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On the Quest for the 4-Figure Score



  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Ha! Sadly not, though there was an odd thing on tv last year where someone put a gopro on a reindeer for a day - can confirm it looked busy!

    Classical music - so loads of concerts, etc this time of year.

    Reading your posts in a PLO8 thread - was there a particular moment in your life or epiphany where you suddenly realised 2 cards wasn't enough for you and that the future was 4?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,726

    Ha! Sadly not, though there was an odd thing on tv last year where someone put a gopro on a reindeer for a day - can confirm it looked busy!

    Classical music - so loads of concerts, etc this time of year.

    Reading your posts in a PLO8 thread - was there a particular moment in your life or epiphany where you suddenly realised 2 cards wasn't enough for you and that the future was 4?

    Classical music? In which way? As a player, singer, organiser, promoter, retailer?

    What sort of classical music?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,726
    edited December 2017

    Ha! Sadly not, though there was an odd thing on tv last year where someone put a gopro on a reindeer for a day - can confirm it looked busy!

    Classical music - so loads of concerts, etc this time of year.

    Reading your posts in a PLO8 thread - was there a particular moment in your life or epiphany where you suddenly realised 2 cards wasn't enough for you and that the future was 4?

    Good question. I'm not really sure, to be honest.

    Prompted by your question, I just looked myself up on THM, & of my first 8 "live" cashes, (this was back in 2003/4) 5 were in PLO. (There was almost no "Live" PLO8 in those days).

    My first ever live cash was in PLO, too, so I guess I always had a liking for it.

    Then they introduced PLO Rebuys, & that destroyed "Live" PLO for many years, as those with deep pockets just treated it as a sort of roulette with cards & went pot-pot-pot to get it all in pre.

    In one not-so memorable WSOP $1,000 PLO Re-Entry or Rebuy, Danny Negreanu re-entered 11 times.

    I was on the Ladbrokes Cruise in 2004 or 5, & there was a £500 PLO Re-Entry. I think Paul "ActionJack" Jackson re-entered 23 times.

    Well good luck to them, but to those of us who could not afford that sort of money, it seemed very unfair, & so the "Live" PLO game went out of fashion for a few years.

    I'm not actually sure what I most prefer - PLO or PLO8. My best results in the WSOP are in PLO8, where I have 6 or 7 cashes & a best finish of 12th, but I had a really good run (36th of 776) in a WSOP PLO last year as well.

    Strangely there's a twist to the tale. I've played both SPT's this year - NLH, obv - & to my surprise, not disgraced myself at all. Maybe I'll return to NLH one day.

    For now, though, I remain an Omaha devotee, be it 4, 5 or 6 card, regular PLO or 8 or Better. I play a full schedule of PLO & PLO8 in Vegas each summer, & generally manage 4 or 5 cashes. I also play a lot of Big O cash in Vegas with reasonable success. (Big O is 5 card High Low).

    Good question, sorry for rambling on, but you hit the sweet spot.
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Performer, instrumental - consider myself very lucky to do the thing I love as a job. But then, from what you've said above you must also feel similarly to be able to work in Poker? Moans and bad beats etc aside, we're all pretty fortunate to be able to enjoy a good game of cards really!

    Fun stories. Did those players make re-entering 23 times profitable?! Sounds crazy!

    Will have to give this PLO8 stuff more attention in future. Main irk of it is when you make quads or something only to chop with someone who had a random 24o or whatever! Part of the approach though I suppose, trying to scoop both. Will probably give it a bash next UKOPS!
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Hey guys, going to do a very brief review of the year and some goals for next year. Played a bunch over Christmas and got destroyed! Think my mindset was pretty bad for it and played too many tables but honestly would say it's the worst stretch of runbad I've ever had in poker (what we all say, I know I know).

    -Moved 80% of my poker to Sky (now close to 100%)
    -Made profit
    -Got wrecked in big events!
    -Started working on my game
    -Started posting on the forum

    Goals for 2018:

    -Get a star on Sharkscope...
    Lots of people will lol at this and it's pretty ambitious in comparison to how I did this year, but meh - aim high, etc! Would have to be profit leaderboard as I have zero chance of making the volume leaderboard based on the following goal:

    -Play mostly Sundays with low table count
    One thing I have learned this year is that I'm definitely not a grinder. I simply don't play often enough to mass multitable effectively and prefer to be in a more relaxed state when I play. Playing a gazillion tables requiring attention then the phone goes then gf starts asking if we can make some party 3 months from now just gets too much for my poor brain to handle efficiently!

    -Always be nice to people at the tables
    Playing fewer tables leaves more time for chatting to people at the tables which is something I enjoy doing. To be fair to myself, 9/10 times I'm polite and courteous to people but sometimes this year I have been guilty of the odd Hellmuth-esque explosion! Nothing offensive or malicious - more ranting about bad luck, which when people are there playing for fun and to enjoy themselves isn't on really. Nobody wants to listen to a sore loser! Also a sign of mental game weakness and things to work on in that avenue.

    -Work on mental game
    Whilst I work a lot on my game in the week, it often feels like when I get to the felt I'm just not using the information I've learnt. Too much autopilot and playing standard abc game often made on split second decisions without thinking things through. Think low table count will help with this too.

    Only really talking poker goals here rather than the ones I have for 'real life' but will put this down as it's sort of relevant. 4 years ago I would (arrogantly...) have put myself in the top 1-2% for fitness. Nowadays it's more of the 5-10% bracket probably and I want to get back to where I was. Genuinely think this is such an important area of life that often gets overlooked and the knock-on effects both positive and negative into other areas of life can be huge.

    -Get a 4 figure score

    Not going to reset sharkscope for the year so will post homemade excel graphs for the year along the way!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,726

    That's a great update, Angmar, good luck.
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Hi guys, quick update with a few homemade graphs - flippin' love a good exel graph!

    Been having the occasional dabble in cash - nothing serious just starting at 10nl with some 20nl to see if I can run something up. More to practice deepstack play for MTTs than to achieve any kind of goal though.

    Big problem in MTTs is I start autopiloting too much after a couple of hours so I've found a way to stop that which I tried out yesterday eve and it helped keep my head in the game ha! Results so far this year not great but early days yet

    Obviously can't control the results of the above graphs so decided to graph something that I can control and can only go in an upwards direction: hours studied!
    Failed first week and did zero. Managed a pitiful 2 this week but an improvement on last week! Only counting actual work, not watching a youtube video in the background etc.

    Will play tomorrow eve, glgl!
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    Best of luck with the goals for 2018 Angmar.

    That last graph of yours is particularly sexy :). If you don't mind me asking, what sort of things does 'poker study' consist of for you?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,726

    More graphs please. Love 'em.
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789

    (re studying)...Only counting actual work, not watching a youtube video in the background

    That doesn't count? Flip :/
  • JJBinksJJBinks Member Posts: 440
    Great read Angmar glgl
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    MynaFrett said:

    (re studying)...Only counting actual work, not watching a youtube video in the background

    That doesn't count? Flip :/
    Haha I know, if only! Would be the studying king if it did! :tongue:
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886

    Best of luck with the goals for 2018 Angmar.

    That last graph of yours is particularly sexy :). If you don't mind me asking, what sort of things does 'poker study' consist of for you?

    Being 'in the lab' as they say...

    Probably the things I need to work on are super comfortable for you and visa versa :tongue:
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    JJBinks said:

    Great read Angmar glgl

    ty sir, enjoying your posts on the forum recently! It's great that you're helping people out
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Tikay10 said:

    More graphs please. Love 'em.

    Planning to fire everything on Super Sunday if and only if I've done enough study beforehand, so here's what my year to date graph COULD look like if I brick everything that day :smile:

    By the by, being able to instantly upload images to the forum is absolutely mega. Previously it would be like 'here's a graph - you might be able to see it in a week's time...' So much better now!!
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    GambeloSmall blind75.0075.004700.00
    chicknMeltBig blind150.00225.0013844.50
    Your hole cards
    • 8
    • 7
    • 8
    • 7
    • J
    • A
    • J
    • 6
    • 5
    • 7
    • K
    THEROCK573WinPair of Jacks4385.004385.00
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Not played villain before but he played reggy.

    In a freezeout the above hand would be a raise/fold but in bounty hunters just how wide do people like to call rejams when there's a bounty at stake?

    All thoughts welcome!
  • DuesenbergDuesenberg Member Posts: 1,750
    edited January 2018
    It's an interesting spot.

    In your far greater experience than mine, how often would you generally expect regs to be 3bet jamming here with a polarised range as opposed to a linear range?

    Forgetting the bounty for a moment, you need 41% equity vs the villains range to make this a profitable call. If you think they'll be polarised a fair whack of the time then you're good to hit that call button in my opinion - you'll be well ahead of significant parts their bluffing range enough to balance out the times you run into the value end of it (you only need 41% in total at the end of the day).

    If they are only ever jamming here with a linear range then your 87s is probably looking at having something like 35% equity vs that kind of range. If polarised jamming ranges are as rare as hens teeth in these games then the question really becomes all about how much value one should place on trying to secure some immediate ROI compared to the current value of your chips, given that you expect to be getting it in as an underdog with incorrect pot odds. I'd imagine ICM would be the deciding factor here. In early to mid-game stages it's probably an ok spot to roll the dice (after all, you only need to make up about 6% here), but around the bubble and beyond I think it would be an all round -EV play to call.

    What would your 3bet jamming range look like here vs a co open?

    Would be fascinated to hear the views of those more knowledgeable and experienced than myself on this.

  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Didn't really play poker last week as away for most of it, even had to skip Sunday which is sad as Sunday mtts on Sky are so much fun.

    Will be back to playing on Super Sunday which am hugely looking forward to and will be playing all the big events that day so plenty of chances to luck-box a score!

    Study-wise managed a little bit more last week but still been fairly slack in this department. Will aim to do a lot more this week before huge Sunday!

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Firstly rock has played a decent number of games on sky over a fair few years and done so profitably. I would expect he is jamming something he is happy to get called by.
    I think our stack size is important here. We want to be picking up bounties as we go through the tournament as it can and should be a decent amount of £ for us. If we had a bigger stack then I think we can call as it doesn't effect the playability of our stack. In this situation I think we should fold.
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