DearJac35 cant wait too play you,suggest you, have a real good read, much Lurve XXX
Greetings. My Poker ‘community’ Let’s get factual. (1) I am not @banned...(hence) not over stepped any limits
(2) On my only account here ( this one) as stated before, I had a previous account eons ago, before I was abroad for ages,9,000 tourney’s (tiny fraction shy) and £31,500 buy in turnover,so,I am entitled, too my opinions, within reason
(3) This needs to be crystal clear, never, am I, have I ,been discussing, freerolls, d.y.m.s, cash,only,Multi Table Tournaments ,and,99% of the time, I do not multi table,occasionally,I play two tournements,as I did last night,so,to the masses of detractors,and,I am proud to reveal, the membership may be intimate, but, V.I.P @teampj..that’s MissP.J to you, has grown, exponentially,( always loved that word ) since the Mr Veitch days, ‘ aye aye Exponential ( 2nd run of its life.. 100/1 – 8/1 ) get in babi , oh the memories Mr Williams, but, back to the team, and fan club, an exponential membership ‘explosion’ from the founder member,17 months ago, to a ‘solid’ nine members,( one of which, would make your jaw hit your foot, confidentiality babi, xxx As we approach Christmas 2020 ( all I want for Christmas…. Is too win a ‘flip’ ...once! & one of my hundreds of 90% got it in good hands, too hold, and got to happen once? The Deity loves a trier…so did Mr Veitch, back in the day! if you wish to join @misterpj it is by invitation only (we do things democratically, and by team member vote, eight of us vote (and the ‘mystery Mr Confidential @ whale player, gets the casting vote) I only wish I could reveal, but I can’t (sorry)
(4) Variance,Downswing,well, it happens,but,eighteen months ?..................If, (when Tikay) I run something like,250 hands, massive pots, key tourney defining moments, I am sorry, but having been on the receiving end, for an eternity, I will not, be apologising, my times coming babi.
(5) So, I attempted, to ‘play a bit of Poker’ with you all, over the weekend, only a tourney at a time, apart from once.
I imagine, (but hope not) I am going to get told the following, perfectly normal, misterpj, you do not understand Poker (At All) do I Mumsie…Do I. So, I think? I am right ? !! In daring too suggest, we are playing no limit hold em, six handed.
In an extended session, naturally, only the usual FOUR POCKET PAIRS dealt. Hand number 1425316024 (posted) and, a little while later, Handnumber 1425516607 only the THREE pocket pairs this time, but throw in K 10 suited, Royal Flush ?... well naturally Guvnor, about every six orbits…… Is Skypoker a Joke, NO it isn’t, best Poker Site Worldwide.
1425497805…. (All same day, all same Session, and this, aint the juicy stuff yet my Poker Babi’s….Its gonna get MUCH much better...MUMSIE. Needed URGENT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
People aren't saying it is 18months of variance, people are saying you play most of the hands you post badly but you refuse to acknowledge this.
Let's use your first 2 hands above as examples.
1. The 55 hand. There are 3 all-ins before you. At which stage did you think your 55 was ever going to be in good shape? It's a snap-fold.
2. The 10 10 hand. Think some of us would have punted the 10 10 there. Fact remains that, when the money went in, you had a 9.2% chance of winning the hand. Might I have played it the same way as you? Yes (depending on reads). Would I be complaining about it afterwards? No. you were never ahead.
Lots of good players (and me) are trying to help. But your "truth" is different to everyone else's. Most of the rest of the hands are you losing flips or hands that play themselves. Flush draw loses to top pair? Welcome to everybody's world.
@misterpj From looking at the hands briefly I would say you have some fundamental problems with post flop play which will effect any kind of win rates, if it was me and I was serious about fixing the problems here is what I would do and have done in the past.
Learning the learning process correctly to maximize value for the time invested. Get in the Lab ( good learning environment)and don't come out until you have covered all areas to up win rates, I'm talking months ( in my case it is/was ) Eat healthy and get in to a routine daily with supplements and fitness. Don't stop studying even when you come out the lab, even now we can speak about one hand for 1.5 hours just on one hand and change dynamic of the hand and stack sizes to get a better understanding of the spot.
Just posting copies of HHs will add no value to your game you need to be pro active and make things happen.
I suppose this is a very representative sample of how you run all the time @misterpj . I guess all the stacks you have built up prior to losing these hands was entirely due to your skill.
P.S I admire the sheer audacity of showcasing losing ATo vs AKs preflop for 60bb each as an example of how bad you run. I wish I ran well enough to expect to win with 23% equity preflop.
You will be, delighted? (Possibly)...having taken, informed and well meaning advice, to @givemyheadawooble, exactly that is going to happen, after this, you will not see another post, until @December 1st...When, I will ‘diarise’ only once a month, the @misterpj Poker Files.
Further, if, I have learned, one single solitary thing, over time, it is ‘ this Leak’ ,and, I am going to fix the darn thing, right now, when posting, just ‘A Hand’ the full context, of that, is completely lost, without a concise summary, of why, a hand, the hand, that hand,was,is ,so relevant. By which, I mean, in the context of a Tournament situation. For clarity, in the 24 hour period, midnight to midnight, Tuesday, I bought into, and played, a total, of four Multi Table Tournements.and, , in the 24 hour period, midnight to midnight Wednesday, I bought into, and played, a total, of four Multi Table Tournaments.
I am, not a ‘volume player’ neither do I wish to be, neither, ever thanks, do I wish to ‘multi table tornements’except, save for, I will, do, on occasions, play two Tournements, at a time.
So, (A) does that need ridicule? It should not, and here is why, I like,watching,every single hand,studying,wether I am involved in it, or not, I like watching every single play, ether involved in it, or not, I find it easy, to concentrate, on Poker, for extended periods, hours and hours, at a time, never ever bored, and that, I personally could not do,’ multi tabling’ For reference, relevance, this is only, about MTT’s,so before the optimizing play Merchants, rush to jump, if you can spot, every single nuance, dynamic change,multi tabling x 4 x 8 x 16, I suggest, borderline impossible.
And (B) when you play this way (my way) that is why, with concentration, every tournament, key moment, is easy to mentally record, if you have a brain, and love your Poker, and, defacto, on a personal basis, I know, the extended, protracted, downswing, run bad, horrendous suck outs and bad beats against.Also, zero selective memory syndrome, of ‘dishing said out’
I will, say it, once, and I will say it again, I would be ‘stunned’ if,when,I get it in, call it off, in a key spot, and deliver the bad beat, suck out, against someone, so, if when should that happen, if I run 250 consequtively,I apologise now, I will not be apologizing at the time, in the future, I have taken, been on the wrong end,relentlessly,running appalling, so WHEN. It turns, I will not accept, any lambasting.
Now, as you may have read above, 8 (Eight) only, over the last two days, and, NONE of these hands, have I posted before.
I have my own personal @army’ of haters, detractors, they will not be able to help themselves, but, to the majority, of, fair,balanced,open minded players, take a look, I will value your opinion, I will read it, and, as stated, head given a wobble.
And please, PLEASE..I will not have, that Hairy Old Chestnut,of, not getting it enough,BAD !,to deliver these beats, other way around, that would mean, do not play,patient,balanced,well judged,optimum Poker,sorry, but ,I am not having that. Haters,I suggest ( to stop making yourselves look very silly) wait, and analise, each hand, not just the first !
In fact, I will start this of,with exactly that,getting it in bad,hand number, 1426031187 (deep stack),after four hours play,a final table too boot,in the Big Blind,and short staked,so in went the lot,with my pocket 8 7,after the raise,by what I now know,pocket A J off,flop comes 5 2 8, I am 73% good,any chance of holding ? I improve too 87% after the turn, and the 13% chance,beats me on the River So,that’s ‘just ‘ Poker
Would you consider this,any more Brutal ? hand number 1426175523 (rebuy), massive spot,huge pot,two and a half hours,deep in the Tounament ( that is the bit,for context) and,not just that, I am 96% good,with the best hand in Poker.
Hand Number (Bounty Hunter) 1425306081 who do you think,holds pocket A Q v pocket A 8 ( me) I flop it, 87% good,I turn it, 96% good,and in I fire the lot, what ? do you think,happened next?
Hand number 1426295421 (rebuy) pocket cards, K J K 10 (who you had the best starting hand ? yes correct, twas me) I flop it, 82% good,oh, and I fire the lot,as 82% good,which gets snapped,
Hand Number 1426030034 One of your very own,top player, respected, zero member of my fan club,was at this table,lambasting the appalling, luck out play, of another player,and relentlessly firing (with air) Is it not, what good Poker players do,is pay attention,and use that information,to your advantage, hence,when I fire it in came (yet again) I was looking at pocket A J.. what do you think,the All In in front of me, went in with, here is a clue, pocket Q 6 off suit, which,I snapped,with my A J .I called the shove 63% good, 14,000 chip pot,any need ? for me to tell you, what happened next.
Bounty Hunter Poker Insanity £5.50 worth hand number 1426313575 Please, do tell me, how, ? pocket 6 10 off suit,raises pre, please explain ? should I ‘snap fold’ my pocket K Q ? come on, in this hand, I offer, truly ‘diabolical Poker,rewarded again, or, Am I such a bad player ? I needed to put this player, on pocket 6 10 off suit, and that, my friends, is a JOKE
hand number 1426175523 87% - 13% only the River , LOSE.£38,400 (chips) Deep Stack hand number 1425306081 96%- 4% only the River,LOSE. £13,820 (chips) ReBuy hand number 1425306081 96%- 4% only the River,LOSE £4000 (chips and Bounty) hand number 1426295421 82% - 18% LOSE I fire the lot,and get snapped,guess what happened next. hand number 1426030034 63% - 37% I snap the All In in front LOSE !.
Bounty Hunter Poker Insanity £5.50 worth hand number 1426313575
So, apparently, I have 90% haters, detractors, and 9% like me,and 1%,well,we are tight ! all I can say,is forever, @teampj engy,myna,MickAA ,Mr Burt Feline Ussy (wont let me put actual player name,Burt, I lurve YOU babi) misterpj,and Denise53, special mention,to the person,player,I cannot mention,but I am allowed to mention,coach Brill xxx as in 'Brill'
I look forward, to being told,that, is just Poker ! Variance,Downswing,Bad Luck, funny, I aint havin that, and I have posted the proof,over to, ALL of You,including JAC35, and TK the guvnor,I think,I should be, getting, Bronze Silver and Gold,for, still being here,incredible to still be 65 rated, ( two stone in hand, on the handicap, if I was a Hoss !) after 18 months, of being ‘battered’ exactly like in the hands posted,impossible, to be a winning player, running like this. I await, your comments, with interest. pj
Greetings. My Poker ‘community’
Let’s get factual.
(1) I am not @banned...(hence) not over stepped any limits
(2) On my only account here ( this one) as stated before, I had a previous account eons ago, before I was abroad for ages,9,000 tourney’s (tiny fraction shy) and £31,500 buy in turnover,so,I am entitled, too my opinions, within reason
(3) This needs to be crystal clear, never, am I, have I ,been discussing, freerolls, d.y.m.s, cash,only,Multi Table Tournaments ,and,99% of the time, I do not multi table,occasionally,I play two tournements,as I did last night,so,to the masses of detractors,and,I am proud to reveal, the membership may be intimate, but, V.I.P @teampj..that’s MissP.J to you, has grown, exponentially,( always loved that word ) since the Mr Veitch days, ‘ aye aye Exponential ( 2nd run of its life.. 100/1 – 8/1 ) get in babi , oh the memories Mr Williams, but, back to the team, and fan club, an exponential membership ‘explosion’ from the founder member,17 months ago, to a ‘solid’ nine members,( one of which, would make your jaw hit your foot, confidentiality babi, xxx As we approach Christmas 2020 ( all I want for Christmas…. Is too win a ‘flip’ ...once! & one of my hundreds of 90% got it in good hands, too hold, and got to happen once? The Deity loves a trier…so did Mr Veitch, back in the day! if you wish to join @misterpj it is by invitation only (we do things democratically, and by team member vote, eight of us vote (and the ‘mystery Mr Confidential @ whale player, gets the casting vote) I only wish I could reveal, but I can’t (sorry)
(4) Variance,Downswing,well, it happens,but,eighteen months ?..................If, (when Tikay) I run something like,250 hands, massive pots, key tourney defining moments, I am sorry, but having been on the receiving end, for an eternity, I will not, be apologising, my times coming babi.
(5) So, I attempted, to ‘play a bit of Poker’ with you all, over the weekend, only a tourney at a time, apart from once.
I imagine, (but hope not) I am going to get told the following, perfectly normal, misterpj, you do not understand Poker (At All) do I Mumsie…Do I.
So, I think? I am right ? !! In daring too suggest, we are playing no limit hold em, six handed.
In an extended session, naturally, only the usual FOUR POCKET PAIRS dealt.
Hand number 1425316024 (posted) and, a little while later,
Handnumber 1425516607 only the THREE pocket pairs this time, but throw in K 10 suited, Royal Flush ?... well naturally Guvnor, about every six orbits…… Is Skypoker a Joke, NO it isn’t, best Poker Site Worldwide.
1425497805…. (All same day, all same Session, and this, aint the juicy stuff yet my Poker Babi’s….Its gonna get MUCH much better...MUMSIE. Needed URGENT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
this,my friend... relentless,sustained,18 months,
I am going to 'try too help' especially Jac35
Truth (disputed Truth) always evolves,through THREE STAGES..what ? you think ? those stages are ?
1. Ridiculed
2. Vehnemently Denied
3. declared, abundently transparent, self evident, and always was Love You All xxx
1. The 55 hand. There are 3 all-ins before you. At which stage did you think your 55 was ever going to be in good shape? It's a snap-fold.
2. The 10 10 hand. Think some of us would have punted the 10 10 there. Fact remains that, when the money went in, you had a 9.2% chance of winning the hand. Might I have played it the same way as you? Yes (depending on reads). Would I be complaining about it afterwards? No. you were never ahead.
Lots of good players (and me) are trying to help. But your "truth" is different to everyone else's. Most of the rest of the hands are you losing flips or hands that play themselves. Flush draw loses to top pair? Welcome to everybody's world.
Learning the learning process correctly to maximize value for the time invested.
Get in the Lab ( good learning environment)and don't come out until you have covered all areas to up win rates, I'm talking months ( in my case it is/was )
Eat healthy and get in to a routine daily with supplements and fitness.
Don't stop studying even when you come out the lab, even now we can speak about one hand for 1.5 hours just on one hand and change dynamic of the hand and stack sizes to get a better understanding of the spot.
Just posting copies of HHs will add no value to your game you need to be pro active and make things happen.
P.S I admire the sheer audacity of showcasing losing ATo vs AKs preflop for 60bb each as an example of how bad you run. I wish I ran well enough to expect to win with 23% equity preflop.
Further, if, I have learned, one single solitary thing, over time, it is ‘ this Leak’ ,and, I am going to fix the darn thing, right now, when posting, just ‘A Hand’ the full context, of that, is completely lost, without a concise summary, of why, a hand, the hand, that hand,was,is ,so relevant.
By which, I mean, in the context of a Tournament situation. For clarity, in the 24 hour period, midnight to midnight, Tuesday, I bought into, and played, a total, of four Multi Table Tournements.and, , in the 24 hour period, midnight to midnight Wednesday, I bought into, and played, a total, of four Multi Table Tournaments.
I am, not a ‘volume player’ neither do I wish to be, neither, ever thanks, do I wish to ‘multi table tornements’except, save for, I will, do, on occasions, play two Tournements, at a time.
So, (A) does that need ridicule? It should not, and here is why, I like,watching,every single hand,studying,wether I am involved in it, or not, I like watching every single play, ether involved in it, or not, I find it easy, to concentrate, on Poker, for extended periods, hours and hours, at a time, never ever bored, and that, I personally could not do,’ multi tabling’ For reference, relevance, this is only, about MTT’s,so before the optimizing play Merchants, rush to jump, if you can spot, every single nuance, dynamic change,multi tabling x 4 x 8 x 16, I suggest, borderline impossible.
And (B) when you play this way (my way) that is why, with concentration, every tournament, key moment, is easy to mentally record, if you have a brain, and love your Poker, and, defacto, on a personal basis, I know, the extended, protracted, downswing, run bad, horrendous suck outs and bad beats against.Also, zero selective memory syndrome, of ‘dishing said out’
I will, say it, once, and I will say it again, I would be ‘stunned’ if,when,I get it in, call it off, in a key spot, and deliver the bad beat, suck out, against someone, so, if when should that happen, if I run 250 consequtively,I apologise now, I will not be apologizing at the time, in the future, I have taken, been on the wrong end,relentlessly,running appalling, so WHEN. It turns, I will not accept, any lambasting.
Now, as you may have read above, 8 (Eight) only, over the last two days, and, NONE of these hands, have I posted before.
I have my own personal @army’ of haters, detractors, they will not be able to help themselves, but, to the majority, of, fair,balanced,open minded players, take a look, I will value your opinion, I will read it, and, as stated, head given a wobble.
And please, PLEASE..I will not have, that Hairy Old Chestnut,of, not getting it enough,BAD !,to deliver these beats, other way around, that would mean, do not play,patient,balanced,well judged,optimum Poker,sorry, but ,I am not having that.
Haters,I suggest ( to stop making yourselves look very silly) wait, and analise, each hand, not just the first !
In fact, I will start this of,with exactly that,getting it in bad,hand number, 1426031187 (deep stack),after four hours play,a final table too boot,in the Big Blind,and short staked,so in went the lot,with my pocket 8 7,after the raise,by what I now know,pocket A J off,flop comes 5 2 8, I am 73% good,any chance of holding ? I improve too 87% after the turn, and the 13% chance,beats me on the River
So,that’s ‘just ‘ Poker
Would you consider this,any more Brutal ? hand number 1426175523 (rebuy), massive spot,huge pot,two and a half hours,deep in the Tounament ( that is the bit,for context) and,not just that, I am 96% good,with the best hand in Poker.
Hand Number (Bounty Hunter) 1425306081 who do you think,holds pocket A Q v pocket A 8 ( me) I flop it, 87% good,I turn it, 96% good,and in I fire the lot, what ? do you think,happened next?
Hand number 1426295421 (rebuy) pocket cards, K J K 10 (who you had the best starting hand ? yes correct, twas me) I flop it, 82% good,oh, and I fire the lot,as 82% good,which gets snapped,
Hand Number 1426030034 One of your very own,top player, respected, zero member of my fan club,was at this table,lambasting the appalling, luck out play, of another player,and relentlessly firing (with air) Is it not, what good Poker players do,is pay attention,and use that information,to your advantage, hence,when I fire it in came (yet again) I was looking at pocket A J.. what do you think,the All In in front of me, went in with, here is a clue, pocket Q 6 off suit, which,I snapped,with my A J .I called the shove 63% good, 14,000 chip pot,any need ? for me to tell you, what happened next.
Bounty Hunter Poker Insanity £5.50 worth hand number 1426313575 Please, do tell me, how, ? pocket 6 10 off suit,raises pre, please explain ? should I ‘snap fold’ my pocket K Q ? come on, in this hand, I offer, truly ‘diabolical Poker,rewarded again, or, Am I such a bad player ? I needed to put this player, on pocket 6 10 off suit, and that, my friends, is a JOKE
hand number 1426175523 87% - 13% only the River , LOSE.£38,400 (chips) Deep Stack
hand number 1425306081 96%- 4% only the River,LOSE. £13,820 (chips) ReBuy
hand number 1425306081 96%- 4% only the River,LOSE £4000 (chips and Bounty)
hand number 1426295421 82% - 18% LOSE I fire the lot,and get snapped,guess what happened next.
hand number 1426030034 63% - 37% I snap the All In in front LOSE !.
Bounty Hunter Poker Insanity £5.50 worth hand number 1426313575
So, apparently, I have 90% haters, detractors, and 9% like me,and 1%,well,we are tight ! all I can say,is forever, @teampj engy,myna,MickAA ,Mr Burt Feline Ussy (wont let me put actual player name,Burt, I lurve YOU babi) misterpj,and Denise53, special mention,to the person,player,I cannot mention,but I am allowed to mention,coach Brill xxx as in 'Brill'
I look forward, to being told,that, is just Poker ! Variance,Downswing,Bad Luck, funny,
I aint havin that, and I have posted the proof,over to, ALL of You,including JAC35, and TK the guvnor,I think,I should be, getting, Bronze Silver and Gold,for, still being here,incredible to still be 65 rated, ( two stone in hand, on the handicap, if I was a Hoss !) after 18 months, of being ‘battered’ exactly like in the hands posted,impossible, to be a winning player, running like this.
I await, your comments, with interest. pj