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Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?



  • bearlytherbearlyther Member Posts: 1,757
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : Tikay, I'd like you to comment on the personal comments addressed to myself and some others earlier who said they didn't like DYMs on this thread (bearlythere I think was also personally insulted if you look back).  You said you didn't like that approach in postings a little while back, so I would appreciate some comment...
    Posted by swanstu
    +1 no wonder the forum is dead these days. Doesnt offend me in the least when there only making a fool of themselves but can understand why others would feel insulted.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : Tikay, I'd like you to comment on the personal comments addressed to myself and some others earlier who said they didn't like DYMs on this thread (bearlythere I think was also personally insulted if you look back).  You said you didn't like that approach in postings a little while back, so I would appreciate some comment...
    Posted by swanstu
    To be honest, Stu, your style of posting invites some retaliation, you have repeatedly demeaned, directly or by implication, those of us who enjoy DYM's. Why is that necessary?And we have answered, many of us, repeatedly, me included, why we enjoy them. I'm sure it is not intentional, but it does not come across well, if I may say so. Just my personal opinion, obv.

    "Luckbox rounds

    Seems like one step up from the worst of all, the Russian Roulette games

    Much more skill in either six-max or HUs games 

    Good comparison to the silly RRs IMO,

    Personally I think more"

    Do you really think DYM players, of whom there are a great deal here quietly enjoying themselves, are going to be so damned with faint praise & not respond vigorously?

    Was it REALLY necessary to suggest they resemble RR's so closely? Seems pretty provocative to me, to be honest, but maybe - & I say so in the spirit of reconciliation - I am reading it wrong.

    Anyway, I love poker to bits, I love playing it, it does not cost me a penny, & I'll continue to play DYM's when my health permits. And I definitely wont make demeaning comments about those who choose to play other formats.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Stu. Now, I've got an Update from Las Vegas to manage, so I am gonna move on.   
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2017
    i get called stupid most days i really do , stupid harry and stupid jac call me stupid regulary the stupid idiots if only they knew me ;) its just words on a screen let it go over your head and dunna worry about it.
    stupid stoke
  • swanstuswanstu Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : +1 no wonder the forum is dead these days. Doesnt offend me in the least when there only making a fool of themselves but can understand why others would feel insulted.
    Posted by bearlyther
    Was quite happy to finish with this debate personally up till mister 'call people stupid' stuck an oar in, despite admitting he had nothing to do with these games! Others said similar comments earlier, but apparantly using descriptions of games as being too luckbox is not nice forum etiquette....    :-|
  • swanstuswanstu Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : To be honest, Stu, your style of posting invites some retaliation, you have repeatedly demeaned, directly or by implication, those of us who enjoy DYM's. Why is that necessary?And we have answered, many of us, repeatedly, me included, why we enjoy them. I'm sure it is not intentional, but it does not come across well, if I may say so. Just my personal opinion, obv. "Luckbox rounds Seems like one step up from the worst of all, the Russian Roulette games Much more skill in either six-max or HUs games  Good comparison to the silly RRs IMO, Personally I think more" Do you really think DYM players, of whom there are a great deal here quietly enjoying themselves, are going to be so damned with faint praise & not respond vigorously? Was it REALLY necessary to suggest they resemble RR's so closely? Seems pretty provocative to me, to be honest, but maybe - & I say so in the spirit of reconciliation - I am reading it wrong. Anyway, I love poker to bits, I love playing it, it does not cost me a penny, & I'll continue to play DYM's when my health permits. And I definitely wont make demeaning comments about those who choose to play other formats.   Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Stu. Now, I've got an Update from Las Vegas to manage, so I am gonna move on.   
    Posted by Tikay10

    Anyway seems this debate has run it's course - like trying to make people vote a specific way, neither side will convince the other side, so probably best left as it is now.

    All the best love to all players, including the DYMs which I may still sometimes play (when there's nothing else)...

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : Anyway seems this debate has run it's course - like trying to make people vote a specific way, neither side will convince the other side, so probably best left as it is now. All the best love to all players, including the DYMs which I may still sometimes play (when there's nothing else)... Stu.
    Posted by swanstu
    Likewise, gl Stu.
  • helan1981helan1981 Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    The rake is bad, possible you're against more than one set of players, and you only make a small profit if you win. But, they are way more popular than all the other sngs....???
    Posted by swanstu
    Eaiser for them to cheat and collude copy of the chat on my dym tonight p.s i was registered for the £11 game that is in chat i will probably get banned for this but seriously why would people want to play on here when this is what happens then they just fold everyhand v each other all the time maybe thats why so popular really is inviting for players new or old to see in chat people asking they're buddies to join games that you are registered in really makes you think that it will be a fair game init?

    eon1961: ger i recomend the £11 game
     gerardirl: wil see who is seated mate  22:30
     gerardirl: doubt it will fill mate
     helan1981: now your partner is on holiday 22:33
    gerardirl: did u hear something? 22:34
    eon1961: ? gerardirl: didnt think so
     gerardirl: carry on gerardirl: :) 22:36
     helan1981: great reply girlie just shows how **** the games are on here when u invite mates to join 22:37
     gerardirl: ur welcome to join anytime helan
    gerardirl: i always encourage people to play plo8 MrTedduk: lol gerardirl: if u think we are colluding report it MrTedduk: if only gerardirl: im more interested in generating more traffic in these 22:38 gerardirl: asis eon helan1981: why invite someone to join a table?
    eon1961: so it fills
    gerardirl: because eon has encouraged me to step up to £5 table
     MrTedduk: ffs helan
     helan1981: big jump to 11
    gerardirl: and he is hoping I will move to £11 to increase traffic on those stakes 22:39
    helan1981: can i phone a mate for help see if he plays same game
    gerardirl: pls do
    gerardirl: the more the merrier

    gerardirl: i always encourage people to play plo8
    MrTedduk: lol
    gerardirl: if u think we are colluding report it
    MrTedduk: if only
    gerardirl: im more interested in generating more traffic in these 22:38
    gerardirl: asis eon
     helan1981: why invite someone to join a table?
     eon1961: so it fills
    gerardirl: because eon has encouraged me to step up to £5 table
    MrTedduk: ffs helan
    helan1981: why invite a mate onto a game im regd for
     gerardirl: we just told u helan
     helan1981: sure if it was u it would make you wonder
    gerardirl: i dounderstand where ur coming from
    gerardirl: but trust me
     helan1981: yeah a game im regd in
     gerardirl: it aint the case 22:42
    helan1981: seemed that way
    gerardirl: iunderstand
     helan1981: i was regd he asked u to join
     gerardirl: but its nothong to dowith u
     gerardirl: dont even know u
    MrTedduk: ive got aces ger
     MrTedduk: oops 22:43
    gerardirl: and what about when he asked me to join £11s earlier helan when u werent there?
     gerardirl: ok thats fine
    gerardirl: play what u wish
    helan1981: i was regd till he asked you to join
    gerardirl: but ur very welcome here
    helan1981: thats why he asked you to join 22:44
    gerardirl: i wasnt joining anyway
    gerardirl: ive played 1 £11this year
    helan1981: no probs seems legit
     MrTedduk: nh

    Is this the normal in dyms? you ask your buddie to join games in chat? make other players wonder whats going on?
    Also changed name of player on table 2 but why should i change names of players on table 1 if they done nothing wrong no need for me to change names is there!

    so on my next table i asked for opinions this is what i got.

    xxxxxxxxxx : Not a bad thing
    23:17 helan1981: seems wrong what if i got my mate to play every dym i did is that not a bit iffy
    23:18 helan1981: cash tourneys are best or heads up more fair less chance people colluding like in dyms
    23:19 xxxxxxxx: Im friendly with a few on here and Def nothing like that going on
    helan1981: sorry but it just happened to me again on here
    23:20 xxxxxxxx: See u r point tho
    helan1981: eon1961: ger i recomend the £11 game gerardirl: wil see who is seated mate 22:30 gerardirl: doubt it will fill mate
    helan1981: me and the eon player where only 2 regd at time
    helan1981: so is that normal
    helan1981: well on here
    xxxxxxxx: Regular players and pretty much yes
    23:22 helan1981: so in other words they only play with eac other
    helan1981: or if they can cheat they help each other
    xxxxxxxx: They like LOTS of games doesn't matter who against
    xxxxxxxxx: Just look out for ger ;)
    23:24xxxxxxxx : B good dym player

    So is this  what you want to see when you sit down for a few games?

    I probably wont get to reply to any comments as this will get deleted and i will get banned but this post will be going up on a few poker forums to see what people think.

    In my eyes if in a dym and there is 4 left and your actions make 1 player lose and help another win that is collusion whether it is said or not in chat.

     like when you have 2000 chips 2 others have 4500each roughly shortie has 700 in the small blind and goes all in at 300/600 so its only 100 more to call yet they fold not once but twice but twice they raise you but fold to a 100 raise from the guy they have played 1000s of games v

    Really makes you want to load another Init!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited July 2017

    Firstly Helan, it's not right to cut & paste chat from Tables on here & we don't allow it, & I'm not going to allow further instances. On this occasion, it won't be deleted, & you wont be banned, (as you suggested you would) we are always happy to discuss stuff, but please don't C & P chat from tables onto here, it's improper.  

    If you have a complaint about an issue such as this, send it to CC please & they will investigate it.

    Personally, having read that transcript, I can't see anything improper.

    The PLO8 player pool is fairly small, so most players "know" each other in the virtual sense. That's a very long way from "collusion" which you are suggesting. If 2 players toddle along to a  casino together to play some poker, is that collusion?
    I've played over 20,000 of them, & it's perfectly normal that we suggest to others there is a seat open in a £3er or £11er or whatever. How is that even remotely improper? It's just people trying to get games going.

    Nothing about that is improper or sinister, nothing at all.

    Happy to discuss & debate, but please let'ss quit with cutting & pasting convos on here, or threatening to post it on other forums, as that won't cut any ice.

    If you have a genuine complaint, take it to CC please.

    On your behalf, I will send this to the Poker Team too.
  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited July 2017
    Hi Helan,

    I think you are overeacting, and also adding some untruths as to how the game ended, Im not sure why your doing that as you know Sky can check the hand history.

    Anyhow you are welcome to observe every one of my games and I know you will change your mind from what you posted.

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited July 2017
    I know many of the dym regs I play against in person as well as online.
    This kind of thing will often be suggested if traffic is low. For example Someone may say a £55 has a couple regged and to reg and get it going. Often tables will only fill when 4 or more are regged.
    Then when we play the game we go at each other just as hard as we would with any other players.
    It's a small player pool on here and it's inevitable that regs will know each other.
    I know Tikay and we played a bunch of dyms against each other earlier in the year. Opposite to what you imply, we took delight in busting each other 

    Collusion is rare despite what some seem to think. I've seen a handful of players colluding in dyms in my time on here. All have been banned pretty quickly.

    If you have any doubts then record the game number and report it. It will always be checked by the Sky team if you do that.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    I know many of the dym regs I play against in person as well as online. This kind of thing will often be suggested if traffic is low. For example Someone may say a £55 has a couple regged and to reg and get it going. Often tables will only fill when 4 or more are regged. Then when we play the game we go at each other just as hard as we would with any other players. It's a small player pool on here and it's inevitable that regs will know each other. Collusion is rare despite what some seem to think. I've seen a handful of players colliding in dyms in my time on here. All have been banned pretty quickly. If you have any doubts then record that game number and report it. It will always be checked by the Sky team if you do that.
    Posted by Jac35
    I have seen that happen, literally, thousands of times, though in my case in lower stake games.

    There's is nothing whatsoever improper in it.

    Mot of the player base here know each other in the virtual sense, & it just happens to be a site where most of the player base are friendly, & chat to each other.

    Long may it last.

  • helan1981helan1981 Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2017
    lines 35-36  gerardirl: i dounderstand where ur coming from
    gerardirl: but trust me                          from 1st table think its line 15/16

    and from second table                  23:20 xxxxxxxx: See u r point tho     line 7

    But nothing wrong with those comments and why should i not copy and paste in my mind what is proof of what i am claiming? would it be more acceptable if i never named those or shared what they said?
    then people claim im making it up ifwhat they said  is really ok as you say i see no problem in posting it as if as you say that is normal then i look stupid and people dont care those players invite people to join certain tables.

    So maybe i should sit on the phone tell someonhow to play and just play dyms when they play.

    just because you have played x amount of games does not relly mean anything when you have played about half of them v 1 of the players above.

  • helan1981helan1981 Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    Hi Helan, I think you are overeacting, and also adding some untruths as to how the game ended, Im not sure why your doing that as you know Sky can check the hand history. Anyhow you are welcome to observe every one of my games and I know you will change your mind from what you posted. Regards Ger
    Posted by gerardirl
    Not said 1 thing about hands just chat so no untruths from me just chat after all
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : Not said 1 thing about hands just chat so no untruths from me just chat after all
    Posted by helan1981
    You wrote this;

    "like when you have 2000 chips 2 others have 4500each roughly shortie has 700 in the small blind and goes all in at 300/600 so its only 100 more to call yet they fold not once but twice but twice they raise you but fold to a 100 raise from the guy they have played 1000s of games v"

    So were saying that happened, or it could happen? If it happened, send the names of the players involved, & the rough time & date of the game, & it will be investigated.

    Genuinely, if you have concerns, raise them with CC, & they will pass them across to the Poker Team who will interrogate the Hand Histories, & if they are not satisfied, they will pass everything to Fraud & Security.
  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited July 2017
    No but Helan when you say someone is sat with 700 chips and bb is 600 and chipleader folds dont you think that is implying it happened in our game? When you know it was nothing like that.

    You made your mind up from Eon inviting me to play an £11. There must be some history here where you feel you have been wrongly colluded against in the past. It has happened to me before and its perectly understandable to be weary.

    All Im saying is dont be so quick to make someone guilty as if you observe or play more games with me you will know there is nothing funny going on. Im friendly to a lot of plo8 dym players, and why not?

    Hopefully you will reconsider your judgement.


  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,727
    edited July 2017
    You're calling this wrong. There aren't enough people who play PLO8 so games take a while to fill. So if you're in the lobby for 15mins and you know that game is going to last 40mins you'll try to drum up business from the games you're playing using chat. This is completely standard. These guys are always playing together, but crucially always busting one another.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    lines 35-36  gerardirl: i dounderstand where ur coming from gerardirl: but trust me                          from 1st table think its line 15/16 and from second table                  23:20 xxxxxxxx : See u r point tho     line 7 But nothing wrong with those comments and why should i not copy and paste in my mind what is proof of what i am claiming? would it be more acceptable if i never named those or shared what they said? then people claim im making it up ifwhat they said  is really ok as you say i see no problem in posting it as if as you say that is normal then i look stupid and people dont care those players invite people to join certain tables. So maybe i should sit on the phone tell someonhow to play and just play dyms when they play. just because you have played x amount of games does not relly mean anything when you have played about half of them v 1 of the players above.  
    Posted by helan1981
    Because if you have proof of malpractice, you should send it to Sky Poker CC, who will investigate it. You can't just make unsubstantiated allegations on a public forum.

    There's nothing improper about inviting other players to play a game.

    I have not played "half my games" against any individual, so that's an untruth. I have played a LOT against the same players, as the PLO8 DYM player base is small & I've played over 23,000 PLO8 DYM's. 

    Helan, you are getting yourself wound up here over nothing, please take a step back & reconsider
    . And, given what you have said, I strongly suggest you raise the matter with CC.

    I have already sent your Posts to the Poker Team so they can take a look.

    I'm happy to debate it with you, but if it comes to accusations of malpractice, then that's for CC, not this forum or me, & any non-Compliant Posts will be removed.

  • helan1981helan1981 Member Posts: 48
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : You wrote this; "like when you have 2000 chips 2 others have 4500each roughly shortie has 700 in the small blind and goes all in at 300/600 so its only 100 more to call yet they fold not once but twice but twice they raise you but fold to a 100 raise from the guy they have played 1000s of games v" So were saying that happened, or it could happen? If it happened, send the names of the players involved, & the rough time & date of the game, & it will be investigated. Genuinely, if you have concerns, raise them with CC, & they will pass them across to the Poker Team who will interrogate the Hand Histories, & if they are not satisfied, they will pass everything to Fraud & Security.
    Posted by Tikay10

    That quote was an example of another expierience and nowhere in my post did i say it was anything to do with that game hence why it was at the bottom of the post and started with like when you have.
    sure i reported it at the time but nothing was done just got told it would be passed to our poker team for investigation  but of course there is no proof not like a copy and paste of chat of course that can be denied as well but seeing as 1 of the persons has replied twice and not once disputed the chat history provided by me then thats for others to decide init
  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited July 2017
    So nothing I can do to change your mind then?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : That quote was an example of another expierience and nowhere in my post did i say it was anything to do with that game hence why it was at the bottom of the post and started with like when you have. sure i reported it at the time but nothing was done just got told it would be passed to our poker team for investigation  but of course there is no proof not like a copy and paste of chat of course that can be denied as well but seeing as 1 of the persons has replied twice and not once disputed the chat history provided by me then thats for others to decide init
    Posted by helan1981
    Why would they dispute it? There's nothing to dispute in the chat history, & the chat history is not improper in any way.

    It is not improper to openly invite another player or players to register for a game to help it fill.
    If it were improper, I daresay they'd use Skype, or Text or Message or whatever, not post it publicly where everyone can see it.

    Take it to CC please, as I have repeatedly suggested.

    On the basis of what you have posted, nothing improper has happened.  
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