Come on guys let's not mock this poll @BURTPUSSY has clearly put a lot of time and effort into it. It's a tough one and I'm gonna have to sleep on it before I vote. Will vote at quarter past seven in the morning.
I cant win on Sky its appears corrupt i can nearly always predict the next card when in showdown Bad beats galore same players win all the time supposed to be random rubbish
I cant win on Sky its appears corrupt i can nearly always predict the next card when in showdown Bad beats galore same players win all the time supposed to be random rubbish
What is it about having a rant about Sky Poker that causes the author to forget everything they ever learned regarding punctuation ?
Seriously guys try the occasional full stop or comma.
How do you predict the next card in a showdown. At showdown there are no more cards and no more action.
If I knew what cards were going to come I'd be sipping Dom, whilst a lackey typed this for me in my huge villa in Monte Carlo or Maccau.
'we' certainly are not in each others fan clubs, however, I know you can really play, you know ,that I know that, I know,what I know, twelve and a half thousand mtts (yours) fair rating as well, you would ' bolt' into the 80 + ratings, if you scrap everything else, stick with mtts,any way, while I consider your question, ( which, by the way, I only wish you had phrased, a bit differently) I personally, have no idea, if Skypoker,is, or is not a joke ? now, if you had posed, does the rng deserve a comedy award ?
lol misterpj you run worse than my missus and shes disabled and uses a wheelchair outside of the house / caravan.
Honestly I think you'd struggle to beat a one legged man in an butt kicking contest, but please please keep posting em. Every time I see one it makes me feel better about my own play.
I don't know
Can you repeat the question?
Actually on second thoughts I'll wait until 7:15.
Great question
Personally I think this is a bit harsh on Sky Poker and fully expected that the first option would have received the most votes.
I misread his name as BURNTPUSSY....
Seriously guys try the occasional full stop or comma.
How do you predict the next card in a showdown. At showdown there are no more cards and no more action.
If I knew what cards were going to come I'd be sipping Dom, whilst a lackey typed this for me in my huge villa in Monte Carlo or Maccau.
Have fun
'we' certainly are not in each others fan clubs, however, I know you can really play, you know ,that I know that, I know,what I know, twelve and a half thousand mtts (yours) fair rating as well, you would ' bolt' into the 80 + ratings, if you scrap everything else, stick with mtts,any way, while I consider your question, ( which, by the way, I only wish you had phrased, a bit differently) I personally, have no idea, if Skypoker,is, or is not a joke ? now, if you had posed, does the rng deserve a comedy award ?
ie, Sat night,
Honestly I think you'd struggle to beat a one legged man in an butt kicking contest, but please please keep posting em. Every time I see one it makes me feel better about my own play.
Yours in poker, running, butt kicking and fun.