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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Hi waller. I believe Sky Poker will be contacting you & the other Gentleman shortly, &, fingers crossed, I hope all will be sorted, though it's not my call.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Yep all sorted. Thanks again for taking the time to sort it, really do appreciate it.

    Won't be bumping into you on the £3 DYMs for a while (less value for you haha) as I have dropped down to the £1 level until I really get to grips with the game. Hopefully I can improve and start moving up soon.

    Gl with your DYM's and with the dairy, which has got me and I suspect many others having a crack at PLO8
  • SlykllistSlykllist Member Posts: 2,888
    edited July 2014
    Tikay, you're a legend!

    I look forward to seeing you in August and adding another Sky Poker live cash to my record :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,350
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Yep all sorted. Thanks again for taking the time to sort it, really do appreciate it. Won't be bumping into you on the £3 DYMs for a while (less value for you haha) as I have dropped down to the £1 level until I really get to grips with the game. Hopefully I can improve and start moving up soon. Gl with your DYM's and with the dairy, which has got me and I suspect many others having a crack at PLO8
    Posted by waller02
    No worries, & sorry it took a while to sort. 

    Hope you get your PLO8 game sorted, it's such a beautiful game, & more & more people are switching to it.  

    I had THE most lovely PM this morning, from another chap who was making no progresss in NLH, as the game has got so tough, & so after reading this Diary, & me banging on & on about PLO8, he switched, & is now a big winner (relative to stakes), & is loving his poker life again.

    I really must get that PLO8 "FAQ" thread started in the Strategy Sectiopn. I'll do it today.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,350
    edited July 2014

    17th July Numbers & Stuff

    Played 31

    Won 21

    Lost 9

    £3.30, P 17, W 13, L 4

    £5.50, P 9, W 6 L 3

    £11, P 4, W 2, L 2

    Opening Balance - £1,226.05

    Closing Balance = £1,254.45

    Profit Loss on Night - £28.40

    Profit Loss on Month = £38.65

    REWARD POINTS on night = 136

    REWARD POINTS IN MONTH = 1,623 (= £16.23)



    WIN % = 54.3%
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,350
    edited July 2014


    Almost a heater, this, & I've now recovered, in 2 nights, £60 of the £70 I lost on Monday. Phew.

    Ran very well again, goes without saying, at one time I won 14 of 15, but then lost the last 2. In the crucial £11ers, Won 2 & lost 2, so that could have been better. Or worse.

    Not much traffic at first, due to the golf, cricket, & fine weather, but it got very busy just after 7pm, & I knocked off the last 15 games in well under 2 hours. I thought about playing on for a while, (I try to play 30 each night) & regging for another 5 or 10 games, but the Cleaner Lady comes Friday, so I have to clear the house up on Thursday night.
    Can't play tonight or tomorrow, got visitors, but I'll be back on Sunday. 

    Really enjoyable evening. Love the game.  
  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited July 2014
    Fantastic well done Tikay. Your back in fine fighting form! I like to see a clever player who loves the game having success!

    Great to see players trying out Omaha.

    I prefer Omaha to Holdem because the dynamics suits my game more and I'm sure there are lots more out there that will feel the same if they try it out.

    I agree it is a beautiful many variables and so much can happen....Much more exciting than Holdem imo!
    I might sound biased but I played holdem for 3 or 4 years and was quite successful at my low stakes buy ins before I discovered Omaha and I never turned back.

    I think if Omaha was on SKY Poker TV it will increase its popularity big time. I know there were issues showing a 4 card game this still the case or are there plans to include it some day?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,350
    edited July 2014

    20th July Numbers & Stuff

    Played 31

    Won 23

    Lost 8

    £3.30, P 20, W 15, L 5

    £5.50, P 7, W 6 L 1

    £11, P 4, W 2, L 2

    Opening Balance - £1,254.55

    Closing Balance = £1,295.95

    Profit Loss on Night - £41.40

    Profit Loss on Month = £2.75

    REWARD POINTS on night = 135

    REWARD POINTS IN MONTH = 1,758 (= £17.58)



    WIN % = 55.8%
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,350
    edited July 2014

    The heater continues, that's just shy of £100 profit in 3 nights, though it only offsets the £100 loss I made last Sunday & Monday. Them swings & swongs.

    Pleased I have hauled myself back above 55% of games won this month, & got (marginally) into profit for July. Now to try & kick on.....that's the hard bit.

    Clearly, I must have run well to win 23 from 31, but I really concentrated last night, & made far fewer errors than of late. I've tweaked a few things in my game, too, which seems to have helped. Amazing how easily "leaks" permeate our game.  

    Had a bit of bad run just before I ended for the night when my lappie threw a wobbley, & I lost connection to all my Tables, including a £11 jobbie, so that cost me a bob or two. Yikes. I got back with a bowl, turned up the aggro dial, but it was not to be. Many thanks to Tuney, who, I gather, tried to slow down the action whilst I was trying to reconnect, & got a bit of abuse for doing so. Thanks Tuney, proper Gent you.
    Good to see MOTHER back, ditto footsie who played a few. He's proper good, and it's great to test ourselves against these guys. Don't recall seeing Ger last night, though I may have missed him, as I had 6 or 7 Tables on the go most of the night. Hope he is OK.
    Mr Chunter was in a foul mood last night, & really rather rude, even by his standards. What a strange thing to play a game where all it does is make you cross. When he wins a hand, he disses the opponent, "ha ha idiot". When he loses, he disses the winner. "You idiot, terrible play". Something tells me he has never played "Live" poker.

    Have to say, FCHD is the sort of player I admire so much, takes his beats like a proper man should, & always gracious in defeat. Just plays at the levels he can afford, & genuinely seems to enjoy the game.

    All in all, a lovely evening, to follow on from The Open Golf, which I so enjoyed watching.
    I'm going to try my hardest to get to 3,000 Reward Points in July, which will be a big stretch, but I'll give it a go. That'd give me a £45 Reward Points div, of which £15 would be "bonus", which would be rather handy. We shall see.

    Hope to see some of you this evening. Don't be late, right?        

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,350
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Fantastic well done Tikay. Your back in fine fighting form! I like to see a clever player who loves the game having success! Great to see players trying out Omaha. I prefer Omaha to Holdem because the dynamics suits my game more and I'm sure there are lots more out there that will feel the same if they try it out. I agree it is a beautiful many variables and so much can happen....Much more exciting than Holdem imo! I might sound biased but I played holdem for 3 or 4 years and was quite successful at my low stakes buy ins before I discovered Omaha and I never turned back. I think if Omaha was on SKY Poker TV it will increase its popularity big time. I know there were issues showing a 4 card game this still the case or are there plans to include it some day? Ger
    Posted by gerardirl
    Could not agree more, the game is so much fun, & I enjoy it more than I ever enjoyed NLH, where it really is hard to win these days, so many people play it so well, & fearlessly. But in PLO8, I can get by, lose nothing, & have a fun evening for free.

    PLO & PLO8 on Ch 861. Not sure if it is still in the plans, but they were looking at adapting the console & Graphics to be able to show it on Ch 861. 

    One of the problems is that it is a job to get all the info on the screen, what with extra cards & all that. And in PLO8, it could look very confusing, of course. 

    Commercially, though, I'm not sure it would make sense, even though I would love it to be so. Ch 861 costs a lot of money, so it has to try to appeal to the mass market, which is NLH. No point spending all that money on a game barely 3% of players are interested in. Double that to 6%, & it's still, relatively, small-beer. They need max bang per buck.
    Anyway, fingers crossed, it might happen.

    Never saw you on the tables last night, most unusually, hope all is well.
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited July 2014
    Nice to see the luck has turned Mr. T.  I'll have a bimble over tonight and reg for a game if some of the old faces are playing.
    You are right about FCHD of course, a true gentleman.
    Mr. Angry Chunter is puzzling!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,350
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Nice to see the luck has turned Mr. T.  I'll have a bimble over tonight and reg for a game if some of the old faces are playing. You are right about FCHD of course, a true gentleman. Mr. Angry Chunter is puzzling!
    Posted by Macacgirl1

    Be great to see you back on the PLO8 DYM's.  And yes, all the "old faces" are still playing, or most of them.

    FCHD, yes, I love to see players who take defeat & victory equally graciously. It's just a game, so I've never understood all the bad blood.

    Angry Chunter puzzling? Just a bit. I'm not mocking, not at all, but it exercises my mind considerably. I just can't grasp why someone, a recreational, would play so much when the game, & losing, clearly tortures him so much that he is rude to all & sundry. Most puzzling, & quite sad really. He was terribly rude & personal last night, & I was thinking of dropping him a PM, to see if I could help him find a way to enjoy the game more.    
  • Nuggy962Nuggy962 Member Posts: 1,104
    edited July 2014
    Enjoyed reading this and seems the PLO8 is really picking up. Wpuld love to give the game a go but cant find any decent material and rules and strategy. 

    Hopefully one day I can give this a go at the low stakes
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Yep all sorted. Thanks again for taking the time to sort it, really do appreciate it. Won't be bumping into you on the £3 DYMs for a while (less value for you haha) as I have dropped down to the £1 level until I really get to grips with the game. Hopefully I can improve and start moving up soon. Gl with your DYM's and with the dairy, which has got me and I suspect many others having a crack at PLO8
    Posted by waller02
    He'll be fine
    Always milking people, that Tikay 
  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited July 2014
    Hi Tikay. Im 40 today :). So I wasnt online lastnight as I was away and celebrating....all is good!


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,350
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : He'll be fine Always milking people, that Tikay 
    Posted by Jac35

    Whatever happened to "Gold Top" milk in lovely glass bottles? It had that lovely cream at the top.

    The milkman used to have that for the posh folks who lived up the road.
    I've barely seen a milk float in London of late, everyone goes to the Supermarket & buys those dreadful plastic containers.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,350
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi Tikay. Im 40 today :). So I wasnt online lastnight as I was away and celebrating....all is good! Ger
    Posted by gerardirl

    Good Lord!

    Many happy whatsits.
    Oh to be 40 again......

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited July 2014
    Nice to see you running good/playing good Tony.

    I'm on a bit of a break at the moment.
    Need to get my head sorted after 2 weeks of brutal river cards.

    I guess its good to be ahead on the flop and turn but getting rivered so many times recently has sort of messed my mind up a bit.

    May drop down a level or so when i come back , so you might not bump into me until confidence is restored.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,350
    edited July 2014

    21st July Numbers & Stuff

    Played 30

    Won 20

    Lost 10

    £3.30, P 23, W 16, L 7

    £5.50, P 6, W 3 L 3

    £11, P 1, W 1, L 0

    Opening Balance - £1,295.95

    Closing Balance = £1,322.05

    Profit Loss on Night - £26.10

    Profit Loss on Month = £28.85

    REWARD POINTS on night = 109

    REWARD POINTS IN MONTH = 1,867 (= £18.67)



    WIN % = 56.5%
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,350
    edited July 2014


    Another good night, the 4th winning session on the bounce, so that Black Monday loss of £70 last week has now been repaired, & some.

    Started off badly, losing the first 3 Games, but settled down after that & ended up winning 11 of the last 15.
    Won the Game Count 20-10, & the monthly Games Won % is a more acceptable 56.5%, creeping nearer to the minimum target of 57%. 60% would be as good as it gets, but it's tough to win 60%. 

    It's still only a profit of £0.06 (6 pence) per game, but if I played, say, 750 games in July & made 6p per game, that'd be £45, plus around the same in Reward Points, so £90, which would be a nice bonus for sitting at home doing something I enjoy, & interacting with some grand people. I really ought to be able to win more than 6p per game though, so I need to do a bit better. The big nightly losses early in the month, whilst I was ring-rusty, have caused the damage. 20p to 25p per game ought to be do-able.

    Have ironed out a few leaks in my game, too, & that has helped, the main one being lack of concentration. It's nice to chat at the tables, but it really does damage the focus.
    There was some unpleasant chat last night, & I can't help but read all the toing & froing, which is not good for concentration. Why folks get worked up so baffles me. What do they do for fun? Surely thats why we play poker, to enjoy ourselves?

    Most interesting hand last night was a bizarre Pot-Pot-Pot all-in pre when I had a decent double suited starting hand, something like A-K-2-4. My man had......2-3-6-Q! And even better (?), the flop came 2-3-3. We ended up chopping it. The chap - nice lad, one of the regulars -  said he thought I was bluffing. No Sir.

    PLO8 is quite a difficult game to try bluffing folks pre-flop. If we raise pre, get called, & miss the flop, we can still bet out on many boards, but that is more a C-Bet than a bluff. When we get called, 90% of the time it is by a Low drawing hand, so if the flop comes all high, we always C-Bet & generally take it down. That's not bluffing, imo. Most "airballs" are because we know the villain has called with low cards, & the board has run out high.
    Mr Chunter was absolutely raging last night, but most of the regulars have got his card marked now, & just take no notice. He claimed to have lost "6 all-ins" in one DYM, which is quite a neat trick if you think about it. I was watching him, & he kept getting it in bad, losing, & then complaining about "fraud" & "set ups". 

    In one case, on a 10-J-Q all heart flop, he raised, got re-raised, & snap shoved over the top. His hand? 6-7-8-9, no hearts, for the third nut straight, on an all heart flop. He HAS to be behind here, & yet he complains it is a "fraud". Reallly, it is so sad. I decided to write to him yesterday, to see if I could help him get to grips with his mindset, but he does not use the Community. And why would anyone raise in PLO8 with 6-7-8-9? It's a DREADFUL hand, & will always get us in trouble.            
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,350
    edited July 2014

    One game started, & a chap announced "I've regged for the wrong game, I have never played PLO8, & have no idea how to, can anyone help me?"

    As PLO8 players are generally helpful & friendly, everyone was busy advising what to play, how to play, what a "low" was, that sort of thing.

    Shame really. The same chap pulled the same trick TWICE last night, & twice last week.
    "I've never played this before".

    Err, I think you have, Bud.

    It's extraordinary what folks will do to gain an edge.
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