Blimey, think someone has property in the EU and Nigel ..... took pee on his Cabbage Patch. Quarantine ; Puppy dog "Tramp" misses his family .... needs walkies.
Bit of roll reversal here........... I'm, supposed to teach my puppies new tricks keep them on the straight & narrow , pick up the accidental poo, brush them down (give em a treat) send em back into society to fight injustice. Being out shone.
Actually find it hilarious watching someone spend the bulk of their day , rooting out c r a p from the internet and flooding a thread with it . Genuinely think he's on the verge of imploding . Meanwhile all it serves to do is make him look incredibly silly whilst creating publicity for the subject title of the thread . Win , win .
The more you try to discredit someone the more you fear them. The British Public wise to all that now, what with fake news the norm. Sweetener's like pension increase abolish Uni fee's have more effect. If Nigel pledged to reduce the price of a pint. Done Deal........ PM in waiting.
Kiss the Baby Politics shake O.A.P.s hand days are over. Had Labour Candidate knock on the door once, but never Conservative. Once they would have been welcome. !
My experiences of committee voting in Council offices shocked me. You have one minute to put you're case ..... then they all looked away shuffling papers. Not surprised Nigel didn't turn up to vote on the many occasions as EU member, he knew it was waist of his time, as these decisions are thrashed out prior to voting. Look at our Parliament all decided in corridors back slapping perks you vote for my project I'll vote for yours. At least he gives them stick and not just turning up for the money like the House of Lords Members. Government funded O.A.P. home for geriatric MP's. Things need to change he's the person brave enough to do it. fwiw cough!
You have 1 minute on your specialist subject Brexit. Times up 10 points.
Welcome again.
You have 1 minute on General Knowledge. Times up 6 points.
Never going to be Champion Master Mind but neither will anyone in this Government.
He's straight forward talking Celebrity Politician not the " Messier "
He's been a good boy but he's not coming out to play today, so go away.
Quarantine ; Puppy dog "Tramp" misses his family .... needs walkies.
Obviously , you can do the game in your head
Should run out of Diesel soon ........ must need rest with all that muck slinging.
Bit of roll reversal here........... I'm, supposed to teach my puppies new tricks keep them on the straight & narrow , pick up the accidental poo, brush them down (give em a treat) send em back into society to fight injustice. Being out shone.
Genuinely think he's on the verge of imploding .
Meanwhile all it serves to do is make him look incredibly silly whilst creating publicity for the subject title of the thread . Win , win .
Done Deal........ PM in waiting.
Why people don't turn up to vote. !
My experiences of committee voting in Council offices shocked me.
You have one minute to put you're case ..... then they all looked away shuffling papers.
Not surprised Nigel didn't turn up to vote on the many occasions as EU member, he knew it was waist of his time, as these decisions are thrashed out prior to voting.
Look at our Parliament all decided in corridors back slapping perks you vote for my project I'll vote for yours. At least he gives them stick and not just turning up for the money like the House of Lords Members. Government funded O.A.P. home for geriatric MP's. Things need to change he's the person brave enough to do it. fwiw cough!
Sorry "Tramp'ee Puppy" with the runway success of "Lady" your release date has been brexited ....... Parole officer in house of lords asleep. cough!
Really must stop & play more Poker need the points for next week.