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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,632
    edited January 2014
    BUMP!  #justsaying
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    BUMP!  #justsaying
    Posted by Glenelg

    VERY busy right now Pad, but I'll try to Update later today. I am working the Show again tonight, 3rd night in 5, & I'm pleasantly occupied with UKPC stuff, too.
    Updates resume later, hopefully before I lose all my money. It might be a close run thing, a major downswing is in progress. ;)
  • AmarieAmarie Member Posts: 448
    edited January 2014
    OK fed up now, i feel like some kind of stalker when i keep checking to see whether this post has been updated, so write all you want Mr K but i will not read it!!!


    PS I may check in 5 minutes but thats it no more...
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2014

    Ha, behave Mother.

    Will try & get back up to speed this weekend.

    Cliffs - Lost a ton of money last two sessions, mainly due to Lappie problems.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,660
    edited January 2014
    "Lost a ton of money last two sessions, mainly due to Lappie problems."

    Tikay, if you have a word with Support I am sure they will help you out!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    "Lost a ton of money last two sessions, mainly due to Lappie problems." Tikay, if you have a word with Support I am sure they will help you out!
    Posted by Enut

    Nah, the probs were my end.
    Seems to me very few people seem to understand the complexities of the internet. There's a lot of pipes, conduits, servers, routers & fresh air between one end & t'other, & responsibility for different parts sits with different parties.
    It is, of course, very inconvenient when we lose a few bob of our poker money because the connection drops out. I was watching a "Water Aid" advert the other day, young kids in Africa have to WALK 7 miles every day just to fetch water to drink & bathe in. Guess that is inconvenient, too.    

  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,660
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Oooh! Nah, the probs were my end.   Seems to me very few people seem to understand the complexities of the internet. There's a lot of pipes, conduits, servers, routers & fresh air between one end & t'other, & responsibility for different parts sits with different parties.   It is, of course, very inconvenient when we lose a few bob of our poker money because the connection drops out. I was watching a "Water Aid" advert the other day, young kids in Africa have to WALK 7 miles every day just to fetch water to drink & bathe in. Guess that is inconvenient, too.    
    Posted by Tikay10
    Yes we really have it very, very good if the worst of our gripes is losing a few quid on a poker table. Sadly I got home from work 1/2 hour ago to find the house in darkness and no sign of my other half. She has just turned up to tell me she's been next door for the last 2 hours as she found our neighbour dead this afternoon. A lovely old lady who spent all her time looking after her dogs, cats, pot bellied pigs and tortoises. She had a **** good innings but I'm still upset about it. Sorry, bit of a thread hijack.  
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Oooh! Nah, the probs were my end.   Seems to me very few people seem to understand the complexities of the internet. There's a lot of pipes, conduits, servers, routers & fresh air between one end & t'other, & responsibility for different parts sits with different parties.   It is, of course, very inconvenient when we lose a few bob of our poker money because the connection drops out. I was watching a "Water Aid" advert the other day, young kids in Africa have to WALK 7 miles every day just to fetch water to drink & bathe in. Guess that is inconvenient, too.    
    Posted by Tikay10
    This, this and only this.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Yes we really have it very, very good if the worst of our gripes is losing a few quid on a poker table. Sadly I got home from work 1/2 hour ago to find the house in darkness and no sign of my other half. She has just turned up to tell me she's been next door for the last 2 hours as she found our neighbour dead this afternoon. A lovely old lady who spent all her time looking after her dogs, cats, pot bellied pigs and tortoises. She had a **** good innings but I'm still upset about it. Sorry, bit of a thread hijack.  
    Posted by Enut
    commiserations to all involved
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,660
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : omg commiserations to all involved
    Posted by GELDY
    Thanks Geldy, it was bit of a shock for my other half, it was the first time she had seen a dead person. Looks like the old lady had a stroke or heart attack, probably died instantly, which is they way she would have wanted it. She was 82 but we thought she would go on for ever.

    ANYWAY, onwards and upwards, come on Tikay, give us a progress report. I know I donated 3 out of 4 at £11 to you last night. Let's hope you are an upswing now.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Thanks Geldy, it was bit of a shock for my other half, it was the first time she had seen a dead person. Looks like the old lady had a stroke or heart attack, probably died instantly, which is they way she would have wanted it. She was 82 but we thought she would go on for ever. ANYWAY, onwards and upwards, come on Tikay, give us a progress report. I know I donated 3 out of 4 at £11 to you last night. Let's hope you are an upswing now.
    Posted by Enut
    Oh my, that must have been just awful for Mrs Enut.

    The first newly deceased person I ever saw was my Dad, & I can tell you, that moment has stayed with me ever since, 30 years on. I remember just staring at him, wondering why he did not respond to me, the penny refused to drop. He was in Hossie, & the patient in the next bed had to explain it to me. Seems ridiculous, but some things you just can't bring to believe. It all sounbds a bit dreadful, but in a weird way, it was a lovely moment. Another story, for another day.    

    At least she went quickly, &, one hopes, without suffering.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Thanks Geldy, it was bit of a shock for my other half, it was the first time she had seen a dead person. Looks like the old lady had a stroke or heart attack, probably died instantly, which is they way she would have wanted it. She was 82 but we thought she would go on for ever. ANYWAY, onwards and upwards, come on Tikay, give us a progress report. I know I donated 3 out of 4 at £11 to you last night. Let's hope you are an upswing now.
    Posted by Enut
    Yes, I will try & get up to date today.

    It has to be said, when we are winning, we can't wait to Update, when we are losing, not so much. Harsh, but true.

    To be fair, I've been incredibly busy, & fatigued, this week, with 3 Shows in 5 nights, & in the Studio again tomorrow evening, too.

    I also need to do the big "Month End" Update, too.

    The further I get behind with Updating, the worse it gets, of course, & I've had the same problems in some other, non-Sky, areas of my life this week, too. So many things to do, so little time......

    Will try & get started shortly.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    I've only played 3 nights this week, due to work, but I'll Update each, in order, next......
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    Monday 27th January

    Played 31

    Won 13

    Lost 18


    £2.25 - Played 0, won 0, Lost 0

    £5.50 - Played 23, won 8, lost 15

    £11.00 - Played 8, won 5, Lost 3

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day

    PROFIT/LOSS per game


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £908.56

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 3,195 (= £47.93)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    January to date....

    Played 502

    Won 269

    Lost 235

    Win-rate, January, 53.59%

    PROFIT/LOSS in December,

    /Loss per game =
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014


    Was all revved up for a good session, & had 5 games going within 10 minutes, & was regged for 2 others. And then it happened - POWER CUT!

    Jeez, my head was spinning. It did not last long, but by then, I'd blinded out in 4 of the 5 Games, & was low stack in the two I'd regged for, so I was £30 down before I started.
    Even so, I can't hide from the fact I only won 8 out of 23 @ £5.50, & it was just as well I won 5 from 8 @ £11, to rescue me from a much worse evening.

    I could never get "settled" in my mind after the power cut, & I ought to have been able to put it out of my mind, what is done is done, nothing to be gained from thinking about it.
    The one bright spot in the session was that I went past the 3,000 Reward point threshold, so my Reward Point Dividend magically improved by 50%. Made more from that than actually playing, lol.
    No play Tuesday, due to work, but Wednesday will be great, it is bound to be, right? 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    Wednesday 29th January

    Played 27

    Won 12

    Lost 15


    £2.25 - Played 0, won 0, Lost 0

    £5.50 - Played 20, won 10, lost 10

    £11.00 - Played 7, won 2, Lost 5

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day

    PROFIT/LOSS per game


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £881.56

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 3,365 (= £50.47)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    January to date....

    Played 529

    Won 281

    Lost 250

    Win-rate, January, 53.12%

    PROFIT/LOSS in December,

    /Loss per game =
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014


    Unbelievably, Wednesday began worse than Monday.

    All regged up, & 5 Tables on the go, when Rob Yong called me, about some urgent UKPC stuff. And the call went on. And on. And on.

    I tried to concentrate, but it was awkward stuff, we were trying to sort a UKPC thing (a good thing) & I just could not spin both plates - or rather, 6 plates.
    Anyway, was £30 behind before the call ended, losing 5 of the first 6, & I could never get my head in the right place after that, & made a series of unforced errors, trying to force it I think. You just can't force it, unless you get very lucky.

    The realisation that January would be a shocker eventually dawned upon me, too.
    Mental fortitude, mettle, strength in adversity, all these things come into play when the going gets tough, & I was pretty disappointed at how I dealt with it. At least I recognized it, though.

    Anyway, no play Thursday, did the Show, so it's fast forward to Friday, to try to finish January with a bang. Maybe.....  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    Friday 31st January

    Played 15

    Won 8

    Lost 7


    £2.25 - Played 0, won 0, Lost 0

    £5.50 - Played 6, won 4, lost 2

    £11.00 - Played 9, won 4, Lost 5

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day

    PROFIT/LOSS per game


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £886.05

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 3,470 (= £52.05)
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