Hope you are well Sir. Just popped in to raise a glass to what would have been Trish's Birthday today. Gone but not forgotten. #RIPPaige
PS....see you have had visitors. Ignore is the best policy....they think cos they have 'protection', they can say and goad who they want. Pathetic. Stay safe
Hi there sweetie happy valentines day love trish xxx
Miss her terribly we had connection, she had the "Hots" for you bit of a "Cougar" have gone back over her posts like the one above. She never got over losing her beloved Roddy Cain Terrier. Noticed some posts been deleted. She was treated disrespectfully.
The Tweets deleted were deleted at Trish's request. Sometimes she'd get a little carried away, so she'd ask me to delete a few, & I was happy to oblige.
Thank you Al for your post to remind me. She was my protector on this thread and "Hot Pant" girl, think she's still looking after me by sending me the Puppies. Had to remind someone they were not perfect so spent some time down memory lane going over her posts. She was big Rod Stewart fan naming her dog after him. Going to be sad day.
The Tweets deleted were deleted at Trish's request. Sometimes she'd get a little carried away, so she'd ask me to delete a few, & I was happy to oblige.
Thank you Mr T was (curious) as they are more precious now.
She sometimes got a little carried away, & posted the same thing repeatedly, and would then realise & ask me to delete them. It was no bother.
Yes, character she was, her friends knew and made allowances, some didn't, accept they were deleted at her request not an issue more observation. Can I have my other Puppy back she sent me........... ! cough!
Hope you are well Sir. Just popped in to raise a glass to what would have been Trish's Birthday today. Gone but not forgotten. #RIPPaige
PS....see you have had visitors. Ignore is the best policy....they think cos they have 'protection', they can say and goad who they want. Pathetic. Stay safe
“Someone has directed me to this sad excuse of a thread, cos you think it is 'clever' to have a dig at me for some reason behind my back. Whatever, you sad sad imbecile. Say it to my face, and I will except the the wind up. Hide behind a keyboard, like your rent boy does, and I will take offence.
Anyway, hows the wife??!!! FU!”
Evening Allan I bow down to your greater knowledge on these things. To update you, my ex wife is now pretty much confined to a wheelchair
Hope you are well Sir. Just popped in to raise a glass to what would have been Trish's Birthday today. Gone but not forgotten. #RIPPaige
PS....see you have had visitors. Ignore is the best policy....they think cos they have 'protection', they can say and goad who they want. Pathetic. Stay safe
“Someone has directed me to this sad excuse of a thread, cos you think it is 'clever' to have a dig at me for some reason behind my back. Whatever, you sad sad imbecile. Say it to my face, and I will except the the wind up. Hide behind a keyboard, like your rent boy does, and I will take offence.
Anyway, hows the wife??!!! FU!”
Evening Allan I bow down to your greater knowledge on these things. To update you, my ex wife is now pretty much confined to a wheelchair
WOW....dragging up this (even though I did post an apology after). FTR, it was never about the health of your wife. It was the fact she was now your EX WIFE. You took great delight at giving me some grief and abuse (obv not on this forum) when a relationship of mine broke down. This was pay back time. I did however regret posting it shortly after. However, as you have brought it back up again....not so much now. As I have said, and this just confirms it.....you are pathetic.
(apologies for the intrusion on your thread Goldon)
Hope you are well Sir. Just popped in to raise a glass to what would have been Trish's Birthday today. Gone but not forgotten. #RIPPaige
PS....see you have had visitors. Ignore is the best policy....they think cos they have 'protection', they can say and goad who they want. Pathetic. Stay safe
“Someone has directed me to this sad excuse of a thread, cos you think it is 'clever' to have a dig at me for some reason behind my back. Whatever, you sad sad imbecile. Say it to my face, and I will except the the wind up. Hide behind a keyboard, like your rent boy does, and I will take offence.
Anyway, hows the wife??!!! FU!”
Evening Allan I bow down to your greater knowledge on these things. To update you, my ex wife is now pretty much confined to a wheelchair
WOW....dragging up this (even though I did post an apology after). FTR, it was never about the health of your wife. It was the fact she was now your EX WIFE. You took great delight at giving me some grief and abuse (obv not on this forum) when a relationship of mine broke down. This was pay back time. I did however regret posting it shortly after. However, as you have brought it back up again....not so much now. As I have said, and this just confirms it.....you are pathetic.
(apologies for the intrusion on your thread Goldon)
This isn’t really the truth I still have the messages where I said I wouldn’t be taking any sides and would remain friends with both of you. You took exception to me still being friends with your ex partner and began with your vitriol towards me Maybe try and lose some of the misguided bitterness
Happy to have you both on my thread to air grievances there is need to get things said and out of your systems. Hope TK will allow leeway, so you can settle this dispute without anyone getting banned. Thought this was settled between you ages ago. I took Al side because you all ganged up on him. I don't know who's right or wrong but like all argument & Marriage tiffs things get said in the heat of the moment. I never go on Utube or Facebook so don't know what was said, however to hold long term grudges is neither healthy or productive. I can't see what Alan has said in his post that is directly aimed at you so surprised at your reaction. Something in the past I don't know.!
Happy to have you both on my thread to air grievances there is need to get things said and out of your systems. Hope TK will allow leeway, so you can settle this dispute without anyone getting banned. Thought this was settled between you ages ago. I took Al side because you all ganged up on him. I don't know who's right or wrong but like all argument & Marriage tiffs things get said in the heat of the moment. I never go on Utube or Facebook so don't know what was said, however to hold long term grudges is neither healthy or productive. I can't see what Alan has said in his post that is directly aimed at you so surprised at your reaction. Something in the past I don't know.!
I love that You took his side without knowing any facts 😊
Happy to have you both on my thread to air grievances there is need to get things said and out of your systems. Hope TK will allow leeway, so you can settle this dispute without anyone getting banned. Thought this was settled between you ages ago. I took Al side because you all ganged up on him. I don't know who's right or wrong but like all argument & Marriage tiffs things get said in the heat of the moment. I never go on Utube or Facebook so don't know what was said, however to hold long term grudges is neither healthy or productive. I can't see what Alan has said in his post that is directly aimed at you so surprised at your reaction. Something in the past I don't know.!
That did not come from Sky Forum so why post it here. He has Apologized that he made mistake after being goaded, if you and your friends can't accept it then you have the problem. We are all human and make mistakes I do and so do you, so man up move on or become sad old man like me. fwiw
Think Victoria nabbed them all for David.
Hope you are well Sir. Just popped in to raise a glass to what would have been Trish's Birthday today. Gone but not forgotten. #RIPPaige
PS....see you have had visitors. Ignore is the best policy....they think cos they have 'protection', they can say and goad who they want. Pathetic. Stay safe
gone back over her posts like the one above. She never got over losing her beloved Roddy Cain Terrier. Noticed some posts been deleted. She was treated disrespectfully.
The Tweets deleted were deleted at Trish's request. Sometimes she'd get a little carried away, so she'd ask me to delete a few, & I was happy to oblige.
She was big Rod Stewart fan naming her dog after him. Going to be sad day.
She sometimes got a little carried away, & posted the same thing repeatedly, and would then realise & ask me to delete them. It was no bother.
Can I have my other Puppy back she sent me........... ! cough!
“Someone has directed me to this sad excuse of a thread, cos you think it is 'clever' to have a dig at me for some reason behind my back. Whatever, you sad sad imbecile. Say it to my face, and I will except the the wind up. Hide behind a keyboard, like your rent boy does, and I will take offence.
Anyway, hows the wife??!!! FU!”
Evening Allan
I bow down to your greater knowledge on these things.
To update you, my ex wife is now pretty much confined to a wheelchair
(apologies for the intrusion on your thread Goldon)
I still have the messages where I said I wouldn’t be taking any sides and would remain friends with both of you. You took exception to me still being friends with your ex partner and began with your vitriol towards me
Maybe try and lose some of the misguided bitterness
I took Al side because you all ganged up on him. I don't know who's right or wrong but like all argument & Marriage tiffs things get said in the heat of the moment. I never go on Utube or Facebook so don't know what was said, however to hold long term grudges is neither healthy or productive. I can't see what Alan has said in his post that is directly aimed at you so surprised at your reaction. Something in the past I don't know.!
You took his side without knowing any facts 😊
Thank you for being our mediator 😊
I’ll take a wild stab that
was aimed directly at me 😊
If you are referring to previous post you posted where he apologized then why can't you accept it.