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My story



  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Thanks chaps, it’s really nice to get some feedback and good wishes.
    Had a really nice weekend, on Sunday my dear daughter asked if I would like to go to the local soft play for children taking gorgeous grandson., I was more than happy to do so 😊
    Upon arrival there didn’t seem to be many fathers there which was a bit sad..
    Anyway, we took our shoes off and toddled into the play area, Lucian was soon i
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Had a long post and it’s disappeared
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    tomgoodun said:

    Thanks chaps, it’s really nice to get some feedback and good wishes.
    Had a really nice weekend, on Sunday my dear daughter asked if I would like to go to the local soft play for children taking gorgeous grandson., I was more than happy to do so 😊
    Upon arrival there didn’t seem to be many fathers there which was a bit sad..
    Anyway, we took our shoes off and toddled into the play area, Lucian was soon i

    Great sentence structure.

    Post more please Tom.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Ok, take 2
    Soft play was good, Lucian really enjoyed himself, there was a distinct lack of fathers there which was strange on a Sunday Afternoon.
    He was the youngest there at 9 months, but the other kids started joining in with him which was nice, i was chatting away to a young lad whilst playing with Lucian, get him to join in, then all of a sudden I had a throng of children round me, I started chatting my usual made up nonsense and they were loving it, making up all kinds of crazy stuff, look me back to when I would take our children out playing.
    My dear daughter then had a word, telling me I need to be careful chatting to kids nowadays as it could be viewed as a “bit pervy”
    I was mortified 😱
    Times have changed since I was young, not in a good way in some instances..

    Got home to good lady not feeling too well, being the awesome husband I am I said I’d run her a bath and cook dinner.
    “What did you get for dinner love”
    “ oh, how do you cook that” ( meant how long obv)
    “ You turn the oven on, put the pork in a tin, put the tin in the oven”
    I love my wife ( sarcastic c..)
    An hour before due cooking culinary delight was finished, I was informed dear daughters bf doesn’t like pork ....
    “ That’s ok, just get a chicken breast out the freezer”
    Hmm, can they be cooked from frozen...we shall see.

    Checked on dinner half hour later
    The chicken had mysteriously fled the oven leaving what looked suspiciously like chicken wee..

    Who in their right mind puts the Xmas Turkey gravy in the freezer?!!
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    ^ In a plastic bag which looks like chicken breast?

    So, go upstairs to check on good lady, she’s ok, wants some alone time and tells me to go downstairs and play some poker online..😊

    So that, dear reader is the reason I played on Sunday..

    Managed to luck box my way to the ft of the £33 PL 08 bh.
    I was mega short stacked when down to 3 players, getting owned by Mr.G
    Decided to employ “ Close eyes, raise, pot pot..tactics”

    Kinda worked 😊

    The win was a nice bonus, withdrew some money which we shall exchange for $ ( holiday spends)
    Hopefully I can have a game or 2 in Vegas 😊

    Note to self..stop reading the booklet the consultant gave me on post radiotherapy problems ( I’m such a wuss, I seem to have a full house of em)

    Be nice, have fun x
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Yay, 2018 has got off to a great start for The Thug.
  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    Nice one Tom a read of your diary always put things into perspective hope your run good continues gl gl gl
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Thank you Mr.K and Harry.
    Poker stuff ~ I have read that some folk play sats on here, some even play sats for cash ( outrageous 😉)
    I usually play £3/£5 games , except on the odd occasion playing the £33 Omaha hi lo bh, which strangely enough I feel comfortable playing, so thought it may test my resolve playing one of them all in sats (£3) to the sheriff bh the other night, lost first 2 so hey ho, decided one last one..guess what 😊
    Started off with the best ( imo ) mtt player on the site on my table ~ none other than that box of luck Mathew Bates ( really nice chap)
    You know when you go for a kick about on the park and Ronaldo turns up...
    Started off playing like “The mark” on the table, methinks I had a target on my back 😊
    Changed strategy when I managed to win a flip v Ronaldo
    As strange as it may seem, I managed to make the ft, finishing in 4th , got a few shekels so..happy days.

    Made the ft of one of the hi lo bh games, I was on 92k v next person on 30 odd k with 4 players left, managed to sneak into 3rd 🤠

    Life stuff
    Dear wife had her MRI scan today, I fin work at lunchtime to be with her, fingers crossed for the results.

    Went shopping this evening, My one job was to take the shopping bags ~ easy life.
    Darling daughter came with us, she was getting a bit stir crazy so we offered her an evening of hilarity in the local supermarket, we know how to live the high life...had a few giggles through the aisles , it’s nice to see her smile.

    Well we got the obligatory food stuffs, put foodstuffs on conveyer, handed Sarah the bags.

    Who puts dear grandsons toys in a shopping the cupboard where we keep the shopping bags?!

    Pretty sure we will laugh at this in years to come.

    Gn all, be safe x
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Do you think Ronaldo was scared you might beat him up, Tom? He's very small you know.

    Well one on the Sheriff result.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Regular updates are tough.
    Poker Stuff ~ As the saying goes, I’m managing to hold my own...just about., few final tables, won the 6:30 £1k gtd bh , won the £33 Omaha hi lo on Sunday.

    Currently trying my hand at the Vegas Satellites, winning a trip to Vegas with Sky would be awesome, alongside meeting up with the legendary Mr.K there are a few people I would love to meet up with.
    Shared a table with the delightful Rogue Cell, she is a really tough opponent when she has a stack, ( insert viz type comment, fnarr fnarr)

    I see quite a few different names entering the 08 bh’s which is good, strange occurrence one being cancelled the other day due to lack of entrants.

    Ok...Life Stuff.
    To say I’m struggling at present is an understatement, I really should be on top of the world now I’m in remission, but certain family stuff is dragging me down.
    The house My recently passed away mother in law has been sold, the proceeds will be split between the 2 sons and 2 daughters., easy eh.
    As is the case with most families, one doesn’t speak to another, who in turn doesn’t speak to no.3, my dear wife was nominated to be the point of contact to the Estate Agent and the Co.Op who are dealing with the estate., as she is the only one who is b...dy mature enough to do it.

    So, you would think the family would be patient, and understanding of how things work in finalising the estate, the contracts were exchanged last Friday, Sarah sent every member of the family a text when she got the email as she was at work, cue Brother ringing work ...asking when he will get his cut, and demanding she tells the Solicitors to “ Pull their bl..dy fingers out, as the equity loan on the house is costing me money”

    How she keeps her calm is beyond me

    Maybe he can pay his bills with the money they stole out of the house before the funeral.
    Maybe he can sell the furniture they took out of the house whilst we were with the priest telling him about Sarah’s mums life.
    I know, I’m bitter.

    Tomorrow I’m going to hospital with my dear wife to discuss the results of her brain scan, fingers crossed.

    Dear daughter is ok one day, not so ok the next.
    Darling Grandson is awesome, he’s walking a few steps now, and loving life.

    I think my rng is broken

    Be nice x
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Ugh @ brother-in-law Tom, but it all evens out & your immediate family more than make up for it IMO.

    Stay happy mate, it's so sad to see all the negativity & vitriol in the world of online poker.

    Life's good if we want it to be.


  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,660
    Sorry to read of your trials and tribulations Tom. People often show their worst character traits when money is involved. Once it is all sorted out maybe you and your good lady wife can give her brother very brief summary of your feelings towards him, it wouldn't need to be lengthy and if it consisted mostly of swear words I think your point would be made.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    keep marching Tom and look after those closest
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228

    Well done on scooping the £1K gtd - it's a fun one to win.

    Splendid grandson news but sorry to hear about your life rng being a bit broken. Perhaps a rogue employee? Hope the brain scan results are favourable.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    SR23 said:

    Well done on scooping the £1K gtd - it's a fun one to win.

    Splendid grandson news but sorry to hear about your life rng being a bit broken. Perhaps a rogue employee? Hope the brain scan results are favourable.

    Maybe Tom is worth millions/billions and his life RNG should be above suspicion?

    Keep smiling buddy.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Thanks for the good wishes chaps, most appreciated.
    Poker stuff ~ Played a few of the Vegas Quarter Finals by a) Buying in direct, b) Finishing in top 2 of the cheapo sats., have decided my current tactics don’t work, flopped quads in one and still can’t make the semi ( euphemism of life)

    Please bear with me on the tables as I’m not being as talkative as normal.
    Managed to win one of the PL08 bhs last night, I usually do ok up to ft, then my brain turns to mush so I have to employ the “ Do I want to gamble with this cr.p hand “ tactics, the devil on my shoulder usually wins, I mean how is KKK2 any type of hand when faced with a raise and re~raise 🤠

    Due to the broken rng of course the case K comes on the turn 👌

    Now that may be the reason I get looked up quite a lot lol, and when I do have a half decent hand I get paid off..easy game.

    Life Stuff
    The hospital appointment with Consultant was a bit tough.
    I fully expected a “ We have the results of the scan, we know what’s wrong and we can fix it” type of speech.
    It didn’t go like that.
    He sad lots of big words, lots of numbers on the screen which highlights how much ‘stuff’ ( my words not his) is showing in the blood test,and scan.
    The issue is, and I’m quoting what I recall he said...” The pituarty gland stalk is thickened , and considerably larger than your last scan, there are also lesions”
    Uh oh
    This apparently is systematic of Diabetes Insipidus ( good)
    However, the tablets aren’t working as he thought they should (bad)
    So...I asked the question
    “ Has she got a tumour”
    He patted me on the leg whilst smiling and said, “ That’s what we hope to find out with further tests”

    My good lady is really strong, but I can tell this is causing her some anguish.
    I want to help as much as I can, I feel helpless though.

    Today is Mother’s Day., I made her breakfast ( I’m awesome like that)
    I ran her a bath yesterday afternoon whilst I did the cleaning ( more awesomeness)

    Looking forward to our holiday in April.

    Love to all x
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Top awesomeness.

  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    Tikay10 said:

    Top awesomeness.


  • GuitarHeerGuitarHeer Member Posts: 1
    wow, touching story. i hope you have a great time on your holiday! also jealous about the cruise, thats something ive wanted to do since i reached 20 years old. i guess its something to look forward for a golden year of my age. I hope you recover speedingly and we get to play more on these tables. i only play the deep stacks for fun and legit have no intention on winning most times, but it will be good to chat again.
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    Hang in there Tom. GL with the Vegas sats. Would be great to see you over there again. Praying for good news with regards to your wife.
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