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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Played a few games of this tonight with the regs. Very pre-flop focused but sat tight and made the last 4 in every game I played and turned a small profit. I am fairly certain I made a few mistakes in not calling to try and eliminate shortstacks and I didnt have a clue which hands to play in the midstages so made very few steals. I will try a few of the mtts to try out plo8 with deeper stacks as it was a refreshing change from nlhe.
    Posted by jimb0d1
    Good luck Jim, enjoyed sharing tables with you last night.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Evening all Thanks for all the advice you are putting on here for us new to this game. I have put a hand in the SnG strategy section which I would like any advice with. I don't know what I am doing still, so I don't know if I was correct or completely wrong. Any help much appreciated.
    Posted by dragon1964
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    It all began so well..... Best ever start to a session, I think, winning the first 8 games, but then it all went a bit pete. Middle of the session was downhill, the last third I ran really ugly bad, but I was still on course for a profit, & was guaranteed to win more games than I lost. Ended up winning the game count 17-14, but losing 2 quid on the day. The penultimate game was a disgrace. I got it in against some chap, & I had 137 outs twice, I was all over him, had him bang to rights. How well does that Jac35 run? Disrespectful to call my raises, too.  War is declared.   
    Posted by Tikay10
    Just seen this nonsense after I'd already posted on my fun little thread.
    I think you made your own bed in that hand. I do believe that I had raised initially. Now as you must have noted I was playing extremely tight. I was a little peeved that you had the temerity to repop it and so thought I'd teach you a lesson. You were holding ace high, king kicker in the end I believe. Admittedly, you did have a couple of outs and may have been a tad unlucky not to hit one of them. Nevermind eh, GG.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014

    12th July Numbers & Stuff

    Played 31

    Won 16

    Lost 15

    £3.30, P 22, W 10, L 12

    £5.50, P 7, W 4 L 3

    £11, P 2, W 2, L 0

    Opening Balance - £1,287.15

    Closing Balance = £1,298.05

    Profit Loss on Night - £10.90

    Profit Loss on Month = £4.25

    REWARD POINTS on night = 119

    REWARD POINTS IN MONTH = 1,087 (= £10.87)



    WIN % = 54.2%
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014

    It was those £11ers that made the difference again, but this time, played 2 & won both. Makes such a difference if I can win those beauties.
    One of them lasted less than an orbit. A new player arived & potted every hand, every street, it was most extraordinary. And then I found good Aces.

    I'm not keen on getting it all-in pre in Level 1 of an £11er, but it had to be done, & some cheek-clenching ensued. He had 6-7-7-8 or somesuch, & I held without much of a sweat. "Phew" I thought, then a few hands later, no idea how, but it was all over. Yikes. Skill game.

    On the run-bad side, mid-session I lost all connections for about 30 minutes. My Tables would not load, & I could not log out, log in, anything. It cost me 3 games @ £3.30, but fortunately, the £5.50 & £11ers I had Regged for did not start, so that saved me a few bob. 

    It was fine once it "cleared itself", but a bit frustrating of course. It happens.
    Had some great "cling-on" comebacks, most satisfying. Doubt I've ever seen a player who hangs in as stubbornly as FCHD though, he never gives up, great to watch. Never moans, either.
    Jeez, there were some moans & groans last night. Moan when they lose, chirp when they win. It's extraordinary, every time they lose it is Sky Poker's fault, when they win, it's all skill. Guess they don't realise how daft they look when they spout that nonsense.

    "Had a bad week, Sky has ****ed me over every night" said the geezer who ran his K-K-x-x into my A-A-x-x. Lordy lordy.....

    My old adversary "Alexis74" was on the Tables last night. He is such a technically organised player, great to see, never wastes a chip.

    Overall, I'm back in profit for July, by a smidgen, but I'm not quite clicking" yet, I should be winning more games. It might just be variance, I don't know, but I feel I ought to be doing better.
    Even so, I've played poker most nights, it's not cost me a bean, & had some great fun with like-minded people. What's not to like?

    Will be playing again this evening, though with the World Cup final mid-evening, I doubt it'll be very busy. Should be better tomorrow (Monday), but I'll be working on Tuesday, with Boycey & Lord Grumpy on The Open Golf Betting Preview Show on Ch 861.
    Enjoy your Sunday.      
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014

    13th July Numbers & Stuff

    Played 30

    Won 13

    Lost 17

    £3.30, P 17, W 8, L 9

    £5.50, P 10, W 3 L 7

    £11, P 3, W 2, L 1

    Opening Balance - £1,298.05

    Closing Balance = £1,267.95

    Profit Loss on Night - £30.10

    Profit Loss on Month = £25.85

    REWARD POINTS on night = 131

    REWARD POINTS IN MONTH = 1,218 (= £12.18)



    WIN % = 53.1%
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014

    Well that was a shocker, could not do right for doing wrong.

    Lost the game count 13-17, just salvaging a bit of pride & money by winning 2 of 3 @ £11. Overall a loss of £30 though, which is quite embarrassing, not to say expensive.   

    Not sure what I did wrong, but it felt like my hands did not hold. Some nights we run really good, others not so much. 

    I made a really bad error early doors in a £3.30, when 2 of us had most of the chips, me with 3,900, & the Chippie 4,200. It was just a "sit & wait" affair, no need to do anything at all, just wait for a shortie to bust. He was BB to my SB, & I found great Aces & popped it up expecting him to pass, no need to get involved. You know the rest. Bad play by both of us really, but I guess I started it, & I could have folded at any point. Why do we do these daft things when we know for sure they are wrong? Ego, maybe, I don't know.

    EvilPingu joined us late on, & he was completely bossing the last £11er that ran. I was shortie all the way, but picked my spots well & eventually doubled up, but Andy was still big chippie. Then I found the Aces, DS, & popped it up & Andy took me on with something like 2-3-4-6, but I held. Phew. Love to see these quality players in the PLO8 DYM's.

    Much more traffic than I had expected, considering the World Cup Final was on mid-evening. 30 PLO8 DYM's @ £3.30 & above on a night like that must bode well.
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited July 2014
    I have pm'ed you an invite to Our HitSquad Poker Tour leg, 3 Luton G , Tony!!!
    Sat 19th July, 3pm, £55 BI, Holdem.

    Dont Know if you saw before you went to Vegas, 50 runners Max, nearly full, quite a few Guests form other Teams & Community, will find you a spot if you want!!

    ....Like Me....for some reason,  we are always welcome at a Poker table,lol.....tho prob diff reasons!!!
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited July 2014
    Also Tony...

    Another invite for you & all on this thread actually as all welcome!!.....

    The FOSP Holdem LEAGUE Tournie,  July Week 3 is Weds 16th July, 7.30pm, £5.50, ALL WELCOME!!!!!


    Table & Admin c/o Carl, LuvBWFC, ty!!

    Top of League at mo are jointly, Supercrazy & IrishRose Rosarie X

    Best 2 agg scores to count..... 3 weeks & Chances to score left!!

    Added Value Sky Prizes to be announced!!

    Sky Lobby & registration HERE..

    100 different people have played the 2 weeks so far..

    Current Top 23, who have played both!

    supercrazy 4
    IrishRose 4
    Brrrrrrr 14
    luvBWFC 26
    HITMAN_RV 34
    POKEY2011 38
    bbMike 39
    shirley02 40
    scwuffy54 41
    aiken2001 44
    KEITH1960 48
    day4eire76 48
    goldnballz 49
    sumner0754 50
    timeforbed 52
    jawzindawz 61
    Cormach 66
    3barrels 69
    riverrick 77
    Oban 86
    wynne1938 88

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited July 2014
    Any news regarding the pm yet Tikay?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Any news regarding the pm yet Tikay?
    Posted by waller02
    Hi waller.

    I believe Sky Poker will be contacting you & the other Gentleman shortly, &, fingers crossed, I hope all will be sorted, though it's not my call.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    I have pm'ed you an invite to Our HitSquad Poker Tour leg, 3 Luton G , Tony!!! Sat 19th July, 3pm, £55 BI, Holdem. Dont Know if you saw before you went to Vegas, 50 runners Max, nearly full, quite a few Guests form other Teams & Community, will find you a spot if you want!! ....Like Me....for some reason,  we are always welcome at a Poker table,lol.....tho prob diff reasons!!!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    Thanks Dave.

    Bad timing, I'm afraid, I'm otherwise engaged on Saturday, sorry.

    I really hope you all have a good day, & I'm sure you will.
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited July 2014
    Hi Tikay

    I missed your show on Tuesday . Wanted to watch the golf section as well. Who did you go for in the Open and will you be watching much of it this weekend?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi Tikay I missed your show on Tuesday . Wanted to watch the golf section as well. Who did you go for in the Open and will you be watching much of it this weekend? paul
    Posted by MP33
    We went for quite a wide selection, but I think my pick was Wiggle Waggle Dufner, plus I threw a few daft darts.
    I'll watch as much as I'm able, they've even given me my own little telly at work, on my desk. What a life!

    There's also the 2nd Test from Lords, & the TdF.

    My word, we are spoilt for choice these days. As a kid, there'd be one TV channel, which covered The Derby, the Cup Final, & Wimbledon, & that was it. Now we have so much quality televised TV sport, & most of it covered beautifully. 

    We've never had it so good, as Mr Macmillan famously informded us.

    How's your poker these days? Still enjoying it?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014

    Will update my numbers, I played Monday (ugh), missed Tuesday due to work, then played last night (better).

    Monday was uglyyyyyyyyyyyy
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014

    14th July Numbers & Stuff

    Played 30

    Won 11

    Lost 19

    £3.30, P 19, W 9, L 10

    £5.50, P 7, W 2 L 5

    £11, P 4, W 0, L 4

    Opening Balance - £1,267.95

    Closing Balance = £1,196.75

    Profit Loss on Night - £71.20

    Profit Loss on Month = £97.05

    REWARD POINTS on night = 134

    REWARD POINTS IN MONTH = 1,352 (= £13.52)



    WIN % = 51.6%
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014

    Doubt I've ever had a worse night, losing 11 of the last 15, & all 4 £11ers. The £11ers alone would have turned the figures blue, but everything I did went wrong, & the harder I tried, the worse it got.
    I fancy that when I run bad - & I did - I play bad, too, as I start to chase, & use that Pot button a bit too much, instead of waiting patiently, & waiting for the game, cards & spots to come to me. 

    And of course when we lose, we always blame run bad, but it's happening too often, & I need to do better, a lot better, this is not good enough.  

    A 2 day loss of £100 now, prior to which I was break-even in July.
    It's a long road back from here, but a great challenge & test of character. 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014

    16th July Numbers & Stuff

    Played 31

    Won 21

    Lost 10

    £3.30, P 19, W 15, L 4

    £5.50, P 8, W 3 L 5

    £11, P 4, W 3, L 1

    Opening Balance - £1,196.75

    Closing Balance = £1,226.05

    Profit Loss on Night - £29.50

    Profit Loss on Month = £67.55

    REWARD POINTS on night = 137

    REWARD POINTS IN MONTH = 1,487 (= £14.87)



    WIN % = 53.0%
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,405
    edited July 2014

    Phew, better!

    You have no idea how good that felt.

    Apologies all round to everyone who I put bad beats on, oh my, I was busting better hands left right & centre, think poor Vespa was really unlucky against me, I kept getting there when I had no right.

    Was extremely unlucky in one £11-er, when villain some runner runner backdoored me in remarkable fashion, but the next £11er I did the same to someone else.

    Strange but lovely game, this.
    Anyway, knocked a £30 hole in that two day £100 loss. I shan't be able to repeat that, but if I can nick £10 or £15 tonight, I'll be delighted, & confidence will soon be restored.
    Hope to see some of you later, will be having another session tonight.  
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Phew, better! You have no idea how good that felt. Apologies all round to everyone who I put bad beats on, oh my, I was busting better hands left right & centre, think poor Vespa was really unlucky against me, I kept getting there when I had no right. Was extremely unlucky in one £11-er, when villain some runner runner backdoored me in remarkable fashion, but the next £11er I did the same to someone else. Strange but lovely game, this.   Anyway, knocked a £30 hole in that two day £100 loss. I shan't be able to repeat that, but if I can nick £10 or £15 tonight, I'll be delighted, & confidence will soon be restored.   Hope to see some of you later, will be having another session tonight.    
    Posted by Tikay10
    Revenge will be mine !
    Funny i still left the tables smiling.
    See you later Tony
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