Can you please post your tweets which made him react like that. thanks in advance.
Can't speak for anyone else but no tweets from myself, I barely use Twitter. Also no previous private messages or anything of that nature.
I know you're looking for excuses to send messages like that but it's futile. Sometimes people like to present themselves as decent people but in reality they are quite the opposite.
That did not come from Sky Forum so why post it here.
Because it relates to the discussion, and threatening people on social media so that forum mods don't see what's going on isn't acceptable. Also, the message I received clearly wasn't a one off like I initially thought.
There are now multiple, separate incidents of Maxally either personally attacking or threatening violence against forum members, outside of the forum where I believe he feels he can't be held accountable for his actions by site mods/admins.
The messages that @hhyftrftdr and I have posted on here are not in relation to Jac's diary. Each one is an isolated case of Maxally lashing out at people.
I know @hhyftrftdr and I are not alone in receiving these messages - I have been shown, but asked not to share, another similar message that I have also been made aware of in the last hour or so since the first two were posted. If mods/admins wish to do something about the issue, then I can encourage that person to forward messages privately.
He has Apologized that he made mistake after being goaded, if you and your friends can't accept it then you have the problem.
Some things can't be unsaid. I think Maxally's post to @Jac35 falls firmly into that category, as do his PMs to @hhyftrftdr and I. If your actions hurt or threaten somebody, you are not entitled to their forgiveness when you apologise.
In any case, he certainly never apologised to me, and I'd take pretty short odds that he hasn't apologised to @hhyftrftdr either.
Can you please post your tweets which made him react like that. thanks in advance.
In my case, I was slightly out of line too as I responded to his initial behaviour in the chat box by posting on the forum, which I admit was a mistake. That said, Maxally continued to escalate the day after, as well as making the initial comments in table chat with the intent to provoke a response.
I remember that incident pretty well - I had had a really cr*p day for non-Poker reasons. I was playing some stuff to chill out including the £55 Turbo BH @ 10:30. A few levels in I made a marginal but mathematically correct call for a bounty with K9s from the big blind vs an early position shove from Maxally. He held, I got crippled and busted a couple of hands later. I got a totally uncalled for send off in chat which I responded to on the forum because I was grumpy as f**k at the time.
I hadn't done anything to upset Maxally prior, but he had turned against several people who were members of Team Outlaws (including @Jac35 and myself) as well as many of the winning regs on here due to his 'sats for cash' grievances because apparently the Sky Poker forum is a school playground where you can't be friends with Maxally as well as someone he dislikes, or be friends with Maxally if he has a differing point of view to you. I just so happened to fit both of those categories. As someone who once thought of Maxally as a friend to much of the community and a decent person, this inexplicable change in behaviour had been irritating me for a while.
999 times out of 1000 I just ignore chatbox abuse, or copy/paste it to friends for comedy value. He happened to be the wrong person saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to get me to bite. The following afternoon, I received the Facebook PM I posted.
I don't believe I ever made public what he sent me at the time, but as it's clearly no longer an isolated incident, I don't feel benefit of the doubt I gave at the time by not putting it in the public domain is merited any longer. Messaging people threats of violence (or implying same) via social media isn't acceptable, and it certainly can't be ignored when it's shown to be a repeated behaviour.
PS....see you have had visitors. Ignore is the best policy....they think cos they have 'protection', they can say and goad who they want. Pathetic. Stay safe
You've verbally attacked people on here, constantly made digs at people you dislike who have done you no harm, and sent multiple threats of violence over social media for years. Nothing happens from the mods/admins and you have people defending you somehow.
I'm sure the irony of your claiming some people have 'protection' won't be lost on anyone reading this.
I had only Forum information to base my view that Alan was being ganging up on. If he posted the comments & it clearly looks like he did, I do (not) support him for that I saw nothing on here to support your reason for victimising him on this Forum. I also have been at Sky ten years and over that time the usual suspects turn up time and again to put players down. This Bullying and Trolling still goes on here and should stop. Trish Paige55 was one victim, others already gone or been banned suffered. I'm sure they, like Alan, didn't just wake up one morning and launch into those attacks had to have reason. Evil to his credit has owned up to his part in this, time is supposed to be healer. Alan still here posting I had no reason to feel he was the perpetrator or villain you portrayed him to be. Shock to see he was so angry he felt the need to vent. The Forum changes added new features and removed some bad one's. Before TK the Mods were influenced by gang warfare, he now promotes harmony. At some stage you have to give things up, this was aired at length two years ago, is there no hope you all agree to .... live & let live .
I had only Forum information to base my view that Alan was being ganging up on. If he posted the comments & it clearly looks like he did, I do (not) support him for that I saw nothing on here to support your reason for victimising him on this Forum. I also have been at Sky ten years and over that time the usual suspects turn up time and again to put players down. This Bullying and Trolling still goes on here and should stop. Trish Paige55 was one victim, others already gone or been banned suffered. I'm sure they, like Alan, didn't just wake up one morning and launch into those attacks had to have reason. Evil to his credit has owned up to his part in this, time is supposed to be healer. Alan still here posting I had no reason to feel he was the perpetrator or villain you portrayed him to be. Shock to see he was so angry he felt the need to vent. The Forum changes added new features and removed some bad one's. Before TK the Mods were influenced by gang warfare, he now promotes harmony. At some stage you have to give things up, this was aired at length two years ago, is there no hope you all agree to .... live & let live .
That’s pretty reasonable
I’ll own up to what i said to prompt the outburst on my thread
I said i’d Maxallyed my way into the money in a mtt.
So, I guess it was proportionate and i deserved it
Well, after the Storm ( will ) things change, time will tell I hope so. Friendly banter is one thing hate grudge another. I see both sides but only have Forum information to go on. I've been to Casino's but never spoken to Sky players (young guns) even when pointed out to me, not the opportunity. You hear all the time from players who go to Tournaments to play how friendly and how good it is meeting and talking with top players. I class all concerned to be top players so why not be friendly it's been said before " It costs nothing to be nice. " If you can't be nice say nothing. Why after reading all the posts yesterday do I feel the lack of Sincerity to resolve this.
The Forum changes removed player gender from profile so had me calling player a man till she corrected me she was female, sorry for that silly mistake. The removal of the ignore button I thought was good, as you should never ignore people but others mourn it's departure. Some other buttons should also go ( in my eyes ) as they encourage dissent and unhealthy rivalry to eventually using them to get players banned. Never a good thing in my view to want people banned, so please stop using them as weapons, my term spitting on some one simply to amass enough points to get them removed. Anyone can tag player for no reason ..... done it ..... removed them afterward because it's childish just experiment to see reaction and make the point. no buzz 4 me.
So much to like about the new Forum. So what else is there not to like........
Another day in Paradise ........ Double meanings. What we think. What we say. What we do. Three different things. When they become one we may just be getting somewhere. Has everyone scurried back down their holes, waiting for bugle call- or- is everything now out in the open. Do we still need Negotiator - Mediator or "The Terminator."
I know you're looking for excuses to send messages like that but it's futile. Sometimes people like to present themselves as decent people but in reality they are quite the opposite.
There are now multiple, separate incidents of Maxally either personally attacking or threatening violence against forum members, outside of the forum where I believe he feels he can't be held accountable for his actions by site mods/admins.
The messages that @hhyftrftdr and I have posted on here are not in relation to Jac's diary. Each one is an isolated case of Maxally lashing out at people.
I know @hhyftrftdr and I are not alone in receiving these messages - I have been shown, but asked not to share, another similar message that I have also been made aware of in the last hour or so since the first two were posted. If mods/admins wish to do something about the issue, then I can encourage that person to forward messages privately.
Some things can't be unsaid. I think Maxally's post to @Jac35 falls firmly into that category, as do his PMs to @hhyftrftdr and I. If your actions hurt or threaten somebody, you are not entitled to their forgiveness when you apologise.
In any case, he certainly never apologised to me, and I'd take pretty short odds that he hasn't apologised to @hhyftrftdr either.
In my case, I was slightly out of line too as I responded to his initial behaviour in the chat box by posting on the forum, which I admit was a mistake. That said, Maxally continued to escalate the day after, as well as making the initial comments in table chat with the intent to provoke a response.
I remember that incident pretty well - I had had a really cr*p day for non-Poker reasons. I was playing some stuff to chill out including the £55 Turbo BH @ 10:30. A few levels in I made a marginal but mathematically correct call for a bounty with K9s from the big blind vs an early position shove from Maxally. He held, I got crippled and busted a couple of hands later. I got a totally uncalled for send off in chat which I responded to on the forum because I was grumpy as f**k at the time.
I hadn't done anything to upset Maxally prior, but he had turned against several people who were members of Team Outlaws (including @Jac35 and myself) as well as many of the winning regs on here due to his 'sats for cash' grievances because apparently the Sky Poker forum is a school playground where you can't be friends with Maxally as well as someone he dislikes, or be friends with Maxally if he has a differing point of view to you. I just so happened to fit both of those categories. As someone who once thought of Maxally as a friend to much of the community and a decent person, this inexplicable change in behaviour had been irritating me for a while.
999 times out of 1000 I just ignore chatbox abuse, or copy/paste it to friends for comedy value. He happened to be the wrong person saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to get me to bite. The following afternoon, I received the Facebook PM I posted.
I don't believe I ever made public what he sent me at the time, but as it's clearly no longer an isolated incident, I don't feel benefit of the doubt I gave at the time by not putting it in the public domain is merited any longer. Messaging people threats of violence (or implying same) via social media isn't acceptable, and it certainly can't be ignored when it's shown to be a repeated behaviour.
I'm sure the irony of your claiming some people have 'protection' won't be lost on anyone reading this.
If he posted the comments & it clearly looks like he did, I do (not) support him for that I saw nothing on here to support your reason for victimising him on this Forum.
I also have been at Sky ten years and over that time the usual suspects turn up time and again to put players down. This Bullying and Trolling still goes on here and should stop. Trish Paige55 was one victim, others already gone or been banned suffered. I'm sure they, like Alan, didn't just wake up one morning and launch into those attacks had to have reason.
Evil to his credit has owned up to his part in this, time is supposed to be healer. Alan still here posting I had no reason to feel he was the perpetrator or villain you portrayed him to be. Shock to see he was so angry he felt the need to vent.
The Forum changes added new features and removed some bad one's.
Before TK the Mods were influenced by gang warfare, he now promotes harmony.
At some stage you have to give things up, this was aired at length two years ago, is there no hope you all agree to .... live & let live .
I’ll own up to what i said to prompt the outburst on my thread
I said i’d Maxallyed my way into the money in a mtt.
So, I guess it was proportionate and i deserved it
Well, after the Storm ( will ) things change, time will tell I hope so.
Friendly banter is one thing hate grudge another. I see both sides but only have Forum information to go on. I've been to Casino's but never spoken to Sky players (young guns) even when pointed out to me, not the opportunity. You hear all the time from players who go to Tournaments to play how friendly and how good it is meeting and talking with top players. I class all concerned to be top players so why not be friendly it's been said before " It costs nothing to be nice. " If you can't be nice say nothing.
Why after reading all the posts yesterday do I feel the lack of Sincerity to resolve this.
The Forum changes removed player gender from profile so had me calling player a man till she corrected me she was female, sorry for that silly mistake.
The removal of the ignore button I thought was good, as you should never ignore people but others mourn it's departure. Some other buttons should also go ( in my eyes ) as they encourage dissent and unhealthy rivalry to eventually using them to get players banned.
Never a good thing in my view to want people banned, so please stop using them as weapons, my term spitting on some one simply to amass enough points to get them removed. Anyone can tag player for no reason ..... done it ..... removed them afterward because it's childish just experiment to see reaction and make the point. no buzz 4 me.
So much to like about the new Forum. So what else is there not to like........
Born out of confutation turned into love song.
Brexit ..... leave/ remain joining forces to remove the worse PM in history.
The sacrificial Lamb being sent to US and set free by Trump.
The Black Hole in space is racist comment because number plate white is.
What we think. What we say. What we do. Three different things. When they become one we may just be getting somewhere.
Has everyone scurried back down their holes, waiting for bugle call- or- is everything now out in the open.
Do we still need Negotiator - Mediator or "The Terminator."
Looks like a Rock to me..........