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  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited July 2016

    Blinds 2,000/4,000 Antie 500


    Starting Hand: Ad5d


    I raise to 9K, UTG+1 with A5s, and get called by UTG+2.

    FLOP: 4c,8c,Qs

    I check, UTG+2 bets 15K (into a pot of 28K), I fold

    My Thoughts:
    A fairly wide open from UTG+1 with A5s, although I'm probably just about deep enough to justify raising with a suited Ace.
    FLOP: 4c,8c,Qs
    Not the flop I was hoping for, so I decide to check and just give up. Of course it is always tempting to Cbet most flops in this situation, but there are so many draws, Qx hands and Pocket pairs that are not folding, so I feel it is best not to Cbet here and just give up if my opponent leads.
    Another innocuous hand I think, but feel free to comment if you see things differently.
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited July 2016

    Blinds 2,000/4,000 Antie 500


    Starting Hand: AhJh


    UTG+3 raises to 9.5K, Hi-Jack calls, I 3bet to 27k on the Button and everyone folds.

    My Thoughts:
    Seemed like a good opportunity to 3bet squeeze here, some people may prefer a call, however for me a 3bet appeared preferable. In general I'm not calling too much at this stage of a tournament, so it's usually a choice of 3bet or fold for me with hands like these.
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,238
    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: 40TH HAND REVEALED:
    UKPC2016 FORTY FIRST HAND: ===================== Blinds 2,000/4,000 Antie 500 MY CHIP COUNT: 200K Starting Hand: AhJh PRE-FLOP UTG+3 raises to 9.5K, Hi-Jack calls, I 3bet to 27k on the Button and everyone folds. My Thoughts: PRE_FLOP Seemed like a good opportunity to 3bet squeeze here, some people may prefer a call, however for me a 3bet appeared preferable. In general I'm not calling too much at this stage of a tournament, so it's usually a choice of 3bet or fold for me with hands like these. CHIP COUNT AFTER HAND: 230K Cheers, G
    Posted by StayOrGo

    Good to see you back posting. 

    If original raiser 4bets here how do you proceed?
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited July 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: 40TH HAND REVEALED:
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: 40TH HAND REVEALED : Good to see you back posting.  If original raiser 4bets here how do you proceed?
    Posted by HENDRIK62

    Hi Hendrik, thanks for the question.

    Against a standard sized 4bet, I would fold.

    If it was a very small 4bet and the HJ called again, I may call, but I'd be looking to hit at least two pair or a strong flush/straight draw to continue post flop. However I am folding pre flop to a 4bet 90% of the time here.


  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited August 2016
    Haven't had much feedback on this thread recently, but I grant you the last couple of hands haven't been particularly inspiring.

    So I thought I'd fast forward through some of the less interesting hands and get on to some decent ones that will hopefully generate some discussions.

    Hands to follow.


  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited August 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: 40TH HAND REVEALED:
    UKPC2016 FORTY FIRST HAND: ===================== Blinds 2,000/4,000 Antie 500 MY CHIP COUNT: 200K Starting Hand: AhJh PRE-FLOP UTG+3 raises to 9.5K, Hi-Jack calls, I 3bet to 27k on the Button and everyone folds. My Thoughts: PRE_FLOP Seemed like a good opportunity to 3bet squeeze here, some people may prefer a call, however for me a 3bet appeared preferable. In general I'm not calling too much at this stage of a tournament, so it's usually a choice of 3bet or fold for me with hands like these. CHIP COUNT AFTER HAND: 230K Cheers, G
    Posted by StayOrGo

    Just in relation to TK's thread about the squeeze play, Hand41 was one such opportunity. With the first three players folding (UTG+3's opening range is significantly wider than UTG or UTG+1) and a caller, plus being on the button, made this an ideal spot to squeeze.
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited August 2016

    Just moved to new table

    Blinds 2,000/4,000 Antie 500


    I was dealt KK in the CUTOFF, raised and everyone folded, then I raised with A7s UTG+3 got two callers and gave up on a J92 flop

    Standard stuff I would suggest.
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited August 2016

    Blinds 2,000/4,000 Antie 500

    CHIP COUNT: 225K

    Starting Hand: AsKs


    UTG+2 limps, it folds to me in the BB and I make it 15K, UTG+2 calls.

    FLOP: Ac,Kd,5d

    I bet 15K (into a pot of 36K), UTG+2 calls.

    TURN: Ah

    I check, UTG+2 bets 30K (into a pot of 66K), I call.

    RIVER: 8s

    I check, UTG+2 checks.

    I show, UTG+2 mucks.

    My Thoughts:
    In general a fairly interesting hand that can be played in a number of ways.
    Not really expecting a limp at this stage and I was new to the table, so didn't know if this was a standard play by my opponent. I decided to make it 15K and he called. 15K is a bit on the big side, however blinds and anties made the pot significant as it was, so I decided on a slightly larger raise size than normal.
    FLOP: Ac,Kd,5d
    Well I flop massive here, and I'm pretty sure I'm ahead, and decide upon a standard C bet of 15K which is called.
    TURN: Ac
    Well I pretty much have a lock on the hand for sure, I decide to check for deception. Normally in this spot when a player has just "floated" the flop (see TK's thread on floating), it is with the intention to take it down if I show weakness. With this in mind, I tried to represent weakness by checking, when in fact, I have the nuts. It worked and he bet 30K.
    I took quite a long time and intentionally appeared indecisive before I called. (There is a possible argument for re-raising here, but it looks so strong. If you think your opponent will bet the river then a call is preferable imo)
    Another argument for re-raising here is that a flush draw may call you, even though you know they are drawing dead.
    RIVER: 8c
    This is an interesting spot now, I could lead out, however continuing along the line of trying to convey weakness, I decide to check, feeling that my opponent will bet if he has an Ace or a worse full house, but it also gives him the opportunity to bluff a missed draw or indeed bluff again if he was floating the flop with air. Unfortunately he checks behind.
    OK ish with how I played this, however one mistake I often make live, is showing my monster hands very quickly out of courtesy (as I had the nuts), when in fact he was the last aggressor and should show first.
    Because I showed and he mucked his hand, I lost out on vital information and reassurance as to whether I had played the hand well or not. If he had an Ace, I probably could have got more, but if he was at it, then I probably got the max. We'll never know. If I thought he had an Ace (it would have been the case Ace), then I should have kept barrelling.
    Hopefully this hand will produce some interesting discussion.

  • RAKKKIRAKKKI Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: HANDS 24 TO 28 NOT REVEALED:
    UKPC2016 TWENTY_NINTH  HAND: ======================= Blinds 600/1200 Antie 200 Chip Count: 150K Button's Chip Count approx 100K, Ryan's (BB) chip count approx 110K. Starting Hand: 5s5c PRE-FLOP Button (quite tight guy), raises to 2,800, I 3bet to 8K in the SB, Ryan Spittles in the BB makes it 22K. Button folds, I fold. Ryan said I could choose a card to turn over, so I did. I turned over a Jack. I suspect he had two of them. :=) My Thoughts: PRE_FLOP Personally I would much rather 3bet a button raise at this stage with 55 than call or fold. (I'm sure some people will disagree, but my VPIP-PFR stats/style at this stage, doesn't really allow for calling in this spot.) When Ryan 4bet, I considered that I didn't have the odds to set mine, so I folded. As unless I hit a set, it's so hard to play post flop against a quality player like Ryan and there are also so many over-pairs in his range. CHIP COUNT: 142K (AVERAGE 100K) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to post thoughts/questions. Cheers, G
    Posted by StayOrGo
    Hey Graham, really enjoying this thread. 1 thought that comes to mind that I dont think anybody has touched on is, is this not a perfect spot for ryan to 4b fold? I gather he knows you pretty well, he knows how aggressive you are and he also knows u are going to have tons of 3b folds in this spot, I think the spot is totally perfect to 5b bluff, I just think he has tons of hands with blockers that are perfect in this kind of situation, hands that would snap fold to a pile? add to that when called we are gona have 50% equity when called sometimes too. I could be wrong, just my 2 cents, after all Im pretty spewy!
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited August 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: HANDS 24 TO 28 NOT REVEALED:
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: HANDS 24 TO 28 NOT REVEALED : Hey Graham, really enjoying this thread. 1 thought that comes to mind that I dont think anybody has touched on is, is this not a perfect spot for ryan to 4b fold? I gather he knows you pretty well, he knows how aggressive you are and he also knows u are going to have tons of 3b folds in this spot, I think the spot is totally perfect to 5b bluff, I just think he has tons of hands with blockers that are perfect in this kind of situation, hands that would snap fold to a pile? add to that when called we are gona have 50% equity when called sometimes too. I could be wrong, just my 2 cents, after all Im pretty spewy!
    Posted by RAKKKI

    Hi RAKKKI, thanks for the feedback.

    You are certainly a braver man than me to 5bet bluff in this spot. It certainly would look very strong and he could possibly fold a hand like JJ.

    Whilst I commend your spirit, this play would be a bit too high variance for me in this spot. (I don't think I'd have the balls to do it) :=)

    However you'd be repping AA,KK,QQ or AK, so it could well get through against JJ.

    Interesting thought, but a bit too aggro, even for me. :=)



    P.S. Glad you are finding the thread interesting. I hadn't seen you much on Sky until recently. Are you new? Certainly a tough player. Good to have you on the site and the forum! GL in your games.

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    edited August 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: HANDS 24 TO 28 NOT REVEALED:
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: HANDS 24 TO 28 NOT REVEALED : Hey Graham, really enjoying this thread. 1 thought that comes to mind that I dont think anybody has touched on is, is this not a perfect spot for ryan to 4b fold? I gather he knows you pretty well, he knows how aggressive you are and he also knows u are going to have tons of 3b folds in this spot, I think the spot is totally perfect to 5b bluff, I just think he has tons of hands with blockers that are perfect in this kind of situation, hands that would snap fold to a pile? add to that when called we are gona have 50% equity when called sometimes too. I could be wrong, just my 2 cents, after all Im pretty spewy!
    Posted by RAKKKI

    wow,this is why this thread so good,this is why im stuck at £2 games your thinking is well above this simpleton.
    i,d be thinking after a 3/4-bet that villain must have something..keep posting
    the ak hand Graham i would do as you did online anyway live "only played once" would prob bet turn
  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    edited August 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: 40TH AND 41ST HANDS REVEALED:
    UKPC2016 FORTY FOURTH HAND: ====================== Blinds 2,000/4,000 Antie 500 CHIP COUNT: 225K Starting Hand: AsKs PRE-FLOP UTG+2 limps, it folds to me in the BB and I make it 15K, UTG+2 calls. FLOP: Ac,Kd,5d I bet 15K (into a pot of 36K), UTG+2 calls. TURN : Ah I check, UTG+2 bets 30K  (into a pot of 66K), I call. RIVER : 8s I check, UTG+2 checks . I show, UTG+2 mucks. 

    I think there's credit to betting again on the turn, maybe in the region of 24-28k to keep him in with his flush draws and Kx. I think we can then check shove a lot of rivers. If the flush draw misses we might induce a bluff by checking the end, whilst his Ax will value bet. (his Kx probably checks back) If the flush hits we can check, his made flushes will value bet and his Ax may make a small value bet whilst his Kx checks back. I don't think he's gonna have tons of floats that are gonna randomly just fire off 2 streets vs your turn check. 
  • RAKKKIRAKKKI Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: HANDS 24 TO 28 NOT REVEALED:
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: HANDS 24 TO 28 NOT REVEALED : Hi RAKKKI, thanks for the feedback. You are certainly a braver man than me to 5bet bluff in this spot. It certainly would look very strong and he could possibly fold a hand like JJ. Whilst I commend your spirit, this play would be a bit too high variance for me in this spot. (I don't think I'd have the balls to do it) :=) However you'd be repping AA,KK,QQ or AK, so it could well get through against JJ. Interesting thought, but a bit too aggro, even for me. :=) Cheers, G P.S. Glad you are finding the thread interesting. I hadn't seen you much on Sky until recently. Are you new? Certainly a tough player. Good to have you on the site and the forum! GL in your games.
    Posted by StayOrGo
    Hey Graham, its probably more spewy than anything (: I just thought it is a something nobody had touched upon, I guess it depends on the openers stack, Im guessing Ryan is pretty good and he wont be doing this light without any fold equity, can you remember what the opener on the button had in front of him? judging by the stack your 3betting and auto assuming Ryan had a rough idea of what the opener is playing it feels like a perfect spot for a 4b bluff as he would hve a ton of fold equity.

    Yeah I am pretty new to sky, had an account on here for a while but iv never really played much volume until recently.
    +1 I feel like your looking through my soul at times! its such a nightmare when your to my left ):
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited August 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: 40TH AND 41ST HANDS REVEALED:
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: 40TH AND 41ST HANDS REVEALED :
    UKPC2016 FORTY FOURTH HAND: ====================== Blinds 2,000/4,000 Antie 500 CHIP COUNT: 225K Starting Hand: AsKs PRE-FLOP UTG+2 limps, it folds to me in the BB and I make it 15K, UTG+2 calls. FLOP: Ac,Kd,5d I bet 15K (into a pot of 36K), UTG+2 calls. TURN : Ah I check, UTG+2 bets 30K  (into a pot of 66K), I call. RIVER : 8s I check, UTG+2 checks . I show, UTG+2 mucks.  I think there's credit to betting again on the turn, maybe in the region of 24-28k to keep him in with his flush draws and Kx. I think we can then check shove a lot of rivers. If the flush draw misses we might induce a bluff by checking the end, whilst his Ax will value bet. (his Kx probably checks back) If the flush hits we can check, his made flushes will value bet and his Ax may make a small value bet whilst his Kx checks back. I don't think he's gonna have tons of floats that are gonna randomly just fire off 2 streets vs your turn check. 
    Posted by FeelGroggy

    Cheers for this Danny and good to see you back playing after your hols.

    Regarding your post above, I do have a tendency to automatically try and trap with monsters. Sometimes too much, when perhaps it's best to just keep barrelling.

    I always think it's unlikely that they have the case Ace, but of course it is possible.

    It's a shame I didn't get to see his hand (I should have, as he was the last aggressor, but I was too quick to show), so difficult to know whether he would have paid me off.

    Thanks for the feedback.


  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited August 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: HANDS 24 TO 28 NOT REVEALED:
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: HANDS 24 TO 28 NOT REVEALED : Hey Graham, its probably more spewy than anything (: I just thought it is a something nobody had touched upon, I guess it depends on the openers stack, Im guessing Ryan is pretty good and he wont be doing this light without any fold equity, can you remember what the opener on the button had in front of him? judging by the stack your 3betting and auto assuming Ryan had a rough idea of what the opener is playing it feels like a perfect spot for a 4b bluff as he would hve a ton of fold equity. Yeah I am pretty new to sky, had an account on here for a while but iv never really played much volume until recently. +1 I feel like your looking through my soul at times! its such a nightmare when your to my left ): GL.
    Posted by RAKKKI

    Thanks for this RAKKKI, I can't remember exact stacks, but I'm sure we were all fairly deep, so there would have been fold equity. I can't really see Ryan bluffing here, although he's a good player so definitely capable off it.

    By offering to show one card (after I folded not before) and it being a Jack, knowing him as I do, I'm pretty sure he had two of them.

    Good luck on the site, I'm sure we'll be locking horns again very soon.



  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,050
    edited August 2016
    Any more hands?-enjoying this, hence the bump....
  • thislteduthisltedu Member Posts: 399
    edited August 2016
    In Response to Re: StayOrGo UKPC Hand Review: 42ND, 43RD and 44TH HANDS REVEALED:
    Any more hands?-enjoying this, hence the bump....
    Posted by Essexphil


  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited August 2016
    Thanks for the interest and encouragement guys, apologies for "slackening off", I've been quite busy.

    Will post next hand shortly. :=)
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited August 2016
    UKPC2016 FORTY FIFTH HAND:=====================
    Blinds 2,500/5,000 Antie 500

    CHIP COUNT: 285K
    Starting Hand: Jd9c
    I raise to 12K in the HJ, everyone folds.
    UKPC2016 FORTY SIXTH HAND:=====================
    Blinds 2,500/5,000 Antie 500

    CHIP COUNT: 295K
    Starting Hand: KcTc

    I raise to 11K UTG with KTs, UTG+2 calls, everyone else folds
    FLOP: 6d,8d,Jc
    I  check UTG+2 checks
    TURN: Qh
    I  bet 18k (into a pot of 32K), UTG+2 calls
    RIVER: 8s
    I check, UTG+2 bets 30K, I fold

    My Thoughts:
    Quite a wide open UTG with KTs, however it was a tight table and a lot of open raises were getting through.
    FLOP: 6d,8d,Jc
    Not a flop to C-bet on imo, there is just too much in my opponents range that calls or re-raises.
    TURN: Qh

    Turning an open ender gives me some incentive to bet. With my opponent checking back on the flop, there are some hands (low/medium pocket pairs for example) that I could get to fold. It also builds the pot if I do happen to hit on the river. My opponent calls.
    RIVER: 8s
    Having missed, I give up as it's just not a great board to try and bluff on. My opponent bets and I fold.
    As always, feel free to post comments/discuss

  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited September 2016


    Blinds 3,000/6,000 Antie 500

    CHIP COUNT: 250K

    Starting Hand: AsAd


    CutOff shoves for 60K (10 BB's), I call in SB, BB folds.

    My opponent had, 77, there was a 7 on the flop, but fortunately I turned an Ace.

    My Thoughts:


    Only point of note, was that I took my time before calling, hoping that the BB may call or shove.


    As always, feel free to post comments/discuss



    P.S Chris Cunliffe, better known as rspca12 has just joined the table with a fairly decent stack

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