Most (<£10) MTT players amongst you will have no doubt seen me at the Sky tables over the past few years during the early stages of tournaments. Most forum regulars who don't play MTT's will still probably be aware of my existence - I pop up from time to time in various people's threads/diaries spamming emoji's, misusing punctuation and often making grammatical errors (which, in my opinion, is a shocking indictment of the Grammar School education system - Boston Grammar School to be precise which, as you may or may not know, is DYM beast TimmyRaRa's neck of the woods... this was supposed to be an interesting aside) Anyway, having suffered a dismal mini UKOPS hot on the heels of a miserable Podium Series I could happily not so much as look at another MTT lobby for at least two weeks... funnily enough the DYM Streak Week starts tonight and lasts a fortnight, fated?...
Join me (if you like) as I see what fate (or luck or judgment or all or none of these things) has in store for a complete DYM n00b during DYM Streak Week*. I will chart my <i class="Italic">progress throughout the week(s) as I attempt to secure more binks than bricks and hopefully string some together (binks not bricks). I may also share some hands/look at some 'spots' as well but as yet undecided on that.
Bye for now and gl to my fellow DYM n00bs taking a shot during this promo, see you at the tables...

*This is not binding. I reserve the right to withdraw from this undertaking at any time
and for any excuse I come up with
Thanks mumsie.
Yes it will. Are you having a go at the promo yourself PKR?
Well this has been an educational first night for me - I had assumed that you would be able to find loads of spots with ridiculous amounts of fold equity... not the case
Back again tomorrow to turn those bricks into binks (RNGesus please. Amen)
If I win table 1, is that added to streak or started again as win 1?
Thats a great question , it hurts me head trying to work it out.
In the T& C.....
6. The time the first hand is dealt on the DYM will be used to determine the order of results.
Which makes sense , but hurts my head even more.
Table 1 would be the start of the attempted streak, so if you go bust on table 2 whilst still in Table 1, the streak is over.
I'll check with the office in the morning though, my reply is not "official", it just seems logical to me.
Reading rule 6 though I’d read that as table 1 would be my “third game” and table 2 my “fourth” game so the streak would be 3, despite losing the “fourth” game first.
(Win the first two)
Good fun promo though.
Are you trying different stake levels or just starting out on the bottom rung of the ladder?
Seriously though guys, last night was so bad that a whole week (or two) of the same has real potential to cause lasting emotional damage... or it might just be a little bit embarrassing... ah, whatever, who cares, I've started so I'll finish.
So, in the interests of full disclosure and honesty (what's the point otherwise, right?) last nights results were as follows (with 'x' representing 'bricks' or losses/failures and 'o' representing 'binks' or not losing/not failing)… god it's so grim... I did say I was a DYM n00b so please don't flame me
£1.10: xxx
£2.20: xox
£3.30: xxx
So the fishy n00b plan was to fire three rounds of three DYM's (one at each of the above stake levels per round (so max of three tables on screen) and, in so doing, hopefully generate a 'streak' from at least one of the stakes and then concentrate on that stake(s) (increasing the table count of successful stakes by replacing the unsuccessful ones) until they were no longer streaks and then starting again... it didn't really pan out after three rounds so I opted for an early night instead
As I write this I am aware of an increasing amount of clock watching and slow typing as I subconsciously will the hours away until the Scotland game... it's not really worth starting a session now right?
Sounds like one of @Angmar2626 ‘s texts to @Duesenberg