The BBC article that I posted yesterday merely pointed out that they would have to open offices in an EU country to be allowed to continue to broadcast to EU countries.
Many people that support Brexit are reluctant to admit that we will lose benefits after we leave. When this is absolutely guaranteed.
It is not only the BBC involved in this,
As a result, to secure a pan-EU broadcast licence, the corporation will need to have the head office of the international operations in a member state, and locate a significant part of its workforce there. More than 500 pan-European channels currently use licences issued by the British regulator Ofcom. International media companies reportedly spend about £1bn a year in the UK, making it the most significant such hub. After Brexit the licences are likely to be invalid, however, as the UK will have left the EU’s single market. Last September, the British online sports channel DAZN said it was opening a development centre in Amsterdam as it sought to realise its ambition of becoming the “Netflix of sports”. The channel provides livestreams of Champions League football, Formula One and the ATP tennis tour in both English and German-speaking countries plus Japan. Turner Broadcasting System Deutschland and NBC Universal Global Networks Deutschland have also taken steps to secure EU licences.
This is correct. Every UK business that wishes to trade in the EU will have to open an office in a Member state after we leave. Not only that, savvy businesses will choose the member state that can best meet its needs. And if that country offers cheaper labour, or cheaper skilled labour, or better qualified staff, it will be easier to transfer the business there.
Then there is the question of external multinationals setting up in Europe, particularly from the Far East. At present, Germany is far and away the most successful in persuading such companies to open up there. But the second most successful has been the UK.
Our refusal to join Schengen has always been a disadvantage in attracting Far Eastern business. Imagine having to choose between Germany, France, Italy and the UK, only to be told that a visa for any 1 of the first 3 will be valid for the other 2, but there are totally separate forms and fees for the UK. But now we won't even be in the mix for a first European base, as it would only facilitate trade in 1 country, rather than 27.
Many of the multinationals that are already set up in The UK, may also decide they are better moving to one of the 27. This will obviously depend very much on how we exit.
The ones that are only in the UK will have to open a new business in the EU. So (for example) the Hong Kong based businesses will often lose ground to the wishes of Chinese-based economic interests.
It amazes me that Brexit is likely to cause greater losses to British workers than anything else in living memory, and the leader of the Labour party sits on his hands and does nothing.
I was think about car manufacturers. Should there be any complications, surrounding supply chains, border delays etc.
Yes, agreed. A lot has been written about that.
What people are not talking about is the longer-term damage. A "Nissan" would not now be considering setting up a similar plant in the UK, while various major UK and external businesses have been given a perfect excuse to look to outsource jobs somewhere cheaper.
You can hear it now "Oh, I didn't want to transfer my workforce to a country with minimal pay/protection for workers, but once I was forced to open the 2nd plant in X, it was the only way to remain competitive/maintain my lavish lifestyle* (delete as applicable).
If we leave with no deal, things will happen that much quicker, but they are going to happen anyway. The best hope (from a UK perspective) is that the EU implodes, but I don't think that is likely.
On a related issue, interested to see what Ireland will do.
If there is a hard border, it is likely to make a lot of sense for Ireland to leave the EU.
They seem to have been more EU friendly throughout the Brexit negotiations. They have also started to benefit from the relocation of jobs over there. Including Lord Snootys firm.
>Brexit news latest: Emmanuel Macron says EU divorce has 'torn British society apart' and 'can't be delivered' in blistering attack
French president Emmanuel Macron has delivered a blistering attack on Brexit, claiming it has “torn British society apart” and that it “can’t be delivered”. Mr Macron blasted “false” figures given by the Leave campaign ahead of the 2016 referendum, saying the EU divorce that people voted for won’t happen. He was reported as saying: “People are starting to realise that all the figures they were given are entirely false, and what they were told could be done overnight in fact can't be delivered.
“No, because it didn't allow for an informed, transparent and calm debate. It's torn a society apart, and it's left it open to disinformation coming from abroad, or terrible manipulation.” Mr Macron’s attack came amid bitter divides on Brexit in the UK, which have included Leavers and Remainers screaming at each other in the streets outside Parliament.
You cant quite get the hang of this can you. This is The Brexit Thread. Not the Riots in France Thread. Nor the Jimmy Saville Thread. Or even the I am not paying my tv licence thread. It is The Brexit Thread.
Why don't you start your own French Riots Thread?
Its all related, you really need to broaden your mind.
>Brexit news latest: Emmanuel Macron says EU divorce has 'torn British society apart' and 'can't be delivered' in blistering attack
French president Emmanuel Macron has delivered a blistering attack on Brexit, claiming it has “torn British society apart” and that it “can’t be delivered”. Mr Macron blasted “false” figures given by the Leave campaign ahead of the 2016 referendum, saying the EU divorce that people voted for won’t happen. He was reported as saying: “People are starting to realise that all the figures they were given are entirely false, and what they were told could be done overnight in fact can't be delivered.
“No, because it didn't allow for an informed, transparent and calm debate. It's torn a society apart, and it's left it open to disinformation coming from abroad, or terrible manipulation.” Mr Macron’s attack came amid bitter divides on Brexit in the UK, which have included Leavers and Remainers screaming at each other in the streets outside Parliament.
You cant quite get the hang of this can you. This is The Brexit Thread. Not the Riots in France Thread. Nor the Jimmy Saville Thread. Or even the I am not paying my tv licence thread. It is The Brexit Thread.
Why don't you start your own French Riots Thread?
Its all related, you really need to broaden your mind.
>Brexit news latest: Emmanuel Macron says EU divorce has 'torn British society apart' and 'can't be delivered' in blistering attack
French president Emmanuel Macron has delivered a blistering attack on Brexit, claiming it has “torn British society apart” and that it “can’t be delivered”. Mr Macron blasted “false” figures given by the Leave campaign ahead of the 2016 referendum, saying the EU divorce that people voted for won’t happen. He was reported as saying: “People are starting to realise that all the figures they were given are entirely false, and what they were told could be done overnight in fact can't be delivered.
“No, because it didn't allow for an informed, transparent and calm debate. It's torn a society apart, and it's left it open to disinformation coming from abroad, or terrible manipulation.” Mr Macron’s attack came amid bitter divides on Brexit in the UK, which have included Leavers and Remainers screaming at each other in the streets outside Parliament.
You cant quite get the hang of this can you. This is The Brexit Thread. Not the Riots in France Thread. Nor the Jimmy Saville Thread. Or even the I am not paying my tv licence thread. It is The Brexit Thread.
Why don't you start your own French Riots Thread?
Its all related, you really need to broaden your mind.
And before anyone suggests this has nothing to do with Brexit most certainly is legitimate and relevant to explore a leader who voices an outspoken opinion on Brexit .
And before anyone suggests this has nothing to do with Brexit most certainly is legitimate and relevant to explore a leader who voices an outspoken opinion on Brexit .
I pretty much agreed with his opinions on Brexit.
I read this article expecting to find out why he doesn't like Britain.
And before anyone suggests this has nothing to do with Brexit most certainly is legitimate and relevant to explore a leader who voices an outspoken opinion on Brexit .
I pretty much agreed with his opinions on Brexit.
I read this article expecting to find out why he doesn't like Britain.
Maybe he just doesn't like Brexit.
Of course he doesnt like BREXIT, because France will have to put more money in once GREAT BRITAIN has left.
I work at a Wetherspoons in grim conditions – and Tim Martin’s clueless Brexit bleating is driving me mad
Brexit, according to the latest edition of Wetherspoon News, isa route to “democracy and free trade”, to “equal freedom and prosperity”. Following an appraisal of the implications of a no-deal Brexit, JD Wetherspoon founder Tim Martin has informed attentive Fosters drinkers across the country that Britain crashing out of the EU would be no greater trouble than his company’s triumphant substitution of German Jägermeister with English Strika. Any other spin, he claims, is “just another pro-EU shaggy dog story” desperately cobbled together by a “metropolitan elite”. You’re even invited to his once-in-a-lifetime countrywide Brexit tour were any of your doubts to persist. Cards on the table. I’m a left-wing, London-based Remainer. I’m presumably a self-elected member of this “metropolitan elite” in Martin’s eyes. But that is rather hard to square with the poverty wages he pays me to work the bar at one of his central London pubs. Like a lot of hospitality jobs, work at Wetherspoons is, in my opinion, underpaid and undervalued. It’s an intense and stressful job – preparing drinks and food and unclogging toilets for hours on end. Our breaks are short and unpaid. Zero-hour contracts are open to abuse by managers who have no obligation to give us enough work to survive on. Being sick means either working through the flu or losing a day’s pay and, once a set number of “trigger” days is hit, perhaps your job too. There is a conspicuous absence from Martin’s propaganda of the implications for the migrant workers who keep his company running. With Tories celebrating the end of free movement, and Labour failing to stand up for it, it’s essentially guaranteed that any Brexit will lead to the greatest expansion of border controls in generations.
Even Tim Martin's no-deal Brexit Wetherspoons tour has descended into open warfare
Microphone in hand, gilet over shoulders, and standing, as ever, beneath that cloud of electrified hair that would look more at home on the undercarriage of Matilda from Robot Wars, Martin is talking about his “history lessons at school, when I was 15 years old”. But it quickly becomes apparent that whoever marked his homework back then had a rather more permissive attitude towards reality than the Velvet Coaster’s gathered masses. “If you want to survive, you need democracy,” he explains. “Canada isn’t under threat from the USA, because the USA is a democracy. New Zealand isn’t under threat from Australia because Australia is a democracy. “But the European Union isn’t a democracy. It is going backwards when the rest of the world is going forwards. And when there’s less democracy, like in China, Russia, or North Korea, when there is less democracy, that is when wars start.”
But a mouth at the back quickly disassociates itself from its pint glass in disgust. “You talk about dictatorships? Russia? China? And you talk about the EU in the same breath? That is ridiculous. Ridiculous. The idea that Jean-Claude Juncker, or the EU, are going to start a war, is ridiculous,” says a young man by the name of Christian Steele, a local taxi driver who, it turns out, is not here to drink unquestioningly from the font of knowledge that is pouring forth before him. And he’s anything but alone.
Next Martin is on to how “The FT, the Treasury” and so on are always wrong about everything, that there’s been “no recession, no punishment budget” as they all predicted. But within minutes, a local doctor called Rob Wheatley is telling him, ”There’s only one economist who agrees with you [about No Deal], and that’s Patrick Minford from the Economists for Free Trade. And even he acknowledges that No Deal will have to involve reducing agriculture and manufacturing down to zero.”
In any case, at some point, in the near future, theoretically, this country is going to have to start not hating one another. And if you can’t stop a pro-Brexit rally in a Wetherspoons pub from a high speed Big Dipper style descent to internecine strife, then there’s certainly a long, long, long way to go yet.
Inside Dyson's new £330m Singapore HQ where no one even has a desk
This comes as Brexit-backing businessman Sir James Dyson has been accused of "staggering hypocrisy" after it was announced he is moving Dyson's HQ to Singapore.
With Dyson, shifting the head office to the South East Asian country, he plans to double the size of the centre, which currently employs 1,100 people.
The announcement will mean Dyson is no longer a British registered company and Singapore will become its main tax base.
It is the second blow Dyson has dealt to Brexit Britain after last year's announcement that it will manufacturer its new electric cars in Singapore, rather than the UK.
Inside Dyson's new £330m Singapore HQ where no one even has a desk
This comes as Brexit-backing businessman Sir James Dyson has been accused of "staggering hypocrisy" after it was announced he is moving Dyson's HQ to Singapore.
With Dyson, shifting the head office to the South East Asian country, he plans to double the size of the centre, which currently employs 1,100 people.
The announcement will mean Dyson is no longer a British registered company and Singapore will become its main tax base.
It is the second blow Dyson has dealt to Brexit Britain after last year's announcement that it will manufacturer its new electric cars in Singapore, rather than the UK.
Inside Dyson's new £330m Singapore HQ where no one even has a desk
This comes as Brexit-backing businessman Sir James Dyson has been accused of "staggering hypocrisy" after it was announced he is moving Dyson's HQ to Singapore.
With Dyson, shifting the head office to the South East Asian country, he plans to double the size of the centre, which currently employs 1,100 people.
The announcement will mean Dyson is no longer a British registered company and Singapore will become its main tax base.
It is the second blow Dyson has dealt to Brexit Britain after last year's announcement that it will manufacturer its new electric cars in Singapore, rather than the UK.
Umm so what has this got to do with Brexit ? ...bearing in mind he's already said the decision to relocate the HQ has nothing to do with that .
If he said it, it must be true then.
He has made statements about the companys tax position, which might turn out to be true. As you would think that the plans for the factory, and HQ, would have been made quite some time ago, a wiser course of action might have been to have been less outspoken on Brexit.
He is a much admired figure and his views respected by many people.
Many people have criticised him for being hypocritical.
I haven't written these articles.
I have just posted a couple.
Dyson plans to launch electric car in 2020
The company currently has a team of 400 staff working on the vehicle, but Sir James said the company’s 4,000 staff in the UK could eventually “double” due to the project.
Sir James said the company had not decided where the vehicle would be manufactured but that it would be near to where its customers are, saying the UK and Asia were among the frontrunners.
A Government document last year revealed that Dyson was to receive a £16 million grant to develop battery technology at its facility in Malmsebury, Wiltshire, sparking speculation that the car could be built there but Sir James said no decision has yet been made on where it will be manufactured.
Couple of days and James Dyson is but a distant memory ...enter Tim Martin onto the Brexit thread hit list
lets ignore that both of these businessmen contribute a lot to the British economy and have done so for years .
I admire both mens business achievements.
Both are influential, both have been outspoken on Brexit.
They have to accept that with this influence, comes a responsibility.
Tim Martin hasn't a clue what he is talking about, regarding Brexit.
Some articles have been posted earlier on this thread which point to that conclusion.
Despite this complete lack of knowledge, he has embarked on a UK Brexit tour, offering his Brexit advice.
He has long been extolling the virtues of a no deal Brexit.
He loves trade on WTO Rules. Lord Snooty has the same pitch.
It is nonsense.
I don't know if you watched the Andrew Neil interview I posted yesterday, which covered WTO Rules.
Assuming you didn't, this is how it went.
We leave The EU in March with no deal.
We start trading with The EU on WTO rules.
This means tariffs.
For example, there would be a 40% tariff on lamb.
Our sheep farmers currently sell 50% of their lamb to France, with no tariffs.
A 40% tariff puts them out of business.
After they have gone bankrupt. We could do a deal, and do away with the tariffs.
The problem is that under WTO rules, you must have across the board tariffs.
So if we just did away with all tariffs for one country, which has been suggested by many Brexiteers. We would have to do the same for everyone.
So having no tariffs means there is no point in anyone doing a trade deal with us.
Why would anyone do a trade deal with us, if we have to give them tariff free access anyway.
This clearly wouldn't work.
The whole point of doing a trade deal, is to set tariffs lower than those set out by The WTO. No tariffs means no trade deals.
The saving grace for Brexit, was meant to be the free trade deals that we would do with the rest of the world.
We have manufacturers that employ British workers, that wouldn't be able to compete with competitors in other countries that exploit workers, employ children etc, and under these circumstances, would have access to our markets tariff free.
If we did this New Zealand lamb imports would probably bankrupt any sheep farmers, that hadn't gone bust because of the tariffs.
Tim Martin is probably clever on the pub business, but he is idiotic when it comes to Brexit.
His Brexit advice is completely incorrect, and dangerous
I don't think his Brexit tour is going so well.
Pub chain boss launches Brexit bar crawl to campaign for no deal
Including Lord Snootys firm.
They will be happy if The DUP are caving in.
This is The Brexit Thread.
Not the Riots in France Thread.
Nor the Jimmy Saville Thread.
Or even the I am not paying my tv licence thread.
It is The Brexit Thread.
Why don't you start your own French Riots Thread?
Its all related, you really need to broaden your mind.
explain it to me then.
What about the riots in Venezuela?
Global Warming?
And before anyone suggests this has nothing to do with Brexit most certainly is legitimate and relevant to explore a leader who voices an outspoken opinion on Brexit .
I read this article expecting to find out why he doesn't like Britain.
Maybe he just doesn't like Brexit.
Brexit, according to the latest edition of Wetherspoon News, isa route to “democracy and free trade”, to “equal freedom and prosperity”.
Following an appraisal of the implications of a no-deal Brexit, JD Wetherspoon founder Tim Martin has informed attentive Fosters drinkers across the country that Britain crashing out of the EU would be no greater trouble than his company’s triumphant substitution of German Jägermeister with English Strika. Any other spin, he claims, is “just another pro-EU shaggy dog story” desperately cobbled together by a “metropolitan elite”. You’re even invited to his once-in-a-lifetime countrywide Brexit tour were any of your doubts to persist.
Cards on the table. I’m a left-wing, London-based Remainer. I’m presumably a self-elected member of this “metropolitan elite” in Martin’s eyes. But that is rather hard to square with the poverty wages he pays me to work the bar at one of his central London pubs.
Like a lot of hospitality jobs, work at Wetherspoons is, in my opinion, underpaid and undervalued. It’s an intense and stressful job – preparing drinks and food and unclogging toilets for hours on end. Our breaks are short and unpaid. Zero-hour contracts are open to abuse by managers who have no obligation to give us enough work to survive on. Being sick means either working through the flu or losing a day’s pay and, once a set number of “trigger” days is hit, perhaps your job too.
There is a conspicuous absence from Martin’s propaganda of the implications for the migrant workers who keep his company running. With Tories celebrating the end of free movement, and Labour failing to stand up for it, it’s essentially guaranteed that any Brexit will lead to the greatest expansion of border controls in generations.
Microphone in hand, gilet over shoulders, and standing, as ever, beneath that cloud of electrified hair that would look more at home on the undercarriage of Matilda from Robot Wars, Martin is talking about his “history lessons at school, when I was 15 years old”. But it quickly becomes apparent that whoever marked his homework back then had a rather more permissive attitude towards reality than the Velvet Coaster’s gathered masses.
“If you want to survive, you need democracy,” he explains. “Canada isn’t under threat from the USA, because the USA is a democracy. New Zealand isn’t under threat from Australia because Australia is a democracy.
“But the European Union isn’t a democracy. It is going backwards when the rest of the world is going forwards. And when there’s less democracy, like in China, Russia, or North Korea, when there is less democracy, that is when wars start.”
But a mouth at the back quickly disassociates itself from its pint glass in disgust. “You talk about dictatorships? Russia? China? And you talk about the EU in the same breath? That is ridiculous. Ridiculous. The idea that Jean-Claude Juncker, or the EU, are going to start a war, is ridiculous,” says a young man by the name of Christian Steele, a local taxi driver who, it turns out, is not here to drink unquestioningly from the font of knowledge that is pouring forth before him. And he’s anything but alone.
Next Martin is on to how “The FT, the Treasury” and so on are always wrong about everything, that there’s been “no recession, no punishment budget” as they all predicted. But within minutes, a local doctor called Rob Wheatley is telling him, ”There’s only one economist who agrees with you [about No Deal], and that’s Patrick Minford from the Economists for Free Trade. And even he acknowledges that No Deal will have to involve reducing agriculture and manufacturing down to zero.”
In any case, at some point, in the near future, theoretically, this country is going to have to start not hating one another. And if you can’t stop a pro-Brexit rally in a Wetherspoons pub from a high speed Big Dipper style descent to internecine strife, then there’s certainly a long, long, long way to go yet.
lets ignore that both of these businessmen contribute a lot to the British economy and have done so for years .
This comes as Brexit-backing businessman Sir James Dyson has been accused of "staggering hypocrisy" after it was announced he is moving Dyson's HQ to Singapore.
With Dyson, shifting the head office to the South East Asian country, he plans to double the size of the centre, which currently employs 1,100 people.
The announcement will mean Dyson is no longer a British registered company and Singapore will become its main tax base.
It is the second blow Dyson has dealt to Brexit Britain after last year's announcement that it will manufacturer its new electric cars in Singapore, rather than the UK.
He has made statements about the companys tax position, which might turn out to be true.
As you would think that the plans for the factory, and HQ, would have been made quite some time ago, a wiser course of action might have been to have been less outspoken on Brexit.
He is a much admired figure and his views respected by many people.
Many people have criticised him for being hypocritical.
I haven't written these articles.
I have just posted a couple.
Dyson plans to launch electric car in 2020
The company currently has a team of 400 staff working on the vehicle, but Sir James said the company’s 4,000 staff in the UK could eventually “double” due to the project.
Sir James said the company had not decided where the vehicle would be manufactured but that it would be near to where its customers are, saying the UK and Asia were among the frontrunners.
Dyson to build electric car by 2020
A Government document last year revealed that Dyson was to receive a £16 million grant to develop battery technology at its facility in Malmsebury, Wiltshire, sparking speculation that the car could be built there but Sir James said no decision has yet been made on where it will be manufactured.
Both are influential, both have been outspoken on Brexit.
They have to accept that with this influence, comes a responsibility.
Tim Martin hasn't a clue what he is talking about, regarding Brexit.
Some articles have been posted earlier on this thread which point to that conclusion.
Despite this complete lack of knowledge, he has embarked on a UK Brexit tour, offering his Brexit advice.
He has long been extolling the virtues of a no deal Brexit.
He loves trade on WTO Rules. Lord Snooty has the same pitch.
It is nonsense.
I don't know if you watched the Andrew Neil interview I posted yesterday, which covered WTO Rules.
Assuming you didn't, this is how it went.
We leave The EU in March with no deal.
We start trading with The EU on WTO rules.
This means tariffs.
For example, there would be a 40% tariff on lamb.
Our sheep farmers currently sell 50% of their lamb to France, with no tariffs.
A 40% tariff puts them out of business.
After they have gone bankrupt. We could do a deal, and do away with the tariffs.
The problem is that under WTO rules, you must have across the board tariffs.
So if we just did away with all tariffs for one country, which has been suggested by many Brexiteers. We would have to do the same for everyone.
So having no tariffs means there is no point in anyone doing a trade deal with us.
Why would anyone do a trade deal with us, if we have to give them tariff free access anyway.
This clearly wouldn't work.
The whole point of doing a trade deal, is to set tariffs lower than those set out by The WTO. No tariffs means no trade deals.
The saving grace for Brexit, was meant to be the free trade deals that we would do with the rest of the world.
We have manufacturers that employ British workers, that wouldn't be able to compete with competitors in other countries that exploit workers, employ children etc, and under these circumstances, would have access to our markets tariff free.
If we did this New Zealand lamb imports would probably bankrupt any sheep farmers, that hadn't gone bust because of the tariffs.
Tim Martin is probably clever on the pub business, but he is idiotic when it comes to Brexit.
His Brexit advice is completely incorrect, and dangerous
I don't think his Brexit tour is going so well.
Pub chain boss launches Brexit bar crawl to campaign for no deal
Tim Martin speech at the LML "Brexit: Let's Go WTO" Rally