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  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Oops, FT count - 34
  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    Glad you are keeping this going.

    Guilty as charged of reading and not interacting enough.

    Hope there is good news on the family front.

    WP on the FT/wins/horses.

    Good luck.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,661
    I always enjoy reading your updates Tom, well I don't enjoy it when your family go through tough times but it's certainly better than a 'I won this, I won that thread' as it gives it balance and shows that, for the vast majority of us, poker is just a small part of overall life.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342

    Morning Tom.

    I'm busy right now with my daily chores, but I'll comment later, especially as to some parts of your post which I thought were really thought provoking. (As in, so many of us like to read what others write, but we cba to reply or post stuff ourselves).
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758

    Glad you are keeping this going.

    Guilty as charged of reading and not interacting enough.

    Hope there is good news on the family front.

    WP on the FT/wins/horses.

    Good luck.

    Appreciate the good wishes , thank you.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Enut said:

    I always enjoy reading your updates Tom, well I don't enjoy it when your family go through tough times but it's certainly better than a 'I won this, I won that thread' as it gives it balance and shows that, for the vast majority of us, poker is just a small part of overall life.

    Hi Paul.
    Thanks for the feedback mate, it’s funny you should mention the word ‘balance’ - a word I have pretty much worn out using to my children, so much so in fact all I have to do to get the “ Oh god “ response is to look at them, raise my eyebrows and extend my arms slightly whilst raising them up and down in opposite motions to signify the word 😊.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Tikay10 said:

    Morning Tom.

    I'm busy right now with my daily chores, but I'll comment later, especially as to some parts of your post which I thought were really thought provoking. (As in, so many of us like to read what others write, but we cba to reply or post stuff ourselves).

    Good Afternoon Mr.K.

    I always appreciate you posting here, especially given the extent of your other duties., I look forward to your insight on the topic.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    I mentioned “Injection fraction “ in my post about my good lady and Dear Daughter.
    Apparently I wasn’t listening 😊 - it’s Ejection fraction.
    Stupid English language .
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,341
    edited March 2019
    Was it this farm Tom?
    And could you post some pictures?

  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Hi Charlie
    I forget what it’s named, it’s the one up the A22 just past the Land Rover garage near Golden Criss.

  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,341
    Ahh, BlackBerry farm
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    mumsie said:

    Ahh, BlackBerry farm

    That’s the one
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,050
    tomgoodun said:

    Tikay10 said:

    Morning Tom.

    I'm busy right now with my daily chores, but I'll comment later, especially as to some parts of your post which I thought were really thought provoking. (As in, so many of us like to read what others write, but we cba to reply or post stuff ourselves).

    Good Afternoon Mr.K.

    I always appreciate you posting here, especially given the extent of your other duties., I look forward to your insight on the topic.
    Just managed to squeeze the comment in between naps :)
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,341
    edited March 2019
    Geeze, does he look like you!
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,050
    mumsie said:

    Geeze, does he look like you!

    No-it's the one on the left :)
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,661
    The goat photo made me think of our old goat, now gone to goat heaven but used to be a real character. One day we had a lady turn up to get some manure (we have horses, so people collect the free manure for their roses/gardens/fetish parties etc).

    Anyway she had two small children with her, aged about 4 and 6, so I kept an eye on our two german shepherds to make sure they didn't accidently knock the little ones over, (actually more to make sure that the kids didn't start pulling their ears/tails etc), anyway the dogs were next to me when there is a thud sound from the field and then a 'mum, mum!' and there was the eldest boy lying on the ground (unhurt and laughing) with our goat standing over him with a victorious look on her face!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,342

    I rather enjoyed this too;

    "Good Afternoon"

    I suppose it's an age thing, but I do love to see an online convo start properly, with a "Hi", "Afternoon/Morning or whatever.

    In real-life, surely we'd never dream of starting a convo with a bunch of acquaintances or strangers without some form of intro? If we did, we'd be deemed to have very poor social skills, & our convos would not last very long.

    And yet, online, it's deemed to be the norm, which always strikes me as very odd.

    On this - & every other - forum, complete newbies turn up from time to time to ask a question or make a point, and never - or almost never - introduce themselves, or give context.

    If I were standing in a crowd, or at a bus-stop or whatever, & some random stranger walked up & started talking to us without some form of "opener" ("Hi mate") we'd auto-assume we had encountered a weirdo. "Hi mate", or "Morning" or whatever, makes ALL the difference. But not Online, it seems.

    The world of online, & what it has done to our social skills & manners, is at the same time the best & worst thing ever.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Good Evening all.
    Thank you for the comments chaps, really appreciate the feedback.
    I’ll get the poker out of the way first, I’ve been doing ok lately in both formats strangely enough.
    Due to my lack of regular updates I haven’t got specifics of FT’s reached, I know it’s 7 since my last post and I won 1 ( I think, could be 2)
    So my target of 50 this year is going well, 41 so far -barring a massive downswing I seem to be on course ( I’m not saying it’s a certainty, but I’m pretty confident 😊)

    Life stuff
    It’s my birthday today , I feel loved even more than normal 😊
    Dear daughter is managing ok at present, it’s a good sign when her wicked sense of humour surfaces and I’m usually the one at the sharp end of her Micky taking ( which I love)
    Dear wife is coping with the massive burden of having me as a husband alongside the weekly doctors, hospital appointments, so alls good there.
    Gorgeous Grandson is awesome, he will be 2 years old in a couple of weeks, and he is such a happy lad, he makes me guffaw at times, he is learning lots of new words, he’s even dropped the “ I’ll call everyone by their names except grandad cos I know it winds him up” persona, he saves that for the dog ( her name is Panda but he insists it’s Tia 🙄)

    Work is a bit up and down, a lad who I worked with has left to go travelling, I really liked him and we had a great working relationship, the beauty of social media is such that we keep in touch whilst he is in Australia.
    Which means.. I was asked to go on site to the lovely house we made the oak ballustrades and handrail to fit them, I was a bit worried the lady of the house would ask me to do my ablutions in next doors field due to the history of log-gate, but I needn’t have worried, as my famed charm with ladies of a certain age came to my rescue.😊

    So much so that one day I wasn’t there she was asking “ Why isn’t Tom here, and when is he coming again”, well I was on site the next day and she welcomed me with a slice of Lemon drizzle cake 😊
    It’s so nice when you meet people and engage i that way.

    I’m really tired, may post at the weekend.
    Love to all x
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