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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Nice to see you running good/playing good Tony. I'm on a bit of a break at the moment. Need to get my head sorted after 2 weeks of brutal river cards. I guess its good to be ahead on the flop and turn but getting rivered so many times recently has sort of messed my mind up a bit. May drop down a level or so when i come back , so you might not bump into me until confidence is restored. GL Mick
    Posted by VespaPX
    Thanks Mick, but that's sad news, you are great fun to share tables with, & you take your beats like a proper grown-up.

    I'm afraid I may be partly responsible, as I've been inflicting a few bad beats on you, I recall them earlier this week on my "hot" night.
    Even though it is a low-variance game, on some nights we just cannot do a thing right, beat after beat. On a "thin" bankroll, that can be really painful.
    I've watched you play countless times, & you seem to be really solid, & so I'm pretty sure that Miss Variance is just having some sport with you.
    Hope your fortunes soon take a turn for the better.
    As a reminder of the good times we have shared, here's some spanners.

  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited July 2014
    Contemplated playing a couple to mix it up after early MTT exits but just decided to stick to NLH DYMs. I understand Omaha and the starting hands but how does this vary in PLO8? If you don't mind me asking. Do we factor in the Lo part that often?
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Contemplated playing a couple to mix it up after early MTT exits but just decided to stick to NLH DYMs. I understand Omaha and the starting hands but how does this vary in PLO8? If you don't mind me asking. Do we factor in the Lo part that often?
    Posted by Matt237
    Yes Matt, the Lo part is very important.
    AKQ2 is about a billion times better a hand than AKQJ.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,661
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    One game started, & a chap announced "I've regged for the wrong game, I have never played PLO8, & have no idea how to, can anyone help me?" As PLO8 players are generally helpful & friendly, everyone was busy advising what to play, how to play, what a "low" was, that sort of thing. Shame really. The same chap pulled the same trick TWICE last night, & twice last week.   "I've never played this before". Err, I think you have, Bud. It's extraordinary what folks will do to gain an edge.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    I regged for a cash game a few weeks ago and got all my money in with the nut low and a draw to the nut flush. The nut flush draw missed but instead of splitting the pot all the chips went the other way!

    The moral of the story is check you are sitting at a PLO8 table and not a PLO table before committing £100 with a low hand and a draw! Oops
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Thanks Mick, but that's sad news, you are great fun to share tables with, & you take your beats like a proper grown-up. I'm afraid I may be partly responsible, as I've been inflicting a few bad beats on you, I recall them earlier this week on my "hot" night.   Even though it is a low-variance game, on some nights we just cannot do a thing right, beat after beat. On a "thin" bankroll, that can be really painful.   I've watched you play countless times, & you seem to be really solid, & so I'm pretty sure that Miss Variance is just having some sport with you.   Hope your fortunes soon take a turn for the better.   As a reminder of the good times we have shared, here's some spanners .  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Cheers Tony
    That means a lot.
    Went for a long drive for work today down along the coast to Saltdean & Eastbourne.
    Lovely scenery down there, didn't get tempted to go to Beachy Head though after my recent bad beats ! :-)
    Got a busy few days this week but expect to be back on the tables at the weekend.
    May top up what i lost over the last couple of weeks and jump back into the £3 tables.
    Be my first top up since joining the site :-)

    On and i forgot to mention , whilst watching the Open and listening to Peter Allis, he sort of reminded me of you.
    Wittty banter , funny stories , and just loves the game.

    Catch up with you soon.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342
    edited July 2014

    22nd July Numbers & Stuff

    Played 30

    Won 21

    Lost 9

    £3.30, P 18, W 14, L 4

    £5.50, P 8, W 4 L 4

    £11, P 4, W 3, L 1

    Opening Balance - £1,322.05

    Closing Balance = £1,358.65

    Profit Loss on Night - £36.60

    Profit Loss on Month = £65.45

    REWARD POINTS on night = 134

    REWARD POINTS IN MONTH = 2,001 (= £20.01)



    JULY WIN % = 57.3%
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342
    edited July 2014

    The Mini Heater continues, another good night & banked a £36 profit. That makes 5 winning nights on the bounce, for an aggregate £160 in profit, wowzers.
    It can't continue of course, much of it is run-good, but I have tweaked a few things in my game, & most of all, made a conscious decision to CONCETRATE more, & not mess about surfing the net & watching TV whilst playing.
    The very first game to fill up was an £11er, that's never happened before, & I won the first 6 games, & was rocking & rolling, but you know poker, I then promptly lost the next 4, after which I settled into a good rythym & pace.

    4 @ £11 ran, which is good, & I managed to win 3. These make all the difference, of course.

    The traffic, considering the time of year, is extraordinary, & come the dark nights, I think the PLO8 DYM's will be heaving, especially as more & more are switching to the beautiful game.

    Good to have Twiglet Lady & MOTHER back amongst us, too.
    A most enjoyable evening.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342
    edited July 2014
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342
    edited July 2014

    23rd July Numbers & Stuff

    Played 30

    Won 15

    Lost 15

    £3.30, P 24, W 10, L 14

    £5.50, P 6, W 5 L 1

    £11, P 0, W 0, L 0

    Opening Balance - £1,358.65

    Closing Balance = £1,356.42

    Profit Loss on Night - £2.20

    Profit Loss on Month = £63.25

    REWARD POINTS on night = 102

    REWARD POINTS IN MONTH = 2,103 (= £21.03)



    JULY WIN % = 56.9%
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342
    edited July 2014

    Wow, what a let-down.
    After 5 winning nights, it went a bit wrong last night & I lost £2.

    It could have been much worse though, & I made a great recovery to get so close to profit.

    Lost TEN of the first 15, & that's a big hole to get out of, but I managed a Game Count of 15-15 in the end, & with the £5.50ers going well, I repaired much of the earlier damage. It felt like a win in the end.

    Had some concentration issues early on, and what felt like some serious (& well overdue) run-bad, but I certainly made a couple of errors & was not playing as well as I am able, & that cost a few bob.
    Need to get back on my winning bike tonight. I'll DEFFO not be viewing the Community tonight. ;)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342
    edited July 2014
  • daggers747daggers747 Member Posts: 193
    edited July 2014

    Hi Tikay

    Normally play mtts  but due to work started  to play small cash omaha.

    Payed my entrance fee first few months but really loving the dynamic of the game fast and furious or slow and patient.

    Be great if you could find time to come over and see us next week between 10 30 and midnight one night.

    I normally play 10 20 games run most evenings.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi Tikay Normally play mtts  but due to work started  to play small cash omaha. Payed my entrance fee first few months but really loving the dynamic of the game fast and furious or slow and patient . Be great if you could find time to come over and see us next week between 10 30 and midnight one night. I normally play 10 20 games run most evenings. Daggers
    Posted by daggers747
    OK Daggers, consider that BOOKED.

    It's amazing how many peple on Sky Poker are discovering the joys of PLO8, & realising that it helps bring the FUN back into the game.
    There were a whole bunch of new faces playing PLO8 DYM's last night, & they all seemed to enjoy it. Remember, we play poker to ENJOY ourselves. Work can be a right pain, so can mowing the lawn, or taking the family to Sainsburys on a Saturday. When we play poker, it's meant to be our fun-time.
    Mind you, I was donating left right & centre last night, so that might have helped....
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342
    edited July 2014

    24th July Numbers & Stuff

    Played 35

    Won 10

    Lost 25

    £3.30, P 24, W 8, L 16

    £5.50, P 8, W 1 L 7

    £11, P 3, W 1, L 2

    Opening Balance - £1,356.42

    Closing Balance = £1,284.25

    Profit Loss on Night - £72.20

    Profit Loss on Month = £8.95

    REWARD POINTS on night = 142

    REWARD POINTS IN MONTH = 2,242 (= £22.42)



    JULY WIN % = 55.1%
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342
    edited July 2014

    I mean, how is that even POSSIBLE?

    Played 7 @ £5.50. Won 1.

    Played 24 @ £3.30. Won 8.


    It felt like people just kept getting there against me, but it's not possible to play well & lose that many games, is it? So I'm sure as things got worse, I played worse.

    In one £11 game, there were 4 of us left @ 400-800, so a bit fraught & tense. Chap on the button had 3 bigs. And limp folded to my BB shove! I nearly fainted.    

    Won just 6 of the first 15, not good, but I can recover from that.
    Won 5 of the next 15. WHAT?

    Decided to play a little longer, to claw a bit back, so played 5 more games than my usual 30.

    Lost every one.


    So having made over £100 in that 5 night glorious heater, I gave 70% of it back in one night.
    See you guys tonight for the recovery mission. Don't mess with me, right?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342
    edited July 2014

    PS - That font colour is called blood red.
  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited July 2014
    Hey Tikay,

    Not a nice feeling Im sure. However I do love the car crash pic.....I could have done with that the other day after losing 6 straight over 3 days! yikes.
    When you have a bad run what goes through your mind the next day when you have had time to regroup your thoughts?

    Personally I think bad days keep you honest and it is the bad days that keep me motivated to come back and win again!

    Hope it turns for you tonight!

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Contemplated playing a couple to mix it up after early MTT exits but just decided to stick to NLH DYMs. I understand Omaha and the starting hands but how does this vary in PLO8? If you don't mind me asking. Do we factor in the Lo part that often?
    Posted by Matt237
    Hi Matt,

    Gooid to see you on the PLO8 tables last night.

    Macacgirl (Twiglet Lady), who is a BIG winner @ PLo8 DYM's, & a far better player than me,  answered that question perfectly, when she said....

    "....Yes Matt, the Lo part is very important.
    AKQ2 is about a billion times better a hand than AKQJ...."

    Well not quite a billion times better, but relatively speaking, MUCH better.

    Let's look at that a bit closer.
    We can rank hands, over a large sample (100,000 hands) by how many times they will scoop (get the lot) or get at least part back, usually half. The lower the rating, the better the hand.
    To better explain the difference, I've asumed the A-2-Q-K is DS, & the A-K-Q-J is NS.

    A-2-K-Q - Ranked 95 of 5,300 hands.

    A-K-Q-J - Ranked 979 of 5,300 hands.

    What % of time do we scoop?

    A-2-K-Q - 15%

    A-K-Q-J - 11%

    What % of time do we get PART of our money back? (Usually half). 

    A-2-K-Q - 30%

    A-K-Q-J - 15%

    So, in short, we get SOMETHING back 30% of the time with A-2-K-Q, compared to 15% with A-K-Q-J.
    Now, look at those numbers a different way.

    With A-2-K-Q, this is a PREMIUM HAND by any criteria. When we all have, say 8 Bigs @ 150-300, we are NEVER folding this hand, it's a monster. Now add in what % of time we force folds with A-2-K-Q, & that 30% increases massively.

    If we get in a rasing war with A-2-K-Q, we are happy to get a caller. With A-K-Q-J, we need to force a fold ideally, as it does not play well.   
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342
    edited July 2014

    By the bye, BAD Aces are even worse than A-K-Q-J.

    If we take A-A-K-9, this ranks as 1,995 out of 5,300, which is far worse than A-K-Q-J. It's one pair which can barely improve.

    I'd play it late stages, if I KNOW I can get it heads up, but early doors, it goes in the bin, as we can rarely get it heads up.

    All, imo, of course, from the bloke who did £70 in cold blood last night....
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited July 2014
    Far better player than you?
    Do behave!
    90% of the time I am capable I think, 10% of the time I am more interested in whatever it is I am eating or drinking at that moment in time!

    This time next week, last nights battering will be a distant memory to you, bet ya.

    I'm not playing today (just as well, I usually do rubbish on a Friday) but will see you and the usual gang tomorrow if you about.
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