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  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited September 2016
    Will be revealing the result of this hand later tonight.

    So feel free to post any further thoughts before then.

    All feedback welcome.


  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited September 2016
    My thoughts are this all hinges on the check back by you, my first thought is you are behind on the flop, however the check back gives him the initiative to bomb the river, I think he has you on the exact hand you have and try's to bully you off so close to the bubble., he has a missed draw.

    Or......he flopped the world and your doomed. ;)

    Or...he puts you on AK, and hits his 10.

    In other words I dunno, great spot to analyse though, thanks.
  • thislteduthisltedu Member Posts: 399
    edited September 2016

    Hi Graham

    I’m calling. Too many factors favour his bluffing you. Near the bubble. Your check on the turn. He’s agro. The donk lead. Possible missed draw.

    From his perspective, what can you call with after you checked the turn? From you’re perspective what would you actually be comfortable calling with? 

    Of course he may have it but overall I call. I also don’t think you are a ‘limp into the money at all costs’ sort of player. Go for the win. Fold and limp on with 20 BBs – when do the blinds go up? Call for potentially 60+BBs.

    Look forward to your though process on your decision.

  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited September 2016
    Hi all. The suspense is over. This is what happened:

    My first reaction was to fold, but I just sat for a while, realised that this reaction was due to fear, and not based on rational logic. So I just waited, still, then I recognised this and let go of the fear, I came to the conclusion that it was very likely to be a missed flush or 2nd/3rd pair being turned into a bluff. Pretty much for all the reasons people have mentioned in their responses.

    So after about 2 minutes, I threw 1 chip onto the table (signifying a call) and immediately showed my QQ.

    Opps mistake again, I keep doing this!

    He mucked and whilst I was releaved to win the hand, I lost out on valuable information. I really should have let him show first. He may have just mucked anyway (but then I'd know it was a missed flush)

    This way I can't be sure what he had, but most likely, it was a missed flush.


    It seems apt to write a bit about how emotion can get in the way of rational decision making, and how best to address this. It's quite late now, but I'll write a bit on this tomorrow.

    Thanks to all who have contributed!



  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    edited September 2016
    good call!!

    Its easy sitting here and giving an oppinion but the talent in poker is often having a clear thought process in these difficult spots.

    My favourite hand of the thread so far thanks for posting
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited September 2016
    OK, so where were we. Oh yeh, poker and emotion.

    In the last hand, my tournament life was on the line, and a natural feeling of fear arose. So how do we deal with it when an emotion like this kicks in?

    This is my thoughts:

    Sports men and women often talk about being in the zone, but what does this mean, and is it relevant to Poker?

    I think it is!

    I often reflect upon a session, after I have played, looking at my decision making processes, and assess how I felt, and how I played.

    On very rare occasions, I look back and say, "I think I was in the zone" then.

    I believe it is impossible to "know" that you are in the zone, at the time, but can be reflected upon later.

    The reason for this imo, is that if you are thinking, "I'm in the zone now", that very thought takes you out of the zone because the focus has moved from the task at hand to assessing how "zonal" you are.

    Being in the zone imo, means you are in the hear and now, present moment and are devoid of overpowering good or bad emotions.

    One time, when I was feeling particularly "out of the zone", I decided to write a list of any, and all emotions, as and when I felt them. It was quite a list I can tell you. In less that 30 minutes I amassed the following:

    "POOR ME"

    Well, like I said, it's quite a list, and I did play quite a few hands in that 30 minutes.

    Some of these emotions were felt for a brief moment but other's lingered. It's the lingering ones we need to watch.

    I feel, that when ANY of the above are felt, it takes you out of the zone. And if these feelings are strong, it's sure to adversely affect your game.

    So, with so much "stuff" going on: Good luck, bad luck, losing a big pot, winning a big pot, how do we stop these emotions from causing us to make poor decisions?

    The best thing to do in these spots imo, is to first recognise what emotion it is that you are feeling. Once you know what it is you're feeling, then you can start to recognise it for what it is, and in doing so, lessen it's potential to "hijack" rational thought.

    I'll write more on this tomorrow, but just thought I'd start it off, as I did promise to discuss the emotional aspect of the game.

    As I said before, this is just my opinion, I'm not a psychiatrist in my day job, so have no formal training in the area. But I do know that a balanced, steady and most importantly, resilient mind is paramount for Poker.

    Even the most calm, controlled poker player can go on tilt, but those who do it less, and/or recover faster, will always have an edge over players of a similar standard, but lack the composure of their counterparts.

    More on this later.

    In the mean time, feel free to post thoughts. How do you deal with these things? What helps you "recover?"

    It can be different for everyone, but the important thing, is to have some way to get back on track when it happens. And it will happen!

    GL steadying that ship. May all your decisions be based on logic, even if that logic takes into consideration the emotions of others. :=)



    P.S. I am by no means an expert on this btw, but I recognise the problem.

  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    edited September 2016
    Great and very honest post, I think all of us can relate to feeling the emotions you felt in your list.

    Dealing with the negative aspects of poker is very tough. I think a good way to stay in the zone is to wait until after the session before contemplating hands that are in the past. Once a hand has happened retain any important information out of it and move on, rather than sit there and contemplate the merits of your play or regret making the play you did whilst still mid session. 

    One of the toughest things in MTT poker for me is having a significant amount of chips, losing a monster pot and having to re-adapt to your new situation. It can often be tempting to be overly aggressive in an attempt to regain the chips you've lost and I think a lot of players will do this. By keeping composed and playing as optimally as possible after this has happened it will be beneficial to you long term if other opponents cannot keep composed in similar situations.

    Coping with negative variance is another aspect where you can gain at the expense of your opponents by being able to handle it better than them. I still struggle to cope with negative results but I'm getting better, using logic and reviewing your hands post game and being able to justify the merits of your play goes a long way towards a better state of mind when playing, as you know that eventually results will come good again.

    I've rambled a bit here but would like to add that I think treating the mental aspect of poker as a competition, is a good approach to take. Being mentally more solid then your opponents will be of benefit in the long run.

  • nmongooseznmongoosez Member Posts: 52
    edited September 2016
    great thread, although keep them coming as I now have no alternative than to start my days work :)
  • Poker_WolfPoker_Wolf Member Posts: 128
    edited September 2016
    Have only just recently started reading this forum but this is fast becoming my favorite thread. 
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited October 2016

    Well after all the excitement of the last hand this one is not quite so interesting, but will add it for completeness.

    Blinds 5,000/10,000 Antie 1,000

    CHIP COUNT: 640K

    Starting Hand: Kh,9h


    UTG+1 raises to 22K with, SB calls and I call in the BB.

    FLOP: Qh,Qs,Jc

    Everyone checks.

    TURN: 9d

    BB checks, I bet 25K, UTG+1 re-rasies to 75K, SB folds, I fold.

    My Thoughts:


    With the SB calling, I decide to also call. I don't mind a call or a fold here, but already having 10k in as my BB, I thought it was worth seeing a flop.

    FLOP: Qh,Qs,Jc

    I flop a gutshot, but that's not enough for me to lead out against the pre flop aggressor.

    TURN: 9d

    I decide to make a bet here, my 9 could be good, so an element of protection and also finding out where I am. The re-raise did indeed tell me where I was, I suspect he had at least a queen, so I folded accordingly.


    Any thoughts, should I have bet the turn or not, was the sizing too small? 


  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited October 2016

    I must have won a few pots that I didn't record, as my chip stack is now 670K. So I probably open raised and/or 3bet pre a couple of times that got through.

    Blinds 5,000/10,000 Antie 1,000

    CHIP COUNT: 670K

    Starting Hand: Ad,Kc


    UTG+1 (Chris rscpca12) raises to 20K, HJ, calls, I re-raise to 80K in the SB with AK, the short stack in the BB shoves for 160K, Chris folds, HJ folds, I call. He has QQ.


    Three diamonds on the flop, but I fail to improve.

    My Thoughts:

    Standard play I would suggest.


    Any thoughts? 


  • devil_teardevil_tear Member Posts: 198
    edited October 2016
    OK, so where were we. Oh yeh, poker and emotion. In the last hand, my tournament life was on the line, and a natural feeling of fear arose. So how do we deal with it when an emotion like this kicks in? This is my thoughts: Sports men and women often talk about being in the zone, but what does this mean, and is it relevant to Poker? I think it is! I often reflect upon a session, after I have played, looking at my decision making processes, and assess how I felt, and how I played. On very rare occasions, I look back and say, "I think I was in the zone" then. I believe it is impossible to "know" that you are in the zone, at the time, but can be reflected upon later. The reason for this imo, is that if you are thinking, "I'm in the zone now", that very thought takes you out of the zone because the focus has moved from the task at hand to assessing how "zonal" you are. Being in the zone imo, means you are in the hear and now, present moment and are devoid of overpowering good or bad emotions. One time, when I was feeling particularly "out of the zone", I decided to write a list of any, and all emotions, as and when I felt them. It was quite a list I can tell you. In less that 30 minutes I amassed the following: PRIDE EGO ANGER FRUSTRATION ANNOYANCE FEAR BOREDOM IMPATIENCE EXCITEMENT JEALOUSY RESENTMENT "POOR ME" EXPECTATION ANTICIPATION REGRET CAUTIOUSNESS NERVOUSNESS COMPLACENCY "FORWARD PLANNING" QUESTIONING PAST ACTIONS GENERAL MIND "WANDERING" DISSAPOINTMENT. Well, like I said, it's quite a list, and I did play quite a few hands in that 30 minutes. Some of these emotions were felt for a brief moment but other's lingered. It's the lingering ones we need to watch. I feel, that when ANY of the above are felt, it takes you out of the zone. And if these feelings are strong, it's sure to adversely affect your game. So, with so much "stuff" going on: Good luck, bad luck, losing a big pot, winning a big pot, how do we stop these emotions from causing us to make poor decisions? The best thing to do in these spots imo, is to first recognise what emotion it is that you are feeling. Once you know what it is you're feeling, then you can start to recognise it for what it is, and in doing so, lessen it's potential to "hijack" rational thought. I'll write more on this tomorrow, but just thought I'd start it off, as I did promise to discuss the emotional aspect of the game. As I said before, this is just my opinion, I'm not a psychiatrist in my day job, so have no formal training in the area. But I do know that a balanced, steady and most importantly, resilient mind is paramount for Poker. Even the most calm, controlled poker player can go on tilt, but those who do it less, and/or recover faster, will always have an edge over players of a similar standard, but lack the composure of their counterparts. More on this later. In the mean time, feel free to post thoughts. How do you deal with these things? What helps you "recover?" It can be different for everyone, but the important thing, is to have some way to get back on track when it happens. And it will happen! GL steadying that ship. May all your decisions be based on logic, even if that logic takes into consideration the emotions of others. :=) Cheers, G P.S. I am by no means an expert on this btw, but I recognise the problem.
    Posted by StayOrGo

    Great read.

    To help me recover ive found guided medtitation before and after sessions really helps me. I feel much more "in the zone" as you put it and am less attached to results when I do this. Granted I dont do this as much as I should. 

    I also love a post it note. I attach them around my screen with quotes on paitience and non-attachement which helps me to re-focus if im having a bad spell at once on all my tables.

  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited October 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: 53RD HAND REVEALED. WHAT WOULD YOU DO? CAUTION, THIS HAND COULD SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR WEALTH. : Great read. To help me recover ive found guided medtitation before and after sessions really helps me. I feel much more "in the zone" as you put it and am less attached to results when I do this. Granted I dont do this as much as I should.  I also love a post it note. I attach them around my screen with quotes on paitience and non-attachement which helps me to re-focus if im having a bad spell at once on all my tables.
    Posted by devil_tear

    This is great advise for all, thanks Tim. A lot of the top players do find meditation useful.

    I also meditate, partly as I am very interested in Buddhist culture and practices, and partly as I know it helps my game.

    Although, similarly, not as much as I should, I also find slow repetitive music, or "mantras", whilst playing, a "calming" influence. 

    Everyone's different, some people find "Hard Rock" helps them, although for me, it's the slower repetitive sounds that help.

    This one from Harry Potter, Lily's Theme, I find, "neutral" and fairly useful:



    P.S. Great idea about the post-it notes too! TY.

  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited October 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: EMOTION, TILT, CAN YOU HANDLE IT?:
    Great and very honest post, I think all of us can relate to feeling the emotions you felt in your list. Dealing with the negative aspects of poker is very tough. I think a good way to stay in the zone is to wait until after the session before contemplating hands that are in the past. Once a hand has happened retain any important information out of it and move on, rather than sit there and contemplate the merits of your play or regret making the play you did whilst still mid session.  One of the toughest things in MTT poker for me is having a significant amount of chips, losing a monster pot and having to re-adapt to your new situation. It can often be tempting to be overly aggressive in an attempt to regain the chips you've lost and I think a lot of players will do this. By keeping composed and playing as optimally as possible after this has happened it will be beneficial to you long term if other opponents cannot keep composed in similar situations. Coping with negative variance is another aspect where you can gain at the expense of your opponents by being able to handle it better than them. I still struggle to cope with negative results but I'm getting better, using logic and reviewing your hands post game and being able to justify the merits of your play goes a long way towards a better state of mind when playing, as you know that eventually results will come good again. I've rambled a bit here but would like to add that I think treating the mental aspect of poker as a competition, is a good approach to take. Being mentally more solid then your opponents will be of benefit in the long run.
    Posted by FeelGroggy

    Cheers for this Danny. You make some very good points!
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited October 2016

    Blinds 5,000/10,000 Antie 1,000

    CHIP COUNT: 510K

    Starting Hand: AsQh


    UTG limps (same guy who limped in one of the previous hands), HJ, (aggro guy to my right, who put me all in on the river when I had QQ in hand53), raises to 25K, I make it 65K with AQo from the CUTOFF and the BUTTON (a guy who'd been fairly quiet), shoves for just over 300K. It folds to me. To call or not to call, that is the question. :=)

    My Thoughts:

    3betting with AQ against an aggressive opener is standard play (for me anyway) at this stage. The decision now, is whether to call the short stack shove or not. What would you do?


    Feel free to add your thoughts on the merits of calling or folding.


  • nmongooseznmongoosez Member Posts: 52
    edited October 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: EMOTION, TILT, CAN YOU HANDLE IT?:
    UKPC2016 FIFTY SIXTH HAND: ==================== Blinds 5,000/10,000 Antie 1,000 CHIP COUNT: 510K Starting Hand: AsQh PRE-FLOP UTG limps (same guy who limped in one of the previous hands), HJ, (aggro guy to my right, who put me all in on the river when I had QQ in hand53), raises to 25K, I make it 65K with AQo from the CUTOFF and the BUTTON (a guy who'd been fairly quiet), shoves for just over 300K. It folds to me. To call or not to call, that is the question. :=) My Thoughts: 3betting with AQ against an aggressive opener is standard play (for me anyway) at this stage. The decision now, is whether to call the short stack shove or not. What would you do? CHIP COUNT AFTER HAND: ??? Feel free to add your thoughts on the merits of calling or folding. Cheers, G
    Posted by StayOrGo
    I'd have to fold. With the guy who's been quiet pushing after a raise and reraise along with the damage done to stack for lost hand. As it stands 445k chips is plenty to march on and wait for better spot.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,050
    edited October 2016
    Fold for me too there.

    That looks like the wrong player to play AQ against. I suspect his range is JJ plus or AK. You look to be getting less than 2-1 on the extra 250k-ish. Against the aggro player that would be fine, but not v Mr Quiet-he is going to have AK (or KK/QQ) a lot there...
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    edited October 2016
    a 30 big re-shove after all the betting is a fold for me too better spot lays ahead hopefully
  • thislteduthisltedu Member Posts: 399
    edited October 2016

    This is easy to look at dispassionately away from the table but when I have been waiting for a good hand and look down preflop at AQ I think great I want action. I used to fail to reassess depending on the action as it unfolds.

    By re-raising you have shown a lot of strength. The shove of 30BBs from what seems to be a fairly tight player should be a high pair or AK. At worst a medium pair. Do we really think he has AJ or worse?

    Now had you flatted I think it would have been a more difficult decision. The raise showed you where you were. 

  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited October 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: HAND 56: WHAT WOULD YOU DO?:
    This is easy to look at dispassionately away from the table but when I have been waiting for a good hand and look down preflop at AQ I think great I want action. I used to fail to reassess depending on the action as it unfolds. By re-raising you have shown a lot of strength. The shove of 30BBs from what seems to be a fairly tight player should be a high pair or AK. At worst a medium pair. Do we really think he has AJ or worse? Now had you flatted I think it would have been a more difficult decision. The raise showed you where you were. 
    Posted by thisltedu

    Thanks Donald and all for the feedback, I did indeed fold.

    The guy later told me in the break, that he had KK.

    I had no reason to disbelieve him.

    CHIP COUNT: 445K
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