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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013

    A dreadful session last night, winning just 4 of 14, & 7 of 19 over the 3 sessions.

    Really don't quite know how that happened. Combo of poor concentration, a bit of bad play which proved crucial, maybe a bit of run-bad, thouigh not much, more an absence of run-good I suppose.

    Coming on the back of a good run, & after aching to get back onto it after a weekend away at the SPT, a bit cross with myself really.

    I made one dreadful error at the "shove" stage of one DYM, when 4 players were left, & I was in the BB next hand. I always prefer to shove with a particular hand texture, but I was being a bit sloppy, & hoped I could get the shove through without a call. Once called, my 10-10-2-2 HAD to be in trouble, especially as I only had the High to aim for. It came all low, & for the rubs, the deuce rivered, to give me a set, & Matey Boy the wheel. Cup runneth over & all that.....

    Feel a bit like that dreaded day every year at School, when ther School Report was published......

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013

    Yes, every cloud has a silver lining, because I got a pleasant surprise, which made me a good few bob.

    I passed the 3,000 Reward Points threshold last night, so now I get 50% EXTRA Reward Points for the entire month, so £30 suddenly became £45.

    How pleased was I?!

    So, at least £45 to come in Reward Points Payment, and that is almost 25% of my Bankroll, & will make a huge difference once I add it to my Bankroll, & reported numbers. Effectively, my "bankroll" gets a 25% boost, just like that.  

    Happy days.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    played the gtd plo8 mtt last night decided to tighten up based on your comments tikay in this diary as it is I bubbled but it was much more relaxing playing than the usual white knuckle ride so might just continue with this thanks
    Posted by GELDY
    "tighten up" in PLO8 is good Gelders.

    I know a man who never saw a PLO8 he did not want to play, so he plays EVERY hand.

    It's the quickest way for other players at the table to sort the wheat from the chaff, they don't need to check Sharkscope, immediately you see someone limping in every hand, you know their abilities.

    Over time, they MUST lose a lot of money, whereas being more selective is the way to profitability. Or that's my theory, anyway. Good job I have a Plan B then..... 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013

    Tonight will be an awkward session, as I'm playing the UKOPS Main, & I also have to do a few phone-ins to the TV Show.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013

    MUCH better day yesterday (Tuesday), where I swung better than I swong.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013


    Played 15, Won 11, Lost 4

    The 15 were composed of....

    1 x £2.25, Won 0, lost 1

    12 x £5.50. Won 10, lost 2.

    2 x £11.00, Won 1 lost 1

    Total invested yesterday = £90.25

    Total invested this month = £1,366.40

    Tuesday's Average Game Stake = £6.01

    Overall Average Game Stake = £6.86

    Tuesday’s Average Profit/Loss per game = £1.98

    PLO8 DYM Average Profit/Loss per game = £0.20

    Net Profit/Loss on Day = £29.75

    Original Bankroll - £200

    Current bankroll £221.45

    Loss/Profit on month = £40.25

    Loss/Profit overall = £21.45

    Reward Points earned Wednesday - 83

    Reward Points in month = 3,086

    These Profit & Loss numbers EXCLUDE October Reward Points payment, currently worth £47.79
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013

    PLO8 DYM's.....

    Played 199

    Won 112

    Lost 86
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013

    After the nightmare day on Monday, Lady Variance was in a much better mood yesterday, resulting in 11 wins out of 15.

    It began badly, with 2 more losses to follow Monday's bloodbath,  but that was immediately followed by a run of NINE straight wins, 8 x £5.50 & one by £11.

    It could only go downhill from there, & the final 4 were split 2-2, although that included an £11er loss, which caused a £20 swing the wrong way.

    My luck came in an odd way, perhaps a way that many might not recognize. Three times I was the Table Shortie with 4 players left, but the Big Stacks decided to go to war, & one bust the other, so I sneaked wins by the back door, whilst doing nothing. How neat is that? And why would the Big Stacks do that? When I have a "winning" stack with 4 left, I let the others do all the work, why get involved? Proper lazy, me.

    In two others, on the bubble, the shorter stack got it in good versus a bigger stack, but got outdrawn. Not sure why, but I find it strangely fulfilling to sit quietly whilst the other stacks bust each other un-necessarily.
    Concentration was not a problem as such, despite playing the UKOPs Main (un which I made a proper fool of myself by mangling 2 hands dreadfully), & doing two phone-calls to the Show, which demsand quite a biot of mental juggling if plsaying several tables at the time. Had a bit of a minor domestic crisis mid-evening, too, which caused a flurry of texts & phone calls which I could have done without. 

    Incredibly, whilst I was juggling the Main Event, several DYM's, the Live Phone-Ins to the Show & the domestic prob, IDCU came onto my Chat box & promptly announced I was being ripped a new one by James, Joe & Sam in the Studio. I was very grateful for that news at that time, Steve, thanks..... mind you, I deserved it, I proper mangled 2 hands.
    Sam said some lovely personal things about me though, which heartened me muchly. Sugar-coating the lemon & all that. 

    A very enjoyable day, overall.

    Thought the Show was absolutely terrific, with tons of energy & enthusiasm. James is top class, & Joe & Sam were great guests.    
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited October 2013
    "a run of NINE straight wins, 10 x £5.50 & one by £11."

    Obviously your poker is better than your maths!

    Seriously, I watched a couple of the Omaha Hi-Lo DYMs last night, I didn't see a single mistake.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    " a run of NINE straight wins, 10 x £5.50 & one by £11." Obviously your poker is better than your maths! Seriously, I watched a couple of the Omaha Hi-Lo DYMs last night, I didn't see a single mistake.
    Posted by FCHD

    Thanks, Edited now.

    I try to play technically correct, & I get very cross with myself when I make a mistake, & I made one or two late on in the session due, I think, to tiredness, & so I decided to up stumps & give best for the day. PLO8 is a VERY technical game.
    My logic is that, notwithstanding swings, swongs & variance, if I play technically correct, I'll be profitable in the long run. The fact that these play so shallow makes it quite awkward, as my game style is not ideal for that, but I'm improving I think.
    Some of the plays I see make my eyes water, but we all play differently, & I'm fine with "each to their own".

    I saw a Level One all-in preflop last night when one lad had 7-7-8-9. It's tough to imagine a worse PLO8 hand than 7-7-8-9. In PLO, it's OK, but not PLO8. 

    7's, 8's & 9's are known as "killer cards" in PLO8, as if you play combos of them, you are pretty much guaranteed to lose over time, as you have no nut draws to either pot, & you are so thin to good High & Low hands, stranded in the middle, neither here nor there. The 7-7-8-9 hand won though. ;)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013

    My "October Challenge" effectively ends today, as I have several Meets lined up in the day tomorrow, & the Show in the evening.

    My Reward Points are currently worth £47.79, so it'd be good to reach £50, but it takes a lot of £5.50 DYM's to earn £20 worth of Reward Points in a day, so I might fall a shade short.
    I'll be keen not to give back too much, or any, profit, too. 

    If I can break even today, I'll have made £40 in profit, plus nearly £50 in Reward Points payments, in a month, off a £200 Bankroll. £50 of Reward Points payment off a £200 'Roll in one month seems quite good to me, & shows how low-variance PLO8 DYM's are, despite the daily swings.
    I'll start again on Friday, and am undecided whether to stick to PLO8 DYM's, or switch to PLO. I need to commence dithering immediately.
    I really enjoy PLO8, more than any other game, but I love PLO as well, & I fancy I could get more volume on PLO, as they must end much more quickly. Not sure if the liquidity is there, though, oddly, uniquely maybe, the PLO8 DYM liquidity here is better than PLO I suspect.  
  • SlykllistSlykllist Member Posts: 2,888
    edited October 2013
    Hi Tikay, sorry to hi-jack you thread but did you see my PM regarding Fantasy SPT prizes?

  • hawk7112hawk7112 Member Posts: 3,627
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    My "October Challenge" effectively ends today, as I have several Meets lined up in the day tomorrow, & the Show in the evening. My Reward Points are currently worth £47.79, so it'd be good to reach £50, but it takes a lot of £5.50 DYM's to earn £20 worth of Reward Points in a day, so I might fall a shade short.   I'll be keen not to give back too much, or any, profit, too.  If I can break even today, I'll have made £40 in profit, plus nearly £50 in Reward Points payments, in a month, off a £200 Bankroll. £50 of Reward Points payment off a £200 'Roll in one month seems quite good to me, & shows how low-variance PLO8 DYM's are, despite the daily swings.   I'll start again on Friday, and am undecided whether to stick to PLO8 DYM's, or switch to PLO. I need to commence dithering immediately.   I really enjoy PLO8, more than any other game, but I love PLO as well, & I fancy I could get more volume on PLO, as they must end much more quickly. Not sure if the liquidity is there, though, oddly, uniquely maybe, the PLO8 DYM liquidity here is better than PLO I suspect.    
    Posted by Tikay10
    Quite happy to join you for some PLO on Friday and beyond 

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013


    Played 26, Won 12, Lost 14

    The 26 were composed of....

    1 x £2.25, Won 0, lost 1

    22 x £5.50. Won 9, lost 13

    3 x £11.00, Won 3 lost 0

    Total invested yesterday = £156.25

    Total invested this month = £1,522.65

    Wednesday's Average Game Stake = £6.01

    Overall Average Game Stake = £6.77

    Wednesday’s Average Profit/Loss per game = £0.24

    PLO8 DYM Average Profit/Loss per game = £0.15

    Net Profit/Loss on Day = £6.25

    Original Bankroll - £200

    Current bankroll £215.20

    Loss/Profit on month = £34.00

    Loss/Profit overall = £15.20

    Reward Points earned Wednesday - 243

    Reward Points in month = 3,329

    These Profit & Loss numbers EXCLUDE October Reward Points payment, currently worth £49.94

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013

    October PLO8 DYM's.....

    Played 225

    Won 124

    Lost 100
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013

    Just when you think you've cracked it......

    Ran well early doors yesterday, & was soon £34 ahead on the day, but then ran into hewavy weather, & gradually gave the whole lot back, eventually finishing £6.25 DOWN on the day.

    The damage was in the £5.50's, where I only won 9 of 22. Luckily, of the only three I played @ £11, I won all three, so that limited the damage.

    So, having started the month @ £181.20, & little likelihood of playing today, due to work, ended the month on £215.20, for a profit of £34, & on top of that, I have earned a Reward Points payment of £49.94, so that means the profit on the month wil be £83.94. This is about 46%, so I'm pretty pleased really. Hardly likely to get me to Vegas, but I might get to Luton.....

    Have got a bunch of meetings & stuff today, & the Show tonight, so that's probably about the lot for October, but I'll be starting again on Friday.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi Tikay, sorry to hi-jack you thread but did you see my PM regarding Fantasy SPT prizes? Thanks Simon
    Posted by Slykllist
    Hi Simon,

    Yes, sorry I never replied. Am working from home this morning, but will sort out the Free Entries when I get to the office, early afternoon.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi Tikay, sorry to hi-jack you thread but did you see my PM regarding Fantasy SPT prizes? Thanks Simon
    Posted by Slykllist
    All sorted Simon, sorry for the delay.
  • SlykllistSlykllist Member Posts: 2,888
    edited October 2013
    No problem, thanks for your help as always.
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