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  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333

    The overwhelming majority of young people are in favour of remaining.

    Thats an interesting statistic and a game changer.

    Maybe have a system where a young persons vote counts as say 2 votes and an older persons vote less than one say 0.5 a vote?

  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,753
    mumsie said:

    The overwhelming majority of young people are in favour of remaining.

    Thats an interesting statistic and a game changer.

    Maybe have a system where a young persons vote counts as say 2 votes and an older persons vote less than one say 0.5 a vote?

    EU Referendum Results: Young 'Screwed By Older Generations' As Polls Suggest 75% Backed Remain

    An age breakdown of EU Referendum polling shows young voters overwhelmingly supported Remain while older people backed Brexit, leading to claims that baby boomers were "screwing the younger generations over yet again".
    75% of people aged 18-24 claimed they voted for Remain in the YouGov survey after voting closed, a figure that falls as age increases.
    In comparison, just 39% of those aged 65 and over backed a vote to stay, causing commenters to say it was "infuriating" that "young people.. have a future without the EU and it's one they don't want".
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
    HAYSIE said:

    mumsie said:

    The overwhelming majority of young people are in favour of remaining.

    Thats an interesting statistic and a game changer.

    Maybe have a system where a young persons vote counts as say 2 votes and an older persons vote less than one say 0.5 a vote?

    EU Referendum Results: Young 'Screwed By Older Generations' As Polls Suggest 75% Backed Remain

    An age breakdown of EU Referendum polling shows young voters overwhelmingly supported Remain while older people backed Brexit, leading to claims that baby boomers were "screwing the younger generations over yet again".
    75% of people aged 18-24 claimed they voted for Remain in the YouGov survey after voting closed, a figure that falls as age increases.
    In comparison, just 39% of those aged 65 and over backed a vote to stay, causing commenters to say it was "infuriating" that "young people.. have a future without the EU and it's one they don't want".

  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,753
    mumsie said:

    The overwhelming majority of young people are in favour of remaining.

    Thats an interesting statistic and a game changer.

    Maybe have a system where a young persons vote counts as say 2 votes and an older persons vote less than one say 0.5 a vote?

    It would have made more sense to not allow oldies to vote.
    Assuming the Withdrawal Agreement gets through Parliament, the trade negotiations will take a number of years.
    Many pundits estimate 5 years.
    This means we wont actually get out until 8 years after the referendum.
    Therefore many oldies will be dead before we achieve what they voted for.
    Also many younger people that were to young to vote in the referendum, will have come of age.
    So is the vote of an oldie that will be dead before we actually leave, at all relevant?
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
    What about younger people with a short life expectancy , strike our their vote too ?
  • lucy4lucy4 Member Posts: 8,409
    HAYSIE said:

    lucy4 said:

    The problem that you seem unable to grasp is lets just say you remoaners get your second referendum.

    You win.
    But all the Brexiteers refuse to accept the result and immediately campaign for a third referendum for which a precedent has now been set. Cant have different rules just because it suits you personally.

    You lose
    OMG that would be so funny and no more than you deserve.

    It amazes me that all the snowflakes think that its a foregone conclusion that a second vote will prove any different. Remember for every precious entitled little darling who didn't vote for whatever reason, there were as many leavers who didn't because they thought it was pointless as the perception was that the Government being full of remain lackeys would fudge the result. The same lackeys who now lack the bottle to deliver and are intent on derailing the process.

    I sincerely hope that these same people are around to clear up the mess when the streets run red as this nation descends into a Balkan style chaos.

    British by birth
    English by the grace of God (tongue in cheek)
    Christian by choice
    European NEVER

    Exactly,It would just go on and on until one side gives in and I can't see that happening any time soon.
    Why do you think that people should not be allowed to change their minds?
    The point that I highlighted wasn't about people being allowed to change their minds but at which point do the results of any further referendums become final? The country is roughly divided so whatever the outcome of any further referendums will always be opposed by losing party,hence my quote of when will it all end?
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,753
    lucy4 said:

    HAYSIE said:

    lucy4 said:

    The problem that you seem unable to grasp is lets just say you remoaners get your second referendum.

    You win.
    But all the Brexiteers refuse to accept the result and immediately campaign for a third referendum for which a precedent has now been set. Cant have different rules just because it suits you personally.

    You lose
    OMG that would be so funny and no more than you deserve.

    It amazes me that all the snowflakes think that its a foregone conclusion that a second vote will prove any different. Remember for every precious entitled little darling who didn't vote for whatever reason, there were as many leavers who didn't because they thought it was pointless as the perception was that the Government being full of remain lackeys would fudge the result. The same lackeys who now lack the bottle to deliver and are intent on derailing the process.

    I sincerely hope that these same people are around to clear up the mess when the streets run red as this nation descends into a Balkan style chaos.

    British by birth
    English by the grace of God (tongue in cheek)
    Christian by choice
    European NEVER

    Exactly,It would just go on and on until one side gives in and I can't see that happening any time soon.
    Why do you think that people should not be allowed to change their minds?
    The point that I highlighted wasn't about people being allowed to change their minds but at which point do the results of any further referendums become final? The country is roughly divided so whatever the outcome of any further referendums will always be opposed by losing party,hence my quote of when will it all end?
    I am not sure.
    However this is the second referendum on Europe.
    Therefore you could argue that the country has already made their minds up on this once.
    Whatever happens on this one, there is nothing stopping one of the parties standing on an EU referendum at a General Election.
    Although that wouldn't seem likely in the near future.
    I think you would have to argue that the electorate are far more aware now, than they were at the time of the referendum.
    The polls seem to show that there is now a majority in favour of remaining.
    Is it really democratic to ignore this?
    Doesn't it make more sense to allow people to vote on the actual deal, or to remain?
    I find it impossible to think that allowing a vote could be considered undemocratic.
    I don't buy the divisive argument, because the country is currently hopelessly divided, and to think that this will somehow miraculously change sometime soon, is deluded.
    If we leave and it turns out to be a disaster, will just cause more resentment.
    Whatever the outcome, the country will remain divided for years to come.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,753
    mumsie said:

    What about younger people with a short life expectancy , strike our their vote too ?

    Doctors papers at polling stations?
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,753
    Revoke Article 50 petition: Four million people demand UK cancel Brexit

    An online petition demanding that Article 50 is revoked and the UK stays in the EU has now hit four million signatures.
    The petition, which has attracted an influx of signatories in recent days, reached the four million mark shortly after 9am on Saturday.
    Backed by dozens of high profile celebrities, it gained support in the wake of Theresa May's speech on Wednesday night, even crashing the Parliament website several times, and Revoke Article 50 began trending on Twitter.

    Should it pass the 4.2 million mark, it will be the most popular petition submitted to the Parliament website.
    The most popular is currently a 2016 petition calling for a second EU referendum should the winning vote and turnout not reach a certain threshold.
    By contrast, the most popular pro-Brexit petition on the Parliament website, which calls on the Government to "leave the EU without a deal in March 2019", has received almost 455,000 signatories.

  • HANSONHANSON Member Posts: 902
    the problem as I see it is this petition is being signed by those that voted remain or after 3yrs have changed there minds because there fed up if the government now dismiss the 2016 referendum result based on a petition in my mind that will open every following vote to be challenged no matter what the vote is for..

    Theresa May in my opinion has done the best she can , some MPs agree with her but more do not and no matter how much tinkering to her agreement there will not be a majority to pass it and a petition to revoke article 50 will not change that , what this government should do is put this back to a peoples vote my opinion is no matter how some feel the 2016 referendum has to honoured... so there are only 2 choices... leave with the agreement … leave with no deal...

    the biggest problem is as I see it is in 2016 35 million people voted to allow 650 MPs to do what the right thing, which should have been not let David Cameroon have the stupid referendum in the first place but they did and now the whole country has to suffer the consequence's which will probably go something like BAD..VERY BAD... HOW MUCH WORSE CAN THIS GET … OMG EVEN WORSE oh things are looking brighter after 50 yrs but most of us will not be around to see it

    anyway no matter what happens its great to no 650 MPs have the country's best interests at heart if only they could agree on something ..

  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,753
    HANSON said:

    the problem as I see it is this petition is being signed by those that voted remain or after 3yrs have changed there minds because there fed up if the government now dismiss the 2016 referendum result based on a petition in my mind that will open every following vote to be challenged no matter what the vote is for..

    Theresa May in my opinion has done the best she can , some MPs agree with her but more do not and no matter how much tinkering to her agreement there will not be a majority to pass it and a petition to revoke article 50 will not change that , what this government should do is put this back to a peoples vote my opinion is no matter how some feel the 2016 referendum has to honoured... so there are only 2 choices... leave with the agreement … leave with no deal...

    the biggest problem is as I see it is in 2016 35 million people voted to allow 650 MPs to do what the right thing, which should have been not let David Cameroon have the stupid referendum in the first place but they did and now the whole country has to suffer the consequence's which will probably go something like BAD..VERY BAD... HOW MUCH WORSE CAN THIS GET … OMG EVEN WORSE oh things are looking brighter after 50 yrs but most of us will not be around to see it

    anyway no matter what happens its great to no 650 MPs have the country's best interests at heart if only they could agree on something ..

    I don't think that any changes should be based purely on a petition.

    It may however prompt some discussion.

    It is hard to see how this may yet play out.

    If it came down to a choice of no deal or revoke Article 50, I think there would be a clear majority in favour of revoking article 50.

    We seem currently to be moving from one cliff edge to the next.

    It is very easy to write off a number of solutions as not being ideal, but without considering the choices.

    A second referendum is not ideal, but compared to no deal, it is obviously preferable.

    The PM has spent the last few months trying to blackmail MPs into voting for her deal, the least popular outcome other than no deal, by threatening one side with no deal, and the other side with no Brexit.

    Should we as a country really be making a choice, based on the least worst option.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,753
    Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU.
    The government repeatedly claims exiting the EU is 'the will of the people'. We need to put a stop to this claim by proving the strength of public support now, for remaining in the EU. A People's Vote may not happen - so vote now.
    Sign this petition
    4,456,315 signatures
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,753
    tomgoodun said:

    HAYSIE said:

    tomgoodun said:

    I feel this petition serves to fuel the divides already in the Country, and is similar to the vote we had way back in 2016, I mean, why not have an online petition asking who wants to leave on WTO terms ? Pretty sure that would get a lot of signatures..
    I voted remain, but all this divisive rhetoric from politicians and joe public is just..... crazy., we need to try to come together as a country, not be driven apart by alienating half of the population.

    Its been running since November and has 370,000 signatures, its a no deal petition.
    It says the petition closes in August, that’s obv after the date we are/were due to leave, so people could still be signing this when we are out of the EU, if that’s not divisive I don’t know what is.
    All petitions on the site run for 6 months.
    It is now the biggest ever.
  • dobiesdrawdobiesdraw Member Posts: 2,793
    edited March 2019
    HAYSIE said:

    tomgoodun said:

    HAYSIE said:

    tomgoodun said:

    I feel this petition serves to fuel the divides already in the Country, and is similar to the vote we had way back in 2016, I mean, why not have an online petition asking who wants to leave on WTO terms ? Pretty sure that would get a lot of signatures..
    I voted remain, but all this divisive rhetoric from politicians and joe public is just..... crazy., we need to try to come together as a country, not be driven apart by alienating half of the population.

    Its been running since November and has 370,000 signatures, its a no deal petition.
    It says the petition closes in August, that’s obv after the date we are/were due to leave, so people could still be signing this when we are out of the EU, if that’s not divisive I don’t know what is.
    All petitions on the site run for 6 months.
    It is now the biggest ever.
    Still won't make a blind bit of difference , even if it got 10 million signatures. :)
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,753

    HAYSIE said:

    tomgoodun said:

    HAYSIE said:

    tomgoodun said:

    I feel this petition serves to fuel the divides already in the Country, and is similar to the vote we had way back in 2016, I mean, why not have an online petition asking who wants to leave on WTO terms ? Pretty sure that would get a lot of signatures..
    I voted remain, but all this divisive rhetoric from politicians and joe public is just..... crazy., we need to try to come together as a country, not be driven apart by alienating half of the population.

    Its been running since November and has 370,000 signatures, its a no deal petition.
    It says the petition closes in August, that’s obv after the date we are/were due to leave, so people could still be signing this when we are out of the EU, if that’s not divisive I don’t know what is.
    All petitions on the site run for 6 months.
    It is now the biggest ever.
    Still won't make a blind bit of difference , even if it got 10 million signatures. :)
    Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU.
    The government repeatedly claims exiting the EU is 'the will of the people'. We need to put a stop to this claim by proving the strength of public support now, for remaining in the EU. A People's Vote may not happen - so vote now.
    Sign this petition
    4,699,060 signatures
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,753
    lucy4 said:

    HAYSIE said:

    lucy4 said:

    The problem that you seem unable to grasp is lets just say you remoaners get your second referendum.

    You win.
    But all the Brexiteers refuse to accept the result and immediately campaign for a third referendum for which a precedent has now been set. Cant have different rules just because it suits you personally.

    You lose
    OMG that would be so funny and no more than you deserve.

    It amazes me that all the snowflakes think that its a foregone conclusion that a second vote will prove any different. Remember for every precious entitled little darling who didn't vote for whatever reason, there were as many leavers who didn't because they thought it was pointless as the perception was that the Government being full of remain lackeys would fudge the result. The same lackeys who now lack the bottle to deliver and are intent on derailing the process.

    I sincerely hope that these same people are around to clear up the mess when the streets run red as this nation descends into a Balkan style chaos.

    British by birth
    English by the grace of God (tongue in cheek)
    Christian by choice
    European NEVER

    Exactly,It would just go on and on until one side gives in and I can't see that happening any time soon.
    Why do you think that people should not be allowed to change their minds?
    The point that I highlighted wasn't about people being allowed to change their minds but at which point do the results of any further referendums become final? The country is roughly divided so whatever the outcome of any further referendums will always be opposed by losing party,hence my quote of when will it all end?
    It has been 3 years so far, a trade deal may take another 5 years.
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,333
    I was some news from the stay march , a young girl was being interviewed.

    "I was too young to vote in the referendum, so I want a re-vote so I can vote stay, its not fair that I have to live with a decision that I was too young to take part in"

    A lovely attitude and good to see a young woman actively contributing. Reminds me of my daughter and Haysie.

    But this idea is so flawed, no vote will ever be valid. We would have to have a general election ever time someone had a birthday.
  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,753
    Pro-remain MPs draw up plans to vote on revoking article 50
    Talks come as the number who have signed petition on parliament website to stop Brexit passes 4.6 million

    Pro-Remain MPs are drawing up plans for a vote on revoking article 50 as an emergency measure to stop Britain crashing out of the EU, after an online petition to cancel Brexit became the most popular ever.
    By Saturday night more than 4.6 million people had signed the petition on the parliament website, which states: “A People’s Vote may not happen – so vote now”.
    Public discussion about halting Brexit was considered politically toxic until just days ago. But that shifted last week as the prospect of crashing out drew closer and the number of petition signatures rose dramatically.
    A cross-party group of parliamentarians is now examining the possibility of cancelling the Brexit process, following concerns that Theresa May could end up backing Tory MPs who favour a no-deal departure if her own withdrawal agreement is rejected again. They are planning to table an amendment to Brexit legislation closer to the day of Britain’s scheduled departure from the EU.

    The European court of justice ruled late last year that Britain could unilaterally revoke article 50, although not just to buy time. Writing on, the Tory MP Phillip Lee said that the people had to be given an opportunity to reconsider Brexit and that one way of allowing this to happen would be to revoke article 50. “Mrs May should ensure that the UK has the time and the space to do this in a properly considered way – either by seeking a long extension of article 50, or by taking back control and revoking it altogether.”
    The petition to revoke is now both the most popular since parliament set up the online site, and has also been signed at the fastest rate. Parliament is now obliged to consider it for debate, but MPs see the timing of announcing any bid to revoke article 50 as crucial.
    The petition was boosted by celebrities including Hugh Grant, Jennifer Saunders and Brian Cox. The woman who created it said on Saturday that she had faced a huge volume of online abuse, three death threats by phone, and would be closing her Facebook account after it was hacked.
    Margaret Georgiadou, 77, was “shaking like a leaf” after the phone threats, she told the BBC. She also said she had no memory of old posts she allegedly made on social media, using threatening language about the prime minister. “It must have been a cut and paste job,” she said. “The dates were all wrong.”
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    Where the signatures came from

  • HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 37,753
    mumsie said:

    I was some news from the stay march , a young girl was being interviewed.

    "I was too young to vote in the referendum, so I want a re-vote so I can vote stay, its not fair that I have to live with a decision that I was too young to take part in"

    A lovely attitude and good to see a young woman actively contributing. Reminds me of my daughter and Haysie.

    But this idea is so flawed, no vote will ever be valid. We would have to have a general election ever time someone had a birthday.

    It is likely that it will take a further 5 years for us to leave.

    That means that it will be 8 years from the referendum,

    During this time a number of things will happen that will affect the make up of the electorate.

    Firstly, millions of remain voting youngsters that were too young to vote in the referendum will have come of age.

    Secondly, millions of leave voting oldies will have died.

    Thirdly, 3.5 million EU migrants that weren't allowed to vote in the referendum, will be qualified to vote.

    So by the time we leave, the country will have an overwhelming majority in favour of remaining.

    Sounds like a good plan.
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