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Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?



  • safc71safc71 Member Posts: 1,544
    edited July 2017
    Helan i play pl08 bounty hunter almost every day and sometimes play pl08 dym i have come across both eon and gerardirl numerous times and have found them to play a honest game. Yes they may fold a lot but i put that down to there style of play (only betting on good hands / not risking there stack). It may feel that they are targeting you but to be honest i think there just hit big when there have good hands it was just coincidence that it was on your bb a few times. When ever they have went big against me and i have called them or reraised them they sure enough have had a good hand not trying to chip bully me to shore things up.
    Imo they seem honest players but admittedly i don't play pl08 dym every day i can only go of my experience when i play them. as for the chat there where only trying to get the next game up and running it can be difficult to get a pl08 dym of the ground that is why i don't play them much and play pl08 tournaments.
  • safc71safc71 Member Posts: 1,544
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    I know many of the dym regs I play against in person as well as online. This kind of thing will often be suggested if traffic is low. For example Someone may say a £55 has a couple regged and to reg and get it going. Often tables will only fill when 4 or more are regged. Then when we play the game we go at each other just as hard as we would with any other players. It's a small player pool on here and it's inevitable that regs will know each other. I know Tikay and we played a bunch of dyms against each other earlier in the year. Opposite to what you imply, we took delight in busting each other  Collusion is rare despite what some seem to think. I've seen a handful of players colluding in dyms in my time on here. All have been banned pretty quickly. If you have any doubts then record the game number and report it. It will always be checked by the Sky team if you do that.
    Posted by Jac35
    +1 well said
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,660
    edited July 2017
    Helan I have only just noticed this thread. I am a PLO8 regular and frequently play with the players who have commented here. There is nothing wrong with asking other players to join games. Sadly the plo8 traffic is not heavy enough to simply rely on them filling naturally. By encouraging other regs to play we are actually making the games harder for ourselves, not easier. If I had any inclination that collusion was occuring I would report it to CC NOT post on an open forum, I dont think I have ever done so on Sky. I will be back in the UK next week and hope to play some plo8 hopefully I will see you on the tables and we can have an enjoyable game.
  • bearlytherbearlyther Member Posts: 1,757
    edited July 2017
    This case youve mentioned Helen doesnt sound like collusion at all in my opinion. I think its a very small minority that collude and sky usually deal with it pretty well based on what others have said.

    That being said its probably the most likely format of the game for people to collude in due to the nature of the payout structure.
  • safc71safc71 Member Posts: 1,544
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    This case youve mentioned Helen doesnt sound like collusion at all in my opinion. I think its a very small minority that collude and sky usually deal with it pretty well based on what others have said. That being said its probably the most likely format of the game for people to collude in due to the nature of the format. 
    Posted by bearlyther
    Imo pl08 is harder to collude in or bluff in than say texas holdem due to the many different out's that players are betting on. With four cards and betting on the high pot and low pot its harder to bluff or collude that is why i and others enjoy it.  
  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited July 2017
    So many inconsistencies with your claims, it is hard to know where to start...but here goes

    1)  I have played gerard many many times, and he certainly isn't a cheat.

    2) What you have described isn't even cheating, especially on a site like sky with such a small playerbase and close group of friends.

    3) DYM's are so popular on here in no small part to the community challenges that the players themselves run.  These challenges involve beating their friends.  You know, like, beating them.

    4)  This quote shows your absolute lack of understanding how poker even works..

    In my eyes if in a dym and there is 4 left and your actions make 1 player lose and help another win that is collusion whether it is said or not in chat.

    EVERY single action, from the second you buy in, helps some players win and others lose.

    You sir, are a twit.
  • eon1961eon1961 Member Posts: 1,795
    edited July 2017
    Anyone fancy a game of PLO8
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited July 2017
    Different players like different games and certain games suit the styles of certain players. With dyms you don't have to be the best player at the table to make money and they are relatively simple to play and quite low variance. There seems to be a lack of understanding by some of the complexities of shoving and calling ranges. This is key in lots of formats of the game and some players would of spent hours and hours working on ranges to help them make the best decisions possible. Thinking its bingo poker is pretty ignorant of this.

    I think players should be keeping an eye out for suspect play in all formats of the game. Sats are DyMs by the nature of the payouts are the most likely for collusion. If you suspect something then report it to customer care. Often players don't understand the nature of some of these games and suspect something dodgy when it is just players preserving their stack. 

    I wouldn't be that concerned about collusion with people saying stuff in chat unless those individuals are not the brightest. There are plenty of private communication forms that players could use rather than chat which a site could use against them as evidence.
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    Anyone fancy a game of PLO8
    Posted by eon1961

      Yes please, you open one m8, will be with you Monday.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,921
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? :   Yes please, you open one m8, will be with you Monday.
    Posted by pomfrittes
    ha , they take that long to fill eh , ill have a word on my tables and give people the nudge ;)
  • eon1961eon1961 Member Posts: 1,795
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? :   Yes please, you open one m8, will be with you Monday.
    Posted by pomfrittes
    Hi Pom, hope you are enjoying your break
  • CATCH-22CATCH-22 Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2017
    Having recently aciddentaly reged one o those funny 4 card games I found myself on a table with ger and eon (dont know em)
    but found it to be quite an enjoyable (if confusing) experience.
     As i managed to win it i can only conclude that they colluded to give me their chips. Very nice of them. Might even try a few more in preperation for the return of Mr T

    Anyway only came on to say that from what Ihave seen think the original poster misunderstood the chat between ger and eon

    Stick and wrong end of
  • gerardirlgerardirl Member Posts: 1,299
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : Eaiser for them to cheat and collude copy of the chat on my dym tonight p.s i was registered for the £11 game that is in chat i will probably get banned for this but seriously why would people want to play on here when this is what happens then they just fold everyhand v each other all the time maybe thats why so popular really is inviting for players new or old to see in chat people asking they're buddies to join games that you are registered in really makes you think that it will be a fair game init? eon1961: ger i recomend the £11 game  gerardirl: wil see who is seated mate  22:30  gerardirl: doubt it will fill mate  helan1981: now your partner is on holiday 22:33 gerardirl: did u hear something? 22:34 eon1961: ? gerardirl: didnt think so  gerardirl: carry on gerardirl: :) 22:36  helan1981: great reply girlie just shows how **** the games are on here when u invite mates to join 22:37  gerardirl: ur welcome to join anytime helan gerardirl: i always encourage people to play plo8 MrTedduk: lol gerardirl: if u think we are colluding report it MrTedduk: if only gerardirl: im more interested in generating more traffic in these 22:38 gerardirl: asis eon helan1981: why invite someone to join a table? eon1961: so it fills gerardirl: because eon has encouraged me to step up to £5 table  MrTedduk: ffs helan  helan1981: big jump to 11 gerardirl: and he is hoping I will move to £11 to increase traffic on those stakes 22:39 helan1981: can i phone a mate for help see if he plays same game gerardirl: pls do gerardirl: the more the merrier gerardirl: i always encourage people to play plo8 MrTedduk: lol gerardirl: if u think we are colluding report it MrTedduk: if only gerardirl: im more interested in generating more traffic in these 22:38 gerardirl: asis eon  helan1981: why invite someone to join a table?  eon1961: so it fills gerardirl: because eon has encouraged me to step up to £5 table MrTedduk: ffs helan helan1981: why invite a mate onto a game im regd for  gerardirl: we just told u helan  helan1981: sure if it was u it would make you wonder gerardirl: i dounderstand where ur coming from gerardirl: but trust me  helan1981: yeah a game im regd in  gerardirl: it aint the case 22:42 helan1981: seemed that way gerardirl: iunderstand  helan1981: i was regd he asked u to join  gerardirl: but its nothong to dowith u  gerardirl: dont even know u MrTedduk: ive got aces ger  MrTedduk: oops 22:43 gerardirl: and what about when he asked me to join £11s earlier helan when u werent there?  gerardirl: ok thats fine gerardirl: play what u wish helan1981: i was regd till he asked you to join gerardirl: but ur very welcome here helan1981: thats why he asked you to join 22:44 gerardirl: i wasnt joining anyway gerardirl: ive played 1 £11this year helan1981: no probs seems legit  MrTedduk: nh Is this the normal in dyms? you ask your buddie to join games in chat? make other players wonder whats going on? Also changed name of player on table 2 but why should i change names of players on table 1 if they done nothing wrong no need for me to change names is there! so on my next table i asked for opinions this is what i got. 23:16 xxxxxxxxxx : Not a bad thing 23:17 helan1981 : seems wrong what if i got my mate to play every dym i did is that not a bit iffy 23:18 helan1981 : cash tourneys are best or heads up more fair less chance people colluding like in dyms 23:19 xxxxxxxx : Im friendly with a few on here and Def nothing like that going on helan1981 : sorry but it just happened to me again on here 23:20 xxxxxxxx : See u r point tho helan1981 : eon1961: ger i recomend the £11 game gerardirl: wil see who is seated mate 22:30 gerardirl: doubt it will fill mate helan1981 : me and the eon player where only 2 regd at time 23:21 Sky Poker : The £500 Turbo Bounty Hunter tournament is about to start click here now to register for £11 helan1981 : so is that normal helan1981 : well on here xxxxxxxx : Regular players and pretty much yes 23:22 helan1981 : so in other words they only play with eac other helan1981 : or if they can cheat they help each other xxxxxxxx : They like LOTS of games doesn't matter who against xxxxxxxxx : Just look out for ger ;) 23:24 xxxxxxxx : B good dym player So is this  what you want to see when you sit down for a few games? I probably wont get to reply to any comments as this will get deleted and i will get banned but this post will be going up on a few poker forums to see what people think. In my eyes if in a dym and there is 4 left and your actions make 1 player lose and help another win that is collusion whether it is said or not in chat.  like when you have 2000 chips 2 others have 4500each roughly shortie has 700 in the small blind and goes all in at 300/600 so its only 100 more to call yet they fold not once but twice but twice they raise you but fold to a 100 raise from the guy they have played 1000s of games v Really makes you want to load another Init!
    Posted by helan1981

    Looks like Tikay could be in trouble too! ;). And I thought Tikay was working!
  • swanstuswanstu Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    Having recently aciddentaly reged one o those funny 4 card games I found myself on a table with ger and eon (dont know em) but found it to be quite an enjoyable (if confusing) experience.  As i managed to win it i can only conclude that they colluded to give me their chips. Very nice of them. Might even try a few more in preperation for the return of Mr T Anyway only came on to say that from what Ihave seen think the original poster misunderstood the chat between ger and eon Stick and wrong end of
    Posted by CATCH-22

    Just to point out this was not the OP (me) who made this, very different, claim about collusion in this case. My post was about a much wider question, which seems to have now gone towards a specific debate.

    To address Helan (who did make this claim), I would however ask why, if you don't like the idea of possible collusion, do you play DYMs? If you are worried about the issue and format, then just play a different format game instead - there are plenty others who need some seats filling!


  • weecheez1weecheez1 Member Posts: 1,686
    edited July 2017
    I try to steer clear of threads that are not positive but this is absolute nonsense the two players you are talking about are two of the best people that play the plo8 dyms on here they don't need to cheat 
  • jdsallstarjdsallstar Member Posts: 1,675
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : Just to point out this was not the OP (me) who made this, very different, claim about collusion in this case. My post was about a much wider question, which seems to have now gone towards a specific debate. To address Helan (who did make this claim), I would however ask why, if you don't like the idea of possible collusion, do you play DYMs? If you are worried about the issue and format, then just play a different format game instead - there are plenty others who need some seats filling! Stu.
    Posted by swanstu
    She doesnt need to worry about collusion in dyms as the instance of collusion in dym's is very rare. I've played 1000'sof dyms on sky and could count on one hand the instances of collusion I've come across.
  • swanstuswanstu Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : She doesnt need to worry about collusion in dyms as the instance of collusion in dym's is very rare. I've played 1000'sof dyms on sky and could count on one hand the instances of collusion I've come across.
    Posted by jdsallstar
    That may be true, but I still wonder why someone who is worried about this would chose this game in that case.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : That may be true, but I still wonder why someone who is worried about this would chose this game in that case.
    Posted by swanstu
    You could always stop wondering and just play the games you like.

    Just a thought 
  • swanstuswanstu Member Posts: 261
    edited July 2017
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs?:
    In Response to Re: Why are DYMs so popular compared to other sngs? : You could always stop wondering and just play the games you like. Just a thought 
    Posted by Jac35

    I was actually addressing Helan based on her posts Jac.

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