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My story



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Morning Tom,

    Yes, I got confused with offspring gender, apologies.

    Delighted to hear you all had a happy & peaceful Xmas.

    Well done on winning the PLO8, & adding another FT to the CV.

    "I do like diary’s here"

    I'm with you on that, though many detest them & those who write them, which is quite sad as nobody has to read them.

    It gets ever harder to keep a Forum fresh & vibrant, society is changing, these days folks prefer to read what others write as it's easier than writing it themselves, & reading is a zillion times easier than writing. I'm the same on Twitter - I peruse it daily, but very rarely Tweet. Thankfully, I don't do Facebook. Leaving that was one of the best decisions I ever made.

    Have a good weekend mate.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    You mean the Anthony Kendall I've just poked isn't you?
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758

    You mean the Anthony Kendall I've just poked isn't you?

    All this talk of vinegar strokes getting you a tad frisky Jon? 😊
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Evening all

    Maybe I should set a target for myself, the recording of final tables seems to be working for me at present, of course I shan’t be playing any more tournaments or any different to how I play, it did however seem to focus my efforts this evening.

    So, I shall set a target for this year of 50 ft’s ( Is this realistic for me, playing 4/5 tournaments per night averaging 3 nights per week taking holidays into account?)

    Ft count 6
    Won the £5 £1k gtd bh this evening.

  • safc71safc71 Member Posts: 1,544
    50 ft's you light weight. I think you will hit 70+ easy best of luck tom.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    safc71 said:

    50 ft's you light weight. I think you will hit 70+ easy best of luck tom.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence mate 😊

    I think I have found my level at last, since my last update I have reached 2 ft’s in the £1 Omaha hi lo tournament, winning one and second in the other, to add to the list a £5 PL08 which if memory serves correct I finished 5th or 6th ( safc luck boxing again 😉) and hopefully this next one will bring someone out of retirement from the forum.- Just played a sneaky £3 bh and won that one.

    Ft count - 10
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Good Evening.
    Today was my yearly appointment at hospital with the oncology ‘team’to give me the news on whether I should be planning further than next week.

    It wasn’t my usual Consultant I saw, he was of Italian descent and the similarities to “ Fat Tony” from The Simpsons was quite striking in his mannerism if not his stature.

    The good news is that my testosterone level is “Within normal range”, the psa level is still quite low which means I’m here for a good week or so , maybe I will be here to see Brexit.😊

    When he asked me how I was “In general”, I told him the nitty gritty ( not sparing any gruesome details) Now, if you have seen The Simpsons, you will understand the shrug of the shoulders and the “Eyyyyy, thesa things taka da time, sometimes they last a leetle time, sometimes a long time, it’s the radiation may get better in time.
    Please forgive my attempt at an Italian accent, but you get the gist 😉

    3 ft’s to report, 2 Omaha hi lo, 1 £2 deepstack, no wins.

    Ft count 13.

    My daughters partner is getting really interested in Poker, he’s watching WSOP on YouTube at present, he’s adamant I said I will treat him to an early birthday present and buy him his seat to SPT Brighton, I’m not so great at remembering stuff and he knows that so maybe he’s pulling my leg ; maybe not 😢

    Binge watched series 2 of Tin Star, Tim Roth is great in that.

    My dear daughter went out for a meal a week ago last Saturday, she wasn’t feeling too well on Sunday, had to call the doctor on Monday, in hospital since.
    She’s now been in hospital for 9 days, we are taking turns off work looking after gorgeous grandson.

    Be nice x

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    Good to hear your appointment went ok, but sorry to hear about your daughter. There's always a cloud in the sky, huh?
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,050
    tomgoodun said:

    Good Evening.
    Today was my yearly appointment at hospital with the oncology ‘team’to give me the news on whether I should be planning further than next week.

    It wasn’t my usual Consultant I saw, he was of Italian descent and the similarities to “ Fat Tony” from The Simpsons was quite striking in his mannerism if not his stature.

    The good news is that my testosterone level is “Within normal range”, the psa level is still quite low which means I’m here for a good week or so , maybe I will be here to see Brexit.😊

    When he asked me how I was “In general”, I told him the nitty gritty ( not sparing any gruesome details) Now, if you have seen The Simpsons, you will understand the shrug of the shoulders and the “Eyyyyy, thesa things taka da time, sometimes they last a leetle time, sometimes a long time, it’s the radiation may get better in time.
    Please forgive my attempt at an Italian accent, but you get the gist 😉

    3 ft’s to report, 2 Omaha hi lo, 1 £2 deepstack, no wins.

    Ft count 13.

    My daughters partner is getting really interested in Poker, he’s watching WSOP on YouTube at present, he’s adamant I said I will treat him to an early birthday present and buy him his seat to SPT Brighton, I’m not so great at remembering stuff and he knows that so maybe he’s pulling my leg ; maybe not 😢

    Binge watched series 2 of Tin Star, Tim Roth is great in that.

    My dear daughter went out for a meal a week ago last Saturday, she wasn’t feeling too well on Sunday, had to call the doctor on Monday, in hospital since.
    She’s now been in hospital for 9 days, we are taking turns off work looking after gorgeous grandson.

    Be nice x

    Nice to see you still posting, Tom-hope your daughter gets better soon
    We also binge-watched Tin Star. Really good, but end was a bit iffy

    PS-I'm sure you said you were paying for my Brighton seat, too :)
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Good Morning all.

    It’s always difficult starting a sentence, do I start it with the word ‘The’ or is ‘It’s ‘ ok ?

    Anyway, poker stuff first, being as I have been off work a few days and doing awesome grandad stuff I apparently amassed plenty of brownie points to play more regularly this week.
    Unfortunately that didn’t equate to final tables reached, **** those statistical averages ( Does that even make sense)

    I went pretty deep in a few, and suffered what I thought was a pretty brutal exit in the mini ( I think it was the mini, it could have been the £1k gtd £5 entry bh, but I digress)
    There were 8 left, 4 to each table, First to act at 600/1200 I min raised with J9 cc, folded to the big blind who calls.

    Seeing a flop of 8 10 Q seemed pretty decent, so I continue the story betting half pot, again a call ( woohoo, he may have a Q, a 10, or a draw)

    The turn was a K, again half pot, he raises, uh oh, surely AJ isn’t in his range, as he has been shoving most of his Aces, ok I’ll go all in and if he has me beat, so be it, I still have a chance of a chop 😊
    Cards over, he has 88
    You know that thought “ Don’t pair the board, don’t pair the board”
    River...........10 doh..

    Played last night whilst watching the rugby I had taped,England played awesome., I made 2 final tables, winning the £2 deepstack and fin 3rd in the £3 Omaha Hi Lo.
    FT count =15

    Dear Daughter is still in hospital, there is talk of her coming out next week if she can begin to keep any food down.
    I really enjoyed the time I had off work looking after her son, I could get used to spending all day at home 😊

    Dear wife is very tired every day, it’s a bit of a worry, I mean how is she going to look after me in my latter years and put my slippers on me if she’s in bed by 8pm 😉.

    That’s all for now.
    Enjoy your weekend x

  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Good Evening all.

    Poker news first, I seem to have mislaid the “ How to play NLHE” book., my final tables lately have been .... 2 & £3 PL08 ( winning both) and 1 & £5 PL08 ( fin 5th)
    FT count = 18
    Followed the SPT thread with great interest, I would have loved to be able to go but unfortunately life stuff gets in the way, sounded great as per usual.

    Life stuff

    My Son & Daughter treated my good lady and I to a pair of tickets for Les Miserables in the Queens Theatre in London, having watched the film a few times and tried numerous times to purchase tickets which fit into a) My “ How much !” Budget and b) finding a weekend when we could get away together, I had pretty much given up., to say we were overjoyed by the gesture is an understatement.

    The performance was awesome, even though I knew the result before the match it was still a joy.

    Being the kind of guy I am, getting there was bound to be fraught with potential pitfalls, firstly on the day we had the tickets for the Great British Railway system decided to have the day to fix stuff between Polegate and London 😳
    On the positive side, I have a wife who is a potential pitfall solver 😊
    She booked us train tickets from Uckfield , which apparently goes to a different part of London, she also booked us into a Hotel for the night, as the last train home was 20 minutes after the show finished which didn’t give me time to hobble through the underground.
    Suffice to say we had a wonderful weekend.

    My dear daughter came out of hospital on Monday, 3 weeks after she was admitted.
    I hope she gets better soon.

    Peace to all. X
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    Hopefully life stuff gets better Tom and with your daughter home hopefully it's a good step in the right direction.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758

    Hopefully life stuff gets better Tom and with your daughter home hopefully it's a good step in the right direction.

    Hi Pat
    Thanks for the good wishes.,early signs are looking ok, she is back to work next Monday.
    I received a message from the good lady today saying we have been asked to look after awesome grandson on Saturday as Chloe and her bf are ( wait for it) going out for a meal 😳

    Hope things are as well as can be expected with you and your brother, how’s he doing?
    Say hello to the chaps please.
  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793
    Hope things improve on the home front . ( don't spit your coffee out , its my gentle side :D )
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    Ah that is great news.

    Thanks for asking Tom.
    Brother is improving slowly and it is now 2 and a half years since the accident.
    Still a long way to go and we have just about accepted he will never be the same person he was before the accident. Unfortunately that has lead to other complications like long time care as the wife will not be there for that.
    Life can be cruel at times.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758

    Hope things improve on the home front . ( don't spit your coffee out , its my gentle side :D )

    Good Morning Dobie
    Very kind of you to post your good wishes, much appreciated thanks., going for a daily walk suits you 😉 , Enjoy your day.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758

    Ah that is great news.

    Thanks for asking Tom.
    Brother is improving slowly and it is now 2 and a half years since the accident.
    Still a long way to go and we have just about accepted he will never be the same person he was before the accident. Unfortunately that has lead to other complications like long time care as the wife will not be there for that.
    Life can be cruel at times.

    Morning Pat.
    You are right, life can be cruel at times, I suppose we must concentrate on the positives and having Paul around albeit not being his former self is a plus., you have been a great source of inspiration to me and others over these past years, I wish you well.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    "My dear daughter came out of hospital on Monday, 3 weeks after she was admitted".

    I can't begin to imagine how stressful & worrying all this has been Tom.

    Hope you & Mrs GoodUn continue to cope.

    Thoughts are with you.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    Type your comment

    Ah that is great news.

    Thanks for asking Tom.
    Brother is improving slowly and it is now 2 and a half years since the accident.
    Still a long way to go and we have just about accepted he will never be the same person he was before the accident. Unfortunately that has lead to other complications like long time care as the wife will not be there for that.
    Life can be cruel at times.

    Morning Pat @day4eire76

    I can barely believe it's two & a half years. And yes, life can be dreadfully cruel at times.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Tikay10 said:

    "My dear daughter came out of hospital on Monday, 3 weeks after she was admitted".

    I can't begin to imagine how stressful & worrying all this has been Tom.

    Hope you & Mrs GoodUn continue to cope.

    Thoughts are with you.

    Good Morning Mr.K

    Thank you for your good wishes, my good lady and I are a strong team and do our best, yes it’s both stressful and worrying but when we see the smile on my daughters face and the things Lucian gets up to in his cheeky way, it’s all worth it 😊
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