I'm guessing there are many people on here keen to escape the rat race. People who dream about waking up naturally everyday without setting the alarm, to manage their own time as they see fit, to get away from tedious 4 hour status briefings...
...this journal is for you.
My aim is to go from almost zero (where I am now) to making a full time wage by January 1st (I make that 19 days away).
I would imagine there's a fair few of you making decent money from poker who think 'I'd love to make the leap, but it's such a risk', etc. I would love to make a success of this and hopefully inspire even one person to think 'well if this clueless newbie can do it, I'm sure I can.'
I used to work in IT as a Business Analyst/Test Manager and left a rather cushy job to trade horse racing markets full time on Betfair (when I say full time, about 3 hours a day).
Now it's winter, the horse racing gets a lot quieter. In the summer there is a fully packed schedule from 2pm right up until gone 9pm most nights. However the evening meets are limited to a single all weather track (if that) in the winter.
For some reason the average punter isn't that excited at the prospect of spending a freezing Tuesday evening in January shivering at the race track. Can't think why!
So given that I have a lot of free time right now, I decided to try and diversify my income and learn a new skill - poker.
Current poker experience level
I'd never even played holdem before about 5 or 6 weeks ago. However I've thrown myself right in and pretty much become obsessed. Signed up to Advanced Poker Training and committed myself to play a minimum of 2000 practice hands per day, which I've kept up with, moreorless.
I thought this was a lot, until I was talking in the chatbox with Donttelmum earlier who was telling me he normally multitables 16-20 at once for 16 hours a day. So he plays more hands in a few days than I have played in a lifetime!
However, lack of experience aside, I think I'm good at learning new skills quickly and when I do decide to commit myself to something, I throw myself in fully.
I've probably gone too far with that as I now spend all day either playing for real, practicing, watching youtube videos of, or thinking about, poker. I even dream about poker most nights. Worrying really.

The Plan
I'm sure anyone with more experience than me (about 95% of you reading this) will be shaking your heads thinking 'so you expect to make a full time living from poker with less than 2 months experience? As if!'
You may well be right, but the good thing is that this for me is a low risk experiment. I'm not chucking in a job to make a living from poker, because I already did that to make a living from horse trading. The only thing I can lose is money at the tables.
Anyway...the plan.
I've been playing DYMs lately and doing ok. Today I made a £20 profit from about 12 or 14 DYMs (which wasn't bad considering most of them were £3.30 ones).
I also multitabled for the first time today. I'm sure for most of you this is second nature, but for me it required max concentration. I played 2 £5.50 DYMs and lost them both. But then I played 2 more at once and cashed in them both. I class that as progress, but I may well have just been lucky.
Aim is to build bankroll enough to progress to £11 and then £22 DYMs and see if I can handle life at the higher stakes. If not, grind at £5.50 which I'm confident I can be profitable at.
So my goal is simple:
I aim to make a minimum £50 profit daily from DYMs on Sky Poker by January 1 2014.
I realise this is not a huge wage, but it is enough for one person to live fairly comfortably off. Once that is sorted, I will look to build from there.
I will update most days on my progress.
Apologies for the lengthy and self obsessed first post. If you made it this far down, full marks to you. All comments good and bad welcome. However know that if your intention is to simply say 'this is stupid, impossible and a waste of time' then I thank you for your input, but I have already made my mind up to do this so it makes no difference.
Constructive criticism/advice/input always appreciated though. Thanks for reading!
Then you can gauge if you can make a living.
Whatever you acheive in the short term means nothing.
You need to concentrate first on building a bankroll and sustaining that BR. Then you may be in some sort of position to see if you can make x amount per month.
The x amount you need to make per month to cover your life spends just may never be acheivale at the level you play.
One step at a time, beat the lowest level first and build a roll to play poker with.
To get more experience for very little money try the afternoon DEEPSTACK @2.20 FOR £2.20.
All the best
Good luck with this Mr Noon.
Good luck at the tables Mr Noon.