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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited April 2014
    Wow Tikay thats pretty amazing. I knew you were a top guy but this tops it all.

    You know we are all wonderng what colour we are now? haha

    So hope nic comes back he is a great guy and a great player.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,663
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Wow Tikay thats pretty amazing. I knew you were a top guy but this tops it all. You know we are all wonderng what colour we are now? haha So hope nic comes back he is a great guy and a great player.
    Posted by gerardirl
    +1 To all of this!
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Thanks Mick. Yeah, it was fun, eh? Yes, as it happens, I did see your Post yesterday, & I made a little note to ask the Suits on Monday. There may be a logical reason, & I'm not assuming otherwise, but it does look a bit odd to me. Maybe, with so much going on up there at the moment, it just got overlooked. If so, it should be easy to change. We'll see.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Not was , still is!

    Just to reinforce the point:
    Was playing last night with Maca (Twiggy) and a couple of others, one whos name was D96RNWE.
    As an ex-Navy engineer i soon worked it out D96 was HMS Gloucester, RN Royal Navy , WE Weapons Engineer.
    So a convo was started and low and behold Maca was ex-Navy too.
    And the 4th player was Army engineer.
    Small world eh?

    And yes we all had spanners in common :-)
  • SkyWagesSkyWages Member Posts: 17
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Ooh yes, I remember him, JohnBoyRebel! One of the original Team Laggy.   Who was your favourite Presenter on LNP? I still see most of them from time to time.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Probably Casper or Dr Tom. Remember really liking the way they thought about the game! Casper if I had to pick one, but you were all good.
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited April 2014
    Oh no! If you go, who is going to entertain us with stories of concrete, trains, planes and bentos pies?
    Looking forward to 'seeing' you again when you pop in for your fix, but please don't make it too often, I do so much better when you ain't around!
    I'll celebrate your success and wish you luck in your next endeavour, by tonight having not one, but two bags of twiglets.

    Love the idea of x3 PLO8 tournies a night starting in quick succession. Hope it comes to fruition. As well as potentially being great fun, also sounds just like the sort of thing I need to give me a kick in the bum. A new challenge and whatnot. If the tournies do indeed occur, hopefully more people will be attracted to the game. I enjoy it so much, I want everyone who plays Holdem to give it a go too.

    Take care and eat your greens.
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Not was , still is! Just to reinforce the point: Was playing last night with Maca (Twiggy) and a couple of others, one whos name was D96RNWE. As an ex-Navy engineer i soon worked it out D96 was HMS Gloucester, RN Royal Navy , WE Weapons Engineer. So a convo was started and low and behold Maca was ex-Navy too. And the 4th player was Army engineer. Small world eh? And yes we all had spanners in common :-)
    Posted by VespaPX
    One of these days, we three, AND HMS Amazon AND Artificer1 will be on a table at the same time.

    Funny how we all seem fond of a drink!
  • WhizzewkyWhizzewky Member Posts: 34
    edited April 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Hi Nick, (hope you are still here!). First up, how lovely that so many of the PLO8 Crew offered supportive words.   I know that on the night in question, you ran a bit bad, & lost 4 on the bounce. That hurts when you have a "thin" bankroll, I've been there, believe me. I play off a 200+ Buy-In 'roll at present, & it hurts me when I lose 3 or 4 on the trot, so I know it must have pinched a bit.   I have watched you play, & I don't see any glaring weaknesses, you don't serial call or limp with rubbish. A few things need tweaking, but easily enough sorted.  I use the "notes" to colour-code every opponent, & I have you as Green - & there are THREE colours beneath Green, so you look OK to me.   I will not & must not encourage you to play beyond your means, so if you've quit, or want to take a break, fine.   Howevva....... If you fancy it, here's the deal.   We'll swap phone numbers (by PM, NOT on the open Forum), & I'll play a PLO8 DYM (you must NOT play it) with you on the other end of the 'phone.  And I'll "think out loud" on every single hand, or action, & you can ask questions or whatever. We play hands on auto-pilot if we've played enough, but there is still an instictive "check-list" before every single action, or play.  Betting & Raising ranges are crucial, position, how to change our game at early/mid/late levels of a DYM, why we might pass very good hands on occasion, what we should or should not shove with, when, & why, that sort of thing. Every single action & thought process.   If you are interested, let me know, & we'll do it. We'll need to swap phone numbers, but I'll wait to see if you fancy doing this first.   I'm able to do it any day next week except, maybe, Tuesday, as I'm doing the Show that night, so the day gets a bit crowded. I'm offline most of Monday (day) too, but that apart, you can take your pick.  Up to you, Nick. Hope, poker apart, life is good.      
    Posted by Tikay10
    Hi Tikay and all the pl08 community.
    Firstly sincere congratulations on the completion of your challenge,a wonderful achievement a £1,000  profit at these stakes...incredible.
    However you will probably not be remembered for rinsing us all at the tables! For at least tripling single handedly the traffic on pl08 comes a very close 2nd.Your outstanding achievement over the last 6 months has to be summed up by your post to pompeynic...To do all this for one person? surely not! All who have played the 'best game' on Skypoker for the last 6 months know it's true,and you have helped and motivated at least another 100 lost souls along the way.
    On a personal level,as you know i foolishly declared i would not be playing dym's anymore..for several reasons all of them petty!Idid carry on watching the games and realised that our true friend/foe Miss Varience hits us all.For this reason i am back with a new attitude and hopefully in my own small way will help others to enjoy the game.
    Lastly in 6 months i never heard you once say a bad word to anybody,something i shall take forward into my poker life.Thank you Mr.Kendall for being a fine teacher,and all the best for your future conquests.
  • alexis74alexis74 Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2014

    Congrats on achieving your goal TK.

    All the more impressive to do it while retaining a good natured patience despite some of the odd questions / comments and worse which only you are subject to on the tables. 

    Good luck with the next challenge.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited April 2014
    Vwp tikay
    If it wasn't for you i would never have started playing dyms.
    Your advice has been phenomenal.
    And your enthusiasm contagious.
    You might be a little thin skinned - jac style - but there are a lot worse things one could be.
    If you do get a 123 night going i will do my best to support it.
    Gl gl

  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited April 2014
    hmm still waiting on my reply  tunnocks!!!!!!!

    even got an older picture for the lets just say more mature man :@)

    lol no seriously has been great playing and watching and trying too learn fro, you and of course reading this diary really well done on a very tidy profit for playing a game you love.

    really hope you still visit us and continue too try and get this great game more recognition and hopefully soon sky can muster some sort of league or the idea jock had.

    maybe you could ask the bigwigs too reschedule the 10.25 game for an hour(most say it is too late as they have work was spamming tables on wed and friday night  managed too get 12 in them compared too 5 on thursday when i did not annoy people so people will play but the timing needs tweaked a bit) earlier and the same with the game at 7.55 move it too 7.25 and up it too £2.20 and put a £50 gtd on it. so the line up would be...7.25 £2.20 entry £50 gtd..8.25 £5.50entry £100 gtd..and then the last 9.25 £3.30 again £50 gtd

    pretty sure sky could try this for a week or 2 too see how it works out and it won,t break the bank just a thought and maybe do a league nothing major prize wise maybe 1st gets a free entry too the 100gtd and so on

    anyway just a thought and hope too see u back on the tables soon ..all the best churchy
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited April 2014


    Thank you very much, I really appreciate all of those comments, & I'll try to reply to every one, not because I have to, but it just feels right, & I'd like to. Give me a bit of time though, please.

    In case I did not explain myself properly, I WILL still be playing the PLO8 DYM's, but just not every night. I was chasing Targets (self-imposed), & I tend to get a bit obsessive with things, all or nothing. So it left no time for other stuff in my life, Monday Night Football on Sky, an early night with a good book, Masters Golf later this week, updating my Diary elsewhere, and, now the summer is coming, I like to take long walks in the evening, along the banks of the Thames, with my little camera, trying to get good photos of ducks, swans, geese & the like.

    I'll probably play the PLO8 DYM's a couple of nights per week, plus, if we decide to go the PLO8 Tourneys suggestion, a couple of nights per week playing those, too. I'll definitely be starting a new Challenge of some description, otherwise my bankroll will just bleed away in dribs & drabs, I HAVE to have some sort of discipline. I learned that lesson the hard way. Scores of times......

    I might just play a couple of the PLO8 MTT's tonight, too. I have to be up at 4am tomorrow, & out of the house by 0430, for the long drive to Leeds, so I'll not be playing any stuff tonight which runs on until midnight or whatever.
    See you all soon, & thank you again, & I'll reply to each of you soonest. 
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited April 2014

      Just like to reiterate all the comments above, Sir. A great achievement and an excellent thread. 

      With regards the 123 thingummyjig  I AM IN .  Would like to suggest the suits be asked if it could be run

      along the lines of the O'Mahartigan leagues with some prizes up for grabs (would certainly boost the numbers).

      Anyway, that's my 2pennorth, once again well done and look forward to the next instalments.
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited April 2014
  • pompeynicpompeynic Member Posts: 2,834
    edited April 2014
    Hello plo8 community
    One week after the action man,rubiks cube and  Atari video games system went flying out of my perambulator, I am back and having looked through the community threads I have missed a fair bit. Then I came "home" to Tikays' thread and a few words come to mind. Embarrassed, humbled,overwhelmed and greatfull. A big thank you to all who took the time to write some very nice and constructive things and I will no doubt talk to all of you when we play this great game again over the coming days.
    Then I came to the very best post of all. I wonder if the "suits" realise and appreciate just what they have in Mr K?
    For you to take the time and interest in someone you have only had the slightest  of contact with, is incredible. 
    Your humour and obvious love of the game,people and life in general shine through the sometimes gloomy outlook on the forum and I really am amazed you would make such an offer to me.
    At some point I may have to explain a few things on this thread or maybe a thread of my own, but I now feel I have a few friends on this site which was not the case before.
    Tony it would be a privilege to have your input and I look forward to talking to you later this week.
    Thank you all very much
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,663
    edited April 2014
    Welcome back Nick. Sky is the only site I know where the players actually try and help one another improve. This is even more noticeable with the PlO8 crowd. You have been offered 'one to one' coaching by one of the legends of the game (this is something that many would pay literally 5 or even 10 pence for!) Make the most of it, enjoy the game and, if all goes well, make a bit of profit too. Good luck!

  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited April 2014
    Really enjoyed reading your diary Tikay.  You br management sets a great example but it's your patience and treating people the way they are suppose to be treated that I will take away from this diary.

    I know well that its all to easy to get caught up in the grind.  I've been caught up for years now.  I think its important to take time away and give time to things that really are important to us.   These things often require us to get up and make them happen but are worth more than any pot I've ever won.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited April 2014

    Yikes, some lovely people in PLO8.

    I promised to reply to everyone (because I want to, rather than have to), and I will, but my batteries need a bit of a re-charge at the moment. Should be fully-charged in the next day or two though.
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited April 2014

    just shows how more will play with late reg and there was over 30 in the afternoon one usuallly about 15.

    Tournament Complete

    Finished at 21:51 - 09 Apr

    46 / 1000
    Players Left
    0 / 46......
    Started At
    Prize Pool
    31 / 1000....
    compared too this

    Tournament Complete

    Finished at 21:53 - 07 Apr

    25 / 1000
    Players Left
    0 / 25

    Tournament Complete

    Finished at 22:28 - 07 Apr

    7 / 1000
    Players Left
    0 / 7
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,436
    edited July 2014

    Afternoon PLO & PLO8-ers.

    Just back from Vegas, where I did not exactly set the world on fire, but my appetite is as great as ever for PLO8 & PLO, so I may join you in July, starting today, all being well. I've really missed playing these DYM's.

    I need to tweak my game, so will be playing a little different to previously. ;)

    Not sure what the traffic is like at present, but I'll have a look tonight, & then set a July target. Nothing too ambitious yet, maybe 200 or 250 games, but I'll first see how much traffic there is. Think I'll stick to the £3.30, £5,50 & £11 levels.

    My Account Balance remains exactly what it was when I ended the challenge, @ £1,292, so I'll use that as the starting point.
    Go easy on me, not played these for about 3 months.

    Hope to see a few of my old friends & foes soon at the Tables soon.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Afternoon PLO & PLO8-ers. Just back from Vegas, where I did not exactly set the world on fire, but my appetite is as great as ever for PLO8 & PLO, so I may join you in July, starting today, all being well. I've really missed playing these DYM's. I need to tweak my game, so will be playing a little different to previously. ;) Not sure what the traffic is like at present, but I'll have a look tonight, & then set a July target. Nothing too ambitious yet, maybe 200 or 250 games, but I'll first see how much traffic there is. Think I'll stick to the £3.30, £5,50 & £11 levels. My Account Balance remains exactly what it was when I ended the challenge, @ £1,292, so I'll use that as the starting point.   Go easy on me, not played these for about 3 months. Hope to see a few of my old friends & foes soon at the Tables soon.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Welcome home Tony
    Traffic's been down as expected this time of year but all the regs still around.
    Looking forward to seeing your new "plays" !
    See you later at the tables
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