Well the first losing night for quite a few nights (minimal loss and I guess every night cannot be a winning night).
Tried the new £16.50 DYM's and got off to a good start winning the first 2. Was playing MTTs though and then lost the next 2 £16.50's and a £11. To be honest I think I need to play just MTT's or if I don't have loads of time then just play the DYM's. Trying to play both MTT's & SNGs at NLHE and OH8 at the same time just seems to make one or the other suffer.
Played around 5 MTT's £5.50 B/H, £11 NLHE Turbo, £22 BH, £55 speed B/H and the £55 £2.5k guaranteed B/H.
Collected some bounties to make any losses minimal (about £60 down on the night) but didn't cash in any.
The £55 £2.5k BH was very frustrating. I had a nice stack pretty much from the beginning down to 9 players left (6 get paid). I had one player I had noted as making some large bluffs on the river and got tangled in a couple of pots and ended up folding. Their bet sizing was oddly large in general. I eventually found a spot versus them with QKo on a Q55 flop and due to the history with them and the range I had them on I was not folding but they had KK... Then lost a race with Q9s v 88 to bust in 8th.
Felt it just didn't go well but was frustrated and I see a few things I could have done differently as I liked my table draw and had much easier pickings at the table which I should have been focussing on!
Ah well can't win them all, will try and draw any lessons from tonight's games, get a sleep and bounce back into it tomorrow
On the plus side...
Cashed in the Mayhem freeroll and took around 10 bounties so another couple of decent runs in that could mean a reasonable cash in the weekly leaderboard. I know Chiggy is doing extremely well in it which will probably become evident after tomorrow's update and I hope she snags the package as she was very unlucky HU in the VLV freeroll.
Also got my flights booked for Vegas in July and when this morning's unexpected £100 Jackpot bonus for final tabling the main and the mini yesterday is considered I am actually in profit since this morning.
I will leave with one pot which might look ridiculous on the surface but at least had some logic behind it. Hopefully it will spark a little discussion whether it is 'Mark your a donk' or 'WP' lol.
I had just been moved to this table the previous hand and then on my second hand at the table I am in the BB with 3/7o. It folds to the BTN who standard raises for 2.5BBs to 1000. As I had just been moved table I wanted to try and let them know I wouldn't be pushed around and want to see if they would let me push them around so I decide to 3bet. I make it 3k just hoping to get the fold but he flat calls and comes along. I hit bottom pair on the flop and didn't feel his flop bet was strong so I decide to flat call and see what he does on the turn. I check and he checks behind which kind of reaffirms he wasn't too strong on the flop. The river is a 6 which doesn't really change anything and I feel there are a lot hands in his opening range that are now complete air and he may feel he has to bet the river to have any chance of taking the pot. I therefore decide to check/call the river and my read is correct and I win the pot. He seemed a bit confused at my holdings and had a few comments in chat...
Hopefully the hand will divide opinion Spewy maniac or legitimate play?
From flop onwards cannot fault your reasoning and WP.
I am inclined to defend std button raises widely myself but I would usually want something with a little more equity than 73o as back up. So readless on a new table - I'd muck.
So I guess it's mark you're a donk pre and WP post.
PS I would appreciate your thoughts on a couple of OH8 hands on my thread. In for a Penny.
@Phantom... Certainly Phantom, would be more than happy to! I will have a catch up on your thread after my session tonight and post any thoughts
I will also try and post a few more PLO8 orientated hands in here in the near future as I know a load of those who comment in the thread play more PLO8 than NLHE.
The river is a 6 which doesn't really change anything and I feel there are a lot hands in his opening range that are now complete air and he may feel he has to bet the river to have any chance of taking the pot. I therefore decide to check/call the river and my read is correct and I win the pot. Posted by markycash
It's not his opening range your against though it's his 3b defend range which will be a bit (how much we're not sure) tighter. I guess his problem is he's given you a very good price on the river, and has shown a little weakness by checking back. So what hands would he defend a 3b with that bet river for value that wouldn't bet turn? 89 99 9T 66, QT JT thin? Hands you're beating that (no value hands!) would probably be AQ AJ QJ some (not many) combinations of hearts that haven't hit. I think oppo would be weighted to value here but not enough to mean it's not a call given the money in the middle.
I did feel it was 'possible' I was beat on the river but I also thought there were complete air hands I was beating (as pointed out by the ranges you mention) and almost 5/1 on the river was an easy call. I would place his 3bet flat range a little wider than you mention to often include a lot of AX hands that completely missed too so I didn't feel it was as thin as AJ AQ JQ.
P.S. Regarding the point made by Phantom about having a little more equity when defending. I agree obviously but in this exact spot I wasn't really just looking to defend. I was hoping to try and dictate the pace at a new table and try and find out what I could get away with. If it was a regular spot I would agree completely with you and probably just fold 'most' of the time (obviously there would be exceptions as there always are in poker )
Appreciate the replies folks! Some very good and interesting points
Yep you could include A2-A6 too though maybe optimistic that you'd just fold flop to his size so wouldn't expect too many low equity flop bluffs that don't double barrel.
I agree nice reads post but definitely spewey pre. Definitely need a hand that can flop better. But easy call on the end as how it played out he has a lot of A highs and busted draws. He definitely has a week range and he is checking back all of it. My question is how he played it. Don't you think the turn card is 100% a bet. He's gained so much more equity and he can almost shove any river if he misses as you could only call with a very small % of hands to his line. You can't have a set, top pr or 2 pr as flop is so wet and hits his range so would be wanting value.it looks like you could have QQ/JJ a lot or A10 or something similar. I feel he definitely missed a trick.
Good point on the 3bet call range Mike! I did feel it was 'possible' I was beat on the river but I also thought there were complete air hands I was beating (as pointed out by the ranges you mention) and almost 5/1 on the river was an easy call. I would place his 3bet flat range a little wider than you mention to often include a lot of AX hands that completely missed too so I didn't feel it was as thin as AJ AQ JQ. P.S. Regarding the point made by Phantom about having a little more equity when defending. I agree obviously but in this exact spot I wasn't really just looking to defend. I was hoping to try and dictate the pace at a new table and try and find out what I could get away with. If it was a regular spot I would agree completely with you and probably just fold 'most' of the time (obviously there would be exceptions as there always are in poker ) Appreciate the replies folks! Some very good and interesting points Posted by markycash
Would folding and showing 73o have made the same point with less risk?
In Response to Re: Yet another diary by Markycash : Not really in my opinion but it is all subjective which is what makes the game so much fun IMO Posted by markycash
Well no not the same thing obviosuly, Did you manage to make good use of your table image after that hand?
In Response to Re: Yet another diary by Markycash : Well no not the same thing obviosuly, Did you manage to make good use of your table image after that hand? Posted by Phantom66
Yeah managed to chip up to about 55k and was sitting 2/9 (6 paid) but ended up finishing 8th...
Update from tonight
Didn't play a whole lot tonight, think I ended up about £25 down here and £35 up on another site so a small profit of about £10. Had an enjoyable day though, got out in the sun and fitted a round of golf in for the first time in a year.
Was getting into the £22 BH then the hand below happened. Then ran AQs into the same player from that hand with AK...
Looking forward to a chilled OH8 night tomorrow night for a change and will play the Thursday OH8 league games and some OH8 DYM's.
In Response to Re: Yet another diary by Markycash : Yeah managed to chip up to about 55k and was sitting 2/9 (6 paid) but ended up finishing 8th... Update from tonight Didn't play a whole lot tonight, think I ended up about £25 down here and £35 up on another site so a small profit of about £10. Had an enjoyable day though, got out in the sun and fitted a round of golf in for the first time in a year. Was getting into the £22 BH then the hand below happened. Then ran AQs into the same player from that hand with AK... Looking forward to a chilled OH8 night tomorrow night for a change and will play the Thursday OH8 league games and some OH8 DYM's. Thanks for reading and GL @ the tables! The hand from £22 BH mentioned above... Player 1 Small blind 150.00 150.00 11931.25 Player 2 Big blind 300.00 450.00 4870.00 Your hole cards A K Player 3 Raise 600.00 1050.00 7950.00 markycash Call 600.00 1650.00 11370.00 Player 4 Fold Player 5 Fold Player 1 Fold Player 2 Call 300.00 1950.00 4570.00 Flop K 7 7 Player 2 Check Player 3 Check markycash Bet 975.00 2925.00 10395.00 Player 2 Call 975.00 3900.00 3595.00 Player 3 Fold Turn 3 Player 2 Check markycash Bet 1950.00 5850.00 8445.00 Player 2 Call 1950.00 7800.00 1645.00 River A Player 2 Check markycash Bet 3900.00 11700.00 4545.00 Player 2 All-in 1645.00 13345.00 0.00 markycash Unmatched bet 2255.00 11090.00 6800.00 Player 2 Show K 5 markycash Show A K Player 2 Win Flush to the Ace 11090.00 11090.00 Posted by markycash
You have been entered mark good luck tonight.
any1 else fancy having a go have a look here weekly and and monthly prizes...
Well the first losing night for quite a few nights (minimal loss and I guess every night cannot be a winning night).
Tried the new £16.50 DYM's and got off to a good start winning the first 2. Was playing MTTs though and then lost the next 2 £16.50's and a £11. To be honest I think I need to play just MTT's or if I don't have loads of time then just play the DYM's. Trying to play both MTT's & SNGs at NLHE and OH8 at the same time just seems to make one or the other suffer.
Played around 5 MTT's £5.50 B/H, £11 NLHE Turbo, £22 BH, £55 speed B/H and the £55 £2.5k guaranteed B/H.
Collected some bounties to make any losses minimal (about £60 down on the night) but didn't cash in any.
The £55 £2.5k BH was very frustrating. I had a nice stack pretty much from the beginning down to 9 players left (6 get paid). I had one player I had noted as making some large bluffs on the river and got tangled in a couple of pots and ended up folding. Their bet sizing was oddly large in general. I eventually found a spot versus them with QKo on a Q55 flop and due to the history with them and the range I had them on I was not folding but they had KK... Then lost a race with Q9s v 88 to bust in 8th.
Felt it just didn't go well but was frustrated and I see a few things I could have done differently as I liked my table draw and had much easier pickings at the table which I should have been focussing on!
Ah well can't win them all, will try and draw any lessons from tonight's games, get a sleep and bounce back into it tomorrow
On the plus side...
Cashed in the Mayhem freeroll and took around 10 bounties so another couple of decent runs in that could mean a reasonable cash in the weekly leaderboard. I know Chiggy is doing extremely well in it which will probably become evident after tomorrow's update and I hope she snags the package as she was very unlucky HU in the VLV freeroll.
Also got my flights booked for Vegas in July and when this morning's unexpected £100 Jackpot bonus for final tabling the main and the mini yesterday is considered I am actually in profit since this morning.
I will leave with one pot which might look ridiculous on the surface but at least had some logic behind it. Hopefully it will spark a little discussion whether it is 'Mark your a donk' or 'WP' lol.
I had just been moved to this table the previous hand and then on my second hand at the table I am in the BB with 3/7o. It folds to the BTN who standard raises for 2.5BBs to 1000. As I had just been moved table I wanted to try and let them know I wouldn't be pushed around and want to see if they would let me push them around so I decide to 3bet. I make it 3k just hoping to get the fold but he flat calls and comes along. I hit bottom pair on the flop and didn't feel his flop bet was strong so I decide to flat call and see what he does on the turn. I check and he checks behind which kind of reaffirms he wasn't too strong on the flop. The river is a 6 which doesn't really change anything and I feel there are a lot hands in his opening range that are now complete air and he may feel he has to bet the river to have any chance of taking the pot. I therefore decide to check/call the river and my read is correct and I win the pot. He seemed a bit confused at my holdings and had a few comments in chat...
Hopefully the hand will divide opinion
Thanks for reading and GL @ the tables!
@Phantom... Certainly Phantom, would be more than happy to! I will have a catch up on your thread after my session tonight and post any thoughts
I will also try and post a few more PLO8 orientated hands in here in the near future as I know a load of those who comment in the thread play more PLO8 than NLHE.
I did feel it was 'possible' I was beat on the river but I also thought there were complete air hands I was beating (as pointed out by the ranges you mention) and almost 5/1 on the river was an easy call. I would place his 3bet flat range a little wider than you mention to often include a lot of AX hands that completely missed too so I didn't feel it was as thin as AJ AQ JQ.
P.S. Regarding the point made by Phantom about having a little more equity when defending. I agree obviously but in this exact spot I wasn't really just looking to defend. I was hoping to try and dictate the pace at a new table and try and find out what I could get away with. If it was a regular spot I would agree completely with you and probably just fold 'most' of the time (obviously there would be exceptions as there always are in poker
Appreciate the replies folks! Some very good and interesting points
Update from tonight
Didn't play a whole lot tonight, think I ended up about £25 down here and £35 up on another site so a small profit of about £10. Had an enjoyable day though, got out in the sun and fitted a round of golf in for the first time in a year.
Was getting into the £22 BH then the hand below happened. Then ran AQs into the same player from that hand with AK...
Looking forward to a chilled OH8 night tomorrow night for a change and will play the Thursday OH8 league games and some OH8 DYM's.
Thanks for reading and GL @ the tables!
The hand from £22 BH mentioned above...
Sorry Marky, this is an excellent thread with many interesting posts. It doesn't need lowbrow contributions from me