Because it is me, no doubt, the Big Hitters will come out, in numbers.
But, I am, big enough, old enough, man enough, (if you are)? To wipe the slate clean, and, ‘discuss’ exactly what is going to be contained herein, for your, perusal.
If, anyone wants the pre amble, to this, well most will know, The Thread, in Poker Chat, that was, and never will be anymore, my intention to Hijack.
Also, buried, on Bad Beats, is about a years’ worth, of heated (at times) debate.
But, I am prepared, to put all that, to one side, if you are? and discuss this, contained herein, on the merits, of this alone.
Sometimes, ’fate’ is a funny thing, for context, after a brutal weekend, of beats, suck outs, and watching the unlikely, materialize to being fact, right in front of my eyes, it is akin, to the worst Poker Nightmare, (as in) ‘was that all real? Or a bead dream.
Further, I sat and played, my (the first) MTT of the day, (today) Monday,and,the Nightmare continued, this, was going to be posted, regardless, but, fate being fate, I bought into, a Bounty Hunter, by a quirk of coincidence, a respected player,(of long standing) was sat at my table, I cannot recall, ever being sat, at a Poker table, with this player,but,as soon as I saw his player name, I immediately recalled, about this time last year, reading with interest, a Poker discussion,between,T.K and this player, I could (can) find that exact debate, and show, if needed,but,the discussion went along the lines of, if you are relentlessy,getting it in, calling it off, massively ahead,then,Your Are Playing much better Poker,and,no doubt, your time will come. For context, I was not, repeat not, part, of that debate, in any way, I simply, read with interest, I used to, genuinely enjoy, devouring all Poker content, on the Forum, I ceased that, a long time ago. I have, zero reason, to lie, and I am not, the frequency, against me, in Tournament critical spots (hands) double up, huge pots,Bounties,the whole remit, is so extreme, against, to for, it is beyond believable.
So much so, for one (only one) brief fleeting moment, I got it in ‘bad’ with my pocket 10 10, against pocket QQ ,in a huge pot, and, when the flop came 10 high, I stared at the cards, in ‘stunned shock’ but, alas, it was not meant to be.
The player, who I have not named above, (and wont) in case against any rules, for inspired me, to post this.
First Tournament of the day, Bounty Hunter, very first hand, was my exit hand, I look down, at pocket 9 4 suited,about,as cheap a flop, as you could ever get, flop came, 4 5 9 (rainbow) three callers, in front of me, I raise x 5, two call that, 10 spade,( rainbow board) comes on the turn, I fire the lot in, with two pair, 99 44 ,and get snapped, by pocket 88,yet again, for the umpteenth time, I am 96% good 4% , huge double up, and more, and a Bounty, you can guess, what appeared, on the River,yes,an 8,so,I hear my detractors scream, that is just Poker,variance,down swing, bad luck,? What relentlessly, in with that, I suggest, you factor in, the Weekends Highlights ( some are Brilliant) I promise,then,once,you have looked, at all of this, I will debate it with you.
I single table, MTT.s
As, that hand, involved flopped two pair, I will take you to another hand, that funnily enough, again involved me flopping two pair, this time, I have 66 33 into 6Q, tried to get the player off the hand, bet 300 on the flop,750 on the turn, not a chance !
In the exact same tournament, within minutes, this happened, massive pot, tournament defining,13,000 shove all in, in front of me, and I am looking at pocket AA, snap call, AA into KK 43, K appeared, I did not win the pot !
The exact Tournament, after that, 3 way pre, massive pot, another 40 k plus pot, take a guess ?who got it in best (yes me) nightmare of a flop, but I still turn it 65% good,
Hand 1number 1427371759 Monday 08.30 am! (96% good, sucked out on river) my exit hand, first hand of tourney, double bounty, 4% chance appears, on the River. 4300 pot and bounty.
As you may notice, I am just referencing Sunday alone, onto another Bounty Hunter, where the same player, Rivers me twice, in four hands,
Hand 2 numbers 1427184762 Sunday 16.05 pm (62% good, sucked out on River).
Hand 3 number 1427187469 Sunday 16.15 pm (43,000 chip pots, my AA into KK, flop it, 88% good, not a chance!) sucked out on the river!
Hand 4 number 1427223573 Sunday 18.45 pm (42,000 chip pot, my pocket 10 10 nailed 65% good, on the river, exit hand)
Hand numbers 5 and 6 same tourney, against same player, within one minute, rivered twice, for a bounty, double up, then rivered exit hand! Sunday 20.25 pm
1427261068 Sunday 20.25 pm double up, bounty, 75% good, only the river!
1427262651 Sunday 20.26 pm (bounty hunter, exit hand) I flop trip 777 (with my A kicker) 74% good, only the river.
1426928976 here’s a ‘belter’my pocket AA against pocket 2 4 (88% good pre,80% good flop) not a chance of holding! 2 2 2 .
1426859097 lets reverse the roles, this hand, I am the player with pocket 4 2 (suited) and better than that, I turn it 85% good, this is a bounty hunter,3000 plus, and a bounty, guess what 85% good, and rivered
1426979661 tournament critical moments, 11,000 chip pot, this, is the hand, for one brief fleeting moment, I was in ‘bad’. And thought, oh my God, I am about to dish out a beat ( as you can see,relentlessly,against me, playing the best Poker, and I can’t, do it back, in the other direction, even once…Constantly against me, I have posted the evidence of that. Here, I am near 90% good, on the flop, another huge pot, rivered.
Or, £.5.50 bounty hunter, heads up, against a player, who seemed to forget, where the fold button! Was, hand number 1426849367, 13,260 pot, who, go on, take a guess? Which player got it in, 71% good…and, not a chance of holding up?
I got, annahialated,in exactly the same fashion,last weekend,( yes, I have the proof) you really ? want me to dig a week agos worth, the brutal turn river runner runner scenarios ? the 90 % good ( in massive spots,getting rinsed)
I await, your 'input'
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Playing 94 suited/63o from the small blind loses us money long term. Forget the run outs they don't matter.
With the flopped 2pr hand with 63, you bet 1bb on the flop 3 way. Is this a good sizing?
Regarding getting your money in good, if you only ever get your money in good then you are not bluffing/semi bluffing enough.
The trouble is you don't post hands and ask how you could play them better. You post hands to prove you are getting unlucky so its a waste of everyone's time.
btw he wasn't bluffing
Just another quick look at the hand says he could have had a flush post flop or at worst a flush draw and decided to risk the flush hitting (something I do as a semi bluff at that point and tend to regret it..), 2 other cards which he could have hit a set with....don't forget, in poker terms/experience, I don't know what I'm talking about
I've just looked at all of your hands and's a conspiracy..
Sky have rigged their RNG, set up their whole IT dept to automate a system which tabulates, kicks autobots into action against your name when you play...
It even has an automated dealer to shuffle the card they need to beat you off the bottom of the pack when you can't see them
I can see the head of IT chuckling now as he resets it to how much pain he wants to inflict on you this week.....
EVERY hand you have posted, EVERY hand has probably happened to me( and probably everyone else) and I've probably done that, won in the exact same scenarios to other people
So really, apart from answering Matt's pertinent question above...Why play on Sky? Why put yourself through this angst
I'm not a very good player but I enjoy playing on this platform compared to others as the people and the banter is fun, occasionally meeting up at SPT's is a bonus
That's why I play.....If I win a little every now and then to cover my outlays, great and yes, I sit there at times and say htf did they a) call, b) hit...
In all probability I should win but hey I don't..but then again sometimes I do
I don't play on other sites for different need to find your own reasons other than the random hands that work/don't work and work out for staying on the site...or go fishing
I genuinely wish you luck at the tables, because at some point what has happened to you is exactly that..luck
What software do you use to work out your %s? Do you type in all the hands and boards for every hand you’re unlucky in? Seems like a bit of a time drag to me.
Unlucky with the AA hand where you min bet the turn 300 into 3900 on a paired and 3-suited board then call off the 2x pot shove. Guess you were about 4% there?