorry that someone appears to have broke/damaged the PLO8 DYM's... It is all that wall to wall football on TV to blame IMO! I have an idea that may return the PLO8 SNG's instantaneously to traffic levels probably higher than ever, would apply to Hold EM too. I feel I have used up my 'ideas' of late though, so I will sit on it for now :) Great work on the £4k+ too, obviously £100,000,000 would be more pleasing but only a small percentage of players stay in the red, even less so consistently over such a protracted period. Best of luck with Prio! I really want to go for this too but will have to bide my time until April when I have enough time to take care of it.  Shows your skills at the PLO8 game when you need 6 tables+ so you do not get bored... My ROI starts to nosedive after 3 or 4 tables. I just cannot keep a proper eye on everyones ranges and betting paterns after 3 or 4 tables. Hope the NLHE DYM quest continues on the solid footing you have established thus far :)
    Posted by markycash
    My returns are definitely diluted by playing 6 at once, if I could concentrate better, I'd have a better win rate playing 1, 2 or 3 Tables. It's partly compensated by a reduction in variance by playing more games though, & of course increased Rewards payments. The Rewards payments are very important, & really make a difference.  
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