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RNG gets worse



  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036

    Are you all deliberately missing my point? What im saying about the RNG is this: Considering the cards are supposed to be dealt at random why do the cards in the games i play,whether im in the hand or not,consistently and conveniently always seem to relate to the the cards left in ie hole cards. Are you seriously trying to tell me this is a completely random occurence? My suggestion is not that skypoker is fiddling the hands my suggestion is that whoever provides the RNG creates the RNG to produce the cards in such a way as to keep all interested parties in play. Are you seriously suggesting none of the tables you play on on here show this? Have you never sat there and questioned it yourself? If you havent id be very surprised. My original post about this mormings tourny? Is that run of cards realistic?

    How do we make the RNG more R?
  • allibone03allibone03 Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2018
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    "......consistently and conveniently always seem to relate to the the cards left in ie hole cards....."

    And there is the answer, the word "seem".

    Every time a hand pays out normally - Aces beat Jacks or whatever, which happens around 80% of the time - nobody bats an eyelid.

    When the Jack pops out, everyone remembers it. So everyone remembers something that occurs 20% of the time, & everyone forgets the 80% of the times it did not.

    That's called selective memory.

    There you go. No digs, no sarcasm, no mocking, just the facts.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2018
    How about this beaut?

    This is the FIRST HAND of the WSOP Main Event.
  • allibone03allibone03 Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2018
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118

    Tikay you do talk a lot of sense however i see no proof or facts in your post. Where is the evidence that 80pc chances win 80pc of the time on here. I dont see it maybe i will have to start sitting at the tables you play on.

    You are the one that has come on here and suggested various things with 0 facts or basis apart from your selective memory of what has gone on.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Hi Alibone
    The brain is a wonderful complex thing
    I would suggest you are seeing random cards and trying to make sense of random.
    I have played quite a few games on here, mostly mtt’s , thousands upon thousands of hands, sometimes hands are won by a single raise pre, which doesn’t help your case, sometimes 4 players see a flop, one bets all others fold, also doesn’t help.
    The point I’m trying to make is - your brain forgets the straightforward and remembers the not so straightforward hence swaying your judgement, similar to remembering the bad beats but forgetting the times we suck out on folk.
    In random is random?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    You have not produced any proof either. You've been requested several times to post the Hand Histories, but have declined.

    You can sit & watch me play all day, I don't mind, but you'll soon fall fast asleep, I'm super nitty so don't play many hands. I once grew a beard in between playing 2 hands.

    I also mainly play PL08, &, realistically, there is virtually no such thing as an 80% shot in PLO8.

    I would suggest that you never - never ever - try to play PLO or PLO8. If you do, you'll learn all about brutal run-outs.

    Can I ask you to stop being so defensive please? People are trying to help you, & you are not responding well to them.

    SB&G, which owns Sky Poker, is worth - literally - billions of pounds. Sky Poker is a tiny fraction of SB&G, maybe only 1 or 2%. Do you really think SB&G are going to throw a moody on their poker site & jeopardise their Licence from the GC? No licence = no business.

  • allibone03allibone03 Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2018
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    It is easy to remember the action cards that come out and see it poker being rigged. As Tom has said we forget the numerous boring hands that occur where it is raise and everyone folds or someone takes down the pot with a continuation bet on the flop. It is just the nature of the game that certain cards will complete certain hands and stimulate action. For example a card may give one player a set and completes a draw for another payer. I think most of us when watching poker on tv call out for certain cards as you know it will improve two players hands and get some action going. Just because something is unlikely to occur over a certain number of hands doesn't mean it cant happen or that it isn't random.

    Also, if you make a correct fold preflop why concern yourself with whether those cards would of made a hand?
  • allibone03allibone03 Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2018
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2018

    In what way is my post related to selective memory? Ive commented on what i have seen on here in games/tournies that i have PAID to play in. I stated in my posts that none of this thread is about bad beats on my behalf or any suggestion that the site is rigged.My suggestion was that the RNG is garbage.I invest enough money in this site to entitle me to my opinion however it seems this doesnt go down to well on this forum.

    Your whole post is based on selective memory.

    You remember what you want to remember, & forget all the other hands. That's selective memory at work.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    Hi again
    You mentioned in your op about 4 hands in 45 mins, could you relay what happened in 4 of the other hands please?
  • allibone03allibone03 Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2018
    u a
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2018

    The reason ive not posted any hands on here is...I CANT. I play on a netbook and even though ive tried to upload hands following the advice given in other threads this thing will not do it so i hope that puts an end to the implication that im lying. Do people on here seriously think ive nothing better to do than come on here and tell lies? I want this site to be better because i ACTUALLY enjoy playing on here(s### RNG and all). I posted about a great tournie i played in on here only last week. However every criticism/suggestion is met by the usual attacks about selective memory etc. I also find it strange how its always the same people who immediately jump to defend sky-i wasnt attacking sky so this baffles me. I actually won an SPT seat last friday(even though sharkscope doesnt seem to want to acknowledge this haha) so theres plenty im happy with as well. I just think the RNG needs looking at if others dont fine.

    I was the one who raised the matter of "selective memory", but I never once attacked you or suggested you were lying. I gave you the facts, that's all. You are a victim of selective memory, no more, no less.

    "Not attacking Sky?" Yes you did - you stated, in various ways, that the RNG was not fit for purpose. Sky Poker have dealt 1.25 billion hands. That's 1.25 billion pieces of evidence. And yet nobody has ever found credible evidence of anything untoward.
  • Chris_McChris_Mc Member Posts: 1,340
    Tikay10 said:
    this reminds me of the daily link thread i done a couple of years back. might have to dig that out again :)
  • allibone03allibone03 Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2018
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285

    On a brighter note......

    "I actually won an SPT seat last Friday"

    How did you win that, how much did you pay to enter? Terrific result.

    Well done, congrats, come see me in Manchester & we'll have a chat.
  • allibone03allibone03 Member Posts: 99
    edited February 2018
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