Very interesting read sir! So, according to my understanding of your theorem at 21.12.2012 the Venus Transit will cause a markable reduction in sunspot activity thus reducing / interrupting the influence of this phenomenon on our beautiful blue planet and inducing another mini ice-age? And by doing so will reduce the number of the number of heat-orientated natural disasters... If we can then expect a mini ice age to roughly last 70 years, can you run through the impact of this on our 21st century society? x Posted by TRIP5
Young Lady 'Trips' x ... "Did I not make it clear the first time,"? )
OK, Forget all the mumbo jumbo............
It's the underwater volcano's in the Pacific that has control of the weather, atmosphere and temperatures , along with the lack of sunspot activity,
Do I believe in Global Warming ? Absolutely Not .. Big Companies get Government subsides for putting out that propaganda
Will it get Colder ?
Well, I think the summers will be shorter and the winters will be longer .. hence why, it now April and we have now had 5 months of winter weather, hardly any autumn last year and a very late spring this year (If we ever get one)
So, make sure you keep your thermal knickers handy around October time,
A little girl walks into her parents' bedroom. " Holy , Oh What" she screams "And YOU want ME to see a doctor about sucking my thumb...!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*** Once upon a time a guy asked a girl "Will you marry me?" . The girl said, "No" and she lived happily ever after. She went shopping, drank vodka with friends, always had a clean house, never had to cook, had a wardrobe full of shoes and bags, stayed skinny and was never **** upon. ....The End. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Japanese scientists have now created a digital camera with such a fast speed that it's now possible to take a photograph of a woman with her gob shut. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Turned on my SatNav and it said 'Bear Left' and there was the zoo.! How good is that? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hate all this terrorist business. I used to love the days when you could look at an unattended bag on the train or bus and think , " I'm f # # king having that!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Man lost in a hot air balloon over Ireland. He looks down and sees a farmer and shouts to him, "Where am I?" The Irish farmer looks up and shouts back, "You can't kid me ya b ' stard, you're in that feckin basket!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paddy is cleaning his rifle and accidentally shoots his wife. He dials 999. Paddy says, "It's my wife, I've accidentally shot her. I've killed her" Operator asks, "Please calm down sir. Can you first make sure she really is dead?"
Paddy, "OK, done that, what next? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Do not send this on to at least five friends in the next 10 minutes. You will suffer no unforeseen consequences, you will not find the solution to world peace nor will you inherit an obscene amount of cash.
Tonight is the start of the Stan James, 'Blue Riband' at Hall Green. The heats have brought some interesting, clashes with some of the well fancied runners drawn together.
Notables the Charley Lister pair, Fear Zafonic and Bandicoot Tipoki , in the 20.50 race . Along with Mark Wallis and Richard Yeates runners, Dalcash Scolari and Freedom Emma, respectively.. So with ante-post bets already on .. Posted earlier in thread !! tonight's bets are ..
Odds 2.87 - Jogadusc Ace (20:20) Hall Green ..1pt win ..3rd
3.50 - Eye Eye Pickle (20:35) Hall Green ..1pt win ..1st
1.40 - Eye Onthe Storm (21:20) Hall Green ..5 pt win ..1st
+ 1pt win treble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also some Rvse Fcst betting ..
Fear Zafonic and Bandicoot Tipoki , (20.50) 1st and 4th Dalcash Scolari and Freedom Emma, (20 05) 1st and 1st ...DH 1 pt Rvse Fcst each and 1 pt Rvse Fcst doubles
Oh, On the horses, with the National coming up next week, you may want to watch the race.. The Link I use for all UK racing is this .. EVERY race Free without even having to have a bet...
Is this funny or what !! Women !!! sigh... ) Click here: hold your plums:easy question about left hand drive Could it be MadMoo, Anjie, Lisa Marie,Trips or Supernova ..I'm not telling !! ) Posted by bennydip2
Hahahaha that is funny. Did remind me a little bit of my nan, lol x
First round heats for the Stan James 'Blue Riband' at Hall Green
Our ante-post selections did us proud tonight as both, FREEDOM EMMA - 1 pt e/w ante-post and DALCASH SCOLARI - 2 pts e.w ante-post finished in a thrilling Dead - Heat joint winners !
Also my best friend at the moment , EYE ONTHE STORM - 4 pts win ante- post , led them a merry dance to win his heat .. So all three are through to the next round, it's been a great night.
One of my Cheltenham fancies was , 'Blackstairmountain ' running today in the 2.25 at Fairyhouse, so although i was disappointed with his run on that day, I'll stick with him again in this class..
A horse Ive been waiting to run again is, 'Lucky Sunny ' running in the 5.00 at Plumpton .. This son of Pasternak looked so impressive when winning first time up in a bumper, I think we can excuse his third on the next run, and feel confident he'll be back in the winners enclosure today for his first maiden hurdle, the soft ground should be in his favour.....
How I see it at the moment, for the first heat, the two Mark Wallis dogs should be able to make the final IF they don't get caught up in early scrummaging to the first bed... "Eye Eye Pickle" and "Dalcash Scolari"
The second heat looks at first sight straight forward, the draw favours both " Eye Onthe Storm" rails and "Freedom Emma" who is a 'middle' runner ...
The third heat should go to "Fear Zafonic", with an outside chance going to "Jogadusc Ace"
So well take a proper look on Tuesday. I'm at Richards kennel Monday morning, so well see. However, I know he'll be very bullish, and to be fair she's a cracking b itch for him ... glk us Benny
On Easter Sunday I SPENT the afternoon watching a bit of poker down my local boozer. To my amazement there were 3 famous people playing in the back room. NLH was the game and the players were RAMVASWANI, Annie Duke and the Devilfish. As they all sat down to play Annie said to Devilfish 'Hello Mr Devilfish' to which he replied 'you can CALL ME DAVE. To which she replied, 'well you can call me ANNIE THE DOC then. The 1st hand was dealt and after a call and a raise on the flop, Devilfish went all in on the button for his 10k stake money. Annie folded and after some deliberation, Ramvaswani called for his 10k stake. Cards were shown with Devil fish holding AhAc and Ram holding KsKd. the flop was As Kh Js. The turn brought the Qs to which devil fish laughed at and said 'no way'. Ram was SO ECSTATIC to see the next card which was the 10s which induced a RIVER RHAPSODY by everyone present in the room. As the Devilfish walked to the exit door, he turned and smiled at Ram and departed with these words...... ' you got LUCKY got lucky'
Yes I did put money on it but will look out for your future tips Sir and I hope you like and appreciate my little story above
Eye Onthe Storm Tonight (Tuesday) is Blue Riband semi-finals at Hall Green..
Well considering we mentioned initially 3 for anti-post betting purposes, it's nice to see all 3 bets are alive and kicking ..
So my view of tonight is rvse fcst doubles and rvse fcst trebles small stakes .. and sit back and watch the best of British in the greyhound world tonight... As I've said before "Eye Onthe Storm" although unbackable now tonight at 1/3 ,,, IS the best Ive ever seen
Blue Riband Semi Finals ....Storm's all the way !!
In the 8.50 and 3rd final "Fear Zafonic" crashed out finishing only 3rd to "Jogadusc Ace" .... ..
However EYE ONTHE STORM and Freedom Emma .. go through to the Final finishing 1st and 2nd in the 8.35.
So, Mark Wallis has two in the final and Richard Yeates's Freedom Emma appears to be the main danger to stopping ...Eye Onthe Storm .. from landing the "Blue Riband"
So with two anti-post bets running it's all systems go for the final....
This is what Ive been waiting for .. he was my best bet at Cheltenham and now in my opinion will be the best bet at Aintree .. When I was at Cheltenham this horse not only looked special with a great future, he's also very highly rated by both Paul Nichols and Ruby Walsh, Ive taken 2/1 with Ladbrokes (best price), however I really think this fellow will go off around 'Evens' tomorrow (Thursday at 2.35)..
Sanctuaire winning by 9 lengths at The Cheltenham Festival ..
First day at Aintree and with 'Sanctuaire' beaten into 3rd place it was a very painful day ... oh, did i not like that ..
Still, always look on the brightside, there's the 'Blue Riband' greyhound final at Hall Green next Tuesday, where we still hold two very tasty anti-post vouchers for both "Eye Onthe Storm"(win 3/1) and Freedom Emma (e/w 1st 4 places 20/1)....
On that subject after watching 'Sanctuaire' get beat into third place this afternoon, (oh the pain) I thought I'd cheer myself up and popped in to see my old governor (Richard Yeates) at the kennels. There was a hive of activity going on, and it turned out they were getting a visit from the Skysports TV crew tomorrow(Friday) about there great b itch 'Freedom Emma' ....
As I chatted to Richards wife Diana, about the coming final, I told her that I couldn't understand the betting for the English Greyhound Derby (April 30th - May 29th) I pondered as she rushed 'to and fro' in the kitchen and putting the kettle on.. I asked her, "I mean here you are, in the final of the 'Blue Riband' on Tuesday against "Eye Onthe Storm," who is 14/1 clear fav for the Derby and your gal 'Freedom Emma' is priced up at 100/1 in places after finishing 10spots(1 and a 1/4 lengths) behind him in the semi-finals" ? She looked over and smiled as she said, "Baz at the moment the only thing I'm thinking of is this blooming Skysport TV crew, they'll probably be here a couple of hours or more, and all for a one minute slot on Sky TV on Tuesday night", "and with this race Tuesday, the last thing on my mind is the Derby betting," she smiled and said. "One sugar or two" ?
Well on my way home, I cant help wondering if 'Feedom Emma' finishes in the first two on Tuesday night, what price will she be for the Derby then ? Not 100/1 .....
It's better to be lucky than be good, and try to give the poker fairy a little help !
Most poker players, even logical ones, sometimes feel something has gone wrong with the law of averages. You know about the law of averages ? Given enough time, the cards even out, and every-one's luck is the same.
But sometimes it doesn't seem that way, and even the most scientific gamblers lose faith. Are there other factors controlling our luck?
Something beyond the science we know now? ...Something mysterious and untoward? ...Who knows? Probably not, but I can't say definitely not. And neither should anyone.
What I do know is that you will make the most money if you play your cards as if the law of averages rules, even if there's a haunting chance in your mind that it doesn't. And you should never complain about your bad luck, because… well, because nobody cares about your bad luck.
Right lets open a bottle of wine and explain...
Now then, oh yes, I mean who cares that I've done a large lump of my bolox on a horse called 'Sanctuarie' this week ? Answer .. Of course nobody, but it sometimes helps if you think someones listening when you give the reasons why it got beat.... )
So when it comes to poker, nothings different, it's just the game has changed ..
One thing ive learned though over the years is, luck moves in mysterious circles, and when gambling you never know whats around the corner ... I wish i had a pound for every time ive heard a poker player say,
"Wanna hear something really pathetic?", " I had the 'nuts' on the flop, got my money in, and what do you think happened ? ?? .. Well I dont need to hear anymore , of course they got outdrawn ...
Every experienced gambler hears this sort of thing all the time. The vocabulary of complaint, the language of misery, is universal. If you're a regular poker player, you can hear echoes of similar tales right now.
Losers like to complain. Losing is a lonely experience. You suffer alone at a poker table. No one else seems aware of your tragedies. However after the game, many humans need to share their agony.
Losers exaggerate, that's because they're not trying to convey what really happened so much as how bad they feel. You shouldn't challenge their outrageous claims of misfortune. Merely do your duty as a human being and commiserate.
You see ..... It's human nature to feel you're running bad, even when you're not. In the past, I've learned that the fluctuations for a gambler can be a lot greater than most informed people suppose. There's a lot of luck involved in games like hearts, poker and backgammon. That's why it's important to get as big an edge as possible.
There's one subject that no self-respecting gambling authority will discuss.
It's the supernatural. before you knock it, read on
Sure, it's easy to say that we have all the answers.
There are two main types of people who are screwing up this world ... those who claim to have discovered secret psychic answers, and those who blindly proclaim there can be no reality beyond that which they can fathom.
Both these groups, the fortune tellers and the tunnel-vision scientists, are suffering from the same insanity. They both need answers. The former makes them up, the latter shouts that luck is understood by equation.
Nothing is more important to a gambler than whether unexplored phenomena might be influencing his luck. Although I can't prove conclusively that such forces don't exist, here is my advice.
Get a good grasp of probabilities and gamble accordingly. Maybe there are undiscovered forces that guide our luck.? ( the poker fairy) But our best shot of winning the money right now is to deal with concepts we comprehend.
If you mistakenly expect to 'flop' full house every hour, you're apt to feel miserable and cheated by fate. Your game will suffer. When you run bad, keep your luck secret. Getting sympathy from a fellow poker player is practically impossible.
This appropriate exchange of words happened a few years back. A young man slithered up to my friend and asked to borrow £20. "I've lost my bolox!" he explained.
My friend 'Rod', slapped him softly on the shoulders, whispered, " wow unlucky mate, I hope you find em... and next time, believe it...there is a poker fairy"!! As we walked away Rod smiled at me as he threw a screwed up twenty note to the young man.
OK, Forget all the mumbo jumbo............
It's the underwater volcano's in the Pacific that has control of the weather, atmosphere and temperatures , along with the lack of sunspot activity,
Do I believe in Global Warming ?
Absolutely Not .. Big Companies get Government subsides for putting out that propaganda
Will it get Colder ?
Well, I think the summers will be shorter and the winters will be longer .. hence why, it now April and we have now had 5 months of winter weather, hardly any autumn last year and a very late spring this year (If we ever get one)
So, make sure you keep your thermal knickers handy around October time,
I hate the cold ! x
Wee Irish boy crying by the side of the road.
A man asks,
"What's wrong?"
Boy says
"Me Ma is dead"
"Oh bejaysus" the man says
"Do you want me to get Father O'Riley ?"
Wee boy replies,
"No thanks Mister, sex is the last ting on me moind roight now."!!
A little girl walks into her parents' bedroom.

" Holy , Oh What" she screams
"And YOU want ME to see a doctor about sucking my thumb...!!
*** Once upon a time a guy asked a girl
"Will you marry me?" . The girl said,
"No" and she lived happily ever after. She went shopping, drank vodka with friends, always had a clean house, never had to cook, had a wardrobe full of shoes and bags, stayed skinny and was never **** upon. ....The End.
Japanese scientists have now created a digital camera with such a fast speed that it's now possible to take a photograph of a woman with her gob shut.
Turned on my SatNav and it said 'Bear Left' and there was the zoo.!
How good is that?
I hate all this terrorist business. I used to love the days when you could look at an unattended bag on the train or bus and think ,
" I'm f # # king having that!"
Man lost in a hot air balloon over Ireland. He looks down and sees a farmer and shouts to him,
"Where am I?"
The Irish farmer looks up and shouts back,
"You can't kid me ya b ' stard, you're in that feckin basket!"
Paddy is cleaning his rifle and accidentally shoots his wife. He dials 999.
Paddy says,
"It's my wife, I've accidentally shot her. I've killed her"
Operator asks,
"Please calm down sir. Can you first make sure she really is dead?"
"OK, done that, what next?
Do not send this on to at least five friends in the next 10 minutes.
You will suffer no unforeseen consequences,
you will not find the solution to world peace nor
will you inherit an obscene amount of cash.
Women !!! sigh...
Click here: hold your plums:easy question about left hand drive
Could it be MadMoo, Anjie, Lisa Marie,Trips or Supernova ..I'm not telling !!
Notables the Charley Lister pair, Fear Zafonic and Bandicoot Tipoki , in the 20.50 race .
Along with Mark Wallis and Richard Yeates runners, Dalcash Scolari and Freedom Emma, respectively..
So with ante-post bets already on .. Posted earlier in thread !!
tonight's bets are ..
2.87 - Jogadusc Ace (20:20) Hall Green ..1pt win ..3rd
3.50 - Eye Eye Pickle (20:35) Hall Green ..1pt win ..1st
1.40 - Eye Onthe Storm (21:20) Hall Green ..5 pt win ..1st
+ 1pt win treble
Also some Rvse Fcst betting ..
Fear Zafonic and Bandicoot Tipoki , (20.50) 1st and 4th
Dalcash Scolari and Freedom Emma, (20 05) 1st and 1st ...DH
1 pt Rvse Fcst each and 1 pt Rvse Fcst doubles
Oh, On the horses, with the National coming up next week, you may want to watch the race..
The Link I use for all UK racing is this .. EVERY race Free without even having to have a bet...
Our ante-post selections did us proud tonight as both,
FREEDOM EMMA - 1 pt e/w ante-post and DALCASH SCOLARI - 2 pts e.w ante-post finished in a thrilling Dead - Heat joint winners !
Also my best friend at the moment , EYE ONTHE STORM - 4 pts win ante- post , led them a merry dance to win his heat ..
So all three are through to the next round, it's been a great night.
So hold on to your seats, this could be fun !
Hang on ............. this could be painful !!

"Don't worry, next year we'll be millionaires RODNEY" !!
One of my Cheltenham fancies was , 'Blackstairmountain ' running today in the 2.25 at Fairyhouse, so although i was disappointed with his run on that day, I'll stick with him again in this class..
A horse Ive been waiting to run again is, 'Lucky Sunny ' running in the 5.00 at Plumpton ..
This son of Pasternak looked so impressive when winning first time up in a bumper, I think we can excuse his third on the next run, and feel confident he'll be back in the winners enclosure today for his first maiden hurdle, the soft ground should be in his favour.....
'Blackstairmountain 2. 25 Fairyhouse
'Lucky Sunny 5.00 Plumpton
Tuesday’s semis –
First: 1 Moneygall Obama, 2 Eye Eye Pickle, 3 Coolavanny Rock, 4 Dalcash Scolari, 5 Frisby Fontenblu (m), 6 Carden Bert (w).
Second: 1 Eye Onthe Storm, 2 Barnfield Rocky, 3 Freedom Emma (m), 4 Bosscroker (m), 5 Driving Up Ben (w), 6 Klockwork Kyla (w).
Third: 1 Fear Zafonic, 2 Lodgeview, 3 Ballymac Ace, 4 Jogadusc Ace, 5 Lenson Bolt (m), 6 Karma Obama (w).
How I see it at the moment, for the first heat, the two Mark Wallis dogs should be able to make the final IF they don't get caught up in early scrummaging to the first bed... "Eye Eye Pickle" and "Dalcash Scolari"
The second heat looks at first sight straight forward, the draw favours both " Eye Onthe Storm" rails and "Freedom Emma" who is a 'middle' runner ...
The third heat should go to "Fear Zafonic", with an outside chance going to "Jogadusc Ace"
So well take a proper look on Tuesday.
I'm at Richards kennel Monday morning, so well see.
However, I know he'll be very bullish, and to be fair she's a cracking b itch for him ... glk us Benny
Afternoon Mr Benny Sir....
Let me tell you a story......
On Easter Sunday I SPENT the afternoon watching a bit of poker down my local boozer. To my amazement there were 3 famous people playing in the back room. NLH was the game and the players were RAMVASWANI, Annie Duke and the Devilfish. As they all sat down to play Annie said to Devilfish 'Hello Mr Devilfish' to which he replied 'you can CALL ME DAVE. To which she replied, 'well you can call me ANNIE THE DOC then. The 1st hand was dealt and after a call and a raise on the flop, Devilfish went all in on the button for his 10k stake money. Annie folded and after some deliberation, Ramvaswani called for his 10k stake.
Cards were shown with Devil fish holding AhAc and Ram holding KsKd. the flop was As Kh Js. The turn brought the Qs to which devil fish laughed at and said 'no way'. Ram was SO ECSTATIC to see the next card which was the 10s which induced a RIVER RHAPSODY by everyone present in the room.
As the Devilfish walked to the exit door, he turned and smiled at Ram and departed with these words......
' you got LUCKY got lucky'
Yes I did put money on it but will look out for your future tips Sir and I hope you like and appreciate my little story above
Brilliant Max .. So Funny , Classic .... shame we weren't Lucky ..
Oh well , next stop Hall Green on Tuesday for the Blue Riband where we still have three ante-post bets running in the semi-finals ..
Then Aintree starting on Thursday and I'll be backing one in the first race there ....
(watch this space) and glk mate ,
I think your next up for the monthly 'bloggers' !
Just Fudge and Fudging
click here /> Scarface School Play
Eye Onthe Storm
Tonight (Tuesday) is Blue Riband semi-finals at Hall Green..
Well considering we mentioned initially 3 for anti-post betting purposes, it's nice to see all 3 bets are alive and kicking ..
So my view of tonight is rvse fcst doubles and rvse fcst trebles small stakes .. and sit back and watch the best of British in the greyhound world tonight...
As I've said before "Eye Onthe Storm" although unbackable now tonight at 1/3 ,,, IS the best Ive ever seen
8.20 "Dalcash Scolari" and "Eye Eye Pickle"
8.35 "Eye Onthe Storm" and "Freedom Emma"
8.50 "Fear Zafonic" and "Jogadusc Ace"
glk us Benny
In the 8.50 and 3rd final "Fear Zafonic" crashed out finishing only 3rd to "Jogadusc Ace" .... ..
However EYE ONTHE STORM and Freedom Emma .. go through to the Final finishing 1st and 2nd in the 8.35.
So, Mark Wallis has two in the final and Richard Yeates's Freedom Emma appears to be the main danger to stopping ...Eye Onthe Storm .. from landing the "Blue Riband"
So with two anti-post bets running it's all systems go for the final....
When I was at Cheltenham this horse not only looked special with a great future, he's also very highly rated by both Paul Nichols and Ruby Walsh, Ive taken 2/1 with Ladbrokes (best price), however I really think this fellow will go off around 'Evens' tomorrow (Thursday at 2.35)..
Sanctuaire winning by 9 lengths at The Cheltenham Festival ..
oh, did i not like that ..
Still, always look on the brightside, there's the 'Blue Riband' greyhound final at Hall Green next Tuesday, where we still hold two very tasty anti-post vouchers for both
"Eye Onthe Storm"(win 3/1) and Freedom Emma (e/w 1st 4 places 20/1)....
On that subject after watching 'Sanctuaire' get beat into third place this afternoon,
(oh the pain) I thought I'd cheer myself up and popped in to see my old governor (Richard Yeates) at the kennels.
There was a hive of activity going on, and it turned out they were getting a visit from the Skysports TV crew tomorrow(Friday) about there great b itch 'Freedom Emma' ....
As I chatted to Richards wife Diana, about the coming final, I told her that I couldn't understand the betting for the English Greyhound Derby
(April 30th - May 29th)
I pondered as she rushed 'to and fro' in the kitchen and putting the kettle on.. I asked her,
"I mean here you are, in the final of the 'Blue Riband' on Tuesday against "Eye Onthe Storm," who is 14/1 clear fav for the Derby and your gal 'Freedom Emma' is priced up at 100/1 in places after finishing 10spots(1 and a 1/4 lengths) behind him in the semi-finals" ?
She looked over and smiled as she said,
"Baz at the moment the only thing I'm thinking of is this blooming Skysport TV crew, they'll probably be here a couple of hours or more, and all for a one minute slot on Sky TV on Tuesday night", "and with this race Tuesday, the last thing on my mind is the Derby betting," she smiled and said.
"One sugar or two" ?
Well on my way home, I cant help wondering if 'Feedom Emma' finishes in the first two on Tuesday night, what price will she be for the Derby then ? Not 100/1 .....
It's better to be lucky than be good, and try to give the poker fairy a little help !
Most poker players, even logical ones, sometimes feel something has gone wrong with the law of averages.
You know about the law of averages ? Given enough time, the cards even out, and every-one's luck is the same.
But sometimes it doesn't seem that way, and even the most scientific gamblers lose faith.
Are there other factors controlling our luck?
Something beyond the science we know now? ...Something mysterious and untoward? ...Who knows?
Probably not, but I can't say definitely not. And neither should anyone.
What I do know is that you will make the most money if you play your cards as if the law of averages rules, even if there's a haunting chance in your mind that it doesn't. And you should never complain about your bad luck, because… well, because nobody cares about your bad luck.

Right lets open a bottle of wine and explain...
Now then, oh yes, I mean who cares that I've done a large lump of my bolox on a horse called 'Sanctuarie' this week ? Answer .. Of course nobody, but it sometimes helps if you think someones listening when you give the reasons why it got beat....
So when it comes to poker, nothings different, it's just the game has changed ..
One thing ive learned though over the years is, luck moves in mysterious circles, and when gambling you never know whats around the corner ...
I wish i had a pound for every time ive heard a poker player say,
"Wanna hear something really pathetic?", " I had the 'nuts' on the flop, got my money in, and what do you think happened ? ?? .. Well I dont need to hear anymore , of course they got outdrawn ...
Every experienced gambler hears this sort of thing all the time. The vocabulary of complaint, the language of misery, is universal. If you're a regular poker player, you can hear echoes of similar tales right now.
Losers like to complain. Losing is a lonely experience.
You suffer alone at a poker table. No one else seems aware of your tragedies.
However after the game, many humans need to share their agony.
Losers exaggerate, that's because they're not trying to convey what really happened so much as how bad they feel.
You shouldn't challenge their outrageous claims of misfortune. Merely do your duty as a human being and commiserate.
You see ..... It's human nature to feel you're running bad, even when you're not. In the past, I've learned that the fluctuations for a gambler can be a lot greater than most informed people suppose. There's a lot of luck involved in games like hearts, poker and backgammon.
That's why it's important to get as big an edge as possible.
There's one subject that no self-respecting gambling authority will discuss.
It's the supernatural. before you knock it, read on
Sure, it's easy to say that we have all the answers.
There are two main types of people who are screwing up this world ... those who claim to have discovered secret psychic answers, and those who blindly proclaim there can be no reality beyond that which they can fathom.
Both these groups, the fortune tellers and the tunnel-vision scientists, are suffering from the same insanity. They both need answers.
The former makes them up, the latter shouts that luck is understood by equation.
Nothing is more important to a gambler than whether unexplored phenomena might be influencing his luck. Although I can't prove conclusively that such forces don't exist, here is my advice.
Get a good grasp of probabilities and gamble accordingly.
Maybe there are undiscovered forces that guide our luck.? ( the poker fairy)
But our best shot of winning the money right now is to deal with concepts we comprehend.
If you mistakenly expect to 'flop' full house every hour, you're apt to feel miserable and cheated by fate. Your game will suffer. When you run bad, keep your luck secret.
Getting sympathy from a fellow poker player is practically impossible.
This appropriate exchange of words happened a few years back. A young man slithered up to my friend and asked to borrow £20.
"I've lost my bolox!" he explained.
My friend 'Rod', slapped him softly on the shoulders, whispered,

" wow unlucky mate, I hope you find em... and next time, believe it...there is a poker fairy"!!
As we walked away Rod smiled at me as he threw a screwed up twenty note to the young man.
What do you think young Lady ?
I'll take that as a 'yes' then !!