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My story



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,346

    Hi Tom,

    Bit late, but enjoy what's left of your Birthday.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    many happy returns Tom
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,289
    Happy Birthday Tom from me and my Family hope you are well . don
  • safc71safc71 Member Posts: 1,544
    Keep the posts coming Tom and happy birthday :)
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,661
    Happy birthday Tom, enjoy the last hour of it!
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Good Afternoon all.
    Many thanks for the Birthday Wishes, being over 60 seems a bit weird, when I was a lad I thought anyone over the age of 30 was ancient, now I’m over double that I don’t really feel ancient, although my body tends to disagree at times, maybe I should re-name my body dobiehayse 😉.

    Anyway, the obvious reason you are on tenterhooks reading this is - has Tom reached any final tables lately? 😏
    I played last night and managed to reach the ft of the £2 deep stack and the £5 Omaha Hi Lo, I think I finished 4th in both, a profit for the evenings entertainment is great.

    FT count = 43

    Next Saturday is my awesome grandsons Birthday - he’s 2 years old ( He doesn’t think I’m ancient yet)
    We are having a family day out to Port Lymph, my good lady just showed me pics of when we last went in 2012, I had shorts on 😳, I can guarantee that won’t be happening this time, I tend to feel the cold now, so much so that when I go to work I wear a vest, shirt, jumper, cardigan, woolly hat, trousers, socks ( 2 pairs at times) and boots., and when I arrive at work the first things I do is put the kettle on and start the fire, this procedure lasts until about August when I take my hat off, all the rest remains the same 😊.

    It’s great that @Tikay10 runs the forum comps, it feels really special to be part of a community that for the most part enjoy what we do and join in with stuff for free standing a chance to win stuff, we all like to have a moan now and again, but you can’t fault sky/Tikay for trying to get folk involved and offering summat for nothing.

    My good lady is ok at present, she had a bit of a wasted journey to hospital the other week when she was due to have a lumbar puncture, her previous on the spinal block thingy was when she was giving birth to our first born, the doctor had great difficulty and eventually gave up cos she has a dodgy spine ( He may have used bigger words, but you get the drift)

    He told Sarah to tell the next doctor to attempt doing the spinal block that it was a waste of time due to her uncooperative spine, she repeated what he said, the doc replied “ Oh things have moved on since then, I’m really good at this” , he attempted to insert the needle several times, and when he said he’d managed and go ahead with the scalpel , it kinda hurt, she could feel the blade going in 😳, so they had to knock her out.

    Same thing happened this time for the lumbar puncture, tried umpteen times, couldn’t do it then told her to come back in a couple of weeks and they will do it under X-ray , ones got to think maybe if they have her notes that could have been avoided, hey ho.

    Dear daughter is doing well also, she has just gone to work, which gives me the opportunity to have one to one time with awesome grandson, alongside doing the housework, life doesn’t get any better than this. 😊

    Looking forward to Ukops, I may play some within my bankroll, I managed to make a small withdrawal last night ( which may pay for the parking next week as it was only £100).

    That’s all for now, stay tuned for next weeks riveting instalment.

    Have fun. X

  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Good Afternoon
    Just a quick hello as my sister is visiting.
    Highlights since last update - Played some Ukops games ( badly)
    Won the £2 deepstack
    Final tabled the mini, and a £3 Hi Lo.
    Ft count - 46.

    Short rant of the day -
    I have mentioned previously my dislike of online purchasing and reasons why ( I’m old)
    As my sister is visiting, my good lady thought it best to do the ‘ food shop’ online, as she has a £9 off voucher for a certain supermarket it made sense to order from them.

    First problem, after ordering the food she noticed our credit cards were close to running out ( May 2019)
    Rang the bank who said they sent our new ones 3 weeks ago, obv got “ lost in the post” so cancelled the new ones and said they would send new, new ones.

    Unfortunately in cancelling the first new ones, they somehow cancelled the old ones
    ....the one she paid the shopping with.

    This morning we got a call from the shop, “ Your card you paid with has been declined”
    As we were in another room from her purse and I had my wallet in my pocket I gave her my bank card ( which I only use to withdraw cash to pay for stuff from the shop)

    On arrival, one basket of foodstuff was ruined by a split 2 litre milk carton..

    So....the guy cheerily said he will scan the products and the money will go back on our card ( the declined card funnily enough)

    Oh, and remember the £9 voucher? That was cancelled.

    I decide best thing to do was to speak to a real person to “ sort the mess out”

    Easy right?

    Oh no..
    First thing, I have to prove who I am, and get clearance from my good lady to speak on her behalf.
    I go through all the hassle of cards being declined, ( banks fault , not supermarket) and £9 voucher not being applied, spoiled groceries, etc etc.
    Her response was oh sorry, we will give you the voucher back for next time you shop with us...oh really ?

    Next thing
    We will do you a refund for the groceries missing
    I said “ When”
    She said....” In 3 to 5 working days”
    She had to ask me to refrain from swearing at that point .

    I asked her when the supermarket wanted us to pay for the groceries
    She seemed perturbed.
    I ground an answer..apparently right away.
    I asked why don’t I get my money back for goods I haven’t received ....right away.
    Apparently “ That’s the system”
    You get a sense of why I’m not keen these days to shop online.

    On to the refund process which was a “ Different department “

    This person also had to speak to ( an exasperated) original card holder.

    They couldn’t refund to the card on “ Their system” cos....the card is no’s a deceased card,,,it is no more..

    So whilst I was on the phone regailing the lady with tales of woe., my good lady had to put details of a different card onto their system, which the lady could refund us to.
    She was very nice, very apologetic
    Not so apologetic as to offer us more than the £9 voucher., which we have to use “ next time”
    After what seemed an eternity, the deed was done, we now need to go shopping for the goods which were spoiled.

    Ok it was a long rant...
    And that is why I dislike online shopping ladies and gents.

    Have a lovely day x
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,346

    Can't beat "the system" Tom.

    The post prior to that - the penultimate one, whoch referenced the Forum Comps - I had not seen before. It's been there almost 2 weeks according to the date, but it never showed on my Lappie as "unread". Very odd. It's the system I suppose.

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,126
    edited April 2019
    Haha, nice post Tom.

    I share your dislike of online supermarket shopping. For instance, when I've ordered shower gel and it has been out of stock they decide to send you bubble bath instead. If I wanted bubble bath I would have ordered bubble bath. Don't try and think outside the box Morrisons, just either send the shower gel I ordered or give me a refund!

    Hope you're well anyway.
  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    Hi Tom,

    Hope you are well. Played with you a few times at the tables and you play a good game.

    I agree with you about online shopping. They also give you all the short sell by dates too so the food is never as fresh as when you shop at the store. In terms of other online shopping though, Amazon is a god send.

    Best Wishes

  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,661
    Nice story as every Tom.

    I quite like home delivery food shopping (well the other half does), as it saves having to mingle with the great unwashed, this despite the fact that the delivery drivers seem unable to turn their vans around without destroying half of our garden.

    Here's a little story about passsing online security for you as I have to do this frequently each day when checking things on behalf of client.....

    I phoned an insurance company and was asked for client's full name and date of birth, I duly gave them the client's full name, date of birth and address. I was then told I had failed to pass security as the next question was 'what's the client's address?' and I had already given them that information, but before being asked for it! I replied 'well they haven't moved in the last 2 minutes!' But to no avail, apparently I had to phone back and speak to the same person to give them the same information, but in the order they asked for it. Only when I pointed out how ludicrous that was and asked her to speak to a manager did we get it resolved. It felt like being part of a Monty Python sketch.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,346

    Hi Tom,

    Hope you are well. Played with you a few times at the tables and you play a good game.

    I agree with you about online shopping. They also give you all the short sell by dates too so the food is never as fresh as when you shop at the store. In terms of other online shopping though, Amazon is a god send.

    Best Wishes



    Have to agree with that. I get most of my books from Amazon, & it's amazingly efficient & fast. The only negative is they flood me with spammy e-Mails & requests to join "Prime".

    Huge company now, too, grown from nothing to one of the largest in the world in just over 20 years.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,346


    You never mentioned your daughter Tom - how is she?
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758

    Hi Tom,

    Hope you are well. Played with you a few times at the tables and you play a good game.

    I agree with you about online shopping. They also give you all the short sell by dates too so the food is never as fresh as when you shop at the store. In terms of other online shopping though, Amazon is a god send.

    Best Wishes


    Hi Ollie

    Good to see a new face posting here, most appreciated.
    Thanks for the ego boost 😊, I generally “ Play a good game” when I have a few tables going and mis click 😉., you’re a tough opponent.

    As far as Amazon is concerned, alas I have a certain beef with them due to being a tax payer 😊, and the fact that I like going to the shops to mingle with like minded folk and I feel the likes of Amazon and co are killing the high street, I understand times move on and I’m old fashioned, but surely either -
    A) The rates should be reduced for the high street shops to create a level playing field.
    And B- Amazon and co pay their dues to the tax man.

    Maybe B should be A and vice versa.

    Anyway, good to see you here. Have a great weekend, see you on the felt.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Enut said:

    Nice story as every Tom.

    I quite like home delivery food shopping (well the other half does), as it saves having to mingle with the great unwashed, this despite the fact that the delivery drivers seem unable to turn their vans around without destroying half of our garden.

    Here's a little story about passsing online security for you as I have to do this frequently each day when checking things on behalf of client.....

    I phoned an insurance company and was asked for client's full name and date of birth, I duly gave them the client's full name, date of birth and address. I was then told I had failed to pass security as the next question was 'what's the client's address?' and I had already given them that information, but before being asked for it! I replied 'well they haven't moved in the last 2 minutes!' But to no avail, apparently I had to phone back and speak to the same person to give them the same information, but in the order they asked for it. Only when I pointed out how ludicrous that was and asked her to speak to a manager did we get it resolved. It felt like being part of a Monty Python sketch.

    Hi Paul

    Ha nice story mate, life is frustrating when you have to adhere to someone following a script, and unable to deviate from that.
    “ Great unwashed” lol, that’s me 😊, I love going in town and mingling with folk, I’m that bloke you see striking up conversations with random folk, and getting weird looks. 😊

    Hope to see you on the felt soon mate.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Tikay10 said:


    You never mentioned your daughter Tom - how is she?

    Hi Mr. K.

    My dear daughter is doing really well at present, she has taken another massive step in organising nursery for Awesome grandson, he starts in May, it should do him the world of good, his vocabulary is coming on in leaps and bounds, it’s just lovely when he welcomes me home from work with a big smile and “ Hello Grandad” ( Really loud lol)

    When Chloe started the awful time she went through, the doc put her on a certain tablet which was 10mg, she told me this morning that she is due to come off that in a couple of weeks time , she has been gradually reducing the dosage and now she is on 0.4mg., another massive step forward.

    We went to Bingo last night with my sister and her husband, Chloe looked lovely, she was radiant and almost back to that lovely girl she was before the horrible times, her and my sister Carole get on really well and it’s a joy to see her laughing.

    I best crack on now, shopping to do 😉
    Have a great weekend.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    waller02 said:

    Haha, nice post Tom.

    I share your dislike of online supermarket shopping. For instance, when I've ordered shower gel and it has been out of stock they decide to send you bubble bath instead. If I wanted bubble bath I would have ordered bubble bath. Don't try and think outside the box Morrisons, just either send the shower gel I ordered or give me a refund!

    Hope you're well anyway.

    Hi Ryan.
    Good to see you posting here mate, thanks.
    You do know they put the same ingredients in all the - shower gel, bubble bath, floor cleaner, tile cleaner etc etc don’t you? 😉
    Hope to meet up on the felt soon mate, have a great weekend.
  • SR23SR23 Member Posts: 1,228
    tomgoodun said:

    Tikay10 said:


    You never mentioned your daughter Tom - how is she?

    Hi Mr. K.

    My dear daughter is doing really well at present, she has taken another massive step in organising nursery for Awesome grandson, he starts in May, it should do him the world of good, his vocabulary is coming on in leaps and bounds, it’s just lovely when he welcomes me home from work with a big smile and “ Hello Grandad” ( Really loud lol)

    When Chloe started the awful time she went through, the doc put her on a certain tablet which was 10mg, she told me this morning that she is due to come off that in a couple of weeks time , she has been gradually reducing the dosage and now she is on 0.4mg., another massive step forward.

    We went to Bingo last night with my sister and her husband, Chloe looked lovely, she was radiant and almost back to that lovely girl she was before the horrible times, her and my sister Carole get on really well and it’s a joy to see her laughing.

    I best crack on now, shopping to do 😉
    Have a great weekend.
    This was a joy to read. Wpwp on keeping up the diary, dude.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,661

    Hi Paul

    Ha nice story mate, life is frustrating when you have to adhere to someone following a script, and unable to deviate from that.
    “ Great unwashed” lol, that’s me 😊, I love going in town and mingling with folk, I’m that bloke you see striking up conversations with random folk, and getting weird looks. 😊

    Hope to see you on the felt soon mate.

    Didn't mean you Tom, you're from Eastbourne, a much classier shopping experience can be had in Eastbourne! Food shopping for us would be in Hastings, hence we get home delivery.

    Agree with you about Amazon etc, really winds me up how much tax they avoid, it's certainly not a level playing field for high street shops and not fair on us normal tax payers.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Good Morning
    Brief update
    I was so looking forward to the bank holiday weekend, bought a shed to put together to fit all the various paraphernalia accumulated over the weeks.
    Hello D and V
    Played the Vegas semi on my iPad sitting on the loo.
    Not the first time a semi has been played there..

    If we count the Vegas quarter as making a ft, that’s 4 since last update.
    As noted elsewhere Phil bossed me in the Hi Lo
    Paul bossed me in the £11 bh
    And another hi lo somewhere along the line.
    Ft - 50 bingo.

    Maybe I should just count the ones with more than 7 runners from now on.

    Have a great ( what’s left of) bank hol weekend.
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