Fact : People have come on to this thread in the early days and tried to put an alternative view to yours and have been shot down in flames because you arrogantly don't think their views are valid . This is why it's been pretty much a one man show
Any examples that don't include Goldon?
Plenty , just go back through all the posts , you have plenty of time on your hands !
You made the statement I was just asking you to back it up.
You don't seem to understand the concept of a forum thread do you ? Let me try and explain , people post comments and quotes , these items will probably not be want you agree with or want to see , however that's what makes it a forum thread worth reading . On the contrary , a forum thread not worth reading is one where mainly only one person posts their thoughts on a subject and their is next to nothing to contradict it . For clarification , amount of thread views does not indicate something is worth reading .
What I don't think you understand is that when you post stuff on a forum, it helps when you have some grasp of what you are posting. You are posting stuff that you don't have a clue about, and any questions I ask you about these posts you are unable to answer. This is therefore not debating. I would welcome a debate, and my views are clear to anyone that has been near this thread, that doesn't mean that I don't wish to listen alternative views. I wouldn't agree with them, but am quite happy to debate them. I am also prepared to answer questions that anyone might have providing they are not too difficult.
This is where you and I differ.
I know nothing about, and am not interested in netball. I am not conversant with the rules, point scoring or the tactics. However I do know that if you throw the ball through the hoop you have scored, but everyone knows that.
So, if there was a netball thread on this forum I wouldn't go near it.
If at some point in the future I became interested in netball, I might visit the thread, not to post, but just to read stuff, gain some knowledge of the game, and maybe ask some questions, to help my understanding. Further down the road, when I had gained some knowledge I might try a few posts.
If on the other hand I immediately started posting like I was a netball expert I wouldn't have much credibility, and may end up rowing with people over punctuation.
Fact : People have come on to this thread in the early days and tried to put an alternative view to yours and have been shot down in flames because you arrogantly don't think their views are valid . This is why it's been pretty much a one man show
Any examples that don't include Goldon?
Plenty , just go back through all the posts , you have plenty of time on your hands !
You made the statement I was just asking you to back it up.
You don't seem to understand the concept of a forum thread do you ? Let me try and explain , people post comments and quotes , these items will probably not be want you agree with or want to see , however that's what makes it a forum thread worth reading . On the contrary , a forum thread not worth reading is one where mainly only one person posts their thoughts on a subject and their is next to nothing to contradict it . For clarification , amount of thread views does not indicate something is worth reading .
What I don't think you understand is that when you post stuff on a forum, it helps when you have some grasp of what you are posting. You are posting stuff that you don't have a clue about, and any questions I ask you about these posts you are unable to answer. This is therefore not debating. I would welcome a debate, and my views are clear to anyone that has been near this thread, that doesn't mean that I don't wish to listen alternative views. I wouldn't agree with them, but am quite happy to debate them. I am also prepared to answer questions that anyone might have providing they are not too difficult.
This is where you and I differ.
I know nothing about, and am not interested in netball. I am not conversant with the rules, point scoring or the tactics. However I do know that if you throw the ball through the hoop you have scored, but everyone knows that.
So, if there was a netball thread on this forum I wouldn't go near it.
If at some point in the future I became interested in netball, I might visit the thread, not to post, but just to read stuff, gain some knowledge of the game, and maybe ask some questions, to help my understanding. Further down the road, when I had gained some knowledge I might try a few posts.
If on the other hand I immediately started posting like I was a netball expert I wouldn't have much credibility, and may end up rowing with people over punctuation.
Remind you of anyone?
As has already been pointed out to you you're not interested in debate , all you are interested in doing is putting forward a one side argument, and dismissing anyones views that happen to differ from yours . Now you have the temerity to try and suggest you are an expert on the brexit subject . For clarification , seen as it's needed with you at all times , I've never claimed to be an expert in anything ( happy to leave that to the arrogant brigade ) . In fact you will see very few of my own personal views on the brexit subject on this thread , for reasons already stated . However I will continue , to post up what i believe are reputable sources of opposing views to give this joke of a thread , some balance .
: I didn't give an explanation of democratic rights , I merely stated that it is a democratic right to choose not to vote . 72 % of the U.K. also followed suit .
Semantics regarding the fact that you weren't asked to specify which deal you got ..people were invited to vote , not knowing exactly what was going to be on the table , thats the cold hard truth of the matter .
As for the other part , once again , you are trying your level best to put words in my mouth ( seems to be your m.o. ) and failing .
If the vote had been in favour of no deal , you wouldn't even be saying the referendum shouldn't have been offered .
I will reply to this later, it makes absolutely no sense and supports my last post.
: I didn't give an explanation of democratic rights , I merely stated that it is a democratic right to choose not to vote . 72 % of the U.K. also followed suit .
Semantics regarding the fact that you weren't asked to specify which deal you got ..people were invited to vote , not knowing exactly what was going to be on the table , thats the cold hard truth of the matter .
As for the other part , once again , you are trying your level best to put words in my mouth ( seems to be your m.o. ) and failing .
If the vote had been in favour of no deal , you wouldn't even be saying the referendum shouldn't have been offered .
I will reply to this later, it makes absolutely no sense and supports my last post.
Typical Haysie , disagrees with something ....dismisses it as making no sense . You never fail to disappoint !
This is quite interesting about one of the politicians who are in favour of leaving..
Rees-Mogg’s hedge fund, Somerset Capital Management, is managed via subsidiaries in the tax havens of the Cayman Islands and Singapore. He has defended the use of such tax havens, saying “I do not believe people have any obligation to pay more tax than the law requires.” And the laws that look set to stand in the way are planned new EU regulations aimed at governing the behaviour of companies such as his own.
I don’t think he is one of the “Average working man”
As has already been pointed out to you you're not interested in debate , all you are interested in doing is putting forward a one side argument, and dismissing anyones views that happen to differ from yours .
Just because you have pointed this out, it doesnt mean that it is true
Now you have the temerity to try and suggest you are an expert on the brexit subject
I havent
. For clarification , seen as it's needed with you at all times ,
I havent a clue what this is supposed to mean
I've never claimed to be an expert in anything ( happy to leave that to the arrogant brigade ) .
I haven't said that you have, but you definitely wouldn't qualify on Brexit,
In fact you will see very few of my own personal views on the brexit subject on this thread , for reasons already stated .
As I said previously you dont seem to have any.
However I will continue , to post up what i believe are reputable sources of opposing views to give this joke of a thread , some balance .
This is quite interesting about one of the politicians who are in favour of leaving..
Rees-Mogg’s hedge fund, Somerset Capital Management, is managed via subsidiaries in the tax havens of the Cayman Islands and Singapore. He has defended the use of such tax havens, saying “I do not believe people have any obligation to pay more tax than the law requires.” And the laws that look set to stand in the way are planned new EU regulations aimed at governing the behaviour of companies such as his own.
I don’t think he is one of the “Average working man”
He was showing his true colours with his Mark Carney comments yesterday.
: I didn't give an explanation of democratic rights , I merely stated that it is a democratic right to choose not to vote . 72 % of the U.K. also followed suit .
We live in a democracy, we are represented in Parliament by elected representatives. How could we elect them if nobody voted. Or is it ok for you just to leave it to everyone else , and take no responsibility. You don't have to vote, but other people should. Its illegal not to vote in Australia. Maybe the UK should bring that in.
You got the referendum stats wrong 72% voted. So you were one of the 28% that didn't.
Semantics regarding the fact that you weren't asked to specify which deal you got ..people were invited to vote , not knowing exactly what was going to be on the table , thats the cold hard truth of the matter .
You havent quite got it yet. The referendum asked one question. Leave or stay. End of.
As for the other part , once again , you are trying your level best to put words in my mouth ( seems to be your m.o. ) and failing
I haven't, but perhaps you could explain how a democracy would work if nobody bothered to vote.
If the vote had been in favour of no deal , you wouldn't even be saying the referendum shouldn't have been offered .
This bit has me baffled, we have not yet had any vote that could possibly have resulted in no deal.
However there is a meaningful vote in Parliament on Dec. 11th, which if voted down could have us heading in the direction of no deal.
I thought I had made my views pretty clear on the reasons why I didn't think a referendum was suitable for this issue, it is a view that is shared by many people,but obviously you didn't understand.
Although you must agree because you didn't bother voting.
1) Once again you draw the wrong inference , but one that suits you .
This is what you said. b) put them on a forum or blog that was going to get some decent coverage i.e politics on a political forum as opposed to a tiny little poker forum
2) That's your opinion and you are entitled to it
T think it would be clear to anyone that has read a few.
3) being asked to do something doesn't mean you have to , and it certainly doesn't mean you have to comment .
No but feeling that you have a responsibility, rather than leaving it to other people, is a more mature attitude.
4) Tikays entitled to his opinion as well , of course many people who read things on here , but don't post will also have an opinion
I am sure they will also have opinions on you.
5) "average person " ..a generic , overused phrase , which is becoming distinctly blurred , with an ever increasing diverse society . I'd genuinely like to know what you think this " average citizen " is , but you keep dodging it !
Still dodging
6) Well done , you just managed to shy away from calling me a moron
1) Once again you draw the wrong inference , but one that suits you .
This is what you said. b) put them on a forum or blog that was going to get some decent coverage i.e politics on a political forum as opposed to a tiny little poker forum
2) That's your opinion and you are entitled to it
T think it would be clear to anyone that has read a few.
3) being asked to do something doesn't mean you have to , and it certainly doesn't mean you have to comment .
No but feeling that you have a responsibility, rather than leaving it to other people, is a more mature attitude.
4) Tikays entitled to his opinion as well , of course many people who read things on here , but don't post will also have an opinion
I am sure they will also have opinions on you.
5) "average person " ..a generic , overused phrase , which is becoming distinctly blurred , with an ever increasing diverse society . I'd genuinely like to know what you think this " average citizen " is , but you keep dodging it !
Still dodging
6) Well done , you just managed to shy away from calling me a moron
No comment.
laughing out loud at the first bolded one , you really are full of your own self importance . Problem is you lost the moral high ground when you started calling people morons and showing your true colours .
I don't care what opinions people have of me , unlike you I really don't need nor crave anyones praise .
That would be you ...you won't answer the question , but it would show you up for the sort of person you are . Anyone with a modicum of intelligence , knows exactly how inferior you regard everyone else .
: I didn't give an explanation of democratic rights , I merely stated that it is a democratic right to choose not to vote . 72 % of the U.K. also followed suit .
We live in a democracy, we are represented in Parliament by elected representatives. How could we elect them if nobody voted. Or is it ok for you just to leave it to everyone else , and take no responsibility. You don't have to vote, but other people should. Its illegal not to vote in Australia. Maybe the UK should bring that in.
You got the referendum stats wrong 72% voted. So you were one of the 28% that didn't.
Semantics regarding the fact that you weren't asked to specify which deal you got ..people were invited to vote , not knowing exactly what was going to be on the table , thats the cold hard truth of the matter .
You havent quite got it yet. The referendum asked one question. Leave or stay. End of.
As for the other part , once again , you are trying your level best to put words in my mouth ( seems to be your m.o. ) and failing
I haven't, but perhaps you could explain how a democracy would work if nobody bothered to vote.
If the vote had been in favour of no deal , you wouldn't even be saying the referendum shouldn't have been offered .
This bit has me baffled, we have not yet had any vote that could possibly have resulted in no deal.
However there is a meaningful vote in Parliament on Dec. 11th, which if voted down could have us heading in the direction of no deal.
I thought I had made my views pretty clear on the reasons why I didn't think a referendum was suitable for this issue, it is a view that is shared by many people,but obviously you didn't understand.
Although you must agree because you didn't bother voting.
That was me not paying attention to what I was typing as opposed to anything else ..but well done for picking it up.
When someone makes the same point over and over like i have , and still someone wants to question its validity , either a) they are dense or b) just being argumentative for the sake of it ..choose your option .... ..the question was asked and different arguments and outcomes were put forward to enable voters to make an informed decision . The arguments and misrepresentation from BOTH sides made it impossible for me to make my mind up .
You are , and perhaps you would like to tell me , exactly how democratic a country we would have if we forced our people to vote , even if they weren't really sure what they were voting for , and how that would impact on life changing moments like the brexit vote . If we had compulsory voting , the leave vote would have been higher .
What I meant to type was " remain" .....if the vote had been remain , you wouldn't even be saying the referendum shouldn't be offered .
Jacob Rees-Mogg calls Mark Carney a 'failed-second tier politician' Jacob Rees-Mogg has launched a personal attack on the Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, saying he should not have been in the post for some time.
He told BBC News that Mr Carney was a “second-tier Canadian politician” who "failed" to get a job at home.
'Real opportunity' Conservative MP and Brexiter Jacob Rees-Mogg accused Mark Carney of talking down the pound on Wednesday, saying the Bank of England's warnings tonight "lack all credibility".
Mr Rees-Mogg said "project fear" had become "project hysteria".
"The overwhelming majority - 87% - of British companies do not trade with the European Union," he said.
"It will not have an effect on them. Leaving the European Union is a real economic opportunity and it's an opportunity that neither the Bank of England nor the Treasury in its forecasts wishes to recognise," Mr Rees-Mogg added
If anyone who voted leave , knew at the time what sort of deal Theresa may was going to be offered and the realistic chance of there being a no deal , would they still have voted leave ? Obviously we won't get much if any of a response on here , because a) haysies attitude has frightened off the leave brigade from making any arguments and b) This is a poker forum , with quite a limited user base and not a political forum .
What I don't think you understand is that when you post stuff on a forum, it helps when you have some grasp of what you are posting.
You are posting stuff that you don't have a clue about, and any questions I ask you about these posts you are unable to answer. This is therefore not debating.
I would welcome a debate, and my views are clear to anyone that has been near this thread, that doesn't mean that I don't wish to listen alternative views. I wouldn't agree with them, but am quite happy to debate them. I am also prepared to answer questions that anyone might have providing they are not too difficult.
This is where you and I differ.
I know nothing about, and am not interested in netball. I am not conversant with the rules, point scoring or the tactics. However I do know that if you throw the ball through the hoop you have scored, but everyone knows that.
So, if there was a netball thread on this forum I wouldn't go near it.
If at some point in the future I became interested in netball, I might visit the thread, not to post, but just to read stuff, gain some knowledge of the game, and maybe ask some questions, to help my understanding. Further down the road, when I had gained some knowledge I might try a few posts.
If on the other hand I immediately started posting like I was a netball expert I wouldn't have much credibility, and may end up rowing with people over punctuation.
Remind you of anyone?
What I don't think you understand is that when you post stuff on a forum, it helps when you have some grasp of what you are posting.
You are posting stuff that you don't have a clue about, and any questions I ask you about these posts you are unable to answer. This is therefore not debating.
I would welcome a debate, and my views are clear to anyone that has been near this thread, that doesn't mean that I don't wish to listen alternative views. I wouldn't agree with them, but am quite happy to debate them. I am also prepared to answer questions that anyone might have providing they are not too difficult.
This is where you and I differ.
I know nothing about, and am not interested in netball. I am not conversant with the rules, point scoring or the tactics. However I do know that if you throw the ball through the hoop you have scored, but everyone knows that.
So, if there was a netball thread on this forum I wouldn't go near it.
If at some point in the future I became interested in netball, I might visit the thread, not to post, but just to read stuff, gain some knowledge of the game, and maybe ask some questions, to help my understanding. Further down the road, when I had gained some knowledge I might try a few posts.
If on the other hand I immediately started posting like I was a netball expert I wouldn't have much credibility, and may end up rowing with people over punctuation.
Remind you of anyone?
As has already been pointed out to you you're not interested in debate , all you are interested in doing is putting forward a one side argument, and dismissing anyones views that happen to differ from yours . Now you have the temerity to try and suggest you are an expert on the brexit subject
Semantics regarding the fact that you weren't asked to specify which deal you got ..people were invited to vote , not knowing exactly what was going to be on the table , thats the cold hard truth of the matter .
As for the other part , once again , you are trying your level best to put words in my mouth ( seems to be your m.o. ) and failing .
If the vote had been in favour of no deal , you wouldn't even be saying the referendum shouldn't have been offered .
I will reply to this later, it makes absolutely no sense and supports my last post.
Typical Haysie , disagrees with something ....dismisses it as making no sense . You never fail to disappoint !
Rees-Mogg’s hedge fund, Somerset Capital Management, is managed via subsidiaries in the tax havens of the Cayman Islands and Singapore. He has defended the use of such tax havens, saying “I do not believe people have any obligation to pay more tax than the law requires.” And the laws that look set to stand in the way are planned new EU regulations aimed at governing the behaviour of companies such as his own.
I don’t think he is one of the “Average working man”
Just because you have pointed this out, it doesnt mean that it is true
Now you have the temerity to try and suggest you are an expert on the brexit subject
I havent
. For clarification , seen as it's needed with you at all times ,
I havent a clue what this is supposed to mean
I've never claimed to be an expert in anything ( happy to leave that to the arrogant brigade ) .
I haven't said that you have, but you definitely wouldn't qualify on Brexit,
In fact you will see very few of my own personal views on the brexit subject on this thread , for reasons already stated .
As I said previously you dont seem to have any.
However I will continue , to post up what i believe are reputable sources of opposing views to give this joke of a thread , some balance .
Why bother if its a joke?
: I didn't give an explanation of democratic rights , I merely stated that it is a democratic right to choose not to vote . 72 % of the U.K. also followed suit .
We live in a democracy, we are represented in Parliament by elected representatives. How could we elect them if nobody voted. Or is it ok for you just to leave it to everyone else , and take no responsibility. You don't have to vote, but other people should.
Its illegal not to vote in Australia. Maybe the UK should bring that in.
You got the referendum stats wrong 72% voted. So you were one of the 28% that didn't.
Semantics regarding the fact that you weren't asked to specify which deal you got ..people were invited to vote , not knowing exactly what was going to be on the table , thats the cold hard truth of the matter .
You havent quite got it yet. The referendum asked one question. Leave or stay. End of.
As for the other part , once again , you are trying your level best to put words in my mouth ( seems to be your m.o. ) and failing
I haven't, but perhaps you could explain how a democracy would work if nobody bothered to vote.
If the vote had been in favour of no deal , you wouldn't even be saying the referendum shouldn't have been offered .
This bit has me baffled, we have not yet had any vote that could possibly have resulted in no deal.
However there is a meaningful vote in Parliament on Dec. 11th, which if voted down could have us heading in the direction of no deal.
I thought I had made my views pretty clear on the reasons why I didn't think a referendum was suitable for this issue, it is a view that is shared by many people,but obviously you didn't understand.
Although you must agree because you didn't bother voting.
This is what you said.
b) put them on a forum or blog that was going to get some decent coverage i.e politics on a political forum as opposed to a tiny little poker forum
2) That's your opinion and you are entitled to it
T think it would be clear to anyone that has read a few.
3) being asked to do something doesn't mean you have to , and it certainly doesn't mean you have to comment .
No but feeling that you have a responsibility, rather than leaving it to other people, is a more mature attitude.
4) Tikays entitled to his opinion as well , of course many people who read things on here , but don't post will also have an opinion
I am sure they will also have opinions on you.
5) "average person " ..a generic , overused phrase , which is becoming distinctly blurred , with an ever increasing diverse society . I'd genuinely like to know what you think this " average citizen " is , but you keep dodging it !
Still dodging
6) Well done , you just managed to shy away from calling me a moron
No comment.
I don't care what opinions people have of me , unlike you I really don't need nor crave anyones praise .
That would be you ...you won't answer the question , but it would show you up for the sort of person you are . Anyone with a modicum of intelligence , knows exactly how inferior you regard everyone else .
When someone makes the same point over and over like i have , and still someone wants to question its validity , either a) they are dense or b) just being argumentative for the sake of it ..choose your option .... ..the question was asked and different arguments and outcomes were put forward to enable voters to make an informed decision . The arguments and misrepresentation from BOTH sides made it impossible for me to make my mind up .
You are , and perhaps you would like to tell me , exactly how democratic a country we would have if we forced our people to vote , even if they weren't really sure what they were voting for , and how that would impact on life changing moments like the brexit vote . If we had compulsory voting , the leave vote would have been higher .
What I meant to type was " remain" .....if the vote had been remain , you wouldn't even be saying the referendum shouldn't be offered .
Makes no sense .
Jacob Rees-Mogg has launched a personal attack on the Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, saying he should not have been in the post for some time.
He told BBC News that Mr Carney was a “second-tier Canadian politician” who "failed" to get a job at home.
Sounds pretty accurate to me .
'Real opportunity'
Conservative MP and Brexiter Jacob Rees-Mogg accused Mark Carney of talking down the pound on Wednesday, saying the Bank of England's warnings tonight "lack all credibility".
Mr Rees-Mogg said "project fear" had become "project hysteria".
"The overwhelming majority - 87% - of British companies do not trade with the European Union," he said.
"It will not have an effect on them. Leaving the European Union is a real economic opportunity and it's an opportunity that neither the Bank of England nor the Treasury in its forecasts wishes to recognise," Mr Rees-Mogg added