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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited September 2014

    Wow, where did THAT come from?!

    So hello £1,400+ (yet again), & hello Miss Variance who was in THE most wonderful mood last night.

    14 out of 16! Doubt I'd ever had a better night than that.
    I had decided on a short session as I was awfully tired & after a trying day. With all that run-good I pondered playing as longer session (my schedule requires 150 Reward Points per night, but I'm well ahead so far), but eventually decided that playing on when I'm tired is a bit daft.

    So I de-regged everything after 15 games & called it a night.
    Had some supper (beetroot, pineapple & poached eggs on toast) & then went back upstairs to turn off the lappie, & get my stuff organised for work this morning, only to find that there was a £5.50 game running & I was in it, "AWAY"..... 

    Must have missed that one when I de-regged, so that was a bit of luck, spotting it in the nick of time.
    Not wanting to spoil the 13 from 15, I really steeled myself to play as well as I can & take this one down.

    One of those games where everyone was limping into every hand, & I had no material to work with. Pass, pass, pass.......

    Still 6 handed, I blinded down to 1,100 @ 150-300, & at last found a hand, A-2-5-6 DS. Not ideal, I'd prefer a better high hand, but needs must & all that so I shoved. And GOT TWO callers, ugh.
    The flop was 7 high, I flopped the nut low plus loads of high extensions & improvers, & turned the nut high straight for good measure on a 7 high board. On their backs, (it was checked all the way) & they had K-K-x-x, & Q-Q-x-x, & in neither case did they have ANY low cards. Happy days, treble up SCOOPIO. The rest, as they say, was easy.
    In an earlier £5er game, 4 handed, one player has 7,500 chips & still managed to lose! It was bizarre, it was not as if he went aggro crazy, he just limped into every hand, even at 200-400.
    Anyway, all my luck came in one evening, it seems, so I'll take that. I did play well, I was really in the zone, but all my hasnds held up, & all my little twirly moves worked.  

    Lovely job. Wonder how long I can hang onto the £1,400 threshold? Seems to be a real point of resistance. 

    Tonight will be interesting.
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited September 2014
    "beetroot, pineapple & poached eggs on toast"

    I don't quite think Gordon Ramsey is quaking in his boots.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    "beetroot, pineapple & poached eggs on toast" I don't quite think Gordon Ramsey is quaking in his boots.
    Posted by Macacgirl1

  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited September 2014
    I don't believe for one minute you ate beetroot, pineapple and poached eggs!  That's demented!  You said that because you wanted a response, and it hasn't worked, I refuse to comment on the matter.  What's next? Salmon paste in baked potato with a crumbled custard cream biscuit?  Kippers cooked in bisto?
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,661
    edited September 2014
    Had some supper (beetroot, pineapple & poached eggs on toast) & then went back upstairs to turn off the lappie, & get my stuff organised for work this morning, only to find that there was a £5.50 game running & I was in it, "AWAY"..... 

    Firstly that, Mr Tikay, is power food. No wonder you are in the peak of physical and mental condition.

    Secondly I can beat your 'had some supper' and forgot I was regged clanger - I did the same a few days ago, except I deregged and then went to have a bath, however when I came back downstairs I found an £11 HL STT running. I had blinded down to about 1500 chips but there were only 5 players left. Yes, you had already busted out! So that officially makes you worse than someone in the bath who isn't actually playing. Even Orford is better than that! And I went on to win!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Had some supper (beetroot, pineapple & poached eggs on toast) & then went back upstairs to turn off the lappie, & get my stuff organised for work this morning, only to find that there was a £5.50 game running & I was in it, "AWAY".....  Firstly that, Mr Tikay, is power food. No wonder you are in the peak of physical and mental condition. Secondly I can beat your 'had some supper' and forgot I was regged clanger - I did the same a few days ago, except I deregged and then went to have a bath, however when I came back downstairs I found an £11 HL STT running. I had blinded down to about 1500 chips but there were only 5 players left. Yes, you had already busted out! So that officially makes you worse than someone in the bath who isn't actually playing. Even Orford is better than that! And I went on to win!
    Posted by Enut
    Unlike your bath, my cup runneth over.......

    And yes, proper power food that.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    I don't believe for one minute you ate beetroot, pineapple and poached eggs!  That's demented!  You said that because you wanted a response, and it hasn't worked, I refuse to comment on the matter.  What's next? Salmon paste in baked potato with a crumbled custard cream biscuit?  Kippers cooked in bisto?
    Posted by Macacgirl1
    You just did comment......

    Elsewhere, I Post on a "Diet" Thread, & I have a photo of that very meal on it somewhere, I'll try & find it later.

    It's not widely known but pineapple & beetroot are amazing aphrodisiacs.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Posted by HENDRIK62

    I was bluffing when I said that, but it looks like I've been called.

    Who'd have thought?
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited September 2014
    You are a natural, all your bluffs have equity.....even if you are blissfully unaware ;-)

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited September 2014

    16th SEPTEMBER Scores on the Doors.

    Played 35

    Won 20

    Lost 15

    £3.30, P 19, W 11, L 8

    £5.50, P 14, W 9 L 5

    £11, P 2, W 0, L 2

    Opening Balance - £1,401.75

    Closing Balance = £1,396.05

    Profit/Loss on Night - £5.70

    Profit/Loss on Month = £36.90

    REWARD POINTS on night = 147

    REWARD POINTS IN MONTH = 2,032 (= £20.32)



    SEPTEMBER WIN % = 56.95%

    SEPTEMBER Profit/Loss per game = £0.08
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited September 2014

    Lost a fiver last night, but very happy with how I played, & the loss really came from losing the only 2 £11ers that ran. I got my money in good in both of the exit hands, just 60/40 shots that tipped the wrong way. I'll cope with that. Won 20 from 35, so that's OK, if not spectacular.

    Traffic was sparse last night, took ages to reach my 150 points, due to the Champions League football on TV, same again tonight I suppose.
    I lost one game to a straight flush v my "nut" flush, think it was pompeynic, I never even saw it & wondered why the chips had gone the wrong way at first! Occupational hazard in PLO & PLO8.
    Luckiest hand of the night was flopping the nut flush & unbreakable nut low v 2 other players who BOTH had the nut low, what a lovely spot. Not much skill required, mind, they just play themselves.
    Have been reading "hotwheals" challenge thread, he is motoring along wonderfully. He joins us for a few DYM's each night, but most of his meat & drink are HU games, & I'm intrigued by them, so might just give them a little try.

    Good to see kevin (footsie) at the Tables last night.
    Gelders had a great night, he was taking more imaginative lines, & it seemed to pay off. Always respect players who try to do things a little different in the never ending search to get better results.

    I had a peruse of the "BB & V" Board this morning, ugh at all those poor people who blame the site, the weather, their piles, everything except themselves. I'm NOT mocking them, I so wish I could help them, poker seems to be agony for them & thats not the idea of the game at all. I'd genuinely sit with any of them for half an hour to try & explain how the game works. There's a ton of luck in poker, but ultimately the better players win more, or lose less, & don't blame others for their results. I suppose it is just a reflection of how they live their lives away from poker. Not my fault mate.
    Mother & Maca had a bit of a karaoke session in the chat boxes last night, did a medley of Beatles & 'Stones songs. I mean, really, I'm trying to play poker & they are conducting a singalong? Hmmph. 

    Talking of "hmph", have you ever seen those people who, after every hand they lose, type "hmm" into the chat box? What that about?  

    My last session tonight before a 4 day break from the tables, as I will have company at home starting tomorrow, & doing the Show with Anna on Sunday, so that'll be it until Monday.
    All good. 

    See you tonight, don't be late. And NO sing-songs please, OK?  
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited September 2014
    Think its time we sang a few Morrissey tunes !
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Think its time we sang a few Morrissey tunes !
    Posted by VespaPX
    Leave it out, what are you, ringleader of the tormentors?
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Think its time we sang a few Morrissey tunes !
    Posted by VespaPX

    Brilliant idea. I'll join in if we get one started tonight.
  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited September 2014
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Posted by gerardirl

    I think we've arrived at the view that "hmmmmmmm" probably means "that was a shocking play you just made & you get very lucky".

    I also love "nice catch", which, roughly translated, means "you stationed me & got lucky you jammy so & so". I always feel like typing in reply "but this is OMAHA, we are ENTITLED to play drawing hands, in fact, no, we are OBLIGED to play drawing hands, our starting hand is almost never enough to win", that is the WHOLE IDEA OF OMAHA YOU BUFFOON"

    But I generally cba, & just sit there quietly, with an arched eyebrow. It's better to say nothing, cba with the aggro.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited September 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Posted by gerardirl
    PS - I meant to say well done on your return to form last night, I know you've endured a few days run bad, but class always tells in the end. You'll be just fine.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited September 2014
    17th SEPTEMBER Scores on the Doors.

    Played 33

    Won 19

    Lost 14

    £3.30, P 16, W 9, L 7

    £5.50, P 13, W 7 L 6

    £11, P 4, W 3, L 1

    Opening Balance - £1,396.05

    Closing Balance = £1,411.75

    Profit/Loss on Night - £15.70

    Profit/Loss on Month = £52.60

    REWARD POINTS on night = 153

    REWARD POINTS IN MONTH = 2,185 (= £21.85)



    SEPTEMBER WIN % = 57.00%

    SEPTEMBER Profit/Loss per game = £0.11
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited September 2014

    No fireworks last night, just nice & solid. Always good to win at all three buy-in levels, though it was close, & only the £11ers got me over the line I suppose, where I won 3 from 4.

    In contrast to Tuesday, loads of traffic, & I managed 15 @ £5.50 & £11 combined, so thats excellent. I got through 33 games in under 4 hours, so that's pretty good.

    I have made a conscious decision to try to play slightly fewer tables at a time, mainly 5, NEVER more than 6, & I think that has helped. I can manage 6 just fine, but the registration process means I sometimes end up with 8, & thats a bit much for me on my laptop. I've also been trying to increase the amount I play @ £5 & £11, & decrease the £3ers, whilst at the same time ensuring I get my 150 Reward Points every session, which I need to attain the 3,000 point goal. Am well on target for a £45+ Reward Points payment for September, which is great. 

    Last night was my last session until Monday, as I have some real life stuff to attend to today until Saturday, & I'm working on Sunday, doing the Show with Anna.
    I am actually cooking a meal tonight - roast chicken (no frills or stuffing), & tomorrow, I've have been given a special (& belated) birthday pressie, as I shall be having afternoon Tea @ Fortnum & Mason in Piccadilly. Proper posh that, china cups & saucers, crisp white linen napkins, them little "one bite" sarnies, tiddly-widdly little cakes, & warm scones with clotted cream & jam. Oooohhhhh. It's silly money (well its a gift, but you know what I mean), but a lovely "occasion". 

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