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Markycash diary - It's been a while! Anyone up for Twitch?



  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge:
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge : I would if there was any way to segregate a section of funds, but I'm a bit low on points and only half way to priority this month so need to play some of my normal games. GL with your challenge though, will be nice with one less good player at the 16.50 plo8 dyms for a while!
    Posted by chiggypig
    Thanks Chiggy! I am hoping to be playing those extremely soon though :D

    How did you get on in the Mayhem freeroll yesterday?

    It is a snag not being able to segregate funds, the last time I done this we were each given a seperate account outwith our own that had no deposit functionality to ensure there was no cheating etc (If I do amazingly well I will post a screenshot showing I havn't deposited etc).

    The plan for the first day or 2 is to play the £3.30 £5.50 and some £11.00 DYMs. Under normal circumstances this might not be good bankroll management but I feel comfortable in these games, especially when I feel I have to do well and cannot afford to goof around. If I get a bad start I will re-evaluate. I will also focus in on the Mayhem freerolls this week as there is tremendous value in them. I am hoping to be playing the £16.50's later in the week.
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge:
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge : Thanks Chiggy! I am hoping to be playing those extremely soon though :D How did you get on in the Mayhem freeroll yesterday? It is a snag not being able to segregate funds, the last time I done this we were each given a seperate account outwith our own that had no deposit functionality to ensure there was no cheating etc (If I do amazingly well I will post a screenshot showing I havn't deposited etc). The plan for the first day or 2 is to play the £3.30 £5.50 and some £11.00 DYMs. Under normal circumstances this might not be good bankroll management but I feel comfortable in these games, especially when I feel I have to do well and cannot afford to goof around. If I get a bad start I will re-evaluate. I will also focus in on the Mayhem freerolls this week as there is tremendous value in them. I am hoping to be playing the £16.50's later in the week.
    Posted by markycash
    Gl in this challenge marky although I might be contributing to your br lol I enjoy the games but I made the mistake of trying to keep up with your thinking and I ended up having to check I still had my trousers on so in future I will just play my own game and enjoy myself run good sir but not too good ;-)
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2016
    Thanks Cheez!

    Hope you found the trousers and GL today :)
  • chillingchilling Member Posts: 3,774
    edited May 2016
    Gl in your challenge marky.I played some Omaha hi lo yesterday (only ever played 10 games in my life) and thoroughly enjoyed it.
    I actually finished ahead, which was a nice surprise for me.The only disappointing thing for me was to see Tikay repeatably busted.
    I thought he was the master.Maybe I just got lucky.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,004
    edited May 2016

    It was pretty disappointing for me, too. Just one of those nights, they happen.

    "The Master"? Ha, certainly never been that. More like "The Laster" last night..... 
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge - 6 weeks to turn £100 bankroll into...:
    Gl in your challenge marky.I played some Omaha hi lo yesterday (only ever played 10 games in my life) and thoroughly enjoyed it. I actually finished ahead, which was a nice surprise for me.The only disappointing thing for me was to see Tikay repeatably busted. I thought he was the master.Maybe I just got lucky.
    Posted by chilling
    You played the I don't know what I'm doing card to perfection good games well done
  • chiggypigchiggypig Member Posts: 235
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge:
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge : Thanks Chiggy! I am hoping to be playing those extremely soon though :D How did you get on in the Mayhem freeroll yesterday?
    Posted by markycash
    Went bad :/ both weeks now i've stormed off in the first couple days then bricked, however at least I kept 3rd this time for £250 so that's something
  • chiggypigchiggypig Member Posts: 235
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge:
    I will also focus in on the Mayhem freerolls this week as there is tremendous value in them.
    Posted by markycash

    That'll certainly make the challenge a lot easier quite easy to cash for £10/£20 which will obv be a big part of your roll, and the leaderboard cash on top? easy game :)

  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge - 6 weeks to turn £100 bankroll into...:
    Your spot on wee!As a complete novice earlier in the day, I couldn't really get to grips with the low hand.After some googling in the afternoon, my focus in the evening was nearly soley on the low hand, as you can at least win half the pot.I was aways a bit worried when I shared a potas you have to wait a sec to get your half.Come my way, come my way I'm hoping. L plates will be on for a fair while me thinks.
    Posted by chilling
    You might have found a lot of this out yourself but I will post a few basics that may be of use for anyone new to the game or thinking of giving it a try...

    It can be useful to view the low pot as insurance. If you have a hi only hand like JJQQ double suited and the flop comes J34 and you also have a flush draw you can get into some messy situations. In this scenario you have flopped the nuts and have a redraw so it can look amazing! The trouble is if a raggy 8 for example falls on the turn, you still have the nut high hand but if your opponent has any low then you are never going to get back any more chips than you put in from this pot (assuming you are playing 1 opponent who is not folding). He may have a much inferior draw such as a gutshot or a decent draw like a wrap and just need any A 2 5 or 6 for a straight, he has nothing to lose in this example so he gets a free shot at scooping both pots and cannot lose chips in the hand (this is called freerolling).

    If you are just starting out, at the early stages it is good to look to play hands containing A2 or A3 (all the better if they are suited) and maybe hands with A4 suited. As the blinds get up and it gets more short handed then you will have to loosen up a bit so that your stack is not blinded away. Once the blinds are getting above 100/200 - 150/300 you may want to consider open raising hands with low and high pot options (depending on the exact stack sizes and table dynamics) as you may get the blinds uncontested and even if you do not then at least you have a hand that is shooting for both pots.

    If you make a low hand but have no high pot hand then tread carefully. Even if you have the nut low hand, if you have no high hand to speak of then you could be getting quartered (you lose the high pot and split the low so only get 1/4 of the pot). Obviously the converse is true if you have a good low hand and a good high hand. In this case you may want to be more aggressive (especially with a nut low plus a high pot hand) in the hope that you will be quartering your opponent.

    Sorry if I am stating the obvious, just hopefully a few crude tips for anyone wanting to give the game a try.
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge:
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge : Went bad :/ both weeks now i've stormed off in the first couple days then bricked, however at least I kept 3rd this time for £250 so that's something
    Posted by chiggypig
    Ah well, decent consolation prize at least :)
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited May 2016
    If I join your challenge will you stop playing £3.30 PLO8 dyms?

  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2016
    Lol Phantom :)

    Day 1 update: £100, 6 weeks challenge.

    Didn't play as much as I would have wanted to but a steady start I guess.

    Played the Mayhem freeroll which didn't go well and needlessly busted early with AJs. Was the only hand of the night that I was disappointed with how I played it. I am happy that there was only 1 hand over the freeroll and all the SNG's I played that I was unhappy with. There were pots that were marginal on how they could be played and open to debate but the freeroll was the only hand that lacked strong reasoning IMO.

    Played 16 OH8 DYM's and cashed on 10 for a £19.02 profit. Would have played more but the games slowed down quite early tonight.

    Still, a steady enough start to kick off the challenge a slight bit more breathing room.

    Closing balance after day 1: £119.02

    One of the more questionable hands, again I am happy with how I played the hand but it may be interesting for discussion purposes.

    The player who folds utg is the short stack (with around 1600 chips I think), it looks on the surface like I do not need to play this hand and some may say that is the case. I was happy with my reasoning though. If I fold here the 2 stacks on my left are unlikely to get into it because of the short stack. I feel I have fold equity and shoving here will result in a fold so often it has to be +ev. If I do not shove, the short stack has enough chips to inflict serious damage on the other 2 stacks so they may well walk him and then I could be left with him shoving on my BB. If I shove here and take the blinds then at least if the short stack gets a walk I can afford to call him light and try and bust the bubble or at least save my BB. If I dont shove this hand and take the blinds then that decision if the shorty shoves on my BB in a couple of hands will get messy and I wont have much wiggle room.

    Thanks for reading and GL @ the tables!
    Player 1 Small blind   300.00 300.00 2627.50
    Player 2 Big blind   600.00 900.00 3847.50
      Your hole cards
    • 2
    • 5
    • K
    • 4
    Player 3 Fold       around 1600
    markycash Raise   2100.00 3000.00 665.00
    Player 1 All-in   2627.50 5627.50 0.00
    Player 2 Fold        
    markycash All-in   665.00 6292.50 0.00
    Player 1
    Unmatched bet   162.50 6130.00 162.50
    Player 1
    • 3
    • K
    • A
    • K
    markycash Show
    • 2
    • 5
    • K
    • 4
    • 6
    • 10
    • K
    • Q
    • 6
    Player 1
    Win high Full House, Kings and 6s 6130.00   6292.50
      No qualifying low hand        
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2016
    Day 2 update: £100, 6 weeks challenge.

    A strange day today!

    I was feeling quite tired and definitely not as sharp as day 1 of this but it all went pretty well.

    Bombed the Mayhem freeroll but I didn't mind too much as I had quite a few other games going.

    Played 18 OH8 DYM's and cashed in 12/18 for a £50.50 profit.

    I decided to add the £16.50's into the mix. This obviously might not be the most sensible with 7 buy ins but as I was mixing lower stuff in I thought the lower stuff may limit any damage even if the £16.50's did not go to plan. Also they looked to have good value tonight so I just treaded a little bit more carefully in them.

    Closing balance after day 2: £169.52

    I might start mixing the odd tourney into the mix soon. If I can keep the profit steady in the DYM's it should negate any MTT loses and this will give me the chance to jump up a couple of rungs in the ladder if I can land a decent cash.

    Thanks for reading and GL @ the tables!
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge - 6 weeks to turn £100 bankroll into...:
    It was pretty disappointing for me, too. Just one of those nights, they happen. "The Master"? Ha, certainly never been that. More like "The Laster" last night.....  
    Posted by Tikay10
    I am often called Master....often followed by a snigger....not sure why!
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge - 6 weeks to turn £100 bankroll into...:
    Lol Phantom :) Day 1 update: £100, 6 weeks challenge. Didn't play as much as I would have wanted to but a steady start I guess. Played the Mayhem freeroll which didn't go well and needlessly busted early with AJs. Was the only hand of the night that I was disappointed with how I played it. I am happy that there was only 1 hand over the freeroll and all the SNG's I played that I was unhappy with. There were pots that were marginal on how they could be played and open to debate but the freeroll was the only hand that lacked strong reasoning IMO. Played 16 OH8 DYM's and cashed on 10 for a £19.02 profit. Would have played more but the games slowed down quite early tonight. Still, a steady enough start to kick off the challenge a slight bit more breathing room. Closing balance after day 1: £119.02 One of the more questionable hands, again I am happy with how I played the hand but it may be interesting for discussion purposes. The player who folds utg is the short stack (with around 1600 chips I think), it looks on the surface like I do not need to play this hand and some may say that is the case. I was happy with my reasoning though. If I fold here the 2 stacks on my left are unlikely to get into it because of the short stack. I feel I have fold equity and shoving here will result in a fold so often it has to be +ev. If I do not shove, the short stack has enough chips to inflict serious damage on the other 2 stacks so they may well walk him and then I could be left with him shoving on my BB. If I shove here and take the blinds then at least if the short stack gets a walk I can afford to call him light and try and bust the bubble or at least save my BB. If I dont shove this hand and take the blinds then that decision if the shorty shoves on my BB in a couple of hands will get messy and I wont have much wiggle room. Thanks for reading and GL @ the tables! Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance Player 1 Small blind   300.00 300.00 2627.50 Player 2 Big blind   600.00 900.00 3847.50   Your hole cards 2 5 K 4       Player 3 Fold       around 1600 markycash Raise   2100.00 3000.00 665.00 Player 1 All-in   2627.50 5627.50 0.00 Player 2 Fold         markycash All-in   665.00 6292.50 0.00 Player 1 Unmatched bet   162.50 6130.00 162.50 Player 1 Show 3 K A K       markycash Show 2 5 K 4       Flop     6 10 K       Turn     Q       River     6       Player 1 Win high Full House, Kings and 6s 6130.00   6292.50   No qualifying low hand        
    Posted by markycash

    The reasoning behind your play is absolutely clear and I agree with it.
    The variance in seating can have a massive effect in this situation, dependant on the other two often the short stack gets walks, then starts playing into our blinds and gap starts to affect our ev decision making.
    On this occasion we are left licking our wounds and  shorty is fist pumping, but for the most part we pad our stack, which in turn forces the others to perhaps pressure each other or the shorty.

  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge - 6 weeks to turn £100 bankroll into...:
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge - 6 weeks to turn £100 bankroll into... : I am often called Master....often followed by a snigger....not sure why!
    Posted by MattBates

    How did you go in SCOOP Matt? Username?

  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2016
    Cheers Hendrik and agreed. I think this is a play that usually goes through and when reflecting upon the game as a whole seems trivial but is quite key in keeping afloat.

    Day 3 update: £100, 6 weeks challenge.

    Thought the OH8 DYM's would be busy tonight due to the double points promotion but they were a bit quiet considering. The 3.30's and £5.50's got going but only 1 or 2 £11's got going and no £16.50's. Managed to fit 16 games in but played distinctly average tonight and cashed in 9 for a massive profit of 40p!

    I am still quite happy with this as I felt sluggish tonight, played sluggish, and ran about average (apart from the last hand of the night which I will get to). In the grand scheme of things I think it can be quite important to come out evenish or better on nights when you are not quite feeling it.

    I am looking forward to tomorrow night as it is the weekly OH8 league games which are usually fun. I will probably play a small amount of OH8 DYM's beforehand and then just chill out with the league games. It also helps that my entries are free due to last weeks win so any cashes will be all profit and help progress with the challenge.

    Closing balance after day 3: £169.92 (+ 40p)

    I will leave with my last hand of the evening which I was fortunate with! There was 'some reasoning' behind the hand which I will explain, although on the surface it looked fishy and probably was slightly fishy lol.

    I am in the BB with one of those pretty hands... you know those hands that if a seasoned OH8 player is trying to offer tips to a novice, they will tell the novice not to play **** like that! This isn't PLO... :)

    I have 79JQ double suited and it folds around to the SB. We are on the bubble and the big table bully (shout outs to Mr T :-) ) has almost 6k chips and the other 3 of us all have around 2k. The SB pots it to 900 and I would agree there is a case for folding here and trying to apply pressure in the following hands. I feel there is also a strong arguement for trying to do something here though... (even apart from trying to justify the play to myself lol).

    The big stack is on my left so I will have to raise through him in future pots and he can afford to 3bet me all in with a reasonable range and try and take me out. The 2 short stacks are on my right so they can apply pressure to me without having to go through the big stack so picking up chips could be problematic. Also my hand if it hits could be a scooping hand due to the high orientated cards and if I hit the flop here the bubble is burst. I also have position although I would expect the SB to Cbet here a large amount of the time on the flop, this does mean if I hit I should have no trouble extracting chips. Also if the flop is a nightmare I can fold and still actually have a little bit of fold equity on the 2 other shorter stacks. I therefore decided to give it a go.

    The flop is marginal! Mid pair and a gutshot. On the plus side it is mostly high cards and when I think about the ranges that could be opening on me from the SB such as ALLL A2xx A3xx I think there is a chance I am ahead (and scooping) and even if I am up against dry aces I should have quite a few outs and 2 backdoor flush draws. I would also say if I am going to call preflop it would be throwing chips away if I am only ever calling when I flop a made straight etc...

    Anyways the SB Cbets 900 and I decide to get the chips in and take a board versus their range. The SB has me crushed though with top set and looks in great position to bust the bubble... but I manage to luckbox the 10 on the river for the straight...
    Player 1 Small blind   150.00 150.00 2028.75
    markycash Big blind   300.00 450.00 1915.00
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • J
    • 7
    • 9
    BigStackBully Fold        
    Player 3 Fold        
    Player 1 Raise   750.00 1200.00 1278.75
    markycash Call   600.00 1800.00 1315.00
    • K
    • J
    • 4
    Player 1 Bet   900.00 2700.00 378.75
    markycash All-in   1315.00 4015.00 0.00
    Player 1 All-in   378.75 4393.75 0.00
    markycash Unmatched bet   36.25 4357.50 36.25
    Player 1 Show
    • 3
    • K
    • K
    • 2
    markycash Show
    • Q
    • J
    • 7
    • 9
    • 5
    • 10
    markycash Win high Straight to the King 4357.50   4393.75
      No qualifying low hand    
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Markycash diary - A new challenge - 6 weeks to turn £100 bankroll into...:
    Cheers Hendrik and agreed. I think this is a play that usually goes through and when reflecting upon the game as a whole seems trivial but is quite key in keeping afloat. Day 3 update: £100, 6 weeks challenge. Thought the OH8 DYM's would be busy tonight due to the double points promotion but they were a bit quiet considering. The 3.30's and £5.50's got going but only 1 or 2 £11's got going and no £16.50's. Managed to fit 16 games in but played distinctly average tonight and cashed in 9 for a massive profit of 40p! I am still quite happy with this as I felt sluggish tonight, played sluggish, and ran about average (apart from the last hand of the night which I will get to). In the grand scheme of things I think it can be quite important to come out evenish or better on nights when you are not quite feeling it. I am looking forward to tomorrow night as it is the weekly OH8 league games which are usually fun. I will probably play a small amount of OH8 DYM's beforehand and then just chill out with the league games. It also helps that my entries are free due to last weeks win so any cashes will be all profit and help progress with the challenge. Closing balance after day 3: £169.92 (+ 40p) I will leave with my last hand of the evening which I was fortunate with! There was 'some reasoning' behind the hand which I will explain, although on the surface it looked fishy and probably was slightly fishy lol. I am in the BB with one of those pretty hands... you know those hands that if a seasoned OH8 player is trying to offer tips to a novice, they will tell the novice not to play **** like that! This isn't PLO... :) I have 79JQ double suited and it folds around to the SB. We are on the bubble and the big table bully (shout outs to Mr T :-) ) has almost 6k chips and the other 3 of us all have around 2k. The SB pots it to 900 and I would agree there is a case for folding here and trying to apply pressure in the following hands. I feel there is also a strong arguement for trying to do something here though... (even apart from trying to justify the play to myself lol). The big stack is on my left so I will have to raise through him in future pots and he can afford to 3bet me all in with a reasonable range and try and take me out. The 2 short stacks are on my right so they can apply pressure to me without having to go through the big stack so picking up chips could be problematic. Also my hand if it hits could be a scooping hand due to the high orientated cards and if I hit the flop here the bubble is burst. I also have position although I would expect the SB to Cbet here a large amount of the time on the flop, this does mean if I hit I should have no trouble extracting chips. Also if the flop is a nightmare I can fold and still actually have a little bit of fold equity on the 2 other shorter stacks. I therefore decided to give it a go. The flop is marginal! Mid pair and a gutshot. On the plus side it is mostly high cards and when I think about the ranges that could be opening on me from the SB such as ALLL A2xx A3xx I think there is a chance I am ahead (and scooping) and even if I am up against dry aces I should have quite a few outs and 2 backdoor flush draws. I would also say if I am going to call preflop it would be throwing chips away if I am only ever calling when I flop a made straight etc... Anyways the SB Cbets 900 and I decide to get the chips in and take a board versus their range. The SB has me crushed though with top set and looks in great position to bust the bubble... but I manage to luckbox the 10 on the river for the straight... Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance Player 1 Small blind   150.00 150.00 2028.75 markycash Big blind   300.00 450.00 1915.00   Your hole cards Q J 7 9       BigStackBully Fold         Player 3 Fold         Player 1 Raise   750.00 1200.00 1278.75 markycash Call   600.00 1800.00 1315.00 Flop     K J 4       Player 1 Bet   900.00 2700.00 378.75 markycash All-in   1315.00 4015.00 0.00 Player 1 All-in   378.75 4393.75 0.00 markycash Unmatched bet   36.25 4357.50 36.25 Player 1 Show 3 K K 2       markycash Show Q J 7 9       Turn     5       River     10       markycash Win high Straight to the King 4357.50   4393.75   No qualifying low hand    
    Posted by markycash

    Poor SB, he knows that BB will likely play back with any Ax lo combo which means the 23 lo combo could be good as a back up if an Ace drops and the hi KK is beaten, he also knows that BB is capable of playing back a wide range, but may also pass allowing him to pad his stack, all in all its a great spot.
    The flop is about as good as can be hoped, so in it goes, the turn brings in a straight and lo draw for extra security.......can't possibly lose can he ;-)))
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,004
    edited May 2016

    "....We are on the bubble and the big table bully (shout outs to Mr T :-) )...."

    Ha, it's not often I am described like that........

    I was uncharacteristically rampant last night, have been for a few days in fact. It'll soon change & bring me back down to earth with a mighty bump.  
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    edited May 2016
    lol Hendrik, definitely unlucky in that 1! We have played quite a few interesting pots recently. I will just call that one 'balancing my range' lol.

    @Tikay I couldn't resist :)
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