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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    I made the dumbest move ever ever ever last night. 4 handed, stacks are..... Loosey Goosey 7,000 Steady Eddie 2,500 Old Bloke 2,000 AWAY player 500 Blinds are 100-200. I just have to sit out here. I know that.   Loosey raises, I'm on 7 tables, & without thinking, I re-pot it with the nicest aces you ever saw, A-A-K-2 DS.   And Loosey looks me up. And busts me. Or, more correctly, I bust myself. It cost me £5.50, big deal. But that HURT.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Funny i was thinking about things like this last night.
    I've come up with an idea to stop getting involved when you shouldn't.

    If you've got a big stack or there's a shorty who is not at the table, just click the "AWAY" button yourself.
    May stop the temptation?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Funny i was thinking about things like this last night. I've come up with an idea to stop getting involved when you shouldn't. If you've got a big stack or there's a shorty who is not at the table, just click the "AWAY" button yourself. May stop the temptation?
    Posted by VespaPX
    Well yes, I suppose we could. Slightly naughty though, I think, as it changes the table dynamic completely.
    Bit like a "professional foul" in football.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited March 2014
    Hi Teeks,

    pleased to see your bankroll continuing to progress in a most satisfactory way. Hope you haven't put the muckers on it with your "If I end up with....." statement above.

    not playing much online as i'm very busy at the moment, even when i'm not passing through China. but managed a little over the last few days. was going to give the skill sng promo a go which meant i shouldn't be playing dyms. but i lost the first 2 6max's i played so then decided i would just play whatever, have a laugh, and see how it comes out. so last night i ended up playing NLHE 6-max and headhunters, hilo DYMs, alongside a few of my usual BH MTTs. all very confusing. even managed to "lose" a hh game behind my browser while replying to Paul on his thread.

    have to compliment you on all the outstanding advice you have been providing on this thread. my natural style is the antithesis of what's needed for dyms, the fact that i can score 4/5 on my first night back playing dyms i would like to think is a reflection of heeding your advice and not just due to positive variance. i know it may not reflect in some of the hands i play, but at least i have learnt how to fold AA and KK preflop if there has been action behind and i don't have a low.

    glad to see that not everyone is reading your thread though, and that there is a wider range of hands being played than even i would countenance.

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited March 2014
    oh, I also decided to throw in the £100 hilo mtt into the mix, for the first time this year. it had 26 runners and after i while i noticed i was 12/12 - over half the field gone and i was still on my starting stack! dym strategy FTW. fortunately still had some time to get my mojo going as playing dyms certainly helps with your patience in low-stack situations. Found my double up when i committed myself and was pleased to eventually finish 2nd. That was a relief because i was a little worried that the dym playing had led me to lose my hilo mtt capacity.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2014

    Friday 28th March

    Played 38

    Won 26

    Lost 11


    £3.30 - Played 23, Won 16, Lost 7

    £5.50 - Played 12, won 8 lost 4

    £11.00 - Played 3, won 2, Lost 1

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day

    PROFIT/LOSS per game £1.08


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £1,293.89

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 3,248 (= £48.72)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2014

    March to date........

    Played 726

    Won 414

    Lost 312

    Win-rate, January, 57.02%

    PROFIT/LOSS in March,

    /Loss per game February =
  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited March 2014
    Oh nice win streak Tikay......5 more now and you hit your record.

    I thought you said you never go on these big win streaks?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2014

    Saturday 29th March

    Played 42

    Won 25

    Lost 17


    £3.30 - Played 26, Won 16, Lost 10

    £5.50 - Played 11, won 6 lost 5

    £11.00 - Played 5, won 3, Lost 2

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day

    PROFIT/LOSS per game £0.21


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £1,302.59

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 3,431 (= £51.47)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2014

    March to date........

    Played 768

    Won 439

    Lost 329

    Win-rate, January, 57.16%

    PROFIT/LOSS in March,

    /Loss per game February =
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Oh nice win streak Tikay......5 more now and you hit your record. I thought you said you never go on these big win streaks?
    Posted by gerardirl

    I added just one more, & that was that.
    I don't really like trying to hit these winning "streaks", it puts pressure on me, & I play scared. How these guys & gals manage these long runs is quite beyond me, I've no idea how they do it, but fair play to them. A chap in the Skill & Go (Wooaga?) won 19 out of 20 DYM's. Wowzer.
    The run ended in a spectacular exit. Had really good aces, Double Suited, A-A-K-2, & got the lot in pre against a goose of the loosest variety. I thought he may also have Aces, or maybe some A-2 combo. I nearly fainted when his hand was turned over, J-9-7-7. Flop J-7-7. BOOM!

    Last night was a typical night for me - Longest Winning Run 4, Longest Losing run 3. Mr Average, me.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    oh, I also decided to throw in the £100 hilo mtt into the mix, for the first time this year. it had 26 runners and after i while i noticed i was 12/12 - over half the field gone and i was still on my starting stack! dym strategy FTW. fortunately still had some time to get my mojo going as playing dyms certainly helps with your patience in low-stack situations. Found my double up when i committed myself and was pleased to eventually finish 2nd. That was a relief because i was a little worried that the dym playing had led me to lose my hilo mtt capacity.
    Posted by GELDY
    Good point gelders, it is true, playing a lot of DYM's DOES affect how we play MTT's. Well done on the 2nd place.

    Were you "just" playing DYM's last night? (Saturday). I sensed you played MUCH better, & that you were really concentrating, & playing good DYM strategy. You "won" every game you were in, from what I saw. Well done you.

    The last £11er of the night, in which the last 4 included you & I, was a cracker. I was cruising to the win, plenty of chips, but made a mis-step v you, doubled you up, & then it was nip & tuck all the way, before we both prevailed.
    The "mis-step" annoyed me at the time, I was a bit cross with myself for the unforced error, but when I thought about it, it was not really a mistake. I was in the BB with A-10-9-2 Double Suited, you were in the SB. You shoved. I don't much like calling, & ordinarily, that is an easy Pass for me. had 4 Bigs, & of course, short stacks widen their range, often (& correctly) to "any 4", as mostly the shove does not get called. In fact you had better, A-K-J-10 or somesuch, which was good enough.

    Anyway, it all ended OK, & we both got across the line.
    Congrats on what looked to me like a good winning night.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi Teeks, pleased to see your bankroll continuing to progress in a most satisfactory way. Hope you haven't put the muckers on it with your "If I end up with....." statement above. not playing much online as i'm very busy at the moment, even when i'm not passing through China. but managed a little over the last few days. was going to give the skill sng promo a go which meant i shouldn't be playing dyms. but i lost the first 2 6max's i played so then decided i would just play whatever, have a laugh, and see how it comes out. so last night i ended up playing NLHE 6-max and headhunters, hilo DYMs, alongside a few of my usual BH MTTs. all very confusing. even managed to "lose" a hh game behind my browser while replying to Paul on his thread. have to compliment you on all the outstanding advice you have been providing on this thread. my natural style is the antithesis of what's needed for dyms, the fact that i can score 4/5 on my first night back playing dyms i would like to think is a reflection of heeding your advice and not just due to positive variance. i know it may not reflect in some of the hands i play, but at least i have learnt how to fold AA and KK preflop if there has been action behind and i don't have a low. glad to see that not everyone is reading your thread though, and that there is a wider range of hands being played than even i would countenance.
    Posted by GELDY
    Thanks for the kind words Gelders.

    5 out of 6 on Friday, then 6 out of 6 last night, was it?


    My bankroll? Yes, nothing exciting, but little & often, it just slowly (very slowly.....) increases. Short of the most spectacular implosion ever, I'll turn a profit for March, which will be 6 consecutive profitable months, & a profit of around £1,100. I'm very pleased with that, but more so, that we have now got such a thriving PLO8 Commmunity here. To be able to play 40+ PLO8 DYM's every night is quite something, unimaginable 6 months ago.
    All good.     
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited March 2014
    Hi Tikay,

    thanks for your kind words. Yes I was on a bit of a heater last night. 6/6 Hilo DYMs, 3 Primo seats (2 hyper sats and an allin), FT-ed a BH and won the semi for the mega roller. lost a few 6max NLHE so any residual hope for the skill&go is out of the window. taken out of the Primo by the lovely Mrs Bromley, but knocked Adam out of a late running hypersat to restore family honours. went out of a speedy BH FH<FH.

    so still the eclectic brain-numbing mix of varieties on the go at the same time, but i did feel much more "in the zone". guess i managed to hit some run good at the same time as i was playing well. if only that could continue for today.
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited March 2014
    well tikay thought i would finally put up a post and take both barrels(sigh) go easy on me lol! any1 else that has played me a bit please feel free too leave a comment as well.

    well after the chats the last few nights (months even)i thought it was about time i really had a look at how i play the game and try and see where the leaks/flaws in my play are and see if i can improve,

     i think too be fair i know most of my flaws myself but just can,t seem too get myself too stop the silly calls and plays i make anyway here goes and please feel free too point out anything i miss.

    i know that i am a average(if that) player.but i also know  when i want and am fully focused on the game i can play well but far too often i play at the wrong times or just play really silly hands and am not focused enough or get distracted too easily.

    as you know been playing hi/lo a wee while with varying degrees of success and gain but i know i,am losing too many games through getting drawn into pots/hands i have no need too be in.

    1st im far too willing too get it in with marginal hands when there is no need.

    2nd i play too many hands or limp too often

    3rd i defend my blinds too much at times instead of letting it go and picking my spot better(as im sure u will remember from earlier tonight)

    4th bankroll management..i,am a boom or bust kind of guy

    i could go on and on i think but i will leave some for you.

    as always thanks for any advice and as you can see also no need for me too pm u as it is here..churchy

    EDIT thought i would throw this in as well..should i just bin aa hands they never hold?
    NAGGER Small blind   150.00 150.00 1430.00
    Mr Big blind   300.00 450.00 2090.31
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 5
    • A
    • A
    elleben2 Fold        
    churchy18 Raise   1050.00 1500.00 2509.69
    PgdL Fold        
    NAGGER Fold        
    Mr All-in   2090.31 3590.31 0.00
    churchy18 Call   1340.31 4930.62 1169.38
    M Show
    • J
    • 6
    • A
    • 8
    churchy18 Show
    • 10
    • 5
    • A
    • A
    • 7
    • 4
    • K
    • J
    • 5
    Mr Win high Straight to the 8 2465.32   2465.32
    Mr Win low 7-low 2465.30   4930.62
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    well tikay thought i would finally put up a post and take both barrels(sigh) go easy on me lol! any1 else that has played me a bit please feel free too leave a comment as well. well after the chats the last few nights (months even)i thought it was about time i really had a look at how i play the game and try and see where the leaks/flaws in my play are and see if i can improve,  i think too be fair i know most of my flaws myself but just can,t seem too get myself too stop the silly calls and plays i make anyway here goes and please feel free too point out anything i miss. i know that i am a average(if that) player.but i also know  when i want and am fully focused on the game i can play well but far too often i play at the wrong times or just play really silly hands and am not focused enough or get distracted too easily. as you know been playing hi/lo a wee while with varying degrees of success and gain but i know i,am losing too many games through getting drawn into pots/hands i have no need too be in. 1st im far too willing too get it in with marginal hands when there is no need. 2nd i play too many hands or limp too often 3rd i defend my blinds too much at times instead of letting it go and picking my spot better(as im sure u will remember from earlier tonight) 4th bankroll management..i,am a boom or bust kind of guy i could go on and on i think but i will leave some for you. as always thanks for any advice ..churchy
    Posted by churchy18
    Hi Churchy

    I think you've identified the things that you need improvement on in this thread.
    You know the game and what you SHOULD do.
    Just a little more concentration & patience would do you the world of good.
    I think sometimes you play a DYM like its a MTT - just let your BB go , no need to defend if you haven't got a hand to defend with.

    Anyway that's my humble, inexperienced, thoughts.
    See you at the tables soon
  • WhizzewkyWhizzewky Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Hi Churchy I think you've identified the things that you need improvement on in this thread. You know the game and what you SHOULD do. Just a little more concentration & patience would do you the world of good. I think sometimes you play a DYM like its a MTT - just let your BB go , no need to defend if you haven't got a hand to defend with. Anyway that's my humble, inexperienced, thoughts. See you at the tables soon Gl Mick
    Posted by VespaPX
    Hi churchy,long time player of plo8.It's always a good thing to know you have a problem with your play but a crime to keep on playing the same way.Players like Tikay, jason885 and probably myself don't play for the money but enjoy the challenge.We all see it every day complete newbies lucking every hand but 9 games later they are 1/10.It has to be said that plo8 is probably the most skillful game on skypoker and to play it long term needs strict rules of engagement.In your case if it's ok i'll give two bits of advice:1st:Know who you are playing against..make notes and adapt..even the best players are beatable:) 2nd:Never tilt..even if people are hitting one or two outers..always manage your chips and act accordingly..if for example i have Ak23 but 5,000 chips and 2 raisers..instinct says call but in a dym an instant fold in my opinion.i could write a book about the do's and don'ts of plo8 but vespas comments are valid and more valuable than mine:) I hope you do change a little as you are very lucky..skill and luck together will make you an almost unbeatable player gl m8
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited March 2014
    thank you mick i just seem too let myself get dragged into silly all ins when there is no need.

    whizz thanks for the reply feel priveleged as only your 3 post in 4 years.... only joking seriously thanks for the advice and tips  that you and others have i just lucky? or can i play a bit?

    as i have said i know that i make some very bad decisions and plays.i.e the 1 v u earlier very bad call but as i said then i felt a bit under the cosh from u but i have no excuse was terrible play by me ..i am trying too tighten up and improve which slowly i feel i am doing(will open my sharkscope in the next month or so when i hit even again:@))

    p.s had a wee look at my ss not the best but i have seen far worse and they have turned it around..hopefully by the end of may mine should be showing me in profit.

    and if that happens i will be quite happy...anyway gl all and sorry for hijacking your thread tikay

  • WhizzewkyWhizzewky Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    thank you mick i just seem too let myself get dragged into silly all ins when there is no need. whizz thanks for the reply feel priveleged as only your 3 post in 4 years.... only joking seriously thanks for the advice and tips  that you and others have i just lucky? or can i play a bit? as i have said i know that i make some very bad decisions and plays.i.e the 1 v u earlier very bad call but as i said then i felt a bit under the cosh from u but i have no excuse was terrible play by me ..i am trying too tighten up and improve which slowly i feel i am doing(will open my sharkscope in the next month or so when i hit even again:@)) p.s had a wee look at my ss not the best but i have seen far worse and they have turned it around..hopefully by the end of may mine should be showing me in profit. and if that happens i will be quite happy...anyway gl all and sorry for hijacking your thread tikay
    Posted by churchy18
    No you are not just lucky but some of your all ins are dubious and i've seen you hit some amazing cards!! You even shocked tikay tonight:) I can promise you if you follow a few simple rules (all of which you know) i will put £10 to the charity of your choice (not joking) if you are not winning on your ss in 2 months...Iwill try to post more in future :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2014

    I'll introduce you all to Mr Whizzy tomorrow, he is one of THE greats of Sky Poker.

    I'll reply to Churchy's stuff tomorrow, too.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited March 2014

    Meanwhile, it is the last day of the month, so I have until Midnight for a last big push for Reward Points, & Bronze Leaderboard Points.

    One last big squeeze, & I'll be there. Bit like having a baby, I imagine, I'll be mildly relieved when I'm finished. 
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