Please take care not to get embroiled in slanging match with remain. The rude posts are intended to provoke you so you retaliate with similar which will get you banned. When confronted a Gentleman would have removed them, the fact they are still there tells the Story. Take care my Puppy.
Please take care not to get embroiled in slanging match with remain. The rude posts are intended to provoke you so you retaliate with similar which will get you banned. When confronted a Gentleman would have removed them, the fact they are still there tells the Story. Take care my Puppy.
The posts have already been reported to Tikay ...if he isn't prepared to act on them , then we all know exactly where we stand . I would be very surprised if sky themselves would be happy with being associated with misogynistic sexist posts on a forum that belongs to them, and I'm confident stars certainly wouldn't . Pretty much like real life , certainly not prepared to let stuff this like this slide online , if I think it's wrong .
A judgment call on what is over the mark ...... has not been made.
Who is to blame .... one rule for some ..... other rule for others.
Marquis of Queensbury spinning in his grave.
" Over the mark " it would appear only applies to anyone outside the club . Thing is though, the more complaints to the ultimate paymasters , the harder it is to justify keep running something like this . I am your original dog with a bone !
I think, Remain person thinks you're male ( I did originally ) but as I pointed out to him the Thread was Female he can't say he didn't know. I'm against players being banned and would not wish that to happen to anyone regardless .... just like him to Man- up when asked and remove offending pictures (an apology ) for him would be bridge to far, me finks. Prove me wrong. ! See the Pictures have now been removed & rightly so, took a while much like Brexit.
The fact the usual suspects did ( not ) come to his defense, said , the moral ground was lost. No need to take vote on that. fwiw
Mm! missing Puppy ...... they looking for your Dog License tell them you've been chipped.
I'm extremely busy ignoring the remain trolls ....they do so hate being starved of attention ..get quite annoyed you know , if you don't answer a question .
Did you know........ Tasmanian devils are protected species. I'm conservationist that looks after one. They have this terrible decease ( called rooting out the truth ) difficult to cure........... I believe.!
Phone in Caller to LBC Radio Station regard Brexit.
I have been lifelong voter of the Conservative Party... except when I twice voted Labour and once Lib Dem's ..... I will never vote for them again. Commentator! Which one.!
Do you think I should do a diary ? They seem to be very popular at the moment big would my fan base be ? would they be interested in hearing about 28p dyms , trips to Aldi and antiques ? I could also chuck in the odd recipe .
Twenty Eight Pence sit&go is mega popular no better game to cut your teeth in. If your bag is wrestling bones from Rottweilers this is the game for you. Did you know I taught Vegas Package winner on 28p game.
Twenty Eight Pence sit&go is mega popular no better game to cut your teeth in. If your bag is wrestling bones from Rottweilers this is the game for you. Did you know I taught Vegas Package winner on 28p game.
I have vague recollections of it ...didn't the aftershock cause the thread to go into post apocolayptic troll syndrome?
When confronted a Gentleman would have removed them, the fact they are still there tells the Story. Take care my Puppy.
I would be very surprised if sky themselves would be happy with being associated with misogynistic sexist posts on a forum that belongs to them, and I'm confident stars certainly wouldn't .
Pretty much like real life , certainly not prepared to let stuff this like this slide online , if I think it's wrong .
Who is to blame .... one rule for some ..... other rule for others.
Marquis of Queensbury spinning in his grave.
Thing is though, the more complaints to the ultimate paymasters , the harder it is to justify keep running something like this .
I am your original dog with a bone !
I think, Remain person thinks you're male ( I did originally ) but as I pointed out to him the Thread was Female he can't say he didn't know.
I'm against players being banned and would not wish that to happen to anyone regardless .... just like him to Man- up when asked and remove offending pictures (an apology ) for him would be bridge to far, me finks. Prove me wrong. !
See the Pictures have now been removed & rightly so, took a while much like Brexit.
The fact the usual suspects did ( not ) come to his defense, said , the moral ground was lost. No need to take vote on that. fwiw
Think it's called " Baiting" they do it in Australia to get rid of Feral Pets. cough!
stay in your own comfy lair
I have been lifelong voter of the Conservative Party... except when I twice voted Labour and once Lib Dem's ..... I will never vote for them again. Commentator! Which one.!
I could also chuck in the odd recipe .
If your bag is wrestling bones from Rottweilers this is the game for you.
Did you know I taught Vegas Package winner on 28p game.