Awwwwwwww superb stuff Benny on a such a great result and let's hope you go all the way and win the VLV final Sir!.
Cheltenham was fantastic yesterday albeit rather wet. Backed Imperial Commander to win the Gold Cup (Gutted i didn't have a little e/w on Mon Mone lol) ended up with a small profit overall on the day of which i quickly drank at the Bar .
Next stop racing wise for myself, Aintree for the Grand National and hopefully for the first time in 4 years of going to the meeting have a profitable one as last year was nothing short of an unmitigated disaster betting wise! .
Awwwwwwww superb stuff Benny on a such a great result and let's hope you go all the way and win the VLV final Sir!. Cheltenham was fantastic yesterday albeit rather wet. Backed Imperial Commander to win the Gold Cup (Gutted i didn't have a little e/w on Mon Mone lol) ended up with a small profit overall on the day of which i quickly drank at the Bar . Next stop racing wise for myself, Aintree for the Grand National and hopefully for the first time in 4 years of going to the meeting have a profitable one as last year was nothing short of an unmitigated disaster betting wise! . Posted by OnlyOneCT
Thanks CT .. Its a funny ol game this poker malarkey but that was a very enjoyable night ! As for Cheltenham, yes It looked like I got the best of the weather there but at least you had a fantastic time and the winner of the Gold Cup ....great stuff ........
Aintree next, good luck there.. I think there's a hurdle race we could be interested in at Aintree, In the mean time I was at the Kennels this morning, I'll post later about that.. So keep ya powder dry , and thanks again.. good luck CT
carlos tevez has just had a new baby and was a bit upset"why does'nt the baby look like me?" he moans,the wife replys"give me a chance,i have'nt had time to boil the kettle yet!!!"
When Michelle was a little girl !! A firefighter was working on the engine outside the station when he noticed a little girl nearby in a little red wagon with little ladders hung off the sides & a garden hose tightly coiled in the middle. The girl was wearing a firefighter's helmet. The wagon was being pulled by her dog & her cat. The fire fighter walked over to take a closer look. "That's a nice Fire Engine," the firefighter said with admiration. Thanks," Michelle replied. The firefighter looked a little closer & noticed the girl had tied the wagon to her dog's collar & to the cat's testicles. "Little partner," the firefighter said "I don't want to tell you how to run your rig, but if you were to tie that rope around the cat's collar, I think you could go faster." Michelle replied thoughtfully, "You're probably right, but then I wouldn't have a siren." !!!! Posted by bennydip2
Tonight Sky Sport TV are showing the fantastic meeting at Doncaster greyhound track . The meeting is called 'The Trainers Championship,' which should be won by either Charlie Lister or Mark Wallis .
Poker player and top man Mark Wallis's runs .."Eye Onthe Storm" in the 9 45, and in my opinion is the best dog I have ever seen on the track. He is the current ante-post Derby favourite to be run in May, and should not be inconvenienced by trap 3 in the 8th race tonight. Again Charlie Lister's "Tyrur Speedy" looks the main danger but the draw inside him could be crucial. From a betting point of view, SkyBet are offering 6/5 "Eye Onthe Storm" , it might appear short but after the event this should look like a great bet ..I'm On
The 'Live on Sky' event is one of the most popular nights of the year and attracts a large audience which showcases all what's exciting about our sport.
glk all ... and bank on "Eye Ofthe Storm" ..he's the best !
The Winner ! << BackDoncaster|23/03/2010 21:45|Grade IV|483m|1st £500, Others £50 The Betfair Arcade Standard FinGreyhoundTrapSPTime/Sec.Time/Distance 1 Eye Onthe Storm3 4/5F bkw d Droopys Vieri - Bower Louise Oct-2007 (Trainer:M A Wallis) Comment: 2 Carden Bert5 12/1 bk d Brett Lee - Bell Sensation Jun-2007 (Trainer:S A Cahill) Comment: 3 Karma Obama6 8/1 bk d Hades Rocket - Ballymac Floss Jun-2007 (Trainer:D Childs) Comment: Going Allowance: N/A Forecast: (3-5)£15.09 | Tricast: (3-5-6)£62.08 Get in !!!!
Going to the Dogs ... (What I do in some of my spare time)
This week on Friday see the start of the Stan James sponsored,'Blue Riband' at Hall Green .. On another forum (no names mentioned) where I write a small greyhound section, we have been having some great fun with a few ante-post selections including last years Derby winner 'Kinda Ready' who we posted at early odds of 66/1 and returned the 20/1 winner on the night for poker playing trainer 'Mark Wallis' ... Mark and another great poker buddy of mine 'Roy'Boy'Brindley' can sometimes be found playing live at Harlow stadium on their poker nights ...
So, as some of you racing fans have asked, I'll try and keep you informed as to what I fancy and what I'm betting and how, in some of the big races over the rest of the year.
You may have seen last year in this blog and only a few week back how I've fallen in love with a dog called 'Eye Onthe Storm', trained by Mark and in my mind the best dog Ive ever seen racing. His early pace is awesome and is a true favourite for this years Derby in May at 14/1 clear..
Right back to Fridays first round heats for the 'Blue Riband' where 'Eye Onthe Storm' is already installed as the 4/1 fav to win the final, I obviously fancy him as the winner outright but others who I think could be in the mix are, "Dalcash Scolari" loves Hall Green and must be put in our ante-post picks but as much as we don't like to leave the likes of "Jogadusc Ace" ( loves the track) you can't pick them all.
The other who must have an outside chance is Oaks second "Freedom Emma", from my old guv 'Richard Yeates' yard here in Bucks, who also came second in the final of 'The Ladbrokes Bit ches, this last Friday ...
So my ante-post bets for the Blue Riband Final are ..
FREEDOM EMMA - 1 pt e/w ante-post - best price 25/1 EYE ONTHE STORM - 4 pts win ante-post - best price 4/1 DALCASH SCOLARI - 2 pts e.w ante-post - best pice 14/1
or, were the Mayans right about the year 2012 ? Certain aspects of the interlocking Maya calendar system have filtered into public consciousness in the last decade and a half. One of them is the prediction that we will come to the end of a solar-planetary cycle in 2012. But what is this cycle exactly and why is it going to end on the winter solstice of that auspicious year? Is the world going to end as some people are forecasting?
The Maya conceived of time and human history as moving in cycles, small and large. While we use a single calendar to keep track of our annual solar circuit and to mark all of the important days within a year, the Maya used a variety of calendars. The array included a 365-day solar calendar; a 260-day sacred calendar and a Long Count calendar that operated something like an odometer with a zero start date. Unlike the other calendars the Long Count clocked linear time and was programmed to stop after 5,125 years elapsed.
The Long Count was begun at the onset of this current cycle, known as the 5th Sun, in 3114 BC. It will clock the required number of years to complete a full cycle of five suns on December 21, 2012. John Major Jenkins has made the case that this date corresponds to two major alignments, (one between the winter solstice sun and the galactic equator; the other an approximate one between solstice sun and galactic core) and it also completes the Great Zodiac precession cycle of 26,000 years. I am not questioning this thesis however I do wonder if that is all there is to the end of this solar cycle- the 5th Sun?
The Maya began their Long Count on what they referred to as the ‘Birth of Venus.’ Scholars have never been able to determine what the Maya were referring to and neither have alternative researchers. Nevertheless their sacred calendar, the Tzolkin, placed the synodic cycles of Venus in a central role. The 104-year ‘Venus Round’ cycle (2 Calendar Rounds of 52 years each), was a very important ceremonial event as this was the point in time when the solar and sacred calendars realigned with the cycle of Venus.
I need to insert an important numerical progression at this point to provide a basis for the rest of the article. The number thirteen was a root number for the Maya. It is both a prime number and the eighth number in the crucial Fibonacci series that is one source of the Golden Ratio, 1.618.
If we use 13 as the root of the Mayan calendar system we find the following sequence: 13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78, 91 and 104, which are achieved by simply adding 13 to each succeeding sum. These are the key numbers in the Mayan calendrics and they have a solid scientific footing. Venus was the central component of the Mayan cosmology. It is for good reason that our nearest planetary neighbor is called earth’s sister planet. They have a phase-locked orbital cycle that is based on a 13:8 ratio. That is derived from the fact that Venus revolves around the sun 1.6 times faster than Earth so that 13 Venus revolutions is equal to 8 years.
Why is this important? By establishing Venus as the key component of the sacred calendar they automatically built the Golden Ratio (1.6) into the system since that ratio defines the difference
between the two planets orbital cycles. By using 13 as the root number they also included the crucial multiples, or powers, of thirteen - 13,000 and 26,000 - or half as well as the full number of years in the precession. We see that the 5 Suns, each lasting 5,125 years, also add up to the Great Zodiacal Year.
We can break these numbers down in different ways and each will show that there was nothing arbitrary about the Mayan system. We somewhat arrogantly disdain other cultures for being superstitious until we come to the number 13 and our own irrationality surfaces. But let’s examine how deeply embedded this number - as well as 26, 52 and 91 - are in our own calendar. Our year is divided into four seasons that are demarcated by the equinoxes and solstices.
Each of the four seasons is 91 days or 13 weeks long, which gives us a year of 52 weeks. We see the key Maya 13-base numerical progression reflected in our own calendar. Half of a year is 26 weeks. It is beyond the scope of this article to delve into all of the intricacies of the Mayan calendrical and mathematical systems; they were extremely adept in these fields.
What I have uncovered during my decades of research into this topic are two crucial keys to understanding the system: the ‘Transit of Venus’ and solar output cycles. It just so happens that the 2012 end date corresponds to a Venus Transit cycle that occurs twice in the next 10 years in 2004 and then in 2012. As mentioned above Venus was central to the Mayan cosmology. The Long Count began on what the Maya call the “Birth of Venus” so it is perhaps not too surprising that it ends on a Transit of Venus.
My research has revealed that a Transit of Venus occurred in 1518 and 1526. This was the period when Cortez landed on the shores of the Yucatan and wound up conquering the Aztec empire. The next transit was in 1631-’39. It was followed by a complete stoppage of the sunspot cycle, which lasted for 70 years (science has no explanation for this event). The ‘little ice age’ occurred between 1645 and 1720. What do we find associated with the next transit in 1761-‘69? We discover the birth of the American Revolution.
There is no doubt that the Transit of Venus was an important divinatory alignment factored into the Maya calendar. We will not have to wait for long to test this theory and also get a glimpse of 2012 during the ‘passage’ years. But in reality as Jose Arguelles and others have pointed out the precursor years began in 1987 and the final stages of this cycle really kicked into gear in 1991-’1993. How do we know? There has been a tremendous surge in the number and magnitude of natural disasters and this was also forecast as a harbinger of the 5th Sun’s demise.
13,000 years is a very important time period since we know that the last ice age ended then. This indicates that there is a periodicity to the solar output cycle. There are short and long term fluctuations in solar output and as a result great ice ages, little ice ages and warm interglacials, which we are in nearing the end of now.
The cyclical nature of the long range weather patterns are well established is are the variable nature of solar activity. We know that that is true since we have been in a ‘global warming’ period for the past 300 years. The “little ice age” started to thaw in the early 1700s when the sunspot cycle returned. The level of solar activity has been increasing steadily from that ‘zero sunspot point’ right up to our recent sunspot cycles in 1989-‘90 and the double peak in 2000- ’02.
Is it a coincidence that 2012 also coincides with the next solar sunspot maximum? The actual peak of this 300-year cycle of increasing solar output occurred in 1960 when the number of sunspots exceeded 200, the usual peak is around 100-150. Now, what is interesting is that during the first half of the 20th century the Earth’s seismic and volcanic activity were comparatively quiet.
Then after 1960 the level of seismic and volcanic activity increases steadily to the point that the 1990s can accurately be called the ‘decade of disasters’. The surge in major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions radically departed from earlier decades. According to the chief scientist for the world’s largest reinsurance company Zurich Re, “since 1960 natural disasters are a growth industry.”
I hardly need to mention “global warming” since it is constantly in the headlines. However, the truth is obvious for those that care to see it. The Earth has been warming for 13,000 years with periodic short-term cold spells. However, solar output is the forcing mechanism behind global warming and the 5th Sun is intimately tied to that phenomenon. What does the end of the 5th Sun really mean?
I take it very literally to mean that the sun’s output is going to change. We are going to enter the flip side of a new 13,000 year cycle. The earth is overheated and so is the sun, the result being planetary instability manifested in rising earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and erratic weather patterns.
These will increase further starting in 2004. The volcanic ash will create more and more cloud cover and that will begin to cool the planet down. If my theory is correct the Maya knew that the Venus Transit acted like a circuit breaker switching off the sunspot cycle and impacting the Sun-Moon-Earth-Venus system. This appears to have happened just prior to the previous two ‘little ice ages’ that were preceded by what solar physicists call the Spoorer (1400-1510) and Maunder Minimum(s) 1640-1710), periods of radically diminished solar activity.
The Venus Transit will trigger the demise of the 5th Sun and set the stage for the next cycle, the 6th Sun. That is the physical side of the Maya 5th Sun forecast. Unlike many predictions this one is built into the Maya calendar and it can be verified with some historical research. Is the world going to end in a violent crescendo of natural disasters and impacts from cosmic objects? I do not think that is likely nor is it what the Maya predicted.
However, a prolonged period of change is on the horizon that will be ushered in by the 2004 – 2012 ‘passage’. It will culminate in the galactic alignment and complete the precessional cycle at that point.
(hope this helped) as 'webby' would say !
and... /> /> If Cyclical Ice age gets hold of the earth how severe will it be by 2012?
Ice ages come every 11,000 years. A mega ice age comes every 105,000 years. Both are due between around 2012. The 11,000 year cycle happens because of increase and decrease of, cyclical underwater volcanic eruption.
My conclusion is ...... I told you It was cold this winter !
So, according to my understanding of your theorem at 21.12.2012 the Venus Transit will cause a markable reduction in sunspot activity thus reducing / interrupting the influence of this phenomenon on our beautiful blue planet and inducing another mini ice-age? And by doing so will reduce the number of the number of heat-orientated natural disasters...
If we can then expect a mini ice age to roughly last 70 years, can you run through the impact of this on our 21st century society?
Nice results Benny sir! And yes, i was on your Gold Cup Tip so thank you!.....
Good luck in that semi on sunday mate.....
Cheltenham was fantastic yesterday albeit rather wet. Backed Imperial Commander to win the Gold Cup (Gutted i didn't have a little e/w on Mon Mone lol) ended up with a small profit overall on the day of which i quickly drank at the Bar
Next stop racing wise for myself, Aintree for the Grand National and hopefully for the first time in 4 years of going to the meeting have a profitable one as last year was nothing short of an unmitigated disaster betting wise!
As for Cheltenham, yes It looked like I got the best of the weather there but at least you had a fantastic time and the winner of the Gold Cup ....great stuff ........
Aintree next, good luck there.. I think there's a hurdle race we could be interested in at Aintree,
In the mean time I was at the Kennels this morning, I'll post later about that..
So keep ya powder dry , and thanks again.. good luck CT
To a round of applause .. she took of her draws !!
In 1924 ....
Monmore | 22/03/2010 | 14:47 | Grade OR | 480m | 1st £175
Fin Greyhound Trap SP Time/Sec. Time/Distance
1 Freedom Emma 5 5/4F 4.21 28.24
(Season: 23.Jy.09) bk b Brett Lee-Miss Freckles Jul-2007 (Trainer: R F Yeates)
Comment: MsdBrk, EP, Crd1, Ld2
2 Slick Sioux 4 5/2 4.16 28.36 (1 1/2)
(Season: Unknown) bk b Premier Fantasy-Maybe Baby Oct-2006 (Trainer: K R Allsop)
Comment: QuickAway, Crowded1
3 Lively Iris 6 5/1 4.18 28.60 (3)
(Season: Unknown) wbk b Top Honcho-Kildallon Iota Jan-2007 (Trainer: A P Heyes)
Comment: Crowded1
4 Jackies Girl 3 10/1 4.23 28.62 (HD)
(Season: ) bd b Boherduff Light-Deenside Athlete Jun-2007 (Trainer: F C Wright)
Comment: Crowded1
5 Little Flame 2 5/1 4.25 28.76 (1 3/4)
Season: ) bk b Go Wild Teddy-Any Time Soon Jan-2008 (Trainer: P J Rosney)
Comment: FcdCk&Crd1, Crd2
6 Jethart Joy 1 16/1 4.27 28.78 (HD)
(Season: Unknown) bkw b Droopys Kewell-Jethart Magic Apr-2007 (Trainer: P J Rosney)
Comment: Crowded1&2
Friday is Final Day
She then goes for the Arc at Oxford
I just found some old relic's buried in the volt's of the ancient tomb that is
Skypokers 'blog's' ..
Title Benny's Blatherings
More from News…
Poker player and top man Mark Wallis's runs .."Eye Onthe Storm" in the 9 45, and in my opinion is the best dog I have ever seen on the track.
He is the current ante-post Derby favourite to be run in May, and should not be inconvenienced by trap 3 in the 8th race tonight.
Again Charlie Lister's "Tyrur Speedy" looks the main danger but the draw inside him could be crucial. From a betting point of view, SkyBet are offering 6/5 "Eye Onthe Storm" , it might appear short but after the event this should look like a great bet ..I'm On
The 'Live on Sky' event is one of the most popular nights of the year and attracts a large audience which showcases all what's exciting about our sport.
glk all ... and bank on "Eye Ofthe Storm" ..he's the best !
<< Back Doncaster|23/03/2010 21:45|Grade IV|483m|1st £500, Others £50 The Betfair Arcade Standard
Fin Greyhound Trap SP Time/Sec. Time/Distance 1 Eye Onthe Storm 3 4/5F bkw d Droopys Vieri - Bower Louise Oct-2007 (Trainer:M A Wallis) Comment: 2 Carden Bert 5 12/1 bk d Brett Lee - Bell Sensation Jun-2007 (Trainer:S A Cahill) Comment: 3 Karma Obama 6 8/1 bk d Hades Rocket - Ballymac Floss Jun-2007 (Trainer:D Childs) Comment:
Going Allowance: N/A
Forecast: (3-5)£15.09 | Tricast: (3-5-6)£62.08
Get in !!!!
Nice 1 Benny won afew £ on Eye Onthe Storm just missed out on the fc with Karma Obama. Keep em coming mate
cheers Taras
Mulder an Scully, "Where are you" ?
click photo for larger view !
We need him now ...................... c'mon you Ironz !
Come on mate , cheer up, it might never happen !!
This week on Friday see the start of the Stan James sponsored,'Blue Riband' at Hall Green ..
On another forum (no names mentioned) where I write a small greyhound section, we have been having some great fun with a few ante-post selections including last years Derby winner 'Kinda Ready' who we posted at early odds of 66/1 and returned the 20/1 winner on the night for poker playing trainer 'Mark Wallis' ...
Mark and another great poker buddy of mine 'Roy'Boy'Brindley' can sometimes be found playing live at Harlow stadium on their poker nights ...
So, as some of you racing fans have asked, I'll try and keep you informed as to what I fancy and what I'm betting and how, in some of the big races over the rest of the year.
You may have seen last year in this blog and only a few week back how I've fallen in love with a dog called 'Eye Onthe Storm', trained by Mark and in my mind the best dog Ive ever seen racing. His early pace is awesome and is a true favourite for this years Derby in May at 14/1 clear..
Right back to Fridays first round heats for the 'Blue Riband'
where 'Eye Onthe Storm' is already installed as the 4/1 fav to win the final, I obviously fancy him as the winner outright but others who I think could be in the mix are, "Dalcash Scolari" loves Hall Green and must be put in our ante-post picks but as much as we don't like to leave the likes of "Jogadusc Ace" ( loves the track) you can't pick them all.
The other who must have an outside chance is Oaks second "Freedom Emma", from my old guv 'Richard Yeates' yard here in Bucks, who also came second in the final of 'The Ladbrokes Bit ches, this last Friday ...
So my ante-post bets for the Blue Riband Final are ..
FREEDOM EMMA - 1 pt e/w ante-post - best price 25/1
EYE ONTHE STORM - 4 pts win ante-post - best price 4/1
DALCASH SCOLARI - 2 pts e.w ante-post - best pice 14/1
Heats start Friday ... glk us ...
or, were the Mayans right about the year 2012 ?
Certain aspects of the interlocking Maya calendar system have filtered into public consciousness in the last decade and a half. One of them is the prediction that we will come to the end of a solar-planetary cycle in 2012. But what is this cycle exactly and why is it going to end on the winter solstice of that auspicious year?
Is the world going to end as some people are forecasting?
The Maya conceived of time and human history as moving in cycles, small and large. While we use a single calendar to keep track of our annual solar circuit and to mark all of the important days within a year, the Maya used a variety of calendars. The array included a 365-day solar calendar; a 260-day sacred calendar and a Long Count calendar that operated something like an odometer with a zero start date. Unlike the other calendars the Long Count clocked linear time and was programmed to stop after 5,125 years elapsed.
The Long Count was begun at the onset of this current cycle, known as the 5th Sun, in 3114 BC. It will clock the required number of years to complete a full cycle of five suns on December 21, 2012. John Major Jenkins has made the case that this date corresponds to two major alignments, (one between the winter solstice sun and the galactic equator; the other an approximate one between solstice sun and galactic core) and it also completes the Great Zodiac precession cycle of 26,000 years. I am not questioning this thesis however I do wonder if that is all there is to the end of this solar cycle- the 5th Sun?
The Maya began their Long Count on what they referred to as the ‘Birth of Venus.’ Scholars have never been able to determine what the Maya were referring to and neither have alternative researchers. Nevertheless their sacred calendar, the Tzolkin, placed the synodic cycles of Venus in a central role. The 104-year ‘Venus Round’ cycle (2 Calendar Rounds of 52 years each), was a very important ceremonial event as this was the point in time when the solar and sacred calendars realigned with the cycle of Venus.
I need to insert an important numerical progression at this point to provide a basis for the rest of the article. The number thirteen was a root number for the Maya. It is both a prime number and the eighth number in the crucial Fibonacci series that is one source of the Golden Ratio, 1.618.
If we use 13 as the root of the Mayan calendar system we find the following sequence: 13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78, 91 and 104, which are achieved by simply adding 13 to each succeeding sum. These are the key numbers in the Mayan calendrics and they have a solid scientific footing. Venus was the central component of the Mayan cosmology. It is for good reason that our nearest planetary neighbor is called earth’s sister planet. They have a phase-locked orbital cycle that is based on a 13:8 ratio. That is derived from the fact that Venus revolves around the sun 1.6 times faster than Earth so that 13 Venus revolutions is equal to 8 years.
Why is this important? By establishing Venus as the key component of the sacred calendar they automatically built the Golden Ratio (1.6) into the system since that ratio defines the difference
between the two planets orbital cycles. By using 13 as the root number they also included the crucial multiples, or powers, of thirteen - 13,000 and 26,000 - or half as well as the full number of years in the precession. We see that the 5 Suns, each lasting 5,125 years, also add up to the Great Zodiacal Year.
We can break these numbers down in different ways and each will show that there was nothing arbitrary about the Mayan system. We somewhat arrogantly disdain other cultures for being superstitious until we come to the number 13 and our own irrationality surfaces. But let’s examine how deeply embedded this number - as well as 26, 52 and 91 - are in our own calendar. Our year is divided into four seasons that are demarcated by the equinoxes and solstices.
Each of the four seasons is 91 days or 13 weeks long, which gives us a year of 52 weeks. We see the key Maya 13-base numerical progression reflected in our own calendar. Half of a year is 26 weeks. It is beyond the scope of this article to delve into all of the intricacies of the Mayan calendrical and mathematical systems; they were extremely adept in these fields.
What I have uncovered during my decades of research into this topic are two crucial keys to understanding the system: the ‘Transit of Venus’ and solar output cycles. It just so happens that the 2012 end date corresponds to a Venus Transit cycle that occurs twice in the next 10 years in 2004 and then in 2012. As mentioned above Venus was central to the Mayan cosmology. The Long Count began on what the Maya call the “Birth of Venus” so it is perhaps not too surprising that it ends on a Transit of Venus.
My research has revealed that a Transit of Venus occurred in 1518 and 1526. This was the period when Cortez landed on the shores of the Yucatan and wound up conquering the Aztec empire. The next transit was in 1631-’39. It was followed by a complete stoppage of the sunspot cycle, which lasted for 70 years (science has no explanation for this event). The ‘little ice age’ occurred between 1645 and 1720. What do we find associated with the next transit in 1761-‘69? We discover the birth of the American Revolution.
There is no doubt that the Transit of Venus was an important divinatory alignment factored into the Maya calendar. We will not have to wait for long to test this theory and also get a glimpse of 2012 during the ‘passage’ years. But in reality as Jose Arguelles and others have pointed out the precursor years began in 1987 and the final stages of this cycle really kicked into gear in 1991-’1993. How do we know? There has been a tremendous surge in the number and magnitude of natural disasters and this was also forecast as a harbinger of the 5th Sun’s demise.
13,000 years is a very important time period since we know that the last ice age ended then. This indicates that there is a periodicity to the solar output cycle. There are short and long term fluctuations in solar output and as a result great ice ages, little ice ages and warm interglacials, which we are in nearing the end of now.
The cyclical nature of the long range weather patterns are well established is are the variable nature of solar activity. We know that that is true since we have been in a ‘global warming’ period for the past 300 years. The “little ice age” started to thaw in the early 1700s when the sunspot cycle returned. The level of solar activity has been increasing steadily from that ‘zero sunspot point’ right up to our recent sunspot cycles in 1989-‘90 and the double peak in 2000- ’02.
Is it a coincidence that 2012 also coincides with the next solar sunspot maximum? The actual peak of this 300-year cycle of increasing solar output occurred in 1960 when the number of sunspots exceeded 200, the usual peak is around 100-150. Now, what is interesting is that during the first half of the 20th century the Earth’s seismic and volcanic activity were comparatively quiet.
Then after 1960 the level of seismic and volcanic activity increases steadily to the point that the 1990s can accurately be called the ‘decade of disasters’. The surge in major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions radically departed from earlier decades. According to the chief scientist for the world’s largest reinsurance company Zurich Re, “since 1960 natural disasters are a growth industry.”
I hardly need to mention “global warming” since it is constantly in the headlines. However, the truth is obvious for those that care to see it. The Earth has been warming for 13,000 years with periodic short-term cold spells. However, solar output is the forcing mechanism behind global warming and the 5th Sun is intimately tied to that phenomenon. What does the end of the 5th Sun really mean?
I take it very literally to mean that the sun’s output is going to change. We are going to enter the flip side of a new 13,000 year cycle. The earth is overheated and so is the sun, the result being planetary instability manifested in rising earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and erratic weather patterns.
These will increase further starting in 2004. The volcanic ash will create more and more cloud cover and that will begin to cool the planet down. If my theory is correct the Maya knew that the Venus Transit acted like a circuit breaker switching off the sunspot cycle and impacting the Sun-Moon-Earth-Venus system. This appears to have happened just prior to the previous two ‘little ice ages’ that were preceded by what solar physicists call the Spoorer (1400-1510) and Maunder Minimum(s) 1640-1710), periods of radically diminished solar activity.
The Venus Transit will trigger the demise of the 5th Sun and set the stage for the next cycle, the 6th Sun. That is the physical side of the Maya 5th Sun forecast. Unlike many predictions this one is built into the Maya calendar and it can be verified with some historical research. Is the world going to end in a violent crescendo of natural disasters and impacts from cosmic objects? I do not think that is likely nor is it what the Maya predicted.
However, a prolonged period of change is on the horizon that will be ushered in by the 2004 – 2012 ‘passage’.
It will culminate in the galactic alignment and complete the precessional cycle at that point.
(hope this helped) as 'webby' would say !
and... /> /> If Cyclical Ice age gets hold of the earth how severe will it be by 2012?
Ice ages come every 11,000 years. A mega ice age comes every 105,000
years. Both are due between around 2012.
The 11,000 year cycle happens because of increase and decrease of,
cyclical underwater volcanic eruption.
My conclusion is ...... I told you It was cold this winter !
So, according to my understanding of your theorem at 21.12.2012 the Venus Transit will cause a markable reduction in sunspot activity thus reducing / interrupting the influence of this phenomenon on our beautiful blue planet and inducing another mini ice-age? And by doing so will reduce the number of the number of heat-orientated natural disasters...
If we can then expect a mini ice age to roughly last 70 years, can you run through the impact of this on our 21st century society?