Incidentally , your holiday request is denied are on sentry duty ...friday thru to the following thurs ....having a much needed break in the lakes on fri for a few days , then off down to Devon for the funeral on Bank hol Monday ...won't be back until very late weds ...might get some brief spots inbetween if 4g prevails .
Any resemblance I have to a female Cameron is purely coincidental . Will give you a virtual medal on my return , as long as you dont keep saying gimme gimme gimme
Also looks like we are going to be 1 down , we all need to pull our weight
Think I was exaggerating quoting 10 year old's as comparison well here is what they came up with..........for road safety week 3D crossing...... make me slow down.!
Anyone else having trouble with Hyper Mouse on their Computer, jumping all over the place, am I not feeding it enough keeps munching on my words. Need to call Pest Control. Vespapxfindthegremlins cough!
One ; do nothing.
Two ; fight back.
Three; join the Brexit party.
Incidentally , your holiday request is denied are on sentry duty ...friday thru to the following thurs ....having a much needed break in the lakes on fri for a few days , then off down to Devon for the funeral on Bank hol Monday ...won't be back until very late weds
Will give you a virtual medal on my return , as long as you dont keep saying gimme gimme gimme
Also looks like we are going to be 1 down , we all need to pull our weight
Think I was exaggerating quoting 10 year old's as comparison well here is what they came up with..........for road safety week 3D crossing...... make me slow down.!
Anyone else having trouble with Hyper Mouse on their Computer, jumping all over the place, am I not feeding it enough keeps munching on my words.
Need to call Pest Control. Vespapxfindthegremlins cough!