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  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited January 2016
      Did you know !  Al ............ a joke a day keeps the Doctor away......... couple of pints help too.?

         Just saying.!
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited January 2016

    I always thought it was an apple a day keeps the doctor away....

    .......but I will go with the couple of pints now! ;)

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited January 2016

      Asked, a mate whats the best type of Girl to take out on a date.!  .......... Blonde, Brunette, he said Milk Maid.?

       They always warm their hands before milking.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited January 2016
      One for a regular Customer here: 

     "Rod Stewart"  goes to the Doctors for check up.  Doctor, examines him.. and tells him, " You need to slow down,
    your life style is taking its toll on your body."!   "Well, said Rod"!   "I've had years of Wine, Women, & Song."!!
     I don't know if I can give all that up.?   Doctor tells him, you wont have to give it all up  "You can still keep Singing.?
  • paige55paige55 Member Posts: 2,953
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
      One for a regular Customer here:   "Rod Stewart"  goes to the Doctors for check up.  Doctor, examines him.. and tells him, " You need to slow down, your life style is taking its toll on your body."!   "Well, said Rod"!   "I've had years of Wine, Women, & Song."!!  I don't know if I can give all that up.?   Doctor tells him, you wont have to give it all up  "You can still keep Singing.?
    Posted by goldon
    lol xxx
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    I always thought it was an apple a day keeps the doctor away.... .......but I will go with the couple of pints now! ;) Cheers.
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Both wrong. ?

                               LOW  PAY  KEEPS  the  DOCTOR AWAY.
  • paige55paige55 Member Posts: 2,953
    edited January 2016
    MAXALLY can i have a small snowball please,Just Read about poor Dave Harvey having to have his four year old dog put to sleep i am heartbroken for him R.I.P. RUBY XXX i no some might say it's only a dog but they become such apart of your family, so sad for you Dave xxx
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    MAXALLY can i have a small snowball please,Just Read about poor Dave Harvey having to have his four year old dog put to sleep i am heartbroken for him R.I.P. RUBY XXX i no some might say it's only a dog but they become such apart of your family, so sad for you Dave xxx
    Posted by paige55
    No prob Trish x

    RIP Ruby. Thoughts to Dave and his family..sad news. I was about 7 years old when our pet dog died in my arms. A collie cross called Kim. I will always remember that day. Pets are part of any family...fact.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited January 2016
         Yes Al   a dog will follow you to the end's of the Earth  ........ then bury its bone. ?
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited January 2016
     Are we Idiots !...... Al ...  for posting in a "Virtual Bar" pretending its real.? asking for non existing drinks we can't drink.!  Voyeurism gone mad.?   I'm one fully qualified paid up member, because I post in here.! I served my Apprenticeship,  paid my membership fee's over the years and now proud to say I can spot other Idiots a mile away. So Al if someone calls you an Idiot .... don't be offended.... for they have posted here too and are Brothers in Arms ......  We're all in Dire Straits. !!
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited January 2016
    Hi Al....... do you think I'm putting the punters off coming into the Bar.?  "Don't answer that."!

     Do you remember "The Wheel Tappers & Shunters."  "The Comedians"  Bernard Manning!  can't tell his joke's anymore not Politically correct.!   There's to much red tape these days,  E.U. rules telling you what you can or cannot Laugh at.?

     As he use to say,  "I can't be racist "  I tell jokes about every Nationality. ?  What the Bar needs is another Bernard Manning, or,  on a Saturday night couple Comedians and a couple Strippers.  "Good old Days"
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited January 2016

    Yo...I enjoy your contributions Mr please carry on. This may be only a virtual bar but it is a place where folks can come to unwind. Just ignore the sad trolls who try to wind you up. They are the lowest of the low and live behind the protection of a keyboard. In a real bar, you and me both know what would happen to these annoying oinks ;)

    Yeah the world has gone PC mad. I will try to get Joe Stapleton down one Sat night to do his stand up act. Very good I have heard and 'close to the bone'.

    You do know there is a massage parlour upstairs here don't you?  
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,491
    edited January 2016
    I suppose it's all subjective
    Taking moral high grounds on one hand and then on the other saying that it's a shame that we can no longer be racist and sexist.
    Then there's the bit about sad trolls that you mention in every post you make.
    To some, trawling through mtt and lobbies to find small errors may appear to be more than a little sad.

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    I suppose it's all subjective Taking moral high grounds on one hand and then on the other saying that it's a shame that we can no longer be racist and sexist. Then there's the bit about sad trolls that you mention in every post you make. To some, trawling through mtt and lobbies to find small errors may appear to be more than a little sad.
    Posted by Jac35

    Saw the little dig about this by your hench man (which I choose to ignore), but why is trying to improve the service for all sad? FTR, it was MTT's which I played in and noticed the error. With the on going error of not being able to open lobbies, knowing how much late reg there is from the start is quite important to me. But hey ho, you obv know better.

    Nice to see you are still trawling through my posts and visiting this establishment in an attempt to continue your attempted attacks on me. I also like to thank you for all your worthwhile contribution to the forum. (?)

    Yes, another one I will now gladly ignore ! 

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,491
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : Saw the little dig about this by your hench man (which I choose to ignore), but why is trying to improve the service for all sad? FTR, it was MTT's which I played in and noticed the error. With the on going error of not being able to open lobbies, knowing how much late reg there is from the start is quite important to me. But hey ho, you obv know better. Nice to see you are still trawling through my posts and visiting this establishment in an attempt to continue your attempted attacks on me. I also like to thank you for all your worthwhile contribution to the forum. (?) Yes, another one I will now gladly ignore !  ☺
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Henchman - like :)
    Eatablishment - it isn't. It's a thread on a poker forum 
    Worthwhile contribution - yeah I think so in general. You have a bad effect on me though :)

    I fought your corner for a long time. Then you turned on me because I stayed friends with someone who dumped you . Pretty ridiculous.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited January 2016
     I seem to remember ....... be few years ago!  There was a Thread called.

        THE CHURCH of  DAZZLER     your Welcome to come in and confess your sin's.

      If you have never sinned then you can cast the first insult. ?
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : Saw the little dig about this by your hench man (which I choose to ignore), but why is trying to improve the service for all sad? FTR, it was MTT's which I played in and noticed the error. With the on going error of not being able to open lobbies, knowing how much late reg there is from the start is quite important to me. But hey ho, you obv know better. Nice to see you are still trawling through my posts and visiting this establishment in an attempt to continue your attempted attacks on me. I also like to thank you for all your worthwhile contribution to the forum. (?) Yes, another one I will now gladly ignore !  ☺
    Posted by MAXALLY
    You do realise you don't need to fake ignore me? There is a button called ''ignore XXX'' at the bottom of every post. Hit that and then you'll never see any of my posts again, simples. Would've thought that would be an obvious solution to counteract the ''TROLLS'' who seem to get under your skin far too easily.

    Anyway, lets end on a high; I'm going Vegas this weekend, a place the barkeep knows well as he's from there according to his FB. So barkeep, wing a pint my way. And one for Jac35 as well whilst I'm at it. And a water for Goldon.

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited January 2016
    I don't believe you......... you have never sinned?   lol   
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited January 2016
      Hi Al   ....... I was so disappointed when the wife told me I was'nt Perfect.!
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited January 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : You do realise you don't need to fake ignore me? There is a button called ''ignore XXX'' at the bottom of every post. Hit that and then you'll never see any of my posts again, simples. Would've thought that would be an obvious solution to counteract the ''TROLLS'' who seem to get under your skin far too easily. Anyway, lets end on a high; I'm going Vegas this weekend, a place the barkeep knows well as he's from there according to his FB. So barkeep, wing a pint my way. And one for Jac35 as well whilst I'm at it. And a water for Goldon. Cheers!
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Water is the Elixir of Life.  ty   But could you please tell me .... Whats wrong with my fwiend, "BigusDickus"
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