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  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    Fine brandy and a cigar for the landlord after last nights main bink?
    Posted by Phantom66

    Cheers....but I only got 2nd #gutted. So much for an early night last night after a heavy w/ ;)
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : Was he sat out.?       only jokin well done. where do I send the begging letter.?
    Posted by goldon

    Cheers Don. Free pint for all the regs today. (every hour) ;)
  • GeosargeGeosarge Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    A pint on the Bar for Geo (if he finds this place) ;)  & his team. Congrats on winning the APAT Team event. Pleasure to meet you Sir. I have just had a  great w/end in Luton. Drinking with the Scotsquad and Hitsquad players till stupid o'clock both nights was prob not a good idea looking at our results....... but it was still fun, as always. Cheers.
    Posted by MAXALLY

    Cheers Al,

    never takes me long to find a newly recommended watering hole..........................where's the Buckfast?

    Was a pleasure sir.

    Going for a wander round the premise to see what's been happening


  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : Cheers Al, never takes me long to find a newly recommended watering hole..........................where's the Buckfast? Was a pleasure sir. Going for a wander round the premise to see what's been happening Geo
    Posted by Geosarge

    Glad you found it ok mate. Buckfast is on tap in here, you will be pleased to know. 

    Congrats again on that result at w/end....hopefully see you all at the next one.

    PS....this is a Tikay free zone too. He has never ever come in here, even for a latte!....the miserable s0d ;)

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 167,273
    edited February 2016


    Wanna bet?

    I'm usually too busy dealing with Team Moan to mess around in bars. And today, for the first day in at least 10 years, I'm attempting to manage without latte.  


    By chance, I actually wrote to Geo this morning about another matter. He's some special bloke.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    ^^^^ Wanna bet? I'm usually too busy dealing with Team Moan to mess around in bars. And today, for the first day in at least 10 years, I'm attempting to manage without latte.   ;) By chance, I actually wrote to Geo this morning about another matter. He's some special bloke.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    "Always on Duty." 
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    ^^^^ Wanna bet? I'm usually too busy dealing with Team Moan to mess around in bars. And today, for the first day in at least 10 years, I'm attempting to manage without latte.   ;) By chance, I actually wrote to Geo this morning about another matter. He's some special bloke.  
    Posted by Tikay10

    *stunned into silence*

    Yes, Geo seemed sound when I met him. It was my first APAT tourney and I loved it TBH. It was nice to meet Des (again) and the whole team who ran it all very well indeed.

    Any specific reason for the non latte day? Not sure what else I can offer you in here Tikay....embalming fluid perhaps? ;);) 
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : *stunned into silence* Yes, Geo seemed sound when I met him. It was my first APAT tourney and I loved it TBH. It was nice to meet Des (again) and the whole team who ran it all very well indeed. Any specific reason for the non latte day? Not sure what else I can offer you in here Tikay....embalming fluid perhaps? ;);) 
    Posted by MAXALLY
    Al  your talking about Mr Super Stud .........  Money 4 nothing Chicks for free
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    ^^^^ Wanna bet? I'm usually too busy dealing with Team Moan to mess around in bars. And today, for the first day in at least 10 years, I'm attempting to manage without latte.   ;) By chance, I actually wrote to Geo this morning about another matter. He's some special bloke.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Don't Mock Sky's new  Se x Symbol ...... he could be the Bars Star attraction for friday Ladies night.   Just heard he's been to the gym to start Training to join the "DREAM BOYS" 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 167,273
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : *stunned into silence* Yes, Geo seemed sound when I met him. It was my first APAT tourney and I loved it TBH. It was nice to meet Des (again) and the whole team who ran it all very well indeed. Any specific reason for the non latte day? Not sure what else I can offer you in here Tikay....embalming fluid perhaps? ;);) 
    Posted by MAXALLY
    APAT is a wonderful organisation, & I'm extremely proud of the 5 years I spent with them, alongside Tighty & Des. Those who moan & groan about the state of poker, especially for recreational players, have no rights imo, until they have actually DONE SOMETHING for poker. So I readily ignore them. I only left APAT due to a clash of commercial matters, it was not appropriate for me to wear different hats.

    A Des trivia point - did you know he used to be Head of Poker here at Sky Poker? I spent a few happy years working under his leadership.
    Another Des trivia point - if you are involved in financial negotiations, ALWAYS sit on the same side of the table as Des. He's a right hard case with money, very tough man to negotiate with.
    No latte today? Just general health issues, which I'm trying to address. My physical condition has gone downhill badly in the last year, & I'm trying to do something about it.
    I've managed to lose 10lbs in the last 2 weeks, hard dieting, so if I can bin the daily latttes (I had THREE yesterday, ffs), that'll help.
    I've never walked ANYWHERE, either, I bet I don't walk 100 yards per day, & have not done so for 20 years. So I started a "daily walk" 17 days ago, & am walking between 2 & 3 miles every single day, irrespective of weather or workload. Early afternoon, every single day. Feeling better already. 

    It's also nice to go for a walk & clear my head from all the ill manners & chuntering on here. Truly, it's never been worse, the more players get, the more they demand, it's just crazy, uncontrolled greed is not a pleasant thing to observe. So my little daily walk is beneficial in lots of ways, helps me with perspective & balance. 

    I was able, on Sunday, to see something wonderfully uplifting, human nature at it's absolute best. Then I got home to find Terry Wogan had died, which was really sad. And THEN I logged onto the Sky Forum, to check everything was OK. Yikes. 

    Anyway, there you go, my annual visit to Al's Bar.   
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2016

    Thank you for visiting our humble abode Tikay. You are VERY welcome here anytime for a general grumble or to engage us all in some of your wonderful stories.

    I first met Des when he was still working for Sky. It was my 1st SPT at Luton and we played a few £1 turnovers with him.....great fun. He ofc  won a couple and hit and ran ;)

    That daily walk sounds just the ticket. Just be careful of the impending big freeze coming up. Replace your morning latte with freshly squeezed OJ.

    A lot of folks at the w/end advised me not to keep getting involved with the wind up merchants/key board warriors on here anymore as they are really really not worth it. Good advise for all.

    Again, thanks for dropping in.....CHEERS.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited February 2016
     You Thought I was Joking when I said he was in training.?   Think it's Midnight exercise with drunken ladies.!
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited February 2016
      Hi Al   Just twiddling me thumbs and catching up on forum chat .... when noticed ...... TK say, he sends things upstairs to be verified.    Those Girls must be very clever.  ?
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited February 2016
     The Imagination is a Wonderful thing .......  pleasurable experiences may occur.

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2016

    My girls upstairs are very clever indeed. They make more in a week than some of the so called poker experts on here ;)  They do belong to the moan brigade though, which is why Tikay only visits once a year....he prefers team mock.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,272
    edited February 2016
    What time does the party start? 
    9 ?
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    What time does the party start?  9 ?
    Posted by VespaPX

    9 mins past 9. (....on the 9th........of September)
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,272
    edited February 2016
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : 9 mins past 9. (....on the 9th........of September)
    Posted by MAXALLY
     9 bob a pint?
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 8,878
    edited February 2016
     Hi Al ....... here because need a  " Pint & Whinge"  these are both British Tradition.   We need to keep this long held tradition going. !  

      " WHINGE of the DAY"

    I'm very disappointed that I was not informed personally that there was a Freeroll to compensate me for the site break down last Sunday.   The ( least ) Sky could have done was send round Mr TK to my house to inform me personally.  He has nothing else to do (here) except play Plo8 with his mates.   My Coffee not good enough.?

     There will be no responce to this for another year.!
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2016

    Totally agree Don. Apart from freerolls, promotions, giveaways, reward points, the forum and countless community competitions.......what do Sky Poker actually do for us, the players. It is a total fiasco in my book. 

    I played said freeroll and my AK soooted got turned over by A2. I didn't even smell the cash. I have emailed Sky customer services this morning with all my hand histories from the game and copied it to the 100 suits to demand my buy in back.

    I am that moaned out today that I am going to have two pints at lunchtime.
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